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Found 11 results

  1. Hi, I have a small camper van that I don't use in the winter, so it is on my private drive and I don't tax it for 6 months. I can see by doing a check that this year I forgot to fill in a SORN and it was due to be taxed in November. I cannot remember any reminder coming through, any letter from the DVLA saying the vehicle was not taxed or any fine from them. All I have is a letter from a debt collecting firm CCSCollect asking for £80 Non-payment of this penaly is a Civil Offence under Section 7a of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994. We request you pay £80 within the next 7 days from the date of this letter. If I have to pay then fine, it is my fault, I just want to know if I should pay these direct, not pay and deal with the DVLA, take it off the road now and ignore the letter. I am just very weary of debt collecting companies and dealing with them. Any advice? Thanks Paul
  2. Hi, i have just received a text stating ; Dear Ms XXXXX please visit http://www.ccscollect.co.uk or call on 0845 blah blah to discuss your reference xxxxx. For a call back please reply to this sms. So thinking this was a [problem] i looked up the name on the internet and found it is a debt collection agency, but, in theory i should have no debt as i have just entered a trust deed a couple of months ago now and most of the companies i owe money to would have been informed by now or about to be. I also received another text within a minute allegedly from Hmrev saying they owe me xxxx for the last tax year and i know that one is definitely a [problem] as i have been on DLA since 2013 and just changed to PIP in jan so i assumed the two were connected in the [problem] hence the internet seach on ccscollect and then finding the various threads on here about them. Advice on what to do will be greatly appreciated please and thank you Paula
  3. Hi there, Had a letter from CCSCollect regarding £10.88 "owed" to Hachette partworks. Subscribed to one of their things, had the first box, paid for it then cancelled the subscription. They sent out another one which I returned. Letters from them, called them and sorted it out(guy on the phone said it was resolved as I returned them). Now these clowns are writing to me. I dont really want to engage as its a waste of my time and money over £10.88 but I would like to write to them and tell them to "shove off" as I owe nothing to them. Any advice?
  4. Quite out of the blue, a letter arrives today from CCSCollect, saying that they are trying to contact the person who, after investigation, lives at X address. If you are not the named person and have information regarding their whereabouts then to contact them. No debt mention, just reference no Bearing in mind that I have had no debts since the late 1998, a credit score of 999 and no loans, agreements or the like for nigh on 20 years. I assume this is a letter for file 13, other comments about CCSCollect seem to sum them up quite nicely
  5. Hello I'm getting calls and texts from CCSCollect to my work mobile -this is not registered to me/my address. I suspect they've found my number on my work website. I'm wondering whether CCSCollect are phishing/[causing problems]. I misunderstood the first call and thought they were offering me a "personal massage" and realised it was a "personal matter". I think this misunderstanding probably saved me as they kept asking for the first line of my address and would offer no information until I'd provided this. I don't think they have my address and I suspect that it's probably the result of a search for my name. I'm tempted to ignore this but wondering whether I should call them to try and sort this out. As far as I know I'm not in any debt. I've been googling about and a few places recommended a credit report which I've done. I can find one trace enquiry from Severn Trent Water which seems odd as I live in the Southern Water region. I've had a few similar things happen over the last two years including bailiffs chasing up parking fines and early knocks at the door asking for people who've not lived at my address (as far as I know). I've managed to sort these out usually with proof of living at the same address for over 10 years and not having owned or driven a car in over 10 years. Anyone else getting these. There does seem to be a lot of stuff about CCS on the internet. If there was a letter I'd probably worry and contact them but calls / texts to my work number just feels like [causing problems]. Any advice? Thanks Jason
  6. Hi, I have just received a letter from CCS Collect dated 18th July 2015 regarding a debt owed to BT from 2010. They state that BT have authorised them to collect this debt. I then received last week a letter supposedly from BT stating that they had passed this debt to CCS Collect 'an authorised agency' to get in touch with me 'about paying it off'. (How about that for good grammar!!!!) Also that 25% had been added to the outstanding blance to cover thecost of BT handing over the debt!!!!!!!! (is this legal, I don't think so?) All telephone numbers are to CCS Collect - no address for BT or telephone number only BT registered office address. Then two days ago I received an 'Notice of Intended Action) threatening court action if the debt was not paid in fullby the 18th August, 2015. Please advise on how to proceed. Thank you
