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  1. got a pcn on my windscreen yesterday at asda newton abbot . Iwas working on site and didnt think i needed parking ticket . my van is a lease van and iam wondering whats my next move . i have seen a couple of other posts about the same site . they have had sucsess with letters .any ideas
  2. Hi guys, help please, I have received a parking charge notice from parking eye, at Asda Wrexham. It offers a discount if paid within 14 days. should I pay this? What a diabolical trick! such nice way to thank you for spending your hard earned cash with Asda!
  3. Hoping someone can help me, i have made a genuine mistake but reading through other threads, believe i could escape fine as PE might be operating without correct compliance on site. 1 The date of infringement? 28 November 2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] No have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? Not yet received 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] Not yet received 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? Not appealed 5 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Newton Abbot ASDA It's early but i don't want to put a foot wrong. Note: I had a pretty crappy experience (phoned ASDA to enquire about a service they offer, was encouraged to travel there, they didn't have the proper staff to provide sufficient service, offered me product at half price (was a smeared cake) which i declined) So i am thinking of writing to ASDA's local store manager and Head Office to complain and get a pardon that way.
  4. Hello everyone. I had an appointment to attend to this morning so off I went in the car only to find it low on fuel. I popped a bit of fuel in and queued to pay. I didn't pay though because as you've already probably guessed I had forgotten my card. So, when I got to the counter I explained that I couldn't pay but I'll pop back in later once I get back and have collected my card. He said no, this isn't possible, I had to give my details and pay ForeCourt Eye instead. I said I wanted to make it clear I'm not refusing to pay and that I'd be back later to pay. I said I didn't know anything about this ForeCourt Eye and I was getting my fuel from this garage so I didn't see how they were involved. I gave my name address and phone number and said I had to go because I needed to be somewhere for an appointment. He said he'd call the police if I didn't fill out the rest of his form so I apologised and left. About 2-3 hours later I had collected my card and went back to pay and was smugly told that it had already been passed onto ForeCourt Eye so I'd need to wait for them to contact me. I asked if they were refusing payment and they said yes. I called the police to explain and they called the garage because they'd been told I had refused to pay. They were going to tell the garage they needed to accept payment but got back to me saying it's the first they've heard of FCE (ForeCourt Eye) but it seems they have passed it on and I should pay them direct and advised the police once I had done so. FCE's website is claiming an additional £6 admin fee which, whilst is not a great amount, doesn't seem like they are really in a position to even get involved. I have checked the pump and to the side, on the pillar, there is a slightly faded poster stuck to it that talks about FCE. Am I somehow bound to their terms or can I fight this on the grounds they have no authority to request payment on behalf of the garage? Or any other defence that I can use? Your thoughts on this are appreciated.
  5. Hi i went to Manchester eye hospital and parked in a disabled bay with my blue badge. i was in the hospital for about 1 hour and when i came out i had a ticket. it says that i was parked in ramped for wheelchair. i use a walker but i didn't even think there was a difference in disabled parking. it was issued by park solve or civil enforcement ltd. is it enforceable, any help would be gratefully received.
  6. Hi everyone, Got a PE ticket through post back in Dec 17, appealed to PE and received their standard fob off appeal not accepted. Didn't appeal to popla and then received a PE Letter before County Court Claim. After reading up on the thread about this I sent a letter " Please therefore provide a Letter Before Claim which complies with the requirements of Annex A Para 2 of the Practice Direction on Pre-action Conduct as below: Received an email stating they looking into the matter then a today stating that Annex A of the practice direction (pre-action conduct and protocols were no longer in force and amendments were made on 6th April 2015. They state that their LBCCC is fully compliant along with their Reply form and information sheet attached to it. Finally, they state that they require further information to be able to understand my position and for them to provide a response. If I wish to dispute the charge please clarify the reason for this or make a payment. Not sure what to do next as clock may be ticking in their favour for the LBCCC. Cannot appeal to POPLA as the number given is invalid, probably date barred. Any advice greatly received please? thanks
  7. Morning all, 1st time posting here. On Friday we have received one of the notorious parking eye letter indicating we overstayed in an Aldi carpark Gillingham from 6:10pm on the 14th June until 7:10am the following morning. It is a classic case of double dipping, with their ANPR missing both the 1st exit at approx. 6:30pm, and the 2nd entry at approx. 7:05am on the 15th, but no way of proving this. All suggestions welcome.
