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  1. Hello, I have three defaults on my credit report. Do they ever expire? I keep paying £1.00 to my creditors every month but since my credit score is bad and defaults are shown to lenders I have no hope to get work or start a business. Is there any hope to get those defaults moved from my credit report? All the debts are more than six years old.
  2. I am in a DMP and have been since the beginning of this year. Natwest loan £4889 Natwest OD £1249 JD Williams £1749 Very £771 I have been self running a DMP and paying each £1 for 4 months. I am upping my payments from July to: Natwest loan £57 Natwest OD £15.37 JD Williams £20.65 Very £1 According to my noodle report Natwest have me at DM(4) for May, JD Williams has had me at DM(UC) since March and Very the following: Jan - DM(1) Feb - DM(1) Mar - AR(UC) Apr - AR(UC) May - AR(UC) With Very placing AR markers does that mean I'm unlikely to get a default anytime soon? JD Williams & Very are both being reported as up to date even though I am in arrears of £278 for Very and also JD Williams, though neither are adding interest, that is just Natwest. I have heard Very is terrible at defaulting and you have to either not pay or not clear arrears within 1 year. The whole point of a DMP is to get defaults and clear credit history in 6 years. Isn't AR worse than a default?
  3. I have two unpaid defaults from August 2012 and would like some clarity and advice about what to do. I know defaults drop off the credit file after 6 years but what actually happens to my file if the accounts remain unpaid? I know its not the same as being statue barred and i believe i have made a payment to both in the last 3 years or so One of the defaults i am not actively being chased for it and havent been for years The other one I am being chased for but the dca has agreed to give me 30 days to sort myself out (find emoloyment) and has froze the account during this time What I want to avoid is the situation of the defaults dropping off the file, but then they issue a CCJ. And what if I agreed to a payment plan which at the moment would take a very long time to pay off? Eventually the account(s) would be closed but wouldnt dissapear from my file until 6 years after the last payment i made? So is it either not do anything, let the defaults drop off and risk a CCJ? Or come to a payment plan and have it cause problems for another 7-8 years? (1-2 to pay them off, and 6 for it to go from my file?)
  4. Hey. Newbie here.. Okay, Sorry this might be a long one as I don't want to miss anything out! So over the 26 years ive been alive I have got myself in a pickle; default city to be honest, mostly low-level everything combined is under 8k. I have just got a lump sum of money to pay off my debts to help recover my credit score so I can one day buy a house. Now checking my credit score I started going through one by one going to pay them off, I got to Lloyds and they have sold my 3 debts to two companies ( 1 is Credit Security LTD and 2 is Robbins way ), I have had these loans outstanding for 3 years or so and they have never contacted me ( got 2 letters from credit security but nothing from robins way ) i only found this out ringing up Lloyds, the default shows up on my credit file from Lloyds and that's it. Do I contact these people or not? I can't remove the Default either way so what should I do? and if I don't do anything that can happen, the amounts of these are £1525. £870.00 & £1800. This is where my second question comes in, my old phone contracts ( yes I was stupid ) have been sold to Lowell, now I never ever saw them as a threatening as they would send letter after letter and that's it nothing came of it for a few years ( back from 2014 2016 2017), stupidly when I decided to set up a DMP a year ago it classed as I made contact with them ( so resets the 6 year time frame ), now they have now left 3 defaults on my credit file, why is it under THEIR name and not orange etc like the Lloyds? I paid them £50.00 today and going to call up to pay a payment plan, I do have enough money to pay them all off today but is it worth it or just paying per month and keep some money aside? (it's 2400 altogether), now reflecting back on that should I of paid them or just ignore them as it would have got written off? Why have THEY put the default on my account instead of the business itself and not the other company that's taken over my Lloyds account? Why is my Credit file showing nothing of these other debt companies, if it is not on your credit report does it really matter? Sorry, I'm a little bit of a newbie at this! I know when default goes on your credit file it stays there for 6 years and there is nothing I can do about that.. right?
