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  1. Hey CAG, Posting on behalf of a friend. In short she doesn't have a tv licence as doesn't watch live tv only netflix. However her young daughter downloaded BBC iplayer on her tablet and signed up and gave her mums post code etc and obviously must of said she had a TV licence. Fast forward a few weeks and my friend gets an email that says "Our records show you've used BBC iplayer on a number of occasions in recent weeks. As your no licence need status is now invalid you need to buy a TV licence" and gives her a link to buy. Does she need to buy one, her daughter being on early teens did not know her mum needed a TV licence. Anything she can do?
  2. My son paid £6k for a car last week, a 2010 golf with 77k miles. He bought it from a motor dealer in London. His wife drove it down to my family in Wales, and on the 2nd day the car wouldn't engage D or R (auto-box) He contacted the dealer, relaying the issue from his wife. Unfortunately the issue has only worsened, and he decided, rightly in my view, that he was rejecting the car under the consumer rights act 2015 as it was less than 30 days old, and informed the dealer of this via email and phone-call. I am driving the car back to the dealer in London on Saturday morning - exactly 7 days since the purchase. Since looking at the paperwork with the car, please see link https://drive.google.com/open?id=19FvkpDbBqEgJe39jH6HFTnSi_Ddvb2XF It seems the previous owner also had a the same fault. My question is, does this piece of paper go in our favour as proof the fault already existed, or against us as he took the car with that paper in the service book, therefore accepting the fault. Basically - Do I wave that under the dealer's nose, or hide it? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello, 2 weeks ago I bought a used car and all looked good. This weekend, after washing it and driving home we noticed a chip in the drivers view on the windscreen that was not visible before. Thinking this must have been caused by a stone on the way home we called AutoWindsreens out. However, the technician advised that it was in fact an old repair and there was nothing more that could be done to make it look any better. He did say that it was structurally sound. As this must have been present at time of purchase, albeit not visible (not sure if the autoglym products the dealer applied to the windows could have hidden the damage?) do we have any rights to get the dealer to replace the screen? Thank you
  4. Hello, first of all I would like to say I'm really glad I found this forum. After looking through some of these recent posts, I've noticed that others have had invalid 16+ oyster cards made for them and also got into trouble with inspectors. My case however, seems to be slightly different. I am an 18-year old student currently in full time education. This means that I am entitled to a 16+ oyster card already, and eligible for free travel. However, I couldn't figure out how to make the account and actually get the oyster card. I've noticed a lot of people on social media getting these 16+ oyster cards. At first I assumed this was for people who didn't know how to set up the account themselves. There was one particular guy on Snapchat, who was advertising these 16+ oyster cards. He kept posting people using his 'service' and thanking him and since I didn't know how to do it myself I just decided to let him do it for me. I messaged him, and he said he will do it for £50. At first I was like what the hell, £50 just to set up an account? But since so many people used his service I thought it must have been a complicated process (which is a very stupid thing to assume now that I look back on it). But of course me being the stupid 18 year old, I thought to myself that I want to get an oyster card as soon as possible since I was tired of walking 1+ hours to get to college and the guy convinced me he will have everything ready for me within 15 minutes. I have recently started working my first job, and got my first couple pay checks I'm stupidly thinking "whatever I can afford the luxury of having this done for me". I send this guy a photo, my address, my full name and my date of birth. He sends me back log-in information and I pay for the £20 oyster card fee. Few days later my oyster card comes no problem. Now, I'm in my last year of college (finishing in 2019) but my oyster card expiry date said 2020. I message this guy on Snapchat saying why does it say the oyster card expires in 2020 when I'm finishing college in 2019. He says to me that on the system it will say I'm 17 years old, but because college is usually a 2 year course it will expire then. I was thinking that's really odd, I assumed the system would obviously say my actual date of birth. I should've noticed this is a red flag, but I had already received my oyster card I'm thinking that TFL obviously must have checked the account, and confirmed that I was eligible, otherwise I wouldn't have received the card. I just brushed it off without thinking much about it. Fast forward about 1-2 months of using the oyster card no problem, inspector comes on and I give him the card. He asks for my name and I point to the card and say my name. He asks for my age/date of birth. I was born in the year 2000. I say my actual date of birth, but remember that the guy said on the system it will say I'm 17. said "10th of May, two thousand-----and one" I added the "one" at the end thinking that it will say I'm 17 on the system so it would make more sense. Inspector says okay, and it was my stop approaching I let him know that it's my stop and he nodded his head. I got off and that was that. Didn't think anything about it at the time. Fast forward again about 3 weeks, my oyster card stops working. I didn't for a second think that the inspector thing and my card stopping was related at all, in fact I had already forgotten about him by that time. i'm wondering why my card stopped working. I'm talking to my friend