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  1. I've been asked by a neighbour to see if I can find any contact details for a mortgate broker called Key Consultants, who I'm told provided advice and / or an intruduction prior to her obtaining a secured loan and PPI from a company called National Home Loans. She's been advised she may be able to claim PPI compensation, however the mortgage company has rejected her initial approach and stated that a 3rd party provided advice upon which her application was based. I've serched for 'Key Consultants' online and on the companies house website, and come up with a large number of possibles, but nothing conclusive. Can anyone point me in the right direction ? Many thanks in advance.
  2. Hello all, I have had a long running issue with BT I have my broadband no problem paid by direct debit and with no issues, however when I renewed, because I was on a business line I asked to be changed to a standard domestic line long story short I was persuaded to keep the Business line with promises of any faults being pushed up the queue as businesses take priority and there was a free Samsung Tab E when renewing the contract so I said yes and away we go. So the twist is when I was renewing the contract they had my business listed completely wrong and for a completely different industry, I informed them of the error, and requested they change me details but they haven't, and then they started sending a separate bill for the tablet, I have rung them several times telling them the tablet was supposed to be a free gift, which they say it is but I have to pay for the sim card which is £8 per month, I complained again then relented and told them if I was going to keep the sim card which is not being used and has accrued no data usage as it is only used in the house by wife through the wi-fi, I wanted the correct business name applied so I could set up a direct debit through my business account, they did nothing except keep issuing the bills which I ignored assuming they had been told enough. now today I receive a letter from Moorcroft under the wrong company name demanding £365 for an £8 a month contract which lasts 2 years where do they get their figures from. So to the point what do I do to get rid of these idiots. And sorry for the long post Sorry just to clarify I still have the broadband with no arrears and no issues its only the separate tablet account that is an issue.
  3. Earlier today I was trying on clothes in Primark when for some reason I decided I would try and steal one of the six items I was going to buy . I was wearing Primark trousers anyway, I thought I could get away with just swapping my old Primark trousers with a new pair I wanted while in the changing rooms. The trousers I wanted only cost 5 pounds, and I am not skint, so I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea. as I was leaving the changing rooms and they came to check the number of clothes on hangers was the same number I came in with, they somehow realised that the trousers were my old pair. They brought me into a room at the side and went through everything else, and before they could say anything else I pretended to be shocked and say I must have forgot to change into my old trousers. They brought me to the changing rooms and told me to change back into the old trousers and give them the ones I had on. I stupidly took the labels off of them, so this must have verified I was trying to steal them rather than it being an honest mistake. I had never done this in my life, and didn't enter the changing rooms with this in mind- so I must have done a bad job at it. EDIT: I am 19 years old I admitted to trying to steal them instantly since in the past I've always been told that honesty is the best policy when it comes to getting into trouble. I also apologised and said that it was very stupid of me, and I will never do it again. The staff were having none of it, and ignored my pleas for remorse (rightly so). Then the lady told me to follow her as she brought everything I took into the changing room to the cashier so I could pay for it all. I wasn't even wanting to buy it all but out of embarrassment I bought it all, despite the fact half of it was in the wrong size or duplicates of each other in different sizes. I paid for it on my debit card, said sorry again and left. They also said I was banned from going into their changing rooms again. I am asking is whether they can track me down based on the fact I paid for the items on my card. Other than that they did not take my name, age, DOB, ID, photo etc (to my knowledge/ maybe they can see me coming out the changing rooms on security?). Furthermore, how long will this ban last? If they can not identify me how can they implement the restriction? or was this just to scare me? Obviously I made a bad decision which I have since learnt from. Shoplifting is embarrassing in itself when you can afford what you are trying to steal, but the fact that it was in Primark of all places is even more pathetic of me. So, what do you think? Thanks for any input or comments, I have not seen a thread like this yet.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm currently a single mum of 2 and claim working tax credit and child tax credit. My boyfriend and I are thinking of moving in together (him moving into my home). I said I will inform Tax Credits accordingly and make a joint claim once he moves in. The problem is, he has made it very clear that he will not provide proof of his wages etc (it's his privacy). He said that he wants to provide and we won't be eligible for anything so I should just call them and close my claim. My question is: Can I just call to say I wish to end my tax credit claim as my boyfriend will be living with me?. Will they not ask for his employer, salary details etc? I don't want to end up with an overpayment. Also, is there a best time to close tax credit claims because my friend said that I should wait till end of tax year April or July? Really confused so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hi, Is there a law where companies have to give you the option of storing credit/debit/bank account details on their systems? Some companies think if you buy from them once and create an account they want to store your details for use next time, however some companies give you an option like Tesco, Asda I usually decline, however I have a dispute with a company and they took the money without the dispute being resolved. I did not consent to them taking money. Thanks.
