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  1. Drink drivers face swifter justice with new roadside breathalysers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/drink-drivers-face-swifter-justice-with-new-roadside-breathalysers
  2. I have discovered your site investigating what to do in this case and would sincerely appreciate your help. I will offer feedback and donate for your time and energy. I really need your help. I used my mums oyster after losing my wallet and needed to get to a wedding over a weekend. When returning into London, the high value pass obviously flagged things to the inspectors who were waiting at the station. I had all my details taken. The inspector understood I'd lost my wallet and I didn't answer any further questions. I was sent a letter with a fine and a conviction if i plead guilty. The problem with these cases, is that whether or not I did it unwittingly (as in, didn't realise I was using a high value pass) it doesn't matter. It was a misuse and the conviction stands. I can't have a conviction hanging over my head and the thought of it fills me with absolute dread. I have just recently gained a permanent residency in Canada and intend eventually to work in the States and a conviction would be so detrimental to have on my record and affect my work situation. I am so deeply regretful for something so stupid and avoidable. I have received a letter stating the fine i have to pay and the fact that it will go on my record and like the other cases stated here on the forum, can either plead guility and pay the fine or plead not guilty and prove my innocence, which isn't possible. What are the options available to me? Can I call them and ask to appeal? Should I hire a solicitor before it's too late? (I have roughly 10 days before the deadline now). Is settling on the day the last option available and should I get a solicitor before that time to make sure that I don't risk it not going in my favour on the final day? How often are people able to settle on the day in your opinion? What does a settlement amount normally come to? I really appreciate your help on this. I've just returned to London to the letter and have limited time to respond and would like to know the best way to reach out to TFL. Will a letter take too long. I think so. Should I simply call them or go via a solicitor? It seems that no matter what people do with their letters, it always comes back with a conviction and fine. I was going to call citizens advice first thing tomorrow, but if you can recommend a solicitor please do. i live in London. Many thanks
  3. Interesting article, but will it really make any difference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42849443 https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?484535-Rogue-parking-companies-face-government-crackdown
  4. The following press report features on SCOOP. Anyone viewing YouTube videos regarding bailiff enforcement, will be familiar with the name of Chrisy Morris (he previously used to call himself Chrissy Morris). Chris Morris features very prominently on many of the FMoTL F/B groups where he is very know know for 'baiting' bailiffs. He will telephone enforcement agents, enforcement companies, court staff etc and upload the conversations onto YouTube. As the article states, he is to face a 2 days trial for obstructing a Enforcement Agent when enforcing a High Court writ. https://tamesidereporter.com/2017/03/patel-cottage-bailiff-eviction-demonstrator-opts-for-trial/
  5. Hi Has anybody had face to face meetings with the bank/financial institution they have a mis-selling issue with. I have a number of issues with HSBC but would like to speak to someone in the first place. To be honest I dont really know if it is a good idea or not, I just feel I need to get the ball rolling and this seems a sensible way of doing it, I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter. regards Will
  6. Cold calls offering exotic investment opportunities to people cashing in their pension pots will be banned under government plans. Ministers estimate eight [problem] calls are made every second to UK residents, leading to an annual loss of £19m. Advice services and legitimate companies said such calls had "plagued" the pensions world for years. The ban, which could be enforced with fines of up to £500,000, would not cover texts and emails. However, the government will gather views on extending the proposed ban to all electronic communications. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38029133
  7. Company directors could be fined up to £500,000 if their business is behind nuisance phone calls, under government moves to clamp down on the problem. The law is to be changed in Spring 2017 to make directors personally liable for breaches of regulations. At the moment only firms can be fined for ignoring rules on cold calling, but many declare bankruptcy - only to open up again under a different name. The change will mean the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) would be able to impose combined penalties of up to £1m on company directors and their businesses for breaches of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37743001
  8. More than one million customers with RBS and NatWest will soon be forced to pay up to £2 extra a month for their packaged current accounts. From January 17, customers with the bank’s Black account must pay £26 a month for their deals. Those with the bank’s Platinum account will have to fork out £1 more, totalling £16 a month. RBS Black account offers worldwide travel insurance and access to airport lounges. The Platinum account includes travel and phone insurance and UK breakdown cover. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3322929/One-million-customers-RBS-Natwest-face-price-rises-packaged-current-accounts.html#ixzz3rwIxQmWD
  9. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Aldi-customers-told-register-vehicles-store-face/story-27985958-detail/story.html I don't see how this really helps with the congested car park as anybody is still allowed to park there without using Aldi...