  5. Hi, I know there are a fair few similar threads here about the same type of things but I wanted to put down my details here in case there is any guidance with my specific situation. I recently started looking into my credit report after being refused for a credit card. I generally don’t use credit products but was advised that I should as I’m looking to get a mortgage in the next 2 years. I found I have 4 defaults on there. 2 From Yorkshire Water. One from Lowell (relating to a BT account). One from Hutchinson 3G (Lowell). The 2 Yorkshire water default are being removed after conversations with them. These were at 2 addresses I was registered at living in but never actually did. (A bit complicated, I rented a room in a property but was living with my girlfriend at the time. Early relationship, needed back up) The Lowell default relating to BT is from one of these properties, but I put my name on the account so I accept this one. The Three one is where it gets a bit more complicated. My Mobile Phone contract is with Three and it has been for 7 years. I have never missed a payment or been late with payments. The problem with the default is that it’s showing separately and is registered at my parents address. I live there when I was younger but not for about 12 years. My father has the exact same name as me and lives at this address. I believe this default is related to him in some way but I have tried contacting Three and they can’t find any record of the default. On the credit report it looks to be linked with my DoB but once again, I have no idea why. It’s getting increasingly difficult getting any information out of Three in reference to this so I’m a little bit stuck. Any advice on what my next steps should be in terms of both of these outstanding Debts would be great.
  6. Hi, I'm new around here! Looking for some advice regarding a debt I have with Lowell. In 2013 I left a property I was renting, BT contacted me about a month before I left saying that the new tenants would like to take over the service and wanted to know if I was happy to do this. As I was moving to a shared house, I couldn't take the service with me and agreed. A few months later, I got a bill for £599 from BT for the rest of the service that I had cancelled early. After a few phone calls where they continued to ask me to pay the bill I sent them a letter stating the above information and that I didn't want to pay. After this, I didn't hear anything about it and presumed that they had wiped it. Then around a year ago, I started receiving letters from Lowell saying that they have taken over the debt from BT and need to collect. I ignored the letters for a few months, until they started putting defaults on my credit file. As soon as this started, I contacted them and set up a payment plan as I was unable to pay the full amount. I have been paying a nominal amount for the past 6 months but Lowell continue to put a default on my credit file. I called them to ask why, as I am making payments. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was something along the lines of because it is not an active debt like a credit card they are able to default me every month until the debt is paid in full. Are they allowed to do this? I'm only paying a small amount on the debt, it could take a long time to clear, meanwhile my credit rating is dropping all the time.
  7. Hi All... I hope you can help... I'll try to make this as short as possible. I was a victim of the financial crash.. the business I was in suffered massively and as a result, in 2010, my income reduced by almost 90%. I made arrangements with all my creditors when I could see this on the horizon (totalling around £100k) which have been in place ever since. The arrangements reflected my reduced earnings and most reduced to around 10% of the normal payment with the interest frozen. Most of my creditors subsequently registered defaults against me.. some quite soon after the start of the problems, some a few years later... which, now we are 8 years down the line, is great... a lot have dropped off my credit file and a few have only a short time to go until they do... BUT... i have 2 creditors, Nothern Rock (as was) and Nat west Bank, who refuse to register a default.. they just show late payments every month even though I am thousands in arrears and show as 6+ on my credit reports.. My question is, should they have registered defaults many years ago or can they effectively keep on punishing me, which will ultimately be, for the rest of my life, for an event out of my control? My business will never return to its former glory so I will never be in a position to clear these two debts in full. If I had declared myself bankrupt when the crap hit the fan, this would have been done and dusted many years ago and I would be pretty much back to normal but because I chose to do (what I thought) was the right thing and keep paying my creditors. Would the FOS agree that defaults should have been registered all those years ago or can nat west and Northern Rock keep causing me problems (and they are now becoming quite significant as I need to be credit checked for my work and for business accounts) Any help gratefully accepted Thanks H
  8. mch1991


    Can a creditor that's reported a default on CallCredit (but not Equifax or Experian) in 2013, suddenly start recording the default on Equifax at the start of 2017? Thanks.
