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  1. Long story slightly shorter. We had a other party fault accident last year, which is been sort of resolved, although I do have a complaint in with the Legal Ombudsman regarding this. However for the past 3 weeks I am constantly being bombarded by calls from supposedly different companies all with a Manchester selection of phone numbers, all want to talk to me about last years accident. Today I had enough so I questioned the company of the day, as with the others I give no information out and I confirm or deny nothing BUT this guy knows whre the accident happened, who was involved, the street, the other party's name and everything. He said my insurance company can legally sell on my details on this accident for TWO years. He also said we are due a payment between £2500-3000, I assume that's a pile of poo, although I'd love for one of you to confirm otherwise! So to confirm my question - is the true, that they are selling my details on and is there anyway of stopping them?
  2. not been around for a while. how is everyone? Hi to the mod team.
  3. I'm a newbie so going to take a look around
  4. I have been lurking and reading the forums for sometime , I thought it was finally time to sign up and say Hi ! and thank you !!!
  5. hi first I am sorry aboute my badly English. I just want to help me . if somebody here receive soon a envelope from this RLP. I want to know if have some stamp on the envelope and other people can understand want is this letter. because I don't want my housemate know aboute this. I am so shame. I cant sleep cant eat I am not going to work just stay and wait for a postman.
  6. Hello to one and all. I'm new to the CAG and just wanted to introduce myself and promise not to be a nuisance poster! Thank you all in advance. Here's to a happy relationship!
  7. Hi Guys New to this but I think its time I need help. im in debt well I have debts which I acquired when I was younger. the main debt was a loan secured on my home which there was loads of late payments, cleared the debt and late payments. but then had to pay over another £2000 in late payment charges plus intrest which I have now paid off. the company I had the loan with was GE money home lending. ive been told that the late payment charges of £40 are unlawful and I can Claim these back. if so How and please help with leter templates. 2nd main debt I have was with Welcome Car Finance got a car off them back in 2008 lost my job and missed a couple of payments rang the office and agreed to pay extra to clear my late payments. then 2 months after that they sent 2 baliffs round and reposed my car, first off never received court summons or anything in writing and never received default notice on credit file. out of protest I have never made any payment or spoke to the since, ( now I have read up that they like to do things unlawfully and that I could possibly get this debt written off. please help with advice and letter templates. my only worry is that they have sold the debt to a company called MKDP and are now looking to proceed to make a claim for CCJ I owe £5265.72p Checked my credit file today and there are still not defaults from welcome or MKDP need help with letter templates. is there anything I can do as I cant afford to have a CCJ that big cant Afford to pay them as only on min wage. Help me please
  8. Hi, I joined a couple of days ago and didn't introduce myself so I'm putting that right. I can not tell you how relieved I feel to have found CAG, I suddenly feel I'm not on my own anymore. I have been trying to reclaim bank fees and charges from Lloyds bank, I have read through some of the existing threads on here and they are very helpful...like I said, suddenly I don't feel so helpless. Thank you
  9. Hi, I stumbled across this forum when I was looking for help following receipt of an N1 form I received from the court following a dispute with a contractor. I'm just going take some time to look around and get myself orientated. It looks like there are some good people here so I hope I've come to the right place
  10. Received notification through the post today from my electricity supplier SSE informing me that I had been selected to be one of the first to have my meter replaced by a smart meter. This was despite me having informed them 18 months ago that under no circumstances would I entertain having one fitted. The publicity makes a lot of all the benefits to customers and suppliers, and used phrases such as the Government has said that ALL homes will be fitted with meters where possible by 2020. What was more concerning was that when I contacted the call centre listed to reaffirm my intention to opt out of the scheme, (which they did have a record of), the call centre operator still reiterated that I would have to have one by 2020. I have logged a complaint with SSE concerning the false information being provided and the lack of any mention that acceptance of these devices is not mandatory. I'm all for anyone who wants one taking advantage of the offer should they believe that in their circumstances that to have one would be beneficial, but DON'T lie to customers if they wish to reserve the right to decline.