  10. Came home from work late last night to a letter, not in an envelope which appears to be from a local county court enforcement officer. It states I have failed to return a statement of means form. Not had one. It also states that I have three working days to attend the court to fill it in or return said paperwork. His name and phone number are on the bottom. No paperwork has been left and I have no idea what it is about. Advice on how to proceed would be gratefully appreciated please. Just when you think you're getting straight with things something else pops up to bite you on the bum!
  11. Hi all, Been reading the forums trying to figure out my best options, so many articles to read! I have been silly and got myself into debt I started with a CapitalOne - Luma Credit Card (£500 Limit - 2013) a couple of years ago to start building my credit, all was going well, got the letter " You're doing well, we are pleased to say we will be increasing your credit limit to £750" I didnt think much of it as I was generally just using now and then and paying in full each month. At the same time I also applied for an RBS Platinum card but was turned down. I then a week later got a letter to say my card is on its way with a £1200 limit. I was planning to get rid of the Luma because of the interest difference but didn't get around to it. Work went a little quiet and I pretty much lived off of the CC's. So I got a loan with my bank (Natwest) to pay them off and do some other stuff. That loan was all cleared in full before the actual end date. Then the same thing, I started living off of the cards again so they got to their limits fairly quickly with christmas and all that! I also got a Very account for my partner to use and pay me when she got paid. She always paid! Sometimes the money didn't come off of the bill though and then I started to buy a few bits. "Buy now pay later" sounded good at the time for a new hoover and tv. I then purchased some items from Premierman/Jacamo and they automatically gave me £300 credit, which I refused to use for a long time, but then it was just there one day Account now behind and at £592 with a lot being late fees and intersest- Limit was raised to £500 I think it was. Then came my biggest mistake, getting a 118 Money Loan for £1000 in 2014 at some silly rate I cant remeber now. It was supposed to be a short-term thing & paid off within a couple of months! Dispite all the debts, I was keeping up with all my payments most months paying double the minimum. Couple times was a week or 2 late but nothing too bad. I was very silly and I was pretty much living on the limit of my wages though. Where it all started going wrong... I was having really bad problems at work with my "Supervisor" and "Manager" which was also her Husband.. I was on a 0 Hr contract so to cut a long story (and a very stressfull time) short.. they wasn't playing fair with my wages because of the problems we had. Which obviously led to not being able to keep up with my payments, and then once I had missed a few I couldn't afford to catch up. I then spoke to my father who lent me the money to get back on track and then I missed some again with work and other problems cropping up. So since then I haven't really made any payments due to not being able to afford to catch up, and also sort of got into the "If I ignore it, it will go away" frame of mind where I was so low in myself and everything else going on in my life. I have now left the compay I worked for because the whole company is a joke to be honest and it feels so good not going there each day! But with that came even less money.. Its been a few months since leaving and I am now starting to feel a bit better myself and wanting to get myself back on track and sort my life out! Litte break down: Natwest Overdraft - £350 118 Money - £1000 Loan - Paid £675.55 - Current Balance £1239.09 - CCJ 09/07/2015 RBS Platinum Card - £1200 Limit - Current Balance £1534.65 - DEFAULTED CapitalOne Luma - £750 Limit - Current Balance £893.62 - DEFAULTED Very - £850 Limit - Current Balance £1027.18 - I beleive also DEFAULTED Premier Man - Limit £5/600 - Current Balance £591.24 - Agreed to £30 P/M Vodafone - £484 - Collection Agency - Fredrickson? - 27th Aug Deadline or they Terminate. Money Way - Remaining Balance - £38 -Upto Date £12 P/M since started. I checked my file with Noodle and I can only see one Default and all of them were apparently issued over a month ago. Not quite sure how that works. Vodafone is due to some how my data going over by £130! Myself and most of my family have been with vodafone for a very long time. I never missed payments and never gone over my actual monthly plan of £45. So I was quite shocked to recieve a bill for £180+ I spoke with them on many occasions saying how can I have used this, all my bills before and after that have never gone over. I told them I cant afford to pay it. They said they cant help in anyway. I have now been restricted since May and only realised recently I am still being charged for each month even though I am restricted. So now at £484. And if not paid by 27th of Aug then they will be terminating my contract so I will be looking around £700 plus charges. I havent used the cards or accounts for months, so all the over limit stuff is Interest pushing me over, then being charged for going over and then late payment fees.. I also know over the years I have paid ALOT of bank charges! Shall I look into claiming back? I am trying to sell my car at the moment, but I dont know what my best option is with paying stuff once I do. I have seen people mentioning Full & Finals with Default Removal, or agreeing to payment plan and CCJ being canceled. CCA? I was going to look at doing a DMP for the time being until finace situation changes. I am hoping to get my own company up and running soon and hopefully start building up some decent books and was hoping in a few years to look at buying a house, but this now looks like it wont happen? Again, appoligies for the long story, I wanted to make sure I included as much as I can. Lol. Thank you for reading, Regards, Mike.
