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Found 22 results

  1. Hi all, After some advice after receiving a Civil Parking Charge notice for Lidl in Cambridge Street St Neots. 1 Date of the infringement 02/12/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 04/12/18 3 Date received 06/12/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No, not as far as I can see. 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No, only recieved today Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Athena 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lidl St Neots, Cambridge Street (there are 2 x Lidl's in St Neots) They operate under IPC. So, as above. I got into the car park at 10.46am on Sunday 2nd December and left at 12.29pm on the same day. Total stay of 1hr 42 mins. Free parking is limited to 1hr 30 mins. I went into Lidl to grab some breakfast before I went to the gym which is right next to Lidl and then went to the gym and then grabbed a bottle of water from Lidl after the gym. Not disputing that I was there that long, I honestly didn't realise I had been there that long. I have no receipts for Lidl. Any advice please would be appreciated.
  2. I have read through a number of posts to try and assertain my position in respect to a recent Parking Charge Notice issued to me for overstaying in a Aldi car park for 10 mins. The vehicle parked in a space at the Aldi supermarket. Signs state that the maximum FREE parking time is one and half hours, the stay according to PE was 1hrs 40 mins. There wasn't any machine to extend the stay at the car park. I got my Parking charge notice through post i have overstayed for 10 mins, can you please advice. Thanks & Regards Krish
  3. Default Re: Aldi customers told to register their vehicles in-store or face a fine. I drove into Romsey on 8th Feb at night (in the dark) and the first safe place I found to park was Aldi. I live in Staffordshire and had travelled down for a family wedding. I went with my daughter to find the registry office, then went into the Aldi store to pick up some munchies for the B&B. I returned to Romsey Aldi the next day (9th Feb) for the wedding, sent my 16 year old daughter to the parking meter for a ticket as we weren't going into the store. A few days later I received a parking letter from parking eye. I didn't realise that you had to enter your registration into a machine, as our local Aldi doesn't have that? I appealed to parking eye with a copy of my online banking page as I didn't have my receipt (who keeps receipts for junk food?). they said it was unsuccessful and to appeal through POPLA. I appealed through POPLA and sent them the full online bank statement page, they said my appeal was unsuccessful? I am being charged for not entering my reg number into a stupid machine. .. I was a genuine paying customer?! Please help as I don't want a CCJ Thanks,
  4. Hi. My daughter has received a parking charge for overstaying at Aldi car park She popped into store and on return car would not start. She called me as she only recently passed her test and did know what to do. I drove up there and got her going,she had a flat battery as left friend in car with lights on and playing music. So now got a demand for payment as parking was only for 1 hour 30 mins. With the time for me to drive there and get her going took us over time. I haven't contacted anyone yet so looking for advice as think a little unfair. The camera only shows her entering and leaving. Thanks for any advice
  5. Hi guys please can you help me with this charge for staying too long on a car park in Preston The Notice is from Parking eye and it states On 20 September 2015 vehicle ******* entered the Corporation street retail park at 11:21:43 and departed at 13:04:24 on 20 September 2015. The signage, which is clearly displayed at the Entrance to and throughout the car park, states this is a private car park and is managed by Parkingeye Ltd, the maximum free stay authorized is 1 hour 20 minutes, along with other terms and conditions set out in the signage.....it goes on and on How do I fight this charge please? The car park serves 4 largish stores Akaban...a craft store...I could spend a good hour there at times Poundland Poundstretcher and Aldi On that day I visited all 4 of the stores....the queue at the Aldi store was pretty busy as well! Plus I walk at a slow pace and use a walking stick but I dont have a blue badge Have I got a chance of getting this parking charge cancelled for my daughter please?
  6. I have received a parking fine from Parking Eye they are saying that I parked in an Aldi car park for 5 and half hours, they show a photo of me entering the car park at 14.29 (and not a photo for leaving at approximately 15.30) and another of me leaving the car park at 20.04 (but not of re-entering at approximately 19.50) I wonder if they have deleted these photos. What can I do?