  9. Hi Everyone, I’m new to the forum so apologies if this is in the wrong section. Long story short I managed to get myself 3 defaults with Lowell with credit accounts I had when I was younger. Default 1 - £129 Vodafone, Default date 01/11/2013 (hasn’t got a default satisfaction date even though its been paid) Default 2 - £360 Shop Direct, Default date 09/02/2016 Default 3 - £170 Orange, Default date 01/11/2014 I genuinely didn’t know I had an outstanding balance on Vodafone and Orange, I thought both contracts had been cancelled. seeing as I took out both of the contracts in 2011 I couldn’t remember and I took Lowells word for it. Stupidly without knowing about these forums, I got scared by the Lowell letters and paid the Vodafone & Orange bill in 1 payment and the shop direct in 4 payments, without trying to ask Lowell for proof of debt etc. I’m now 24 and have 3 defaults on my credit rating, my chance of getting a mortgage in the next 4/5 years is very slim/impossible! Has anyone got any advice to try and get the 3 defaults wiped off my account? Is it too late to ask them to prove the debt existed seeing as I’ve already paid them all off in full, I’ve also read about going down the sympathy route and asking them to take the defaults off. I know its unlikely that I can get these defaults taken off seeing as I’ve already paid them off but I’m desperate and nothing to lose. Thanks in advance!
  10. Dear all, I have found these forums an excellent resource and would like to thank all the contributors! I hope I am posting in the right subsection of the forum. I have posted back in Feb 2012 when Halifax registered defaults. I complained to the FOS. The outcome was an apology, £500 in compensation, about £250 in costs and about £2000 to accout for the additional cost a higher mortgage rate over 2 years. I as satisfied with this and moved on. However problems have continued but with other companies piggybacking on the link Halifax/NatWest created. Most I have dealt by writing strongly worded letters and forwarding previous correspondence/experience with the banks. However CapQuest and Arrow Global have been stubborn and I still have two defaults from CapQuest which do not belong to me. They have conceded that a mistake has been made but have failed to amend the records on one CRA. I again sought review from the FOS who advised them to amend the data and offer me £200 in compensation. They have still not amended the data. I spoke to a Solicitor who quoted £2500 just to start looking at the case and issuing the initial letters to the companies involved! I have now gone on to issue a Claim via MCOL. Please see attached document. I now feel I should have sought some help here before pressing the button and going ahead with this as I have just pain £980 in court fees, having no legal background. I think this was more out of frustration. I will try and update this as I go along. Thanks for all your help CapQuest for CAG.pdf
  11. Hi there I'm looking for some help and information. I got a copy of my credit file the other day after being refused a car loan. I was gobsmacked to see what had been going on. Firstly, Lowell appear to have bought a debt from Vodafone that doesn't in fact exist. I had a 12 month contract with Vodafone and when it finished I moved to another provider as I got a better deal. Vodafone tried to say that it was a 24 month agreement (which I know it wasn't as I wouldn't tie myself in for 2 years!) I asked them for a copy of the agreement along with a copy of the telephone call wherein the contract was agreed. They failed to respond...and failed to respond to a few follow up letters.... I thought that was the end of it. Clearly this has been sold to Lowell without a contract agreement and they have placed a default on my account without telling me. I have contacted the CRAs to advise and also Lowell to get them to produce a copy of the contract.. .explaining that it was a 12 month contract. What do I do when they can't provide a copy of it? They won't be able to provide it because it was a 12 month contract and I paid religiously throughout that agreement. Can I report this to the ICO as it has completely trashed my credit file? Any advice gratefully received....good or bad. The second thing is this. I became seriously ill in 2010 and it took some time for me to get some help with my mortgage and I incurred arrears. The mortgage company took me to court - does the calling up notice act as a default for the sake of dates? - and they were ordered to negotiate with me. No suspended possession order was placed on my account because the sheriff was really quite angry at the way I had been treated. Forward to 2017 and more than half those arrears are now paid off and religiously they have been getting the mortgage payment every month. On my credit file the mortgage company have noted that I am in default and am making late payments every single month. As I have no influence over when those payments are made and am considered to be a "protected person" under the The Equality Act 2010, shouldn't they have been sorting this out so that it shows a true reflection that the problems incurred 6 years ago and the mortgage has been getting paid every single month, with additional to pay off the arrears every month? Should they not also be showing that the arrears have been decreasing? They are basing the arrears on what I pay now for my mortgage and not what I paid when they were incurred. I was paying £700 a month in mortgage payments and now pay £250 with the latest rate increase. They are saying I am more than 6 months in arrears on the payment now when the actual arrears were incurred when my mortgage payment was much higher. Regarding the default. Should that also fall off after 6 years as it's still there as well as late payment markers. I think that the mortgage company should have changed the payment date as a reasonable adjustment so that my credit file reflected what was actually happening ie I was ill and incurred arrears now although I am still seriously ill my payments are made every month and I have paid off more than half the arrears. It looks like I am a really bad credit risk but it was a bad time in my life that I've now corrected. Surely this can't happen and it's not fair. I look forward to getting some advice on what to do about this. I have contacted all the CRAs but wondered if I should take it further. Also FOS has not recognised this lack of making reasonable adjustments for my situation as a protected person. Thanks a lot.