  12. Millions of current account customers are being advised to consider their options, following an increase in fees, and changes in interest rates. From Monday, monthly charges on the Santander 123 account - held by 3.6 million people - will more than double. At the same time HSBC is cutting interest payments to customers on its range of cash Individual Savings Accounts (Isas). Barclays also announced more cash rewards for those who switch. The change in Santander fees - announced in September - will see customers paying £60 a year, instead of the previous fee of £24. The charge for its 123 credit card rises from £24 a year to £36. 'Do the maths' Last year the Santander account proved very popular, with more than 27,000 people switching to it in a single month. But experts said that - even after the changes -it still offered relatively generous interest payments of up to 3% a year, and cashback of up to 3% on some household bills. "Don't jump ship until you've done the maths," said Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief of advice site Money.co.uk. "To put it simply, you need to look at how much you're earning in interest and cashback. If it's less than the new £60 a year fee you need to take it as a wake-up call to seriously consider your options." MOre ...
  13. The UK's broadband providers have been told to expect tougher rules on how they advertise their services. The UK's Advertising Standards Authority said it was considering the step to ensure people "aren't misled by pricing claims". It follows a study that indicated most users could not correctly calculate bills based on the information given in a selection of broadband ads. The ASA said it would make a final decision before June. A lobby group representing the broadband industry has suggested more research is needed before any changes are imposed. But one of the internet service providers has already said it supports reform. "It's obvious that a single headline price is much clearer and better for customers, and we're actually already doing it on a pilot project up in York," said a spokesman for TalkTalk. "But until the whole market moves to single prices, any company that advertises its products like this will struggle to compete with what look like better deals from other providers." The announcement comes a month after the charity Citizens Advice called on the ASA to review its code of practice because it said consumers were being misled by attractive-sounding broadband offers. Full Article
  14. Hi, has anyone else got a message on their Face Book saying to download Beta for the games? If you have and are using it, it is better, any good? pro's con's please Thank you Sandy xx
  15. There's new plans afoot regarding the environment, which could see older cars and vehicles that cause more pollution to be charged a lot more to drive in London. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has spoken about plans to charge vehicles that cause the most pollution £10 per day if they want to drive in the centre of London, in a bid to extend an "ultra low emissions zone". The new plans are looking at a charge', which would apply to vehicles - petrol or diesel - which have pre-Euro 4 emission standards. In short, that effectively means cars that are registered before 2005. If you're thinking 'well, I don't live in London, so why should I care?' - well, there's a chance that this could extend beyond the capital. http://www.bitterwallet.com/motoring/older-cars-to-face-super-charge-in-london-92577
  16. Foxtons is facing an £80m “class action” lawsuit that if successful could force the giant estate agency to pay back hundreds of pounds in fees and charges to every tenant who has rented a property from them. Michael Green, whose law firm CaseHub is behind the group action, has obtained legal opinions from senior barristers that Foxtons’ fees – such as a £420 adminstration charge, £300 for name changes and £165 for checking out a property – could be illegal under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, and its successor the 2015 Consumer Rights Act. Green estimates that the real cost for administration and references should be around £55, and a renewal fee should be no more than £10. But if the claim is successful, Green says it will not just be tenants of Foxtons that will benefit, but millions more people as all letting agency fees charged to tenants could be challenged. In total, he estimates that tenants in England and Wales pay moe than £300m a year in fees to letting agents and could potentially claw back £2bn paid over the previous six years. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/jun/25/foxtons-fees-80m-lawsuit-tenants-legal-fight
  17. This was my first application for PIP, and received a text to say I have been awarded it and a I don't have to do anything, they will pay my money into my bank. I had decided if they called me for a face to face I was just going to drop it......as could not face going and too ashamed to take anyone with me as I don't like people knowing how I feel. Is there any way I can find out how I got the points? Is there a form I can ask for? This will be useful when a review comes through as I'll know exactly how I was awarded it, if you get my drift? Thank in advance for any help offered. Miss (less) Anxious
  18. Not sure if this is the right place for this. Perhaps it coul be moved if not. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/21/treasury-and-banks-could-face-legal-action-over-help-to-buy-isa/
  19. I haven't been frequenting the debt sections on here for a while so perhaps I am a little out of touch, must admit to being a bit taken aback. My daughter received a N1 from Northampton center, for an overdraft she had 5 years ago, she had forgotten about it(she says) and eventually it had been sold on to Cabot. I said I would have a look , went onto MCOL logged in in here name and acknowledged ticked defend all. I thought the usual, challenge charges assignment etc. etc, it was for £550. Then I thought you know I cant be bothered with this so i rang the solicitor, i nice pleasant woman answered the phone, I started to explain who I was, she said she couldn't talk to me so I had to get my daughter to give her a call etc DPA fair enough. Anyway eventually we could discuss the account, i told her that i was considering fighting , but really cant be bothered and asked them if they would accept £300 full and final. We chatted some more and she was telling me about her kids and I was telling her about how you never cease to worry about them and how my daughter is 35 and married with five kids and she still comes to me with this stuff,(love it really). I digress, anyway she says yes we will accept that as full and final and will email you and you can pay on receipt , i say fine. I know there is stuff said about people backing out of FFs but personally I have never come across it, anyway I have the email. I am just about to give her my visa details and she says are you retired sir, I say yes, then she says "will paying this money cause you financial distress or make you in arrears with any priority debt heating or utility supplies", i say no why do you ask, she said we would not be able to accept the payment if you would have said yes.