  7. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Aldi-customers-told-register-vehicles-store-face/story-27985958-detail/story.html I don't see how this really helps with the congested car park as anybody is still allowed to park there without using Aldi...
  8. New Aldi has opened up in Portishead, Bristol - and includes ANPR cameras for Parking Eye, with an hour and a half parking limit. They have made two mistakes..... (1) They bought the store from the Co-Op who decided to pull out of the town due to increased competition (Waitrose, Lidl, Iceland, Sainsburys etc) but the original covenant when change of use was placed on the land and Co-Op got planning consent was that a minimum of 2 hours free parking is provided. (2) The planning application for Aldi to make various changes to the store appearance & to redesign the car park didn't mention the installation of signage, sign posts & the ANPR camera pole in the car park - the planning approved design / layout plans didn't show the location of the poles etc The store has only been open for 3 weeks and the locals aren't happy, North Somerset Council are investigating the covenant & planning breaches.
  9. Woah. Just got a similar notice from Parking Eye. Not Huddersfield is it? Called into Aldi in the evening , but had earlier been to Home Bargains. The pics provided are so dark only the umber plate is recognisable. They state I parked up for 5 1/2 hours. I live 5 minutes away. Appeal letter going in to ask them to check the records, and if the ANPR cameras have been checked and serviced to the manufacturers schedule. I paid cash both times so no receipts or proof, but know many of the staff at Aldi.
  10. Hi would appreciate advice. My daughter received a charge stating she had been in Aldi car park 13 hrs which is totally untrue. She had stopped after uni for shopping for her landlady at 6.20pm and in store around 10 mins she then left the car park then returned at 8 am the next morn to collect a colleague. Parking eye say she needs to provide a receipt she was in store however she gave this to her landlady to verify her shopping charge and the by the time we'd received the charge she's disposed of it. Would appreciate any advice
  11. Some years after having my own run in with ParkingEye at a car park for a local Aldi (and other stores) I am hoping to assist a family member with their own PCN. In my own case I was driving my wife's car, and after what had reached the point of harassment of my wife by PE I contacted Aldi who were able to have the PCN cancelled. This time Aldi are as yet unwilling to cancel the PCN, so I will need to appeal online with PE and no doubt then go down the POPLA route. This is for an overstay of around 40 minutes in an otherwise free car park, will an appeal to POPLA on the grounds of GPEOL win at POPLA ? No receipts retained. There are 4 shops at the retail site. This relative has been a longtime shopper with Aldi and has never overstayed before, and probably will not ever again after this episode. Happy to reveal the store location if it helps. Signage at the site is not brilliant but if a GPEOL appeal will win then is there any need to start factoring all of that in ? Seems possible there is no planning permission for the specific signage too. thanks, myhandle
  12. Hello. Parkingeye run the car park in our local Aldi, when you have finished your shopping and paid, you then go to a terminal and enter your car reg details and then leave. We shop there on a regular basis, spending £50 or more per visit, on Sat 13th June my partner entered the car park, shopped in Aldi, spent £8.05 and then left the car park 27 minutes later. On Monday 22nd June we received a PCN for £70 reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days. I have been reading with great interest some of the advice regarding appealing this fine and I think I have grounds for an appeal! I wanted the opinion of those amongst you more familiar with this type of dispute. This is a draft copy of the letter I intend to send to ParkingEye 24th June 2015 ParkingEye Reference – To whom it may concern I am appealing as registered keeper on the following grounds. I shop at the Aldi store, where ParkingEye operate the car park, on a regular basis. Often spending in excess of £50 per visit. On the date in question the driver of the vehicle purchased items in Aldi to the value of £8.05, upon leaving the store, the driver believed they had entered the car registration details and left the car park some 27 minutes later. The above is a screen shot of the drivers bank statement clearly showing the £8.05 purchase from Aldi, which was debited from the account on the first available working day, which was Monday 15th June. Should you fail to uphold my appeal then I may appeal to POPLA on 1 or more of the following grounds. You will be expected to provide a full breakdown of your alleged loss, and your full unredacted contract with the landowner. 1) The amount being claimed is not a genuine pre-estimate of loss to your company or the landowner 2) Your signage does not comply with the BPA Code of Practice and does not form a contract between motorist and yourself 3) You are not the landowner and do not have the authority to offer contracts to park 4) You are using ANPR data for a purpose not registered with the ICO If you do reject the challenge and insist on taking the matter further I must inform you that I may claim my expenses from you. The expenses I may claim are not exhaustive but may include the cost of stamps, envelopes, travel expenses, legal fees, etc. By continuing to pursue me you agree to pay these costs when I prevail. Any communication that does not either confirm cancellation or include a POPLA verification code will be reported to the BPA as a breach of their Code of Practice - the BPA recently issued guidance to all members to remind them of this fact. Such communication may also be deemed harassment and pursued accordingly. Any comments, good and bad Thank you for your time