  7. Opening a thread that I'll keep updated as it progresses. I received a letter today from Nationwide regarding a credit card debt I had with them. They informed me that they have passed the debt to CCSCollect. The debt they are referring to became statute barred in January 2013. However, when I called CCSCollect to have them remove my details, they claimed that a payment was made to the account in 2012. This would have been impossible, as I was living in Chile at the time, and had no means to transfer money to the UK. I've sent a letter copied to both CCSCollect and Nationwide today detailing the last payment, the default date, and the date the debt became statute barred. I've stated that the debt is unenforceable, I do not acknowledge any liabilty, and that I will not be making any payments. I also explained why any payment they claim I made would be fradulent - and stated that if a payment had been made, it would have shown on my credit file. I suggested CCSCollect return the account to Nationwide, as they have been sold an unenforceable debt. If they decide to go any further with this, does anyone have the link to the template letter to demand that they prove I made the payment? Hoping this'll be the end of it, but we'll see. Thanks, everyone!
  8. Received this letter In The post this morning, I'm unsure what offer to accept from these people. Do I just pay the 30% of the amount they state in the letter I owe and put this debt to bed It's from ccscollect, I've never had any dealings with these so unsure how the operate.....
  9. Hi there Can anyone advise me please. I took out a student loan with the student loan company in 1998. I didn't finish the course and have never earned enough to make repayments. I moved temporarily and told the Student Loan Company when I filled in a deferment form for that year, and when I moved back to my origianal address I sent a letter in. I didn't hear from them and simply forgot about it all. I have had a letter from CCS Collect so have been in contact with both the Student Loan company and the debt collectors. I have sent the forms off for a deferment. Tonight the Student Loan Company said as a passing comment that the deferment if agreed would only be for 3 months and I have to make a repayment plan for the balance with CCS. The Student Loan Company said that they wrote to my temporary address in 2010 and have no record of me moving back and it is down to me. The amount of loan outstanding is £2k+ and I now owe this amount less £150. Should I make a repayment plan with CCS now to save all the hassle? Are CCS likely to try and make me bankrupt? Any thoughts gratefully received - many thanks
  10. hi for nearly seven months now i have been battling with atlas editions , i started a collection with them i paid them for everything i had every month or when i got the item ( the last item was in October), then i heard or got nothing from then till after christmas which was a invoice £40 + i emailed them and they said it was for goods despatched in November and December i replied saying i had nothing arrived they said they would look into it, a month later i received another invoice this time it was for £59+ once again i emailed also stating about my previous email to which they did tell me they would look into it but i had no reply and this time they said the goods had been sent and since then another items had been sent once again i said the same thing that i hadnt received it etc, they said they would resend the last item (which i did get)(but also returned it and got proof of postage) and the offer of they would look into it i heard nothing for a few weeks then i got a email with a statement of the goods they had despatched but the returned item wasnt on there once again i emailed them and didnt hear anything from them for weeks today when i got a letter from ccscollect saying that their client atlas editions had authorised them to collect the balance of £67.44 (account Balance gone up £5)??????????????????????????????????????? can anybody help me cos i dont know what to do now,
  11. hi i got a parking ticket from PPS recently - i was gone for 10 minutes to come back and find it - and i haven't really done much about it as i assumed PPS (Premier parking solutions) can't really enforce anything..please could you confirm that i can ignore this request for money from the debt collection agency they passed it onto ..CCS Collect. or if not...could you suggest the best letter i could send them - thanks for any help you can offer? (click thumbnail for larger version)
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