at college later that day and I asked him if he's got a 16+ oyster card. He says yes. I ask is it working? He says Yeah. So I ask how did he get the oyster card. He said he made an account on TFL, printed out a form, got it stamped and signed by the college and sent it to the post office. I was like "oooh damn I didn't do that, that's why it got stopped". now I'm annoyed that my oyster card is not working when I paid £50 for it, especially now that I know how to set it up myself and the guy never gave me a form to give to the college. I look for this guy's Snapchat that got me the oyster card, and it seems that he deleted it. I'm really annoyed now but oh well, I guess it's a lesson learned I thought to myself. I had about 6 more months at college by then I just decided to start walking again so that I didn't have to pay another £20 fee. Now here's the ice breaker. About 1 month after this I received a letter. Boom - I have been summoned to court for the use of a 16+ oyster card that I was not entitled to. It says that the inspector which questioned me asked for my date of birth, and I gave him the wrong one in order to make the card appear valid. It then says when asked for my name and address I got off the bus without providing them?? This came as an absolute shock to me. I gave my name, I was definitely never asked for my address. I gave that date of birth thinking that's what it will say on the system. With the letter, came attached a print screen of my account details (which I haven't seen before). My date of birth was completely wrong. Wrong day, wrong month, wrong year. And now it appears that I have to be at court and pay a fine of about £400, plus a potential criminal record? I tell my dad the whole scenario because he has handled cases before. He gets a bit angry thinking why I didn't ask him to help me make the account, but I recently turned 18 and just wanted to do stuff without asking anything of my parents. he says I need to actually get a legitimate 16+ oyster card ASAP, to prove that I'm entitled to one. So I did, and it just arrived yesterday. I wouldn't really be worried about this that much since I wasn't aware of doing something wrong, I was just really stupid to see it. But it seems that even if you do something like this wrong mistakenly, you're still at fault so I'm a little scared. I've never been in trouble with the law before and had no idea what I was doing was illegal. What makes it even worse is the fact that the letter says that I got off the bus when asked for my name and address without giving them. But this is false, I did give my name and I was certainly NEVER asked for my address. But I'm guessing that they will take the word of an experienced inspector than a dumb 18-year old boy? Should I be worried? Should I expect to have to pay the fine and/or get a criminal record? Court is supposed to be 6th of March, I'd like to settle out of court but if that's not possible, I'll plead not guilty because I was not aware of doing something wrong. I do admit and take responsibility for being stupid and not realising that the Snapchat guy saying "it will say you are 17 on the system" is dodgy and doesn't make sense. But that was when I received my oyster card, and I thought that as long as you receive one from TFL they would have checked the account and confirmed it eligible. Should I contact TFL asap and explain everything as I have here? I just need advice on this situation and how to approach this. Please note that I am an 18-year old who knows nothing about law. I would've never in a million years thought I'd have to go to court during my lifetime, considering my extremely boring lifestyle. But now that I'm here this all feels surreal and I'm filled with anxiety. Advice is greatly appreciated, and I apologise for the long read.
  5. New code of conduct for artificial intelligence (AI) systems used by the NHS READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-code-of-conduct-for-artificial-intelligence-ai-systems-used-by-the-nhs
  6. I bought a Nissan Qashqui from a local independent dealer in June this year for just over £5k. The turbo went faulty within 30 days, after an initial appearance of indifference from the dealer they did indeed repair it and all was good. However, we now have an issue with the windscreen washers (both front and back) in that they just don't work. I can hear no noise when trying to use them which leads me to think this it is the washer motor (i have checked the fuse and it is not that). The washers did work upon when we first got it, but over the past few weeks they have stopped working. I contacted the dealer via email yesterday confirming that the car is under 6 months since purchase and this fault has occurred for which i would like them to repair. Their reply has been: "Sorry to hear you are having a minor problem with your Nissan Qashqai unfortunately due to you only having a 3 months major mechanical warranty which would of expired on the 11/09/18 this wouldn’t be something we could cover the cost of. Even if this issue occurred during the first three months of you owning the vehicle the washer jets wouldn’t be covered due to the warranty only being a major mechanical warranty." I have just replied to them that my request for them to repair this free of charge is under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, section 9 "Goods to be of satisfactory quality". I have reiterated that i expect them to repair this free of charge or state their final position on the matter so i can then decide on my next course of action. Can anyone give me their thoughts on whether i am completely in the right to demand repair for this issue on a car bought privately from a dealership just under 5 month ago? If they refuse to play ball, what should my next steps be? I have kept all communication with them via email so i have a clear trail, but if we do have any chat via phone then it will be recorded (i have installed a call recording app - thanks to all the advice on here!).