  13. Hi guys. Just thought I would share a hopefully helpful experience and would like to hear if this works for anyone else! I recently got a ticket through the post from Parking Lie and was fuming. I received it in a small town which only has free car parking so it's weird how Aldi has managed parking but the other 500 council spaces are free with no time limits! Anyway I phoned Aldi to complain and let them know I was not happy after doing my weekly shop there and it costing me an extra £70 in Parking Lie charges and they said they would help me appeal the ticked but could not guarentee me winning so I stopped this line of enquiry. I then decided to use a tactic I have used on other complaints in the past. I found Aldi's UK managing directors email address and sent him a email about my disappointment on receiving the ticket etc.... I then got a reply back asking for my mobile number as the regional manager wanted to contact me. I swiftly got a call back from the regional manager who agreed that genuine customers should not be charged if they over stayed and it was a matter where common sense should be applied and said he will get intouch with Parking Lie and cancel this ticket. The next morning I received a email from Aldi's customer services notifying me of the cancelation, bingo! In my situation I was a genuine customer and had receipts and bank statements proving I was there and spent money in the store but did not need to provide them. So my advice is contact the head of the company or car park owner if you get one of these tickets as they don't want genuine customers to be penalised. They certainly don't want people complaining on the businesses Facebook and Twitter etc and don't want the bad PR. This worked for me and I don't need to get intouch with Parking Lie, if the message does not get through to Parking Lie at lease I have written proof from Aldi that it is cancelled and they have cancelled it. Please use this technique if you have get a ticket in similar circumstances to me and post back and let me know if it works as I would love to know I've helped. Cheers J1snn
  14. My wife went to local Aldi for first time using their car park. Have today received parking charge notice for £70 (reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days) for parking in the Aldi car park. Allegedly my wife should entered her registration at a terminal inside the store to qualify for free parking. She did not see the sign. She did her shopping in the store then departed (33minutes later). Have read through other threads that suggest this is virtually a [problem] and should be disputed. Appreciate some assistance/thoughts from anyone who can help. Seems disgraceful that by taking custom to a store we havent used before can cost and extra £70. Guess where we wont be going again !
  15. Hi I recently received a PCN from Parking Eye for exceeding the allowed parking time at Aldi. After reading several threads regarding the unfairness of the level of charges, and the questions over the legality I decided to appeal using one of the template letters available at various websites. Without including the full letter, the key points of the appeal were: a). The sum does not represent a genuine pre-estimate of loss, nor is it a core price term. It is a disguised penalty and not commercially justified. b). As keeper I believe that the signs were not seen, the wording is ambiguous and the predominant purpose of your business model is intended to be a deterrent. c). There is no evidence that you have any proprietary interest in the land. d). Your 'Notice' fails to comply with the POFA 2012 and breaches various consumer contract/unfair terms Regulations. e). There was no consideration nor acceptance flowing from both parties and any contract with myself, or the driver, is denied. f). This is not a 'parking ticket' - it is an unsolicited invoice with as much merit as the publicly-derided £100 taken unlawfully from customers by a dingy Blackpool Hotel. In addition to this I researched the POPLA appeals process & there are several published suggestions on the internet on how to win at this stage. However, much to my delight I received a reply from Parking Eye within a fortnight advising that they had cancelled the charge & that no outstanding payment is due. So..... before you panic & consider paying this, please do your research and use the templates that are available to you. Do not ignore the letters (this used to be the advice) but make it clear that you will contest this & fight them all the way to court if necessary. I believe that they will then look for easier targets as many articles on this subject confirm. If it is this easy to win then it proves that the Parking Firms do not have a case and if they will so easily drop it then it should be very easy to win at the next stage, i.e. POPLA. Parking Eye claim on their website that they have won many cases at court, however many people believe that these are situations where people have ignored their letters. I would urge you to use the material that is readily available in the form of templates, some people have gone to a great deal of trouble to help consumers in producing these and the do work!!!!
