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Found 21 results

  1. got a pcn on my windscreen yesterday at asda newton abbot . Iwas working on site and didnt think i needed parking ticket . my van is a lease van and iam wondering whats my next move . i have seen a couple of other posts about the same site . they have had sucsess with letters .any ideas
  2. Hello, 2 weeks ago I bought a used car and all looked good. This weekend, after washing it and driving home we noticed a chip in the drivers view on the windscreen that was not visible before. Thinking this must have been caused by a stone on the way home we called AutoWindsreens out. However, the technician advised that it was in fact an old repair and there was nothing more that could be done to make it look any better. He did say that it was structurally sound. As this must have been present at time of purchase, albeit not visible (not sure if the autoglym products the dealer applied to the windows could have hidden the damage?) do we have any rights to get the dealer to replace the screen? Thank you
  3. I bought a Nissan Qashqui from a local independent dealer in June this year for just over £5k. The turbo went faulty within 30 days, after an initial appearance of indifference from the dealer they did indeed repair it and all was good. However, we now have an issue with the windscreen washers (both front and back) in that they just don't work. I can hear no noise when trying to use them which leads me to think this it is the washer motor (i have checked the fuse and it is not that). The washers did work upon when we first got it, but over the past few weeks they have stopped working. I contacted the dealer via email yesterday confirming that the car is under 6 months since purchase and this fault has occurred for which i would like them to repair. Their reply has been: "Sorry to hear you are having a minor problem with your Nissan Qashqai unfortunately due to you only having a 3 months major mechanical warranty which would of expired on the 11/09/18 this wouldn’t be something we could cover the cost of. Even if this issue occurred during the first three months of you owning the vehicle the washer jets wouldn’t be covered due to the warranty only being a major mechanical warranty." I have just replied to them that my request for them to repair this free of charge is under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, section 9 "Goods to be of satisfactory quality". I have reiterated that i expect them to repair this free of charge or state their final position on the matter so i can then decide on my next course of action. Can anyone give me their thoughts on whether i am completely in the right to demand repair for this issue on a car bought privately from a dealership just under 5 month ago? If they refuse to play ball, what should my next steps be? I have kept all communication with them via email so i have a clear trail, but if we do have any chat via phone then it will be recorded (i have installed a call recording app - thanks to all the advice on here!).
  4. Hello, I just received a PCN from private parking firm NTC (the worst of the worst). The communal garage door was broken meaning I had to use a visitors spot and display a ticket. I had a clearly displayed valid ticket except that the I forgot to put the reg. number on the ticket. The past 5 entries had the same correct reg. number and CLEARLY this was a valid ticket but I had just forgotten one inane detail. Here is the evidence they have: imgur dot com/Q4q1GFN The prelude to Christmas has rendered me broke and the ruthlessly exploitative nature of this conniving company is making me pretty reluctant to pay them the 'discounted' sum of £60. Just wondering what you all think is the best way to proceed? Thanks, Jude
  5. Hi guys I have an issue similar to a few others on here, involving the Swansea based Millennium Parking Services. My vehicle was parked in a residential area in Swansea, totally oblivious to any signs advising it was Private Property and Permit Holders Only. Received the PCN stuck to windscreen upon return to the vehicle. The original ticket charge of £100 has not been paid. As the registered keeper, I received the NOK a month or so later and have retained it. It has not been acted upon my me. More recently, I received a demand for £160 from Debt Recovery Plus. I have ignored all requests for payment so far. I'm quite comfortable going through the court process if it comes to that, but would you advise on any action I should take now that might help prevent being taken to court, or even assist with the defence if that day does come? I'd be keen to save myself on the hassle and time wasted in going to court if I can help it, for the want of a well worded letter of dispute. Cheers, Sham
  6. I parked my car on 27th May at 20:28 Purchased a parking ticket and displayed it on my dashboard. Returned to the car at 21:55 to find a PCN stick on my windscreen. The Notice state the following ‘ Enforcement officer XXXX had reason to believe that the following contravention had occurred and that a penalty charge is now payable: Contravention: Code: 83 Parked in a car park without clearly displaying a valid pay & display ticket or voucher or parking clock. Time of contravention: 20:39 On further checking, I noticed the ticket had been blew off the dashboard and on the driver’s seat! I do have the original ticket. And have not appealed or done anything yet. Would be grateful for your views & informed advice, please. Thanks in advance
  7. 10 Days I went for test drive of the approved car and it was great so negotiated the price and finalized everything including price and monthly payment etc and confirmed next Saturday I will collect the car. 2 days back I went to get the delivery of the car, signed the papers and did the formalities and finally when the guy was demoing the car's feature I noticed that windscreen in chipped and it is not that small but it is not massive as well... strangely if it was there at time of test drive I would have highlighted it. now, when I asked the dealer to replace the windscreen then he is asking me to get it done through insurance company but I insisted to get it confirmed with his manager but he said he 100% sure that his manager would say same thing. now I cannot keep this car with chipped glass and I cannot get it fixed since it is almost new one(Dec 2016). Please help me what I should be doing, and I am still in 30day period, Do i have option to cancel whole deal?? Thank you for reading... Help Seeker!!!