  7. Good morning, Lets I will explain situation. My girlfriend bought 1 month ago at work 50% discount card from colleague. The card was sold with oyster and 50% Jobcentre discount card. The person put her photo inside the job centre card and signed for it. She was told that it is legal card and he is working in Job Centre. Yesterday inspector stopped her on the bus and she told that the card is fake one and she can not use it. She paid for this card 80 pounds to this guy. They confiscated it and gave her two tickets: one for counterfeit ticket and other for reference. They told that the letter will come in next 10 days. I have several questions: 1.) What happened next 2.) What you suggest me to do? 3.) Any recommendation? Thank you.
  8. I’ve never needed a mobile phone except when travelling up north to see my mum who’s in a care home. Just before Christmas 2014 I got a mobile phone from EE so I could stay in touch with work, etc., while visiting my mum. When I set it up it was clear that it didn’t work. I tried all sorts of things and it still wouldn’t work. But I forgot about it for a few days. When I got back after Christmas I decided to phone EE and tell them that it didn’t work. The problem was that they said I didn’t pass the security questions; as a result I could not speak to anyone. Couldn’t report that my mobile didn’t work! The weeks went on and I made other calls to EE, but was told each time that I had failed the security questions. Meanwhile, of course, I was paying for this non-working phone every month by direct debit (or standing order, I forget which). This went on for month after month, and still I was paying for a service which didn’t work with no way of getting the issue resolved. It was such a small matter (as I never need to use my mobile except at Christmas when I am away with family) it was out of my mind for 99% of the time. Eventually I reasoned that I was going to be paying for this broken thing for years – and they were never going to listen to me because they would always say that I had failed the security questions. I took the only option which was then open to me. I cancelled the monthly payment to EE. Now things actually made sense, and at last I was not paying regularly for something that had never worked. At this point let me be clear about something. I could install apps on the phone and I could use it for playing solitaire and other stuff like that. But I could not do what you are expected to be able to do with a phone, i.e. communicate. EE themselves will be aware, as they would have access to such data, that: Number of phone call I made while in that contract = 0 Number of phone calls I received while in that contract = 0 Number of text messages I sent while in that contract = 0 Number of text messages I received while in that contract = 0 That is the level of service I was getting from my EE mobile phone. In the meantime I had paid over £650 for this nonsense. I phoned EE again. again I was told that I had not passed the security questions. But by this time I was aware that the operator at the other end was reading a large amount of text which had been written on my account, EE was obviously well aware of the issue. Also EE would have been aware of the 0 calls and 0 SMS aspect of my strange account. It’s just that they obviously didn’t give a monkey’s. I asked how I could resolve this. How could I prove my identity? I was told to go to my local EE store with some ID and I would be given a password which I could use in subsequent phone calls to the help centre. I did. I phoned EE with my new password and asked for my money back. I was put on hold for several minutes and then told that the account had been passed to the Collections department as it was in arrears (of course they would have been flagged as in arrears: the only way to stop being mugged every month was to cancel the monthly debit!). (Oh yes, and to add insult to injury, because of the misperception that I was in the wrong EE was allowed to put a black mark against my credit rating. I also had debt collectors writing to me. But I was able to explain to the debt collections agency what had happened and they just dropped the case against me immediately- no excuse with security questions there: I just TALKED to them and they LISTENED! It's what people do.) The person I spoke to in the Collections department acted exactly as Collections people behave and said that I could not have my money back. When I explained that consumer law was on my side he said that I had “failed data protection laws”. I reminded him that data protection laws were there to protect consumers, not corporations who sought to rip consumers off as EE was obviously very keen to do to me. I also said that I wanted EE to delete the black mark that they had put against my credit rating. Characteristically he said that he couldn’t do that either, again, because I had “failed data protection laws”. EE is yet another company who uses data protection laws to their own advantage; to clobber consumers with them! I wonder if anyone else has been treated in this way by EE or another supplier. I’m also wondering how to get my money back – and to clear up my credit rating – from such a bunch of intractable people.