  8. Hi Guys Ive made the mistake before of ignoring a PCN so this time I intend to respond properly. I received a notice in the post today received by one of my taxi drivers who failed to mention to me that he went into the car park or that the ticket machine wasn't working on questioning today when i received the PCN he said the person he spoke to had no clue as to what he should do.. the car is 140 miles away from my location and its unlikely I will be going that way anytime soon.. 1 Date of the infringement 28/5/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 07/07/18 3 Date received 11/07/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] no 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] 7 Who is the parking company?parkingeye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Mayflower terminal short stay southampton the reverse of the PCN states" " We originally wrote to the registered keeper of the vehicle whose details were held by the DVLA at the time of the event and they informed us that you were responsible at the time of the parking event" I am now and have been since June 2016 the registered keeper and owner of the vehicle. I have not made any representation to them or anyone else about the this event or any other event as to who was the owner or driver of the vehicle at any time
  9. Honestly I had no idea these companies could now just take pictures of your car and charge you, if anyone could help I would really appreciate it, if you need any other information please do let me know. I found the seven questions I was asked to answer below, honestly I have no idea why there would be a limit in a service station in the middle of no where. I wasn't actually driving the car although I guess they don't care. 1 Date of the infringement 19.09.2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 25.09.2018 3 Date received 28.09.2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up No I have not appealed 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Euro Garages Deeside Service Station For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE THe BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here No
  10. Hi all, Just after some advise as this may be a bit different to other people cases. Today I received a Parking Eye "Parking Charge Notice". It's my car which my wife drove to take me to hospital, she paid using the Pay By Phone app, however she entered her cars registration by mistake. I worry she done this again the following day also! I've appealed and sent a copy of our proof (screenshot with incorrect registration on it) but now I'm wondering should I of come here first before quickly rushing into an appeal? 1 Date of the infringement - 13/09/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 27/09/2018 3 Date received - 01/10/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] NO 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] YES APPEAL - I have received a Parking Charge Notice for my car, which my wife was driving at the time taking me to hospital. We made payment using the Pay By Phone app, and once I received this letter have only realised that payment was made however it was made for our other car (*OTHER REG*) as my wife has often used her car to make payments as she has been to the hospital a lot recently (as I’m sure you can check by her registration). Unfortunately this has been a simple error and I attach proof that the payment was made and you'll be able to confirm this as her car *OTHER REG* did not enter the hospital car park on this day. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] NO 7 Who is the parking company? Parking EYE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Sunderland Royal Hospital
  11. My wife has received a Parking Charge Notice for a hotel car park, she was meeting a friend in the car park, her friend went into the hotel to use the toilet but that was it. The notice states 38 minutes onsite and has photos of the car. She cant remember seeing any signs on entry but I will check later as its quite local. She never actually left her car, the keys stayed in the ignition and the door remained open, so technically was the car actually "parked" The fee is £100 reduced to £60 if paid by tomorrow. Can anything be done about this?
  12. 0n 29/11/17 I received a parking charge in Aldi, Heswall wirral. The date of the the first notice through the post was 14/12/2017. I appealed (on line) on the grounds I was not the driver of the vehicle. It was rejected. I was given 14 more days to pay. I appealed again (on line) using a template letter from this site, asking for a breakdown of charges etc etc. I received none of my requested info, simply a rejection of my appeal. They continue to pursue me and the charges have now increased from £40 to £70. What should I do next? They provided photographic evidence and mention shcedule 4 of the protection of freedoms act. The appeals body mentioned on the documentation is IAS (POPLA) All responses greatly appreciated.