  8. I apologise if this is going to be a bit lengthy: thank you so much for reading this and I appreciate any advice I can have on my situation. I hired a car for a week before Christmas from LHR. I live in the middle east. Within one hour of collection, a flying stone on the motorway had caused a middle to driver side windscreen chip, about the size of a two pound coin. Upon arriving at my destination, I called teh accident hotline they supplied to ask for the chip to be examined and repaired because i was not sure that the car was roadworthy. They took details and promised to send someone out. Three phone calls and 24 hours later I was still waiting and asked for a new vehicle. At this point I was told to speak to Sixt!!?! (I thought that I was but it turns out I was speaking to Auto Fleet Solutions!). One call to customer services and they agreed that I could organise the repair myself since I had been waiting so long and I confirmed that I would not have to pay again. Within a couple of hours the chip was repaired by Autoglass, with guarantee. When I returned the vehicle I explained all that had occurred, produced a receipt for the repair and it was returned as "no new damage" Roll on two months and I have an invoice for £750++ for a replacement windscreen. I should state that this is not an insured amount for reasons that are not interesting (I thought that it was, but I was mistaken). It seems to me that the invoice and some other correspondence received at the time of hire is all generated from the Auto Fleet Solutions bunch, who despite being by telephone call that I was given permission to make the repair directly don't seem to have registered this in any of their correspondence. Anyhow, I want to know what I should do. - just pay - no chance of fighting this. - I live overseas, can i just ignore it? The rental was a debit card transaction not credit card. - agree a settlement whereby I deduct lost retail time and money already paid for repair. - refuse to pay on the basis that I already paid for the repair, which was all that was required according to Autoglass. If I take this last route, which I am most inclined to, what should I say or not say. Are there any relevant consumer protections which I should be aware of? Many thanks in anticipation
  9. Hi all. Well what a lovely end to the week! Very briefly... i went to a local mini retail park on Newport road in Cardiff. Spent no more than 10 mins in Argos if that. Put a large box in my car. Went to Aldi again no more than 10 mins in there (walked out after not wanting to que) and i come back to find i ticket on my windscreen. Now back tracking, i work somewhere i have to park in a supermarket car park where im constantly having my car banged and scraped. when i go to park in the retail park i know im gong to have a heavy box (was buying a desk chair) so wanted to park as close as i could and when i go to pull in the car in the space next to me is completely on the wonk, and i just think there is no way im parking close to that idiot so i park over the next line. Now i do admit its annoying when people do this. However i dont expect to get charged £60 for the pleasure especially when its no more than a 20 min time period. What annoyed me most was the car that was parked far worse than i was had been there the whole time and they hadn't got a ticket. Can you please advise me what to do. If you think its pointless fighting as i was over the line id rather just suck it up and pay the lower fee. But £60!!! Jease
  10. Hi All Parked in Brighton last Saturday morning. Placed parking ticket on dashboard, checked it was in place after shutting door and went off shopping. Returned to find ticket on car floor and Contractual Payment Charge on window. Charge states that 'ticket falling from dashboard' will not be accepted as grounds for appeal. I appealed anyway on the basis that: 1. Tickets are paper, not adhesive, so cannot be secured 2. Weather was windy 3. Stated that I cannot be responsible for what happens when I am not at the car. There are many reasons beyond my control that the ticket could fall. My claim has been rejected by what looks like a standard letter. I have been told I can appeal to the IAS but if I don't pay the ticket within 14 days I cannot get the reduced amount (even if appealing). I would be grateful for any advice in appealing this charge which feels totally unfair as I bought the ticket. There was no intent on my part to evade paying for parking. kind regards Steve