  9. I bought a used car from a local independent dealership on 11th June this year for £5200 (Nissan Qashqai). It's been a good car since i bought it up until 2 days ago when the CD player stopped playing CDs (it's a 6 CD changer) and then yesterday when the car went into 'limp' mode when driving home. I called the AA who diagnosed a fault with the turbo and towed me to the car dealership. As it was late on a Sunday evening i left the car outside the dealership and returned there this morning at 8.30am to hand over the keys, explain the situation and ask for a repair. The reason i am posting this is that one of the chaps in the office asked if i had paid for their warranty (i hadn't) and said i've therefore just got the basic warranty (up to £300 limit for repairs i think). I replied that i was wanting it repair under the Consumer Sales Act. He made a reply along the lines that it was not applicable to this situation and then walked off. I continued to deal with the other chap in the office, gave him the key and my contact number, He said they'd contact me later today once it's been looked at. I'm just slightly concerned that the dealer might not play ball and get it repaired. I sent an email to the dealer half an hour later confirming the timeline of purchase and when the faults occurred (both the CD player and the turbo) and confirming that i am requesting a repair. I also enclosed a copy of the AA's report from when the recovered the car. Is there anything specific that i need to do in the meantime? If they reply that they want me to contribute to repair costs, i am right that i can demand they cover it completely under CRA rather than warranty?
  10. Was stopped by an inspector for using parents freedom pass a year ago. Provided ID and name etc. Driving license I showed had a previous address so all correspondence was sent to this wrong address. At the time when the inspector requested ID I did not provide updated address as this was not on the license. I now regret not giving current address but at the time I simply provided my ID and did not think of this. Name and DOB given were correct. I have now recently received a 'Further steps notice' letter with court fine of almost £500 and discovered that this case had gone to Magistrates court in my absence. Should I make statutory declaration as I was unaware or will I be questioned for not updating the DVLA of my address?
  11. Hi all, Just after some advise as this may be a bit different to other people cases. Today I received a Parking Eye "Parking Charge Notice". It's my car which my wife drove to take me to hospital, she paid using the Pay By Phone app, however she entered her cars registration by mistake. I worry she done this again the following day also! I've appealed and sent a copy of our proof (screenshot with incorrect registration on it) but now I'm wondering should I of come here first before quickly rushing into an appeal? 1 Date of the infringement - 13/09/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 27/09/2018 3 Date received - 01/10/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] NO 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] YES APPEAL - I have received a Parking Charge Notice for my car, which my wife was driving at the time taking me to hospital. We made payment using the Pay By Phone app, and once I received this letter have only realised that payment was made however it was made for our other car (*OTHER REG*) as my wife has often used her car to make payments as she has been to the hospital a lot recently (as I’m sure you can check by her registration). Unfortunately this has been a simple error and I attach proof that the payment was made and you'll be able to confirm this as her car *OTHER REG* did not enter the hospital car park on this day. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] NO 7 Who is the parking company? Parking EYE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Sunderland Royal Hospital
  12. Hi, I run a small retail operation, bricks and locks building..., I am disputing the bill Britisg Gas have sent me, they said it's a smart meter and up to date, it still doesn;t seem right.. One of the last letters have threatened with bailiff or coming in to change the meter, how heavy are they on this stuff? Need I worry till I can try sort it out with them? How long do they normally take to take action?