  12. Hi all, Bit of background ... I fell into a bit of money trouble back in 2011/12 and fell behind with a multitude of things, which manifested in 7 defaults being placed on my credit file (I know, right?). I'm glad to say that all is reformed, I'm in stable employment, my finances are doing great (aside from not being able to get reasonable credit, of course) and the defaults have started to drop off (3 down, 4 to go). Once I had gotten myself back into full time employment, I settled all of my debts outright. One in particular was a credit card with MBNA/Virgin. I settled this directly with them. On review of my credit file, I noticed that MBNA and PRA Group were reporting two entries for this same debt. I wrote to the CRAs and they removed the MBNA entry, leaving PRA, which is showing as settled. My question is, if I settled the debt with MBNA directly and they registered the default, do PRA still have the right to process my data and keep this default on my file? Surely if any default should have remained, it should be MBNA, since they are the only company I dealt with and the creditor with whom I settled the balance? Thanks for your help!
  13. Hi Everyone, thanks for reading. I have 2 defaults amounting to about £15k. I went through the entire process of seeing if they were enforceable and it seems they are. So i just moved on, this was about 2 years ago. I was just waiting until they drop off after 6 years. But i heard somewhere that these guys can come back after 5 years and start threatening you with court action. I couldn't care less, but i don't want the CCJ and going through another 6 years of rubbish credit. Has anyone had experience of this and am i better off giving them a tiny settlement and just being done with it? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Hey, I have two defaults that are registered under lowell however they are originally from Orange on my credit file and I am really not sure what they are about or any dates etc. Whats the best way of finding out what they are for, the date of the original default and any other information which might prove useful in my search to try and clean up the horror show that is my credit report ? Thanks Scott
  15. Hi guys, would appreciate your help on this. I currently have 25K of debt which is being administered with Payplan. I defaulted on all accounts in 2012 during a separation. Next year I should be receiving early inheritance to the value of 25/30K So I would love to clear all outstanding debts and be debt free. However I would like to apply for a mortgage with my new partner in a couple of years and understand that companies like Halifax look at your credit file in fine detail. A - Should I clear all debts at 100% of value before the 6 year default period ends (a couple are offering settlement options now) B - Wait until the 6 years are up? Then ask for settlement figures Full/Partial I don't want to partially settle if it reflects badly with high street lenders in the future.. I really appreciate your help! Thanks Roj.
  16. A mate has had a "Pre Legal Assessment " letter from lowlifes, I was told account was Cap One card opened around 2001 via post due to job loss nothing apart from token £1 paid from 2010, for a year or so until C1 stopped them from being able to make online payments, they then phoned them constantly asking for payments, given to Lowell in 2014 whereupon it appears they added their own default. I think the balance of around £3.6K is chock full of charges and late payment fees. Would SAR to Cap1 help establish original default date, and what are lowlifes chances on this one? Have told them to register with Clearscore and Noddle to check what else might be lurking in there.