  11. Hi folks, New user; just signed up to see if anyone has any input on this scenario! Hopefully someone can enlighten me a little. I just purchased, off my father, his old car. He's a GP and his car has a valid (until the end of July) residential parking season ticket displayed in the windscreen that relates to the car registration. This car registration is actually his own personalised plate, which he is in the process of getting transferred to his new vehicle. My street has residential parking restrictions on it. It is my intention to apply for a residential permit once the registrations are switched (he should've done this before selling it to me tbh, but that's another story) and I actually know what my new registration will be (which is needed to get a permit) which has not yet occurred; we are still waiting for a response from the DVLA, but in the meantime I was rather under the impression I could continue to use his permit. I had the pleasure of having today off work and noticed this evening that I had a parking ticket on my vehicle, on my street, directly outside my house. The alleged contravention is "30 Parked for longer than permitted". I find this somewhat perplexing, since I have a valid residential parking permit in the windscreen, am parked outside the address to which the vehicle is registered and was not (until now, at least) aware that there were any time restrictions on such a permit. I've searched high and low on the council's (Harrogate) website to find some mention of a restriction of this sort on such a permit, but can find nothing. I intend to appeal the PCN. So, my question - do I have a leg to stand on?
  12. Well here we are folks, things are currently changing and the solution on how to deal with IPC windscreen tickets is here. Currently not needed for BPA windscreen tickets but the solution to the problem is here and it is now time for everyone to embrace it. No longer can the advice on any forum be to "wait for the NTK". This advice is a dead duck. The Problem The way IPC companies construct their signs (and the way in which the IPC operate their appeals process means its night on impossible to beat them at the IPC bar the obvious slam dunk reason (which are few and far between). Now VCS who have joined the IPC makes the issue worse and their windscreen tickets account for around 60% of their tickets issued. The Law legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/...dule/4/enacted 2. “current address for service” means— (a)in the case of the keeper, an address which is either— (i)an address at which documents relating to civil proceedings could properly be served on the person concerned under Civil Procedure Rules; or (ii)the keeper’s registered address (if there is one); or (b)in the case of the driver, an address at which the driver for the time being resides or can conveniently be contacted; The solution A service address is the answer to the problems we currently have with the IPC. This really is such a simple answer and making use of the law to our advantage whilst beating the parking companies at their own game. They wanted this law so they most certainly have got it. It just needs people on here to embrace it and actually see that's its a winner. What do the BPA/IPC Parking companies think about this? They all know it is happening and there is nothing they can do about it. How do I know this?, It was pointed out by Devere after the court case yesterday that certain addresses are "appearing all the time with people admitting to be the driver", and the is nothing they can do about it because real addresses are being used, and they CANNOT go to the DVLA as they no longer have reasonable cause to do so since they have been a perfectly serviceable address. Devere stated that all these people can not possibly live at one address and that "its not fair, or right is it" "it must be some kind of internet letter. So writing about it on here is not a problem as they all know anyway. How well thought through is this? This has been looked into and tested over the last couple of months with a variety of operators and has been proven to work. ---------------------------------------- Happy to answer anyone's questions on this. There is already starting to develop a network of service addresses in the UK. Again if you want to know more about this then please contact me by PM. Its important we move on from previous advice that whilst has been very good advice no longer works for the IPC and the is no point in any one kidding themselves that it is going to work. With VCS now part of the IPC (and others sure to follow) then this is only going to ramp up the number of tickets issued. This scheme will also work with ANPR tickets where someone is naming a driver and you would be surprised that quite high proportion of people who are registered keepers are NOT the driver. Finally I am backing this scheme to work. Should GPEOL become a dead duck in the near future then this is going to be an absolute bomb against companies such as UKCPS
  13. My Daughter took her car to Halfords to buy new wiper blades and have them fitted by their staff. when she was driving home shortly afterwards she noticed an hairline crack in the windscreen about 12 inches long my wife went with my daughter to complain to Halfords as the crack was not there before. They spoke to their customer care care centre and said its a stone chip which must have already been there. We spoke to the manager and he said he will try to call in some favours to get it fixed is there any course of action we can take if they cannot resolve this?