  6. Employers need to provide details for all Benefits in Kind READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/employers-need-to-provide-details-for-all-benefits-in-kind
  7. Feeling like I could do with some advice please. I have had 2 PPI's that HSBC have agreed to pay out on. I sent all the forms back on 16th Feb and was told that the offers were sent out to me that week. Nearly 7 weeks on and I have still had nothing in the post. I have been chasing weekly and have been promised calls back on 8 occasions. Can someone give me a direct email address of the head of complaints who deal with PPI at HSBC? With a husband who has been out of work for 8 months, this PPI payouts really will ease things for us and was hoping that they would have been in out account by the end of March. Any advice I'd be so very grateful for. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi I recently checked my credit file with Experian as I was thinking of going for a mortgage. I have discovered that there are several accounts that are my father's on my credit file despite the fact that we are not financially linked. Having spent 25 minutes with Natwest who were absolutely useless at first, someone has sent me a link for a complaint form. I was unsure whether I can claim anything for breach of Data Protection Act as I can see all my father's financial information. There are several other accounts as well which are being disputed through Experian.
  9. I wrote to Amex asking them to review my account for PPI on Amex blue card. I do not have any information or account details. Amex wrote back and said they cannot find any details, and unless I can confirm the card number, they will not review this further. The card was held in around 1997-99 I think. Is there anything I can do?
  10. My son bought a vehicle approx 6 months ago. After 1 week the vehicle broke down and it was returned to the dealer for repair under the warranty. They had the vehicle over one month and then it was returned. The same problem has occurred. The warranty has now expired but the fault on the car was quite a major one and I believe the work should have had some form of guarantee but the dealer is refusing to provide information on the work carried out and where the repair was completed staying that due to data protection they can not provide this and that they do not keep records. This all sounds dodgy and I would appreciate some advice on where to go next . Many thanks
  11. Can someone please help me. I did have a Barclaycard which was paid off. recently checked my CR file and note that they have put a marker on the file for Barclaycard with an outstanding balance. called them today and they could not find my old card details. said to them that I am in possession of the card and was reading out the card number and they told me that it does not exist, gave me another card no which they claim that belong to me. only had one Barclaycard. told him why do I need two Barclaycards and that does not belong to me. am going to send them a CCA letter. Does anyone has a contact name or address to whom I can send a letter to please? Many thanks
  12. Long story slightly shorter. We had a other party fault accident last year, which is been sort of resolved, although I do have a complaint in with the Legal Ombudsman regarding this. However for the past 3 weeks I am constantly being bombarded by calls from supposedly different companies all with a Manchester selection of phone numbers, all want to talk to me about last years accident. Today I had enough so I questioned the company of the day, as with the others I give no information out and I confirm or deny nothing BUT this guy knows whre the accident happened, who was involved, the street, the other party's name and everything. He said my insurance company can legally sell on my details on this accident for TWO years. He also said we are due a payment between £2500-3000, I assume that's a pile of poo, although I'd love for one of you to confirm otherwise! So to confirm my question - is the true, that they are selling my details on and is there anyway of stopping them?