  16. Hello all. I am a new member of this Forum, thankyou for allowing me to join you. Here in Sleaford the Aldi supermarket uses Parking Eye to manage their car parking. PE has cameras at the entrance/exit and various notices around. These state that, to qualify for a free 1 1/2 hrs. parking the motorist has to enter their reg. number at consoles in the store. These are situated at a point after the tills before the store exit. The signs state that failure to comply with this will, note will, result in a parking charge of £70. I know of several people being charged this, including a relative, who accidentally punched in the wrong number, although they bought goods at the store. What is the legal position of this situation, bearing in mind a 1 1/2 hrs. limit is imposed and cameras record this. Any advice and opinions are welcome. Regards
  17. My Wife got a letter of fine for parking in an Aldi car park in Ayrshire from Parking eye of £70.00, with an offer of £40.00 if payed within 7 days, she had been in Aldi for some of the time but did not keep the receipt. we have ignored the letters as we consider it an unenforceable [problem], the third letter mentions possible further action. Is this action legal in Scotland ?.
  18. hi, a friend without internet has received a letter from parking eye for overstaying at an Aldi (sorry not B&M had that on mind!) free car park by 20 minutes, wasn't aware there was a time limit as the writing on the sign is ridiculously small (I know the car park) they're asking for £40 or £70 penalty if doesn't pay, what steps should she take, she was shopping in there but as it was a while ago threw away her receipt as it wasn't for anything requiring a receipt keep! Is there any template letters I can print off for her that basically say up yours PE or does she just have to cough up the money?
  19. Hi, I'm writing for advice about a PCN my elderly mother received last week. She went to Aldi's in Feltham on 1/11/14 and got a PCN for just being 11 minutes over the free hour stay period. The PCN is dated 6/11/14 and if she pays within 2 weeks it's only £40. After then it's £70. She was shopping in Asda at the time. She can provide a bank statement proving this as well. Is it worth pursuing? I've read a few other posts and the advice is often mixed. She's nervous about paying the full £70 or it going to court. Would it be best to speak to Aldi's first? I appreciate your advice with this. Dom
  20. Hi I have today received a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) from a company called parking eye. It is for an incident that occured on 12/11/14 and was issued on 19/11/14 but only received today 24/11/14. My question very simply is are these notices enforceable or can I just ignore it? If anyone needs any further information please just ask and I'll give it, however I wont be able to do so until this evening Thanks in advance.
  21. Hi I have received a parking charge notice from ALDI Parking Eye, because I stayed shopping for 25 minutes longer than their 1.5 hrs, thats because I couldn't get parked when I did packed store etc. I shop in Aldi stores each week in alternate locations spending appx £35-75. I'm livid. So can anone agree/disagree that Private parking law is different than Borough Law. Ie they can only charge the cost that I may have cost them....25 mins! By the way they don't charge for parking. They say "If I can prove that I was shopping (despite me giving their own brand names from my fridge!!) with a receipt (which I can't! I have receipts from their other stores) they may squash the charge" only reason for me bring in that part of town is to shop in their store. Any advice please. Huge thanks Nyvian:mad2:
  22. 90 minute overstay....... Single point appeal, GPEoL.
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