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Found 6 results

  1. The following press report features on SCOOP. Anyone viewing YouTube videos regarding bailiff enforcement, will be familiar with the name of Chrisy Morris (he previously used to call himself Chrissy Morris). Chris Morris features very prominently on many of the FMoTL F/B groups where he is very know know for 'baiting' bailiffs. He will telephone enforcement agents, enforcement companies, court staff etc and upload the conversations onto YouTube. As the article states, he is to face a 2 days trial for obstructing a Enforcement Agent when enforcing a High Court writ. https://tamesidereporter.com/2017/03/patel-cottage-bailiff-eviction-demonstrator-opts-for-trial/
  2. Hi, From April 2014 to April 2015 I earnt around about £2000-£2500 through Youtube and I'm wondering what I must do on the tax front for that entire year? How would I actually go about declaring it? The network is US ran and I never received any forms to fill out to send to HMRC so I sort of left it until now, been made aware that it comes under self employment and I must declare the earnings, yet I have absolutely no idea how to do so. I think the network tax your earnings if you are based in the US and are in touch with the relevant parties, however as I'm in the UK it seems to be up to me to sort it out. Between April 2014 and April 2015 I also had two other jobs on the correct tax code, yet the second one kept emergency taxing me indespite being on the correct tax code for some odd reason. The reason I mentioned this is because the Tax Office actually know about these two jobs with the National Insurance and P45's attached as they were legitimate companies and not cash in hand work. The Youtube earnings were also sent in Dollars through Paypal and then currency exchanged when it entered my bank account and the exchange rates fluctuate all the time so I can't be precise with the numbers when calculating. Anybody know what I need to do?
  3. Hi guys, I made a claim under the new pilot scheme Universal Credit in January 2014. In March I setup a Google Adsense account and linked the account to my Youtube channel, I received a one time payment as I met the $100 threshold on my very first attempt. This has since been put on hold until I sort out proof of address. I then deactivated my Google Adsense account at the end of March as I decided to switch to a Youtube Partnership, I have not received a payment for this yet. Would anybody be able to tell me what I must do with the Universal Credit Benefit and the HMRC? The network itself doesn't deal with foreign tax as they are all American based. I can't disclose the exact amounts I expect to earn on here, but it is nowhere near the amount of a Full-Time job or even a Part-Time 16 hour job per week on NMW. I need to know what I need to do? Would I be best cancelling the partnership and decline any future earnings to prevent a potential worse off scenario? Or would I be better off with the extra money under Universal Credit? I will be expecting a payment at the start of July from both the Partnership Network and Universal Credit. I need to try and sort it all out before I end up in a big mess. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi guys, I've just come accross this new trend on YouTube... young girls posting videos and then consequently being trolled. What do you guys make of this? Don't understand what makes the girls post these videos- what do we reckon? Here's an example of one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpM-3Y3LWRU&feature=plcp It worries me slightly
  5. An Audi A3 was stolen off the owners driveway in South Manchester on 7th June 2012 The thieves entered the house via the insecure front door and threatened the owner with a crowbar before stealing the keys and then the car itself. The owner however has quite a good CCTV system and has uploaded the theft and images of the thieves on youtube to try and identify them. It's worth a watch and worth circulating further to help try and identify these **** to the police http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NSvrtmGMmUI
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