  17. Hi All My defaults are dropping off my file . Can a second default be initiated against any of them , either by the original lendor or DCA new or old. ? Or is it one default term per debt ? Thanks Andy
  18. Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster (Cheesy phrase but meh) Bit of background: 6-7 years ago at the ripe age of 19 and 20, I fell into quite a bad gambling habit and like many around 2010, I got roped in a vicious PDL TRAP! I'm a big believer NOW that at that age, we should not be allowed the credit afforded to us. I knew nothing of the consequences at the time and it took a few years for me to realise how detrimental the effects of bad credit were. I borrowed from Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes, at astronomical rates of APR from all of the lightly regulated (at the time) pay day lenders - Wonga, Payday UK, wageday advance, lending stream, text loan, uncle buck etc etc. This obviously didn't end well and eventually the wolves where at the door! Also at this time and In my desperate situation (and on a teenagers wage), I was somehow allowed an overdraft with Halifax of over 2k + Natwest wanted me to open an account with them, and allowed an overdraft...to a 19 year old....of £4000!!! Obviously I don't blame anyone but myself for these issues and actions, but I do feel that the regulations weren't there to protect me from these spiralling issues. Now its 2017. My creditors are all paid off and satisfied. My defaults begin falling off at the end of January and my final one (CCJ) ends in November. The advice I'm looking for from the 'forum experts', so to speak is this: - Is it possible to discuss with ex creditors to have defaults removed a few months early? (There is some sketchy data on my credit report including missing markers all over the place etc and obviously back in 2010 there was less regulations and the affordability was pretty much none existent). -I have 1 default with 'Lending Stream' On my 'Noddle' and 'experian' report it states the default date as 'November 2012', yet...I took out a credit agreement with Lending Stream in 2010! And I'm aware they only have 6 months to add a default marker once the relationships as broken down so how on earth do I have a marker over 18 months later on a PDL? Surely this is arguable. - My CCJ is solid in place, aside from a court appearance and great argument I'm assuming this is unremovable until 6 years after initial application of the CCJ? I haven't sent off my satisfaction request letter yet though and need to soon, Do you guys think this will make much of an impact on my file? - My main question, When will I be able to start going to a broker to apply for a mortgage? When will my credit be 'A OK'? I have been accepted for 1 credit card over 8 months ago with vanquis to which I have stayed within the £150 limit and paid off in full each month but this doesn't seem to have affected my 'score'. And I have recently been accepted with Capital One for a £1000 credit card Which I intend to use at the same amount as the Vanquis card only I read somewhere "Credit accounts over £1000 show CR checkers that you're a lower risk". That's about it really. Thanks for reading and sorry for the wall of text. If anyone is having similar issues to the ones I have mentioned, feel free to message me. I've had some pretty nightmarish times over the past 6 years. Key advice: Don't bury your head if it gets really bad, it will genuinely only get so much worse. It just keeps adding up until you eventually speak to someone. Tell each creditor you're struggling, set up a plan. If it's gone to far, research free DMP companies, I paid £50 per month admin fee for mine for 6 years to which I now regret as all of my money wasn't going to creditors.
  19. Hi........ Just got few questions regarding 5 debts that I have been repaying under a self debt management... In all I have been spreading £200 per month across these five debts, all which the defaults are 6 years old in 28 days time.... After the 6 year dead line, I will be wanting to lower the repayments by at least half, giving the family more money in our pockets each month, what are the possible implications on lower the repayments after the 6 year defaults are removed. I have had NO problems with any of the companies I owe the money to over the last 6 years, and I have maintained the agreed amount for the full six years.... the money still owing will continue to be repaid each month, but at a lower rate, to which I am currently drafting the letters to sent to the five companies after the six years of default are up next month. What action if any can these companies under take in me lower the monthly payments. ? kind regards
  20. Hello all In a past life, I fell into the PayDay loan trap and when push came to shove couldn't afford to repay them. I was brave and went onto my credit report today and found that I have three PayDay loan related defaults, as follows: Motormile Finance Uk Limited £160 Account start date **/10/2010 Opening balance £ 205 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default **/12/2010 Default balance £ 205 Motormile Finance Uk Limited £ 545 Account start date **/10/2010 Opening balance £ 884 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default **/11/2010 Default balance £ 878 Instant Cash Loans T/A Payday Uk £ 361 Account start date **/10/2010 Opening balance £ 361 Regular payment £ £ 361 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default **/04/2011 Default balance £ 361 I notice the Motormile ones have drastically differing amounts - applied charges I assume? I'd very much like to get stuff back on track in respect of my credit rating, and would appreciate advice on the best way to sort it out with the creditors. Many thanks in advance Mr Fish
