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renegadeimp last won the day on September 10 2020

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  1. Not at all. You're just updating them with correct info so they can contact you, and so they can try anything shifty. nothing more.
  2. As long as you haven't paid or admitted the debt is yours, then they can't go to court. You have an absolute defence. Of course they'll threaten and Try, but there will be nothing they can do
  3. Credit file doesn't determine sb status. SB status is determined by your last written admission to the debt or last payment date. If a court claim was issued within 6 years of either of the aforementioned points, then this stops the sb clock and then you're onto court procedures instead. Sb doesn't come into it then.
  4. They will do court anyway..it seems they Try and bluff the rk/driver so they don't even defend. Gladdys are known for running off when they've been rumbled. Unless itsforna considerable amount. In this case adding on charges they're not allowed as well as a likely non compliant preaction letter. I'd like to see how far this goes as I'm.in a similar boat but it's an open and shut case. No windscreen ticket, no anpr, no ntk, no communication at all until 5 years later, unlawful signage at the car park amd what looks to be dca charges and sols added on. I'm.mindful that the op has a very similar journey as well
  5. You can take a photo and converting. Just edit out personal identifiers
  6. Can I say.. its not an actual pre action letter. Its just a threatogram headed as one. Post it up to make sure ut from a nosey around the Internet, it's a big standard form threat letter. Mine is pretty much word for word with dozens of others.
  7. Ahh. So advice has changed. I need to read up then. Thanks for the welcome. Real life took a front seat for a while, but i thought its time to see whats up. If its like mine, no DX. its a 1 page letter just saying to contact them. No pack at all. Basically a threatogram headed as a LBA. Seems to be bog standard for gladdys now.
  8. Just to chime in here, they seem to have taken a load of accounts from various PPC's due to the new changes that will becoming. I have received one myself for a alleged PCN from 5 years ago, of which i have absolutely no knowledge of. Reading the letter, dont be scared, its a standard form letter. You can ignore the LBA, then in 4-8 weeks theyll send another with big red writing threatening court if you dont pay immediately. This is after the LBA stating that if you want to challenge it to contact them. You cant make it up. I wouldnt worry, even if a claim is filed, theres plenty of defense options, as Gladstones are just a rent-a-sol, who send the exact same letter to every single person they have an account for
  9. Youre being scared into complying. Dont. Even if they try court, they need a ton of specific stuff. And it really sounds like they dont have it. Don't get yourself marked as gullible. They do NOT care about you. To them you're just a number. They want your money no matter how they get it.
  10. Just rest easy knowing that they can never do anything. If they are stupid enough to go back to court ( they wont), you can just ask a judge to ask them... theyve had 12 years to chase it. Why now? it is extremely rare enforcement orders are given on CCJ's over 6 years old. And youre talking like 1 in a million . Or more.
  11. Keep ignoring. Absolutely nothing they can do. They know theyre out of time, but hope you dont. So for the price of a letter they hope theyll get thousands out of it. Just remember as well, its a form letter. Auto generated. The only parts different to everyone elses are the dates name and address.
  12. The entire republican party is corrupt to the core. We have out issues with our parties here, but damn, the states is basically a clusterf***. Trumps been c[aught lying, commiting illegal activities, and hes still being defended. Even the US justice department is starting to be his personal lawyer due to Barr.
  13. Well. Their lackeys work on commission so probably thought it would be authorisedand paid automatically.
  14. They're known to.go right to the last minute. Either begging you on the courtroom steps or even going into court and lying and telling the judge he or she is wrong. That's why you need to make sure you have everything in order on your side. Just in case.
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