  11. Not sure if allowed but wondered how many of us had pets, any sort! lol I have 2 rescue dogs, a Dalmatian & a Weimaraner ( Grey ghost ) The Dalmatian was badly abused and kept in a cage 24/7 and was just about scared of everything when I got him, he did not even know he was supposed to be a dog. He has come a long way in the 6 years since I got him apart from him not tolerating other dogs ( he was attacked by a dog when he was a year old ( b4 I had him ) and nothing was ever done to help him get over it ) so he can not be let off his leash as he thinks all dogs must die :/ He get on with the Weimy and in fact was bought up with another dog but any other dogs are a no no, have tried several things to help him but nothing has helped, he was also kicked in the head by a horse. He will be 10 in September, the Weimaraner is 11 in July but thinks he is a puppy as this breed never grow up!, I got him when he was 5 I have pictures but not sure how to put them on a post,
  12. Got an interview next week at the JC, supposedly to get me to sign up to a Claimant Commitment document. Now I know new claimants and those who returned from the WP before a certain date could expect to get one, but I thankfully returned later and am still on Post Work Support. Is it now policy for everyone to switch from JS Agreement to Claimant Commitment or are they just trying it on? The way I see it, I already have an existing contract with the DWP - my JS Agreement. I know we're all supposed to have a Claimant Commitment when UC rolls out but that's not happened yet. After searching the 'net I can't find anything that says it's definitely now compulsory for everyone to have a Claimant Commitment; anyone else have solid info?
  13. I'm just posting generally to say welcome to everyone who comes to visit this very wonderful forum
  14. Hi everybody, I received an address verification letter from Wetcot today, I did a bit of searching and landed here. I've read a few of the threads and it's very interesting stuff with lots of info so I will be sticking around. Good to be on board!
  15. Hello all been recommended to join this site as having problems with a motorcycle dealer selling a bike with hidden problems/false advertising thought i would say hello and have a look on the forum for hints and tips and help will start a new thread in the appropriate category cheers for now.
  16. Hello hope your all well, this is the first time i am using any forum, basically i come across this forum while searching on google about how to go ahead with work related problems. I'm not too sure where to start or where to write and would like some help please
  17. Hi 12 months ago my wife transferred £14k from her Life Insurance Policy; expected at £8 reduction in benefit but did not hear anything from PC: due to family problems forgot about it until I had a Benefit check last week when I was told by the advisor I was getting £9 per week too much, I phoned PC immediately could not get through so wrote same day explaining (no copy of original letter as hard drive packed up) spoke to someone at PC this monday they had not recieved letter, same day got a Customer Compliance appointment through post for Benefit check, I am taking letter with me, etc can you see any problems
  18. I'm John smith from Leigh car finance United Kingdom and I'm now on this forum, we are working on car finance, bad credit car loan, etc. Hope I have a great time with you guys on this forum. Admin if my post is in the wrong section then please move it in the proper section. Thanks, Jhon Smith Leigh Car Finance
  19. Keep living, keep fighting and just don't let anyone try to bring you down. You are unique and loved even if you don't think it. xxx
  20. Hello Everyone I'm new to this site, trying to find my way around, can anyone tell me where upto date threads for car accidents. My daughter was hit by a car on her way to work yesterday - the driver said she was too busy to deal with it as she was in a hurry to go shopping and left her injured crying and confused. My daughter was walking to work, she is a type 1 diabetic l uckily for her the force of the impact went through her bag although she could not walk properly as her hip is injured. All her pen injections were broken - along with her glucose reading meter, i spent most of yesterday trying to get new pen injections as her blood glucose levels steadily rose throughout the day. My daughter was so in shock she only managed to get the drivers plate - I contacted police, my issue is when we got back from the hospital, I had to wait for police who came took a statement, when i left to sort my daughters injections - the police came back and got my daughter to sign for £60 the car driver gave to my daughter, my daughter was confused and high due ti not being able to give her self insulin. I'm so angry with the driver and police as they told my daughter she was elderly and crying. What of my daughter who this woman left in the dark cold damp morning injured to go shopping, if this was a young male they would react differently. My question is do I now use a claims company to help do I make a direct complaint to police as we want this taken further I also want the police to give back the £60 to the driver - we dont want hush money. sorry if I ve posted in the wrong place but so need some advice still upset about my daughter who is off work having nightmares last night and very sore and stiff today. Thanks Hopeful50
  21. attempting my first post and black horse one to follow if this works.
  22. Hey all! Does this mean potentially any loans,mortgages, credit cards etc could of been charged at a higher APR???? If so, are we about too see (like we did with PPI) companies offering 'no win no fee' to reclaim our overpaid costs? Presumably the FSA has to rule on this first like it did with PPI. How many times can the banks be crooks and get away with it! Cheers
  23. Hi all, I have been a member for many years on another forum and am looking forward to making new friends and learning more about the complex financial jungle we live in. I have a few issues of my own which I hope to start a thread on soon and look forward to picking new brains
  24. Hello Im New Here. Will Be Looking For Some Info. Will Help If I Can.
  25. hi everyone just signed up, hopefully be chatting to some of you soon
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