  14. My car's windscreen had cracked right across the bottom the past winter. I had it replaced on my insurance by Auto Windscreens in Romford / Harold Hill. It was done at closing time on a Friday, and was told not to drive the car for a couple of hours to make sure it sets. Which I done. A couple of weeks later, I noticed that there was a whistling sound coming from the passenger side of the windscreen when driving on the motorway. It's very distracting and quite loud. Then today I took my car through a car wash, and water literally poured in from the top of the windscreen, literally soaking the seats and carpet, and also causing my dash camera to stop functioning. I took pictures of the water. I sent them an email asking for them to take another look, but so far haven't heard anything back. Should they fix this or is this "acceptable"?
  15. Hi there. I'm after some advice. My wife has a private parking permit for a parking space she uses for work. Yesterday, she received a 'parking charge notice' stuck to her window because her permit wasn't displayed. The truth was that the permit was visible but it wasn't in it's holder (normally stuck to inside of windscreen) because the windscreen has recently been replaced and the holder was damaged. she has been having to remember to place the permit on the dashboard the last few days until she gets a new permit holder. The reason why we are incensed at the charge is because although the permit wasn't on the dashboard on this occasion, it WAS visible in the car. It was in the centre console between the seats, with all the necessary details clearly visible. A cursory glance into the car would have been enough to see the permit. The Parking company is Premier Park Ltd. Now there are some complications. My wife has a company car and so all communications will presumably go through LEX, the lease company. She is concerned that contesting this penalty could cause problems for her regarding the company car. I have concerns that LEX could take a while to forward any documentation they may receive in connection to this parking charge. Also, the private parking space is actually for a flat which the owner has 'leased' to my wife (for a monthly fee). This presumably contravenes the flat owners' agreements when he purchased/rented flat. So, is this worth appealing? My wife just wants to pay the fine and forget about it but I've hated these private parking companies ever since I got clamped in Cornwall a few of years ago for overstaying by 2 minutes Any help or advice greatly appreciated
  16. During my trawl through the internet in searxch of advice for fighting off a fake PCN, i found a PDF file which was printable such that it could be cut into a small infomration leaflet that could be left under the windscreen of a car issued with a fake PCN. Has anyone else come accross this? I need a link to it to refuel my glovebox.
  17. Hello I am in need of some advice please I received a pcn for not displaying a valid ticket. but I had bought a ticket it had fallen off my windscreen and landed on my dash. I filled a dispute and they emailed me back saying can they se the ticket i sent email back with ticket attached, also i went in person with a copy of email and ticket. thing is the price is £25 pounds but in the email i received it says i have 14 days from the email date or it goes up I think to £50 Thing is I just don't know if to pay or not as they are taking ages and if they say know then I owe more money what do you people think i should do with this Thanks for any help
  18. Hi all, just asking a question on behalf of a friend. He currently has Asda car insurance with the added windscreen policy. On driving home from work today, he hit a bump ( his words), on the A55 from chester into North Wales, and there is a crack in his windscreen in the lower right hand corner. it is an "S" shape and is a few inches long, although it is confined to a small area. The downside is that it does go to the edge of the windscreen so it most likely cannot be fixed. He has read the Asda Policy documents and understands he is liable for a £60 excess for a windscreen replacement but only with their approved repairers. Now, both me and him have tried searching for their approved repairers, and cant seem to find out who it is. We were wondering if it is autoglass, as there is a depot less than a mile from where he lives, so it would make life much easier if he can simply drop it off and pick it up on his break from work. Does anyone know who ASDA insurance use for their approved repairer? We would normally phone up, but their lines closed at 8pm and he didnt finish work till 8.30. Edit: From the insurance booklet that accompanies his policy it says:
  19. Hi all, Will try to be brief - I have a 3 year old Mini One which was brought brand new in 2009 and is just out of finance. I brought the car out right at the end of the deal. - In May last year the car was fitted with a new windscreen after a crack appeared. The windscreen company were one which I had to use due to my insurance with Hastings. They are a National windscreen company. - 4 weeks ago, in the heavy rain, there was a huge leak in the car which caused the car to be soaked inside and not to start. many of the electrics went out. Mini garage (who I have used for all car issues for the last 3 years) identified that the leak was from a faulty windscreen fitting. - I contacted the company who fitted the windscreen who agreed to have it replaced and carpets dried and foot all bills. They supplied us with a courtesy car and had had the car for the last 3 weeks now. I asked that the car stay with Mini but they obviously wanted to get the work done more cheaply elsewhere so I agreed to this as long as it was returned in perfect condition. - Since then, the car has continued to fail to start and Mini have identified that the problem is with the fuse box, which needs replacing which is going to cost nigh on £4000. - So far, the windscreen company have communicated with me fairly poorly (said they will call and have not done so, passed the buck etc) and have not yet paid their invoice for work undertaken so far to Mini. I don't feel reassured that they are giving me 100% correct information as I have had conflicting messages from them so far. - I am now concerned that they will refuse to pay for the work that needs to be done, which Mini explain could only be caused by the leak, which was caused by them fitting a faulty screen on my car. The windscreen company seem to be somewhat disputing that this could be caused by a leak. Does anyone know where I stand in terms of what my rights are here? I presume that the windscreen company are liable to pay for any damages that the leak caused - but is it within my power to say where I want the car to be fixed ( I would like it to stay with Mini, who I trust ) rather than it be shipped to another place to get it fixed more cheaply? I know that the windscreen company are going to start being difficult as the cost rises and am very concerned by this - but this is not my fault and we have never had a problem with the car until now - I mean it is just 3 years old! I have called my Solicitor and Citizens Advice and await responses from both - but if anyone one here has any advice for me I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  20. On the way back home from work 2 days ago, I was stopped by a traffic cop and fined £60 plus 3 penalty points for having a crack on the windscreen. I feel very harshly done by and I am considering appealing. A few facts 1. The crack is not in the line of vision and does not interfere with driving. It is 250mm long but only about 30mm off the bulkhead on the passenger side. 2. The offence code stated on the ticket is 1412 which is use of a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition. By the way his spelling of dangerous was 'dangeos'. 3. He first spotted me on the motorway but stopped me on a road 0.5 miles from the motorway. On the ticket he put the location as the Motorway not the actual location where I was stopped. I took photographs to prove. 4. I had an appointment to replace the windscreen which I informed him off. Reasons why I want to appeal. 1. In my opinion he should have given me a Vehicle Defect Rectification Notice since my windscreen was not at the time dangerous in the respect that it was hanging off or something similar. 2. If he deemed the car as in a dangerous condition, why did he think it was still safe to be on the road? ie Why did he allow me to drive home? 3. I have researched endorsable codes and I cannot find any relating to 1412. 4. I have spoke to several managers from Autoglass, Nationwide Glass and all have never heard or knew of a case why someone had received a FPN for a cracked windscreen. 5. Spoke to a sergeant from the Traffic Police and in his 10 years as a traffic cop he had come across similar examples but never issued a FPN. Firstly have I got any grounds to appeal? Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks Greenbat
  21. Does anyone know anymore about this? I noticed that in my RHD smart, the windscreen wiper on the driver's side fails to clean an area of 10cm on the far right This reduces the available windscreen space by 7.5% which means 15% for the driver but the passenger's view is unaffected Checking out YouTube, the LHD smart has exactly the same windscreen wiper mechanism as my RHD so it fully clears the driver's side This seems to be a case of Smart not converting the wipers for a RHD version It is very annoying and Smart's advise is to keep the windscreen clean - but 1/5 accidents are caused by a lack of visibility?? - a windscreen wipers should be fit for purpose ie to clean the windscreen Another thing, when the un-cleanable area is added to the ceiling strut this doubles the blindspot to the driver's right - enough for a small child, pedestrian or cyclist to hide in - is this SAFE? Finally, in a RHD car, one of the most dangerous manoeuvres is to cross oncoming traffic for example overtaking, and this problem creates a bigger blindspot here too Smart claim that the car is OK relative to safety standards in Europe and don't feel they have to do anything more Can we rally them for a change of their attitude?
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