  13. Good evening one and all. I have, over the past several weeks received several emails from these companies chasing a debt. As I have never heard of these companies, nor received any letters, etc. from the original creditor I have told them that I will not deal with them as I have never signed anything with them, no contract, nothing, indeed until the emails started arriving I had never even heard of them. The Zinc Group emails are pretty straight forward, however the CRS ones come with an envelope in the email to click, like opening an attachment. I do not open attachments from anyone I do not know. Can any of you give me chapter and verse on where I stand with these companies legally as I will not provide personal details to anyone I do not know. I appreciate that these two companies have been mentioned in the Health and Fitness forum but that doesn't really cover my issue. On another note, when a company rings me up and asks me to confirm details I tell them to tell me what they have, and if correct I will confirm. This usually results in "data protection" getting mentioned by the call centre operative, and an ending of the call. Where do I, indeed any of us, stand in such a situation? Do we have to provide details and what can happen if we refuse? Again chapter and verse if you have it please. Apologies for the long post. Best regards The Teacher.
  14. I have a problem. I gave the wrong bank details to a company to pay me for work and they have paid the wrong account. There was a single typo in the details with the account number. I realised the mistake almost immediately and contacted the company but they had already paid into the wrong account by faster payment. How do I get my money?
  15. Blemain changed its name about a year ago its now called Together Finance the address is Lake View, Lakeside, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3GW.
  16. The following regulation has been discussed for many months, and was finally laid before Parliament a few days ago (11th April). It comes into effect on 6th May 2017. The Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/554/made
  17. An investigation was underway on Friday night after the personal data of up to 44 million British consumers was feared stolen by hackers in a massive cyber attack. The information commissioner said it was investigating how the hack on Equifax, a US credit rating firm, affected UK customers, many of whom will be unaware their data is held by the company. Equifax and its UK subsidiary companies state on their websites that they represent British clients including BT, Capital One and British Gas. There are fears that customers of these companies could now be affected. BT said that "many companies in the UK" used Equifax services and said that it was "monitoring the situation closely". The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has urged Equifax to alert affected UK customers as soon as possible, and said it will work with the relevant overseas authorities on behalf of British citizens. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/09/08/equifax-hack-britons-data-watchdog-investigates-ukimpact-major/
  18. Hey, I have two defaults that are registered under lowell however they are originally from Orange on my credit file and I am really not sure what they are about or any dates etc. Whats the best way of finding out what they are for, the date of the original default and any other information which might prove useful in my search to try and clean up the horror show that is my credit report ? Thanks Scott
  19. Hi, On 27/4/18 I was stopped by a Police traffic car as the car I had just bought and was driving was untaxed. I had no idea the rules had changed, it was insured in my name and the police officer let me continue on the basis that I taxed the car imeadiately, which I did. I've received a letter dated 19/9/16 from DVLA saying that I was stopped in an untaxed car and have to pay an out of court settlement of £376 by 6/10/16. The letter has the wrong registration number (similar, but wrong) and an incorrect spelling of my surname. Do any of these details mean could avoid paying/stop the offence/payment? It seems a long time from the offence to the commencement of their action. Also feels harsh that the police officer said just to get it taxed. Thanks for any help locostmike
  20. Hi Does anyone know the bank details for the yorkshire bank collections centre. I have a closed account I need to pay off and when I use the original bank details it bounces back. Thanks
  21. Hi all, I went to re-tax car after 12 months tax was due to expire, only to be told that although tax had been purchased on 25th October 2015, that they had back-dated this to the beginning of October. Not very pleased about this since I have effectively lost almost a month of tax! However DVLA clearly don't care, and I imagine they make a lot of money off this discrepancy when a car changes hands. luckily we had not been stopped during those 24 days that I thought we were covered. When I rang the DVLA though, it turns out that the reason they had not sent any reminders at the right time, and that I had been left to remember the date myself, was that they had not received the new keeper supplement from us via the post, and therefore did not have our details as the new keepers. They had apparently been informed that the car had been sold by the previous owner at the time. We had given the old owner our details of course, but this information at least is not on DVLA database relating to our car. I was wondering though since we did send it a while back, are there any penalties for this should we get stopped by the police in the meantime? I did at some point phone the DVLA about the new log book, but