  13. I attended a evening wedding reception at the HOLIDAY INN SOUTHAMPTON. I drove around the car park twice but didn't see any signage about parking fees. I parked my car and went in through the side door of the hotel which was hired out for the wedding party and guests. I was very upset and shocked yesterday to receive a parking fine for £60 through the post. I telephoned the HOLIDAY INN straight up and explained I was a guest to the wedding of ?? and ??, on the 14 July but she said there was nothing she could do. Do I just pay it and not have a leg to stand on? I have never had to deal with anything like this before so thats £60 down the drain
  14. Hi everyone, I filed a defence claim against the court case Parking Eye are going after me for. I was sent an acknowledgement letter from the court. Now I have received a Directions questionnaire that has come hand written already filled in by Parking Eye. The 28 days are up on 6th August. They don't appear to have ticked any box for mediation etc.. They have completed the rest of the form. I don't know what I'm supposed to do from here now ? I haven't received one of these forms for me to fill in? Why have parking eye sent it to me and not the court ? Any advice is appreciated.
  15. 1 Date of the infringement 24/7/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 27/7/18 3 Date received 31/7/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Y 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up n/a 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Morrisons Aldershot For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.IAS Mrs deeds went to the cinema with some friends, the cinema is in a complex with Morrisons, and various restaurants, so she parked in the car park. Mrs deeds and friends arrived early, went for food and drinks and then watched the film, spending 4 hours & 10 minutes in the car park (all the time using the retailers who are part of the complex. The PCN states there is a maximum parking time of 4 hours, which given the film lasted 1 hour and 54 minutes doesn't leave a massive amount of time for food and drinks before/after. Do we have any possible chance of contesting this?
  16. Name of the Claimant Parking Eye claimants Solicitors: rosanna breaks Date of issue – 03/09/18 Date to submit defence = 05/10 What is the claim for – 1.monies outstanding from the defendant, as registered keeper, in relation to a parking charge, issued 31/05/18, for parking on private land in breach of the terms and conditions (the contract). 2.Parkingeye's automated number plate recognition system, monitoring campanile liverpool queens dock, l3 4aj, captured vehicle entering and leaving the car park, parking without authorisation. 3.The signage, clearly displayed at the entrance to and throughout the car park, states that this is private land, is managed by parking eye and authorisation is required to park, along with other T+C's by which those who park on site agree to be bound. In accorance with the T+C's set out in the signage, the parking charge became payable. Notice under the protection of freedoms act 2012 has been given under sch 4 making the keeper liable. This is in reference to parking charge #### What is the value of the claim? £175 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? PPC Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No I havnt done anything yet, I am in the process of sending the CPR 31:14 off Do i need to acknowledge the CC forms Any help will be appreciated
  17. Hello I could use some help - On 1 January 2018 I visited Margate and paid and parked in the town. Having finished the visit it was becoming dark and I was driving back towards Ramsgate when the satellite navigation system on my phone jammed. I pulled off the road into an empty car park (the Lido) which looked closed and run down, to attend safely to the satellite system on the mobile phone. when I had gotten the navigation system working again I tried to find my way back onto the main road again. There are a number of posts missing from the side of the car park which lead onto a road which I mistook for the exit. At a certain point I realised this was not an exit but in fact Newgate Promenade so I then turned the car around and drove back towards the road by the way that I had entered. When I received the pcn from Parking Eye they included 2 dark pictures with only headlight and number plate visible - entering (16.47) and leaving (16.57) the time difference being 10 minutes. I had no idea they were taking pictures on the site I suspect there are no signs stating this fact. Since then I appealed to parking eye and then POPLA I include a pdf of the appeal to POPLA, I didn't get any advice on legal arguments and they both turned it down. They also refused the pictures of missing posts that I copied from google street view saying they were from 2015 while offering no possibility to provide recent pictures but simply discarding that claim (I include as attachment the POPLA verdict). Now I have received a claim form dated 23 July 2018 from the County Court Business Centre for £175. I would usually pay a parking fine to avoid the hassle but as I find this so unfair I continue to wish to contest it. I have only a few days left to send in my defence the court has given me an email address, I have untill 4pm this Tuesday (28 Aug 2018). I believe the defence needs to cover any points I wish to make so I need to sort them out very quickly. I have been reading about the very similar case of 'yourturntopay' [Parking Eye claimform - ANPR PCN Lido car park, Cliftonville, Kent BB on Display] which sounds very similar only I was in the other half of the car park which has a bigger sign by the entrance but otherwise looks the same. I wonder if it would be possible to use the same arguments? My arguments in the POPLA appeal (in the pdf attachment Parking Ticket Margate 1-1-18 redacted) were that I never intended to park I pulled over for road safety concerns to fix the sat-nav. Because the posts in the car park were missing I mistook the exit route and thus prolonging the stay this being due to the bad state of repair of car park. It was only 10 minutes in total so petty to try to charge I didn't mention the fact that it was badly lit, and I believe the notice board by the entrance is not lit but I didnt know if this would be an acceptable argument at the time and didnt mention it. Also I am unaware what courtesy period Parking eye allow as to give a ticket after only 10 minutes seems extreme. Unfortunately I live in London so taking pictures of the car park and checking the condition is pretty difficult and would mean a 5 hour trip. -Any advice/suggestions on how best to proceed would be much appreciated - I have to send in my defence (the court has given me an email address) by 4pm this Tuesday (28 Aug 2018) so only 3 days left. I thought a courtesy period of 10 minutes was law but I’m not sure where I saw that now?, does anybody know if parking eye allow a courtesy period in their car parks as one would imagine 10 minutes to be reasonable? Parking Eye POPLA Verdict.pdf POPLA appeal 1-1-18 redacted.pdf
  18. Can I quickly ask for confirmation for what I have read up on..... If the Notice To Keep (printed out/stuck to screen) doesnt include a duration of contravention then the notice is invalid? Many thanks. No ANPR on the way in or out.