  21. Hi, I am in the process of trying to source a mortgage however the fact that I have historic defaults on my credit files from telecom companies is causing me problems. These are all with Lowell and range from 4 years to 5 years old. What's the best way of dealing with this to ultimately get the defaults removed off my credit file within the next 3 months due to wanting to take advantage of a "right to buy" offer we have. Obviously I am NOT saying that I don't want to pay these however if its best to go down the "final settlement" route as long as the default is removed etc than I am happy to look at that? Some of the defaults I genuinely don't have a clue what they are and would protest against them if time was not against me. any help would be gratefully received. Many Thanks Scott
  22. If you search about this online you'll find a lot of interesting things but nothing really that clarifies it 100%. Some people claim they have been successful getting prime credit cards etc with defaults over 3 years old while others say it's simply not true. I've read that "most lenders perform what is known as a 3yr search so if you're clean for the last 3yrs it will go unnoticed totally, if you had missed payments or something bad they would perform a full 6yr search and see it" The reason I am interested is because I have a default that will be 3 years old in a few weeks and am wondering whether I should wait for this before I apply for a student credit card? And if so will it be ok to apply the exact day the default is 3 years old or wait a further few days/weeks? Any advice would be appreciated
  23. Hi, I was hoping to find a little advice on what to do with my defaulted accounts. I have 4 defaulted accounts that were passed to debt collection agencies after I lost my job and buried my head in the sand. I have been paying a token amount to the agencies to stop the letter. The defaults are as follows: Bank Account: £1083 - Defaulted 21/06/2013 Bank Account: £1399 - Defaulted 27/06/2014 Phone Contract: £420 - Defaulted 05/03/2013 Student Credit Card: £415 - Defaulted 27/08/2013 Total Amount: £3316 Experian Credit score: 502 - Very poor Recently I have had some good fortune and I able to pay these debts in full but I am confused as to whether I should or not. The questions I have are: 1.Will paying the debt in full mean it changes the default date and pushes me back in terms of getting a clear credit rating? 2.If I pay the debts in full am I able to improve my credit score within the next 5-6 years ready for when the defaults drop off my account or is there nothing I can do until they do? 3.When is it likely I could be accepted for a mortgage and are there any steps I can take that will help? I'd appreciate any help you guys can throw at me.
  24. Hi all, Been reading the forums trying to figure out my best options, so many articles to read! I have been silly and got myself into debt I started with a CapitalOne - Luma Credit Card (£500 Limit - 2013) a couple of years ago to start building my credit, all was going well, got the letter " You're doing well, we are pleased to say we will be increasing your credit limit to £750" I didnt think much of it as I was generally just using now and then and paying in full each month. At the same time I also applied for an RBS Platinum card but was turned down. I then a week later got a letter to say my card is on its way with a £1200 limit. I was planning to get rid of the Luma because of the interest difference but didn't get around to it. Work went a little quiet and I pretty much lived off of the CC's. So I got a loan with my bank (Natwest) to pay them off and do some other stuff. That loan was all cleared in full before the actual end date. Then the same thing, I started living off of the cards again so they got to their limits fairly quickly with christmas and all that! I also got a Very account for my partner to use and pay me when she got paid. She always paid! Sometimes the money didn't come off of the bill though and then I started to buy a few bits. "Buy now pay later" sounded good at the time for a new hoover and tv. I then purchased some items from Premierman/Jacamo and they automatically gave me £300 credit, which I refused to use for a long time, but then it was just there one day Account now behind and at £592 with a lot being late fees and intersest- Limit was raised to £500 I think it was. Then came my biggest mistake, getting a 118 Money Loan for £1000 in 2014 at some silly rate I cant remeber now. It was supposed to be a short-term thing & paid off within a couple of months! Dispite all the debts, I was keeping up with all my payments most months paying double the minimum. Couple times was a week or 2 late but nothing too bad. I was very silly and I was pretty much living on the limit of my wages though. Where it all started going wrong... I was having really