back then they said that sometimes it takes a while to process, so ultimately I let it be and did not chase it again. I am really not happy that the DVLA have washed their hands of the matter and simply say that we will need to get another form and pay an extra £25 since they or Royal Snail have lost the original form. Is there any comeback on this, or would I need to have proof of posting or 'signed for' proof to qualify for any redress? Also out of interest since it didn't happen to us, if we had been stopped during those 24 days of backdating, would there have been any way to avoid a fine/car getting impounded etc? I have looked carefully at all the email and online notices of vehicle tax/proof of payment that I made copies of at the time , and it at no point says that it was only taxed from the beginning of the month! It clearly says 12 months tax from 25/10/15. Thanks
  22. Hey everyone, not sure if this is the correct place to post but will give it a try. My Mum and Dad run a family business that I also work at, in September we were working in Blackpool for a couple of days. A few weeks later we received a speeding fine through the post from Cardiff central ticket office. No photo was attached just the notice form. My Mum replied saying yes that was our van reg ect but we wanted to see the photo just to make sure it was us and to identify who as driving at the time (me or my farther) We received a reply saying we must provide details of the two possible drivers but still no photo. My Mum replied with the details of the drivers but stated again without a photo we could not confirm who was driving. Then we received a letter saying we had failed to provide details of the driver and the matter may go to court. My Mum sent a message again saying who the two possible drivers were and to send the photo and we can easily confirm the driver. We heard nothing more until a court notice come through in December with the photo attached. Rang the central ticket office tried to explain what had gone on , but said we should just fill out the court form the court has to deal with it. She said just to put what has happened on the sheet and they will see its a mistake and will return to the ticket office. Now my Mum hasn't kept any of the correspondence with the ticket office as she didn't believe she has done anything wrong, we received a letter from the courts at Cardiff saying we must attend a hearing there on February. Now my questions are Do we have to travel to Cardiff just for the hearing or can we have it changed to our local court. Any one got any ideas how we can defend this as they genuinely didn't send a photo until we received the court papers I sent a sar from the library to the central ticket office to just get the info they hold on my Dad hoping for copies of the letters my Mum sent, they have refused saying we need to prove identification but my dad did sign the form Thanks in advance for any help Jay
  23. Hi all, I've looked through and tried to find a similar case, and was wondering if someone could help shed some light on the issue I detail below: 1 - my wife received a letter stating a £65 private parking charge from NGP (New Generation Parking) for supposedly parking in an unauthorised area of Capital Retail Park (Cardiff) in October/November 2012.......subsequently ignored the letter as per instructions elsewhere on the web. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 2 - received a letter from DCBL saying they had been instructed to claim the 'debt' by NGP, and had added charges so the new sum 'owed' was £180. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 3 - as my wife had not received the letter in point 2, we were not aware of the charges/actions, and have recently been sent another letter stating (something along the lines of) ''as all attempts of contact have been ignored, more charges, now totalling £340 are payable immediately to DCBL, or they shall instruct their client to file for a CCJ. If possible, could someone please advise on the following points? 1 - What right do NGP have to chase the debt and what proof do they need to provide? 2 - My wife's name is spelt incorrectly (2 letters different) on all correspondence, is this a 'strike out' and therefore unenforceable? 3 - My wife has changed her name, as we got married in the 2 years during the time where there was no contact from NGP/DCBL. Should either/both parties have conducted any relevant identity/address checks? Again, can this be struck out and therefore unenforceable? 4 - My wife sold the car around 18 months ago, therefore she is no longer the registered keeper, is the 'debt' therefore enforceable? 5 - Are DCBL legally allowed to add on £275 in charges if they are now returning to NGP and advising them to try and obtain a CCJ? 6 - Would NGP/DCBL be successful in obtaining a CCJ if (as per above) my wife has changed name, address and sold the vehicle? Sorry for all the questions, am hoping that I've covered all the points and some of you experienced people will be able to help! Thanks