  19. I lease a van. Just received a PCN from parking Eye stating I entered London Gateway Services at 06:45 am and left at 16:08 pm on 15/01/18. The leas company have paid this straight off with a £30 admin fee on top. I was there, had a coffee, but left shortly after to do a days work which consisted of ten calls all over North London. I then called in on my way home for a brief natural break. Their cameras clearly did not register me leaving in the morning. Every one of my calls is time stamped and GPS noted and I also wear a CCTV camera which I hope will show my van nowhere near the Services between the times shown. Because I have only just got this on the 19.01.18 (takes that long to get through the lease company) its outside the 28 day period. I am now thinking of a Moneyclaim online for the full £90 with my evidence. Thoughts anyone?
  20. Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help. Received a parking Eye charge and appealed but it's been unsuccessful. I wasn't aware of a time limit, shopped for Christmas and I'm disabled so it took longer because a) I can't walk very well and b) the shop was busy with Christmas checkout queues/busy aisles. I was there 1hr 57 mins apparently. In my online appeal I couldn't find the receipt so uploaded a copy of my bank statement showing a purchase on that day. I've since found the receipt. The error I made from reading these boards now is that I named myself (registered keeper is my husband) as the driver. The email I've received today advises me theyve extended the reduced amount of £40 for 14 days further, or I can appeal to POPLA. Do I continue on with the appeal or just have to pay it as I named myself as the driver? Thank you in advance for any help. For PNC's received through the post [ANPR camera capture 1 Date of the infringement 20/12/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 01/01/2018 3 Date received 05/01/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] not that I can see 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes an anpr caprure of my reg plate (too dark to see driver) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] y not sure how to put pics up Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up y 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Aldi Hampton Peterborough For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Email stating unsuccessful appeal via parking Eye
  21. Oh dear, I have spent from 8 am this morning till 3 pm at Manchester Eye Hospital. I parked in a Disabled Bay, correctly displaying my blue badge. I could not drive because of the eye drops which were not wearing off - giving me extremely blurred vision, so at 12 noon my daughter came to pick me up until my vision improved. At 3 pm she drove me back to retrieve my car only to find a Parking Notice Enclosed stuck on the windscreen. When opening it it states that 'Blue Badge Not Displayed'????? I find this rather odd as my badge was clearly displayed. My daughter went inside to challenge the 'parkie' guy only to be told that had gone home for the day. We took pictures of my car parked in the disabled bay, clearly showing the hospital in the background with my badge displayed. I really don't know what to do as I am loathed to give them any of my details..let them buy then from the DVLA if they want to go that far. It is not clear who the company is?? Back of ticket just repeats PARK SOLVE in big blue font. Parking notice states who to pay it to: Civil Enforcement Ltd. Do they not have to make it clear who the company is? I looked up Park Solve on companies house and there accounts so far show only £46 in the bank with a few addresses of a South African guy with lots of different companies..very weird. Any advice would be helpful as I have to return in a few days for more treatment. As an aside, there was a car parked nearby with at least 8 parking notices on it..wow, must have got a job lot. Do they not take photos of the offence as I would love to see my car without a blue badge displayed to back up their claim as this would be a miracle.