  20. Up to 10,000 Axa pet insurance customers are being moved to NCI Insurance as Axa leaves the market to concentrate on "key products" – motor, home and travel cover. By August 30 2015, all customers will be shifted on to NCI's insurance books. NCI told MoneySavingExpert that it would provide "similar levels of cover" to Axa, and will "continue to insure any medical conditions identified while customers were with Axa under the terms and conditions of the new policy." But a number of customers who have already been moved to NCI say they are facing huge price hikes, particularly for cover for pre-existing medical conditions. Many insurers will refuse to cover animals with pre-existing medical conditions, however, pet owners who want the most comprehensive type of pet insurance will need to opt for "lifetime" cover. Insurers will set a high maximum amount per year – say, £10,000 – but you will still have to renew the policy each year, and some insurers can refuse to renew it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/pet/11598970/AXA-pet-insurance-customers-face-price-hike-of-up-to-2000.html
  21. . . . . . .(see attached) emailed 21.1.2015 to all at BG Centrica, FAO: British Gas / Centrica - B Gas visits intended to harass; HR8 and UK Nationwide re. “job reference .................. B Gas / Face 2 Face” Warning of legal action - please read carefully Currently, the electric ppt meter holds a credit balance of £84. If you continue to have difficulties with this, you may if you wish outline these via email or by normal letter to me. You may also be aware that there has been a history of alleged criminal nuisance harassment at this address, courtesy of a gas fitter whose work is below the standard required by Gas Safe Register. (And, similarly asked to leave of course.) Inappropriate and badgering behaviour by BG and its minions via telephone or via attempted personal contact with me will immediately cease. You are also advised that BG do not have the presumed licence to trespass on my property. That is withdrawn for the reasons outlined. Further harassment via BG - more than likely commissioned by the gas fitter’s behaviour - will be dealt with robustly. If required, a legal claim will be considered against BG / F2F for compensation for nuisance and distress, along with the customary adverse media attention.
  22. Woah!!! Wonga will not face a criminal investigation after sending out fake legal letters to pressure customers into paying back their debts. City of London Police said that, after a ‘thorough review’ it has concluded ‘there is not sufficient evidence to progress a criminal investigation’.
  23. As we live longer and with council budgets tight, the social care system that supports us in our later years is under increasing pressure. The way care is provided is different depending on where you live. In England, important changes are planned for April 2016. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are also making changes to meet the growing demand for support. The BBC has launched an online guide to the care system for the over-65s. The "care calculator" covers both residential care and the support provided in people's own homes, for tasks such as washing and dressing. Users can submit their postcode and find out how much each service costs wherever they live in the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31004434
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31998530 I know Jet2 regularly pop up here
  25. Thousands of payday loan middlemen face tough new rules after the City watchdog highlighted "blatantly unfair" treatment of customers. Borrowers have complained about credit brokers taking fees without permission for "half-hearted promises" of payday loans. Some have complained that they thought the brokers were, in fact, lenders. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said clear contracts must be made explaining fees that could be levied. New rules, that come into force on 2 January, mean that credit brokers must give clear information to customers about who they are, what fee is payable, and how payment can be made. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30274718 New rules will protect consumers from harmful fee-charging credit broking practices New rules have been introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) today to tackle poor practice in the credit broking market which is causing serious detriment to consumers. The rules will ban credit brokers from charging fees to customers, and from requesting customers’ payment details for that purpose, unless they comply with new requirements ensuring that customers are given clear information about who they are dealing with, what fee will be payable, and when and how the fee will be payable. The rules come into force on 2 January 2015. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/new-rules-will-protect-consumers-from-harmful-fee-charging-credit-broking-practices
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