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Found 5 results

  1. I am in a DMP and have been since the beginning of this year. Natwest loan £4889 Natwest OD £1249 JD Williams £1749 Very £771 I have been self running a DMP and paying each £1 for 4 months. I am upping my payments from July to: Natwest loan £57 Natwest OD £15.37 JD Williams £20.65 Very £1 According to my noodle report Natwest have me at DM(4) for May, JD Williams has had me at DM(UC) since March and Very the following: Jan - DM(1) Feb - DM(1) Mar - AR(UC) Apr - AR(UC) May - AR(UC) With Very placing AR markers does that mean I'm unlikely to get a default anytime soon? JD Williams & Very are both being reported as up to date even though I am in arrears of £278 for Very and also JD Williams, though neither are adding interest, that is just Natwest. I have heard Very is terrible at defaulting and you have to either not pay or not clear arrears within 1 year. The whole point of a DMP is to get defaults and clear credit history in 6 years. Isn't AR worse than a default?
  2. Hi there I'm looking for some help and information. I got a copy of my credit file the other day after being refused a car loan. I was gobsmacked to see what had been going on. Firstly, Lowell appear to have bought a debt from Vodafone that doesn't in fact exist. I had a 12 month contract with Vodafone and when it finished I moved to another provider as I got a better deal. Vodafone tried to say that it was a 24 month agreement (which I know it wasn't as I wouldn't tie myself in for 2 years!) I asked them for a copy of the agreement along with a copy of the telephone call wherein the contract was agreed. They failed to respond...and failed to respond to a few follow up letters.... I thought that was the end of it. Clearly this has been sold to Lowell without a contract agreement and they have placed a default on my account without telling me. I have contacted the CRAs to advise and also Lowell to get them to produce a copy of the contract.. .explaining that it was a 12 month contract. What do I do when they can't provide a copy of it? They won't be able to provide it because it was a 12 month contract and I paid religiously throughout that agreement. Can I report this to the ICO as it has completely trashed my credit file? Any advice gratefully received....good or bad. The second thing is this. I became seriously ill in 2010 and it took some time for me to get some help with my mortgage and I incurred arrears. The mortgage company took me to court - does the calling up notice act as a default for the sake of dates? - and they were ordered to negotiate with me. No suspended possession order was placed on my account because the sheriff was really quite angry at the way I had been treated. Forward to 2017 and more than half those arrears are now paid off and religiously they have been getting the mortgage payment every month. On my credit file the mortgage company have noted that I am in default and am making late payments every single month. As I have no influence over when those payments are made and am considered to be a "protected person" under the The Equality Act 2010, shouldn't they have been sorting this out so that it shows a true reflection that the problems incurred 6 years ago and the mortgage has been getting paid every single month, with additional to pay off the arrears every month? Should they not also be showing that the arrears have been decreasing? They are basing the arrears on what I pay now for my mortgage and not what I paid when they were incurred. I was paying £700 a month in mortgage payments and now pay £250 with the latest rate increase. They are saying I am more than 6 months in arrears on the payment now when the actual arrears were incurred when my mortgage payment was much higher. Regarding the default. Should that also fall off after 6 years as it's still there as well as late payment markers. I think that the mortgage company should have changed the payment date as a reasonable adjustment so that my credit file reflected what was actually happening ie I was ill and incurred arrears now although I am still seriously ill my payments are made every month and I have paid off more than half the arrears. It looks like I am a really bad credit risk but it was a bad time in my life that I've now corrected. Surely this can't happen and it's not fair. I look forward to getting some advice on what to do about this. I have contacted all the CRAs but wondered if I should take it further. Also FOS has not recognised this lack of making reasonable adjustments for my situation as a protected person. Thanks a lot.
  3. Hi - I hope I have put this in the correct forum? Could someone please advise myself and my partner regarding the martial home following my his divorce over 10 years ago? He was awarded a share of the martial home in the initial order when, either she remarries, cohabits or sells the house. It did state that she could stay in the house as long as she wanted. As the children are now grown up and she has moved out of the properly over a year ago (she now rents it to their adult son and his partner) my partner has decided to pursue the matter to get the house sold so we can all move on. She apparently is renting a flat because she cannot afford the mortgage now that my partner no longer has to pay child maintenance. She did however cohabit with a partner 5 years ago but told him my partner if he pursued the matter she would deny he was living there and she would 'kick him out'! At the time my partner was not in a good financial position to pay for legal action and also two of the children were still at school so he did not pursue it. He is still not in a good financial position as he is self-employed and only has enough income to cover the monthly bills as it is. Therefore my question is, as he cannot prove she did cohabit (her solicitor has said he has to prove it), can he argue that she does not even live in the property anymore? The stress of the situation is making him ill and he can't afford the financial battle. He has been more than generous at the time of the divorce and only settled on 12.5% share of the house but she seems determined to fight him all the way. One other thing, my partner suspects she has topped up the mortgage, will this affect his share? Thank you in advance.
  4. I received a letter from Civil Enforcemtn Ltd of Liverpool about a long forgotten demand for money from them. They claim to be assigning the debt to a company that has only existed for 2 days at a maildrop address so I had a look at the finances of CEL and other parking companies associated with its sole named director. CEL owes close to a quarter of a million quid and all of the other parking companies and their parent company are also in serious financail do-do. Willem de Beer is the only individually named director of Versatile Parking Ltd, Creative Car Park ltd, Creative Parking Solutions, Park Solve, Star park management (and others) and Creative Technologies and Systems Ltd, the parent of some of these. What they all have in common is a drop in income at oct 2012 of more than 90% and most have current liabilities running into the millions, sometimes on a current turnover of a few hundred quid. their supposed assets are the claimed monies due from the poor sods who fall foul of their self proclaimed rules and consequently several of these companies are now getting adverse credit reports. So, it seems as though there may be a big shake up of the players in the private parking game with a number likely to disappear soon. What gets me is why their banks thought their business model remained sound once clamping and towing were outlawed. They should have seen the signs within a month and pulled the plug then. Ah well, most of these chancers have other companies to keep them busy when these ones give up the ghost. Others have sold on their business interests, I wonder why that was?
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