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ericsbrother last won the day on June 8 2020

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  1. they lost the case a while back but demanded a rematch despite the original judge telling them they had got the protocols all wrong so were doomed to fail. They then failed to turn up and had the temerity to whinge afterwards and insist they are still owed money cos they dont like the order.
  2. so parking covered but the only penalty is possible removal No mention of a group of bandits claiming hundreds of quid from you
  3. come on, you have been told to do a bit of background reading and you clearly havent. The only way these bandits get to buy a sandwich each day is because of people's ignorance. My pet hate is people paying up and then moaning about it afterwards, commonly the more elderly do this end there are neurological reasons for this so if the parking co's were bright enough they would change tack on who they ticket and make more money for less effort, just liek the Canadian lottery scammers
  4. Report them to the ICO and also send a complaint to the DVLA about this. copy DVLA complaint to your MP as the Swansea layabouts like to pretend they do everythng properly and no-one has ever complained about this before and that is the lie they peddle to parliament on the frequesnt occasiosn they are pulled up on the same thing I wouldpersonally risk staying quiet and letting them take me to court just so I could bury them in the hole they have just dug for themselves but you might want a quieter life so a short letter saying that isnt my vehicle you muppets buy some new glasses or the sentimetn expressed in posts above
  5. note the last bit "we will recommend" Well I recommend Sudso laundry because they take you to the cleaners but I cant sue you if you dont use them
  6. you can ask the court for your costs under the unreasonable behaviour protocol. A simple letter to the court asking for 5 hours of litigant in person research costs @£19.50 per hour ad whatever it cost you to copy paperwork etc. Ask for this under CPR 27.14.2(g) The worst that can happen is that your request is ignored so worth the price of a stamp. You also have a case for suing CEL for breach of the GDPR ( several things they got wrong). Write to tham and and ask for £500 damages under Vihal Hall v Google and VCS v Phillip and then you have another 6 years to think about whether to sue them or not. again, just the price of a stamp and you don't have to carry on if you dont want to but parking co's have been known to pay out to avoid court again and a proper costs order inc damages. A solicitor sued and got £1500
  7. In short the NTK is not POFA compliant for more than 1 reason. No-one owes them any money, let alone the keeper. Read the POFA and you will hopefully work out why I note that the blurb at the botton about Beavis is not what the judges decided but a cobbled togetherversion to scare you into believeing that this piece of bog paper is somehow legit. Signage fails to create a contract unless payment machine has the same blurb and you agreed to be bound by feeding the machine. No signs at entrance you see.
  8. dont bother with the SRA yet, that should be after the case is either dropped or you have won. Your contact OPS directly, they pay the solicitors to do what they want so will be told what to do. if they do try to lodge a claim via your old addy it will be OPS that are in trouble unless they can prove they told DCB legal to only write to new addy. Lawyers are like taxi drivers, they go where their clients want them to go except when it is illegal to do so and the they are liable for their own mistakes we would like to see the piccies of the car park. It doesn't matter you car isn't in the pictures when you are arguing about whether an offer of a contractual consideration was clear enough. If i ran a car park in Brighton and had a term that says no parking on the moon and ticketed you claiming you were there would a court expect you to produce a picture of your car on the moon to prove it wasn't there? better to show the impossibility of the offer than trying to jump through their hoops
  9. to add my view, you get everything you can together now because if their case is seriously flawed the judge may well use their powers to settle the matter there and then. Now OPS might squeal at this and there will have to be another hearing so if they or their solicitors contact you to agree what evidence should be put forward as a single bundle DO NOT AGREE TO IT unless it contains everything you want to raise at any point ( they wont want to include much as that will show the truth) Yes, do make the point about the abuse of process regarding the demand you pay £90 to some other bandit that has nowt to do with the claim as well but make sure that you have pointed out the part of the POFA that entitles them to only claim what you were invoiced as the keeper rather than the added made up amounts for their extra time etc. With regards to getting your fee back- not automatic at this stage but will depend on judges attitude to their behaviour after they started legal action so their LBA will be important in this respect. You need to find any faults therein and raise them to show failure to follow protocols and unreasonable conduct ( along with the already mentioned fake fees and demand for £400 for set aside agreement) and you will be home and dry. Once they are £150 out of pocket they wont want to lose another costs order, so if they have tried hiding evidence from the judge by not submitting the full paperwork they may well skulk off rather than admit they are nothing more than liars and thieves. So to recap, send your own paperwork to them and judge and dont agree to share a bundle unless you get to send it
  10. their computer thinks it is money laundering. i hve the same problem with one of my accounts becasue someone erroneously paid me over £1000 and I immediately refunded it. What you are supposed to do I dont know, wait until the bank decides to unilaterally take action some weeks down the line? The bad news is that thye cnat tell you what is going on and even when you are cleared of being up to no good you cant get compensation or an apology because it is govt rules
  11. Make sure you write to OPS and inform them of your new address and let them know that you look forward to them continuing their pointless actions at your local county Court, which just happens to be Lewes (even if it isnt) You can tell them that they know how to get there by now. No need to be polite, they have been called out as crooks by a judge so it is OK for you to remind them of this
  12. how long have you worked for the company? if the niotice period isnt in your contract them it is usually determined by a standard method
  13. yes, you will need to know when the holiday year starts and ends, some ar jaqn to dec, others april to march and so on. Many schools and colleges use sept to aug
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