bad problems at work with my "Supervisor" and "Manager" which was also her Husband.. I was on a 0 Hr contract so to cut a long story (and a very stressfull time) short.. they wasn't playing fair with my wages because of the problems we had. Which obviously led to not being able to keep up with my payments, and then once I had missed a few I couldn't afford to catch up. I then spoke to my father who lent me the money to get back on track and then I missed some again with work and other problems cropping up. So since then I haven't really made any payments due to not being able to afford to catch up, and also sort of got into the "If I ignore it, it will go away" frame of mind where I was so low in myself and everything else going on in my life. I have now left the compay I worked for because the whole company is a joke to be honest and it feels so good not going there each day! But with that came even less money.. Its been a few months since leaving and I am now starting to feel a bit better myself and wanting to get myself back on track and sort my life out! Litte break down: Natwest Overdraft - £350 118 Money - £1000 Loan - Paid £675.55 - Current Balance £1239.09 - CCJ 09/07/2015 RBS Platinum Card - £1200 Limit - Current Balance £1534.65 - DEFAULTED CapitalOne Luma - £750 Limit - Current Balance £893.62 - DEFAULTED Very - £850 Limit - Current Balance £1027.18 - I beleive also DEFAULTED Premier Man - Limit £5/600 - Current Balance £591.24 - Agreed to £30 P/M Vodafone - £484 - Collection Agency - Fredrickson? - 27th Aug Deadline or they Terminate. Money Way - Remaining Balance - £38 -Upto Date £12 P/M since started. I checked my file with Noodle and I can only see one Default and all of them were apparently issued over a month ago. Not quite sure how that works. Vodafone is due to some how my data going over by £130! Myself and most of my family have been with vodafone for a very long time. I never missed payments and never gone over my actual monthly plan of £45. So I was quite shocked to recieve a bill for £180+ I spoke with them on many occasions saying how can I have used this, all my bills before and after that have never gone over. I told them I cant afford to pay it. They said they cant help in anyway. I have now been restricted since May and only realised recently I am still being charged for each month even though I am restricted. So now at £484. And if not paid by 27th of Aug then they will be terminating my contract so I will be looking around £700 plus charges. I havent used the cards or accounts for months, so all the over limit stuff is Interest pushing me over, then being charged for going over and then late payment fees.. I also know over the years I have paid ALOT of bank charges! Shall I look into claiming back? I am trying to sell my car at the moment, but I dont know what my best option is with paying stuff once I do. I have seen people mentioning Full & Finals with Default Removal, or agreeing to payment plan and CCJ being canceled. CCA? I was going to look at doing a DMP for the time being until finace situation changes. I am hoping to get my own company up and running soon and hopefully start building up some decent books and was hoping in a few years to look at buying a house, but this now looks like it wont happen? Again, appoligies for the long story, I wanted to make sure I included as much as I can. Lol. Thank you for reading, Regards, Mike.
  25. Not sure where to start with this one. After a period of terrible financial decisions (or more aptly completely ignoring financial issues) after the breakdown of my marriage, I am now trying to tackle my financial situation head on and trying to fix my credit record. I have 3 defaults showing on my account, all to Lowell Group. One is for a debt of £1900 for JD Williams catalogue in 2008. I opened and account and my ex-husband bought a ton of stuff on my account, and like many of his debts to me, didn’t pay it. I had contacted JD Williams back in 2008/9 to explain and try and arrange a repayment plan, however they were unhelpful and it was passed to various DCA’s who I have ignored for years (not wise I know) and it’s been sat with Lowell for some years. From time to time they send fishing letters to my current address in my previous name, telling me how understanding they are and asking me to pay a reduced rate. I have so far ignored these too. They recorded a default on my credit record in Jan 2012 (not sure why so long later). The other 2 are for a mobile phone with Orange, where I cancelled my contract but they disputed I was out of the repayment term and charged me a whacking great amount. I went back and forth for a while then gave up and avoided the DCA letters ever since (2009). The last was for a credit card with Capital One, which I defaulted on – all my own stupid fault. I know I can’t ignore them forever as I really want these defaults off my accounts and to be in a position to apply for a mortgage in 3/4 years. Please can you give me some advice on how best to approach Lowell. I’m aware I’ll have to pay the money back, but do you think there is a way to come to a settlement with them where they’d remove the defaults if I can arrange to pay? Or is there any way to question if the defaults have been added correctly? Thanks in advance!
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