  24. To quickly outline my problem; I gave Vodafone 30 days notice to end my contract with them on 1st June 2015 (been with them for donkeys years (bills always paid,never missed one!) .Felt like a change so EE looked like a better bet for mobile internet .A week or so later Vodafone offered me an S6 phone at a very good rate to keep me so I took it ,the customer (dis)services operative arranged the phone delivery for the following Saturday morning,great!. Saturday morning came and went-no phone. Called VF (Vodafone) to query why my new shiny phone hadn't arrived and was told "Oh sorry,it hasn't actually been ordered", I straight away cancelled the order on the phone with this person (as I was entitled to with the 14 days cancellation agreement) and also informed them that I wished my contract to be cancelled as per the 30 days notice I had previously given,this was agreed and that was that. THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!. After the 30 days notice was up,happy with my new EE phone, i noticed my old VF sim card was still working ,phone VF customer (dis)services and "Sorry sir,i'll sort that out straight away for you") .And so started 3 months of chasing Vodafone to actually cut off my phone and end my contract. In that time I must have phoned them 20 times ,spoke to Egypt ,India, South Africa, Scotland, England etc, every call taking a minimum of 30 minutes or so whilst I had to explain myself. I've spoken to just about every department they have, heard the promises of "I'll make sure this gets done for you" EVERY and I mean every time.... .and of course nothing ever happens, AND they just don't bother to get back to you. I received a letter from them about a week ago saying my phone services had been suspended???? REALLY!! and I should pay for the 2 months outstanding (the 2 months AFTER I ended the contract). I again contacted them, and the really pathetic thing is, when I now phone them, I ask the person I'm speaking to, to look at the notes on my account BEFORE we speak. They all, without fail, come back after looking and can immediately see that its Vodafones mistake that the account is still showing as active with payments outstanding. I always then get the apology and the "I'll make sure this get sorted sir". I fired off an email to the Chief Executive last Friday, i got a reply, obviously from an admin person, asking for my details the next day, sent them and waited with baited breath... ....still waiting!. Phoned again today, got passed to 3 people, the final of which told me "I'll go and get the account sorted and make sure customer (dis)services put a zero balance on your account a nd I will get back to you within the next hour or so"..... .obviously I didn't get a call back, didn't really expect one really and am exasperated with their disgusting treatment of loyal customers by their poorly trained staff. Final straw this evening is an email from Ardent credit services saying I need to contact them urgently ref my outstanding bill with Vodafone. I have and always have had a good credit history, no CCJ'S etc etc and this is precisely the thing which may ruin that through no fault of my own. VODAFONE - YOU SHOULD HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!!!!!
  25. Thanks in advance for any expert help. I received a letter from a company called IRCAS apparently acting on behalf of London Overground demanding £105 penalty fare that I don't have any clue about. I have contacted them and emailed to IRCAS (Independent Transport Associations Company) as advised by one of the staffs when I rang them. I told them that this must be an act of fraud and informed that I have reported this to action fraud. Then I had a follow-up email from them asking confirmation of my DOB, proof of my signature with copy of my driving license or passport or debit card's reverse side and a brief description of myself about HOW DO I LOOK LIKE! I was going to send a harsh response as I am very angry but thought to get some expert help first on how to deal with this ******? any help/advice is much appreciated. I have copied the response from them: "Thank you for your advice concerning the above referenced Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice and your kind notification of the use of 'false' details in this instance. This office acts in an administrative capacity for various rail and Transport for London services, and as such, we will produce reminder letters on their behalf where a Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice balance remains outstanding. Having failed to produce on demand a valid ticket, a notice was issued to a passenger by an Authorised Collector on the date concerned. Unfortunately, it is not law in this country to carry identification. Therefore, Authorised Collectors issuing notices often check an electoral roll system to help establish that correct address details are being collected. However, without identification it is impossible for them to be completely satisfied that the correct name is being taken or indeed, that the person is who they actually claim to be. Therefore, we try to capture as much accurate information about an individual as we can. This enables us to compare it against the information taken at the time of issue but also, importantly, it means that we can help Authorised Collectors to ask the right questions and get the correct information should they stop someone again in the future who gives details that have previously been proven to be false. In order to assist with this please provide the following information: 1. Confirmation of your date of birth. 2. Please provide a copy of a document with your signature on, such as a driving licence, passport or a copy of the reverse of a debit/credit card. 3. Please provide a brief description of yourself, including height, build, hair colour and length, complexion, eye colour, right or left handed and any distinguishing features such as tattoos or piercings. Upon receipt of this information we can update our database accordingly. We thank you in anticipation for providing this information, and therefore, helping us to provide accurate information to the transport providers which, in turn, may help prevent further misuse of personal details. We will hold the above mentioned Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice for 7 days from the date of this correspondence to await your response."
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