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Found 6 results

  1. Just come across this post. Can I ask if anyone has been repossessed yet and if not, why not. I noticed a particular post above stating that coast after a court hearing does not attend or respond.
  2. Hi all, I have unfortunately made a mistake and have ordered item through wwwatlaseditionscouk. After reading reviews on this company I am now getting worried what is going to happen. On 14/01.2016 I have ordered item for 2.99 with free P&P - I have entered my name and work address for delivery and have been informed the item will be delivered within 28 days. I have noticed some bad reviews immediately, so have emailed them I want to cancel my order immediately as well as delete my account with all my personal details. I have also changed my name and address to fake one, but not sure if this is gonna help. I will also instruct reception at my work to not accept the parcel from atlas edition. From reading the other threads, the company will send you the first item you ordered for the special offer price and then keeps you sending items for full price. If you do not pay for these item you have not ordered they will pass it to some debt collector. I have also tried to call the customer service, but no chance to get through. Could you please give me advice what to do to resolve this? Thank you very much for your help guys! Michael
  3. I arrived home today to find a letter from CCS Collect alleging that I owe £18.99 to Atlas Editions for a replica of a motorcycle which I bought for £1.99 for my little great grandson, paid at the time online and payment cleared within 24 hours. I received the item and dealt no further with Atlas Editions, no further correspondence of any sort has been received from AE since the first and only order. Having now researched both AE and CCS Collections I see that there are many complaints about the conduct of both companies which to my mind amounts to a conspiracy to defraud. The number of cases exactly like mine is far too large to be coincidence each one being an attempt to "collect" £18.99 for a non existent debt. In short this is a [problem] of the worst type. The word SC*M being use by many complainants,
  4. Hi, I had a welcome finance loan about 5 years ago (£3000) and payed off around £1500. Due to redundancy i was unable to make the repayments and welcome keep adding interest onto the loan even though they said they wouldnt. my loan ended up at £6000+. i wasnt happy with this and for the last 3 years i have been making a £5 per month token payment which welcome have been happily accepting. Recently i have have received a sum of money i decided to try and pay of the loan to clear my credit file of the debt. I have been dealing with Atlas collections and i asked for a reduced sum if i cleared the debt. I offered them £2500 which they accepted but they are still awaiting payment from me while i wait for this sum of money to be put into my account. Recently i have checked my credit file and t he debt is no longer on there and on noodle it says it is 'cleared'. Not sure whether i should pay the £2500 or just carry on with my £5 token payment now as the debt is no longer on my file, or should i try and reduce my offer significantly? Any help will be awesome.
  5. hi for nearly seven months now i have been battling with atlas editions , i started a collection with them i paid them for everything i had every month or when i got the item ( the last item was in October), then i heard or got nothing from then till after christmas which was a invoice £40 + i emailed them and they said it was for goods despatched in November and December i replied saying i had nothing arrived they said they would look into it, a month later i received another invoice this time it was for £59+ once again i emailed also stating about my previous email to which they did tell me they would look into it but i had no reply and this time they said the goods had been sent and since then another items had been sent once again i said the same thing that i hadnt received it etc, they said they would resend the last item (which i did get)(but also returned it and got proof of postage) and the offer of they would look into it i heard nothing for a few weeks then i got a email with a statement of the goods they had despatched but the returned item wasnt on there once again i emailed them and didnt hear anything from them for weeks today when i got a letter from ccscollect saying that their client atlas editions had authorised them to collect the balance of £67.44 (account Balance gone up £5)??????????????????????????????????????? can anybody help me cos i dont know what to do now,
  6. I would be grateful for any advice or if anyone can point me in the right direction. I have a loan with Welcome finance, secured. Lost my family busines of 20 years in 2009 and things have been a real struggle ever since and im certainly not out the woods. All creditors have been kind and helpful apart from Welcome who have bullied me and really been nasty. After a week of harrasment from them, I folded and ended up on antidpressents. Welcome told me i could not go bankrupt. (I now know different). I got a copy of my loan agreement to find its almost completely unreadable, I have been taking advice from moneysaingexpert which has been great (until last few days) - gave me all the template letters to send with regards to a loan where the CCA is illegible. I have sent these all to Welcome and they continue to send me these bad copies that you cant read the figures on. Last week they posted me a reconstituted copy of the agreement - with no signature, dates etc. Just the figures clearly. (I dont have the agreement at all so I have no idea if these amounts are correct). I went back to the site for further advice on this and it seems now that rather than people help the advisors are just saying why dont i just pay up, dont run away from your debts etc - suggesting im looking at an easy way out. Quite frankly I would love to wipe this debt these people were the final straw when i was desperately trying to cling on and which resulted in serious depression and I dont want to have to deal with them again so yes i do want to wipe the debt if i can. Im terrified of dealing with these people again. I am being told now that a court ruling says that a reconstituted copy of an agreement is acceptable, does anyone know did this court ruling happen recently? Its just everyones advice seems to have all of a sudden changed from illegible loan agreement cant be enforced to now that it can. Will a reconstituted copy stand up in court if Welcome take me to court. Also on the reconstituted copy the figures show i borrowed 15k and that the total charge for credit is 29K.. Meaning the total amount payable is 44K. This is horrendous obviously and i clearly did not check this before i signed the agreement otherwise i would not have signed. I was young and foolish i guess. Any advice on Illegible Loan agreement, Harassment (although it was all done by phone), and unfair interest rates - anyone can give me i would be grateful. I have scanned and attached 1. Bad copy they have posted me of the original agreement 2. Reconstituted copy received in the post recently 3. Statement of account It looks as though an acceptance fee of £235.00 and a broker fee of £1500.00 has both been included in the original loan amount. On the 'original' agreement (although bit difficult to read properly) it shows the broker fee on the right of the agreement, on the recon copy the broker fee has gone but the total amount borrowed is not £15000 but £16500. On the last page of the statement of account (which is the beginning of the agreement back in 2007) it shows; first entry (14.2.07) - Loan Disbursement of £16735.00 (DEBIT) second entry (14.2.07) - Fee Disbursement of £235.00 (CREDIT) but then the total amount does not adjust accordingly with the credit. If you look at the statements that i have scanned and attached i hope you can see what i mean! I have tried to google how to work out interest but i cannot work out if they have charged me interest on the acceptance fee or the broker fee - if anyone can help here i would be really grateful - i do not know what im doing here - its complicated and the information on the agreements differs which i do not know is allowed either. Also on the recon copy it does not mention that the loan is secured on the property. Where it says 'secured on:______' - this section although completed with address on the 'original' is empty on the recon. How can you trust a recon copy when the company is so untrustworthy. Thank you for anyone that can help me! this was Pre 2007, no i have not checked the calculations as I do not know how, I can npost the agreement no problem i have a scanner, how do i post? No it did not include PPI at least its not showing on the reconstituted copy anyway.. - the loan did not include PPI and the loan was taken out Feb 2007. Figures are Amount of loan £15,000 Duration of agreement (minimum) 180 months Monthly payment £235.00 Variable APR 19.50% Total charge for credit £31,232.53 Interest charge £30,997.53 Rate of interest per annum : 19.10% I have taken this info from the reconstituted copy that they have provided but this info seems to be different to that on the illegible agreement. For starters on the illegible agreement there is a broker fee of £1500.00 - this is not shown on the recon copy. Also the APR's are different and the total charge for credit is different. my signature is on there I will scan and upload the doc, do i just blot out my details from prying eyes? - the agreement (the bad copy) is in the 1st post - thank you again for your help surrey36 all welcome docs .pdf
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