  22. Hi. I have read through some posts and believe i need to respond to the questions, below. Apologies for not replying in Red but the formatting will not allow me. Very poorly lit Only machine visible not working PE do not provide any reason for failure of appeal. Many thanks in advance and hope someone can help... it will be Greatly appreciated. Matt 1 Date of the infringement - 23 September 2017 at 21:20:49 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] – 05/10/2017 3 Date received – 10/10/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [N] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes 6 Have you appealed? {Y] Ticket machine was not functioning and had a message on the screen that confirmed it. Have you had a response? [Y] Please see end of post 7 Who is the parking company? – Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Lido 1 Margate For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - NO but they are BPA members Reply to appeal dated 26/10/2017 Thank you for your correspondence in relation to the Parking Charge incurred on 23 September 2017 at 21:20, at Lido (1) car park. We are writing to advise you that your recent appeal has been unsuccessful and that you have now reached the end of our internal appeals procedure. Our records confirm that no parking was purchased on the date of the parking event, despite there being payment methods available on the day in question. Please be advised: There is an independent appeals service (POPLA) which is available to motorists who have had an appeal rejected by a British Parking Association Approved Operator. Contact information and further information can be found enclosed. See also .popla.co.uk As a gesture of goodwill, we have extended the discount period for a further 14 days from the date of this correspondence. If you appeal to POPLA and your appeal is unsuccessful you will not be able to pay the discounted amount in settlement of the Parking Charge, you will be liable to pay the full amount. If you have already paid the reduced amount, the Parking Charge will be increased to the full amount and you will be liable to pay this increase. By law we are also required to inform you that Ombudsman Services .ombudsman-services.org/ provides an alternative dispute resolution service that would be competent to deal with your appeal. However, we have not chosen to participate in their alternative dispute resolution service. As such should you wish to appeal then you must do so to POPLA, as explained above.
  23. Good morning, I have recently received a parking charge notice from parking eye, to which I have appealed and provided proof of parking twice and they have rejected both times. Can you please help? please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 06/07/17 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 21/07/17 3 Date received 26/07/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Not that I can see (howver I am looking at a scanned copt at the moment could be on the rear will check later) 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Yes. I am afraid I do not have a copy of my appeal but all I wrote was "Please see attached proof of parking, I accidentally enetered my old cars registration in error" The above is from memory so wording may be slightly different. I attached a copy of the parking ticket. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up Please see attached Dated 01st & 23rd August. 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Crown Wharf Shopping Park, Walsall car park For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here. I received another parking charge notice, to which I appealed again the same as above then I received the below the attached dated 12th October 2017. Many thanks for your help and support. 23 August 2017.pdf 12 October 2017.pdf 01 August 2017.pdf
  24. Hi Guys. My Girlfriend received a Parking Eye Ticket today (07/10/2017). The details of the ticket are as follows: Ref #: ######/###### Vehicle Reg: LN## ### Vehicle Make: Ford Vehile Model: C-MAX TITANIUM Date of event: 22/07/2017 Date Issued: 05/10/2017 Payment Tel: 0330 555 4444 Date: 05/10/2017 HAMPTON BY HILTON LONDON DOCKSIDE Time in car park: 8 Hours 10 Min Arrival Time: 22/07/2017 13:59:11 Depoarture time: 22/07/2017 22:09:50 Parking charge amount £100 Paid before cost: £60 Paid before: 19/10/2017 At the time my partner was visiting me in up north so this cannot have been her. I did notice it has taken them 75 days to send her the notice. (will upload it shortly)
  25. Hi, Appreciate any advice with the following please. Driving from Kent to Tyneside stopped at Leicester Forest East at 6pm had a coffee fell asleep and left at 9pm. It was dark so no recollection of any signage being displayed. I have now received the first letter asking for £100 but discounted to £60 if I pay within 14 days. I feel miffed as it was late and I was as tired and the car park was empty. What is the best couse of action? I fear that making an appeal to PE will just be rejected or should I just ignore the enevitable PE threatening letters which will follow. Regards Brassica
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