  13. Palm Oil-What Is It -How Does It effect Us-And What Is It Used For. Hi Old Tawnyowl hear reporting from high up in the canopy of a tree today in Lancashire. Just chilling out. Another thread coming through.Sometimes i have just got to mention something that is bothering me. The story began the other day. There i was seeing what people were saying to each other on my favourite subject Fracking when a video came through. Completely unconnected. Now my days seem so busy researching,working,walking the Shoreline that the day seems to have vanished before much is achieved. Anyway i have not had much time to research this Palm Oil and will admit that i knew nothing about it or really what it was,used for anything. Back to the video.A lady called Tina Rothery had shared it.Some of you who read the Fracking thread will know who Tina is. The headline said. The area was being cleared to plant this Palm Oil Crop. So i hope others who have researched or know about Palm Oil will tell me and others what it is used for in everyday products. Perhaps some know perhaps how many areas of land have been destroyed to plant this crop.How many animals have been affected,anything really. I do not know anything about it as i say even which countries plant it and how. I realised shortly afterwards that i had encountered this product in a strange way and perhaps a different way to expected. When young i read so many books on Greek Legends,Robinson Crusoe,Jungle Book books like that.Perhaps made me a bit of a Dreamer. And the love of the sea has followed me through life.Most of my days or part of my days are spent On The Shoreline hunting for things. So i pick things up.I usually pick a few plastics,fishing line,nets as well as things i can use.To make things. I have seen many things including a body or two,perhaps to be expected due to the times i go there. But also many beautiful things One of the things i look for is Ambergris,i never really expect to find any.But any possibilities i pick up and look at.Even smell. Now i have just found out that ships and if wrong someone can correct me. After delivering the Palm Oil to Ports around England the ships leave to go to their next job. Once out at sea they as far as i know once more than 12 miles out can flush their tanks. This is when the Palm Oil enters the sea and like fat if put into water becomes this huge mass of floating stinking mass that can end up on beaches. After collecting Bacteria that multiplies for as long as it takes to beach.So when dogs etc smell it,taste it makes them ill even kills them. I now realise i have picked this stuff up myself wondering what this waxy,yellowish substance is many times. In fact i have seen perhaps one ton or more once in a huge mountain with ten men shovelling it into bags.I asked them what it was and they told me. I filmed them and took pictures but as usual goodness knows where the footage is. That at the moment is all i know about it. Perhaps you know much more.Perhaps you have time to research a little and share what you find. Please share your knowledge of Palm Oil.As that footage sure has bothered me.And know next to nothing about this product. Thanks very much. Tawnyowl.
  14. Hi all am new here and appreciate any advice bought a vehicle 2 weeks ago from a car engine rebuild garage who also has 3 other cars for sale drove it home and was smoking and down on power started next day and was lumpy starting informed the garage which said injectors need replacing and they would fix but I have had a garage go over car and few other faults washers don’t work air con rad half the fins missing injectors down and clutch rattles when turn off I have since spoke to garage regarding right to return car and want a refund they have said no refund and no rights as they're not a used car sales does anyone know where I stand spoken to trading standards and they say should get money back I paid £3700 for the vehicle any advice would be much appreciated I have written saying returning under 30 day rights and no response I have taken the car off the road as advised Many thanks
  15. I have discovered your site investigating what to do in this case and would sincerely appreciate your help. I will offer feedback and donate for your time and energy. I really need your help. I used my mums oyster after losing my wallet and needed to get to a wedding over a weekend. When returning into London, the high value pass obviously flagged things to the inspectors who were waiting at the station. I had all my details taken. The inspector understood I'd lost my wallet and I didn't answer any further questions. I was sent a letter with a fine and a conviction if i plead guilty. The problem with these cases, is that whether or not I did it unwittingly (as in, didn't realise I was using a high value pass) it doesn't matter. It was a misuse and the conviction stands. I can't have a conviction hanging over my head and the thought of it fills me with absolute dread. I have just recently gained a permanent residency in Canada and intend eventually to work in the States and a conviction would be so detrimental to have on my record and affect my work situation. I am so deeply regretful for something so stupid and avoidable. I have received a letter stating the fine i have to pay and the fact that it will go on my record and like the other cases stated here on the forum, can either plead guility and pay the fine or plead not guilty and prove my innocence, which isn't possible. What are the options available to me? Can I call them and ask to appeal? Should I hire a solicitor before it's too late? (I have roughly 10 days before the deadline now). Is settling on the day the last option available and should I get a solicitor before that time to make sure that I don't risk it not going in my favour on the final day? How often are people able to settle on the day in your opinion? What does a settlement amount normally come to? I really appreciate your help on this. I've just returned to London to the letter and have limited time to respond and would like to know the best way to reach out to TFL. Will a letter take too long. I think so. Should I simply call them or go via a solicitor? It seems that no matter what people do with their letters, it always comes back with a conviction and fine. I was going to call citizens advice first thing tomorrow, but if you can recommend a solicitor please do. i live in London. Many thanks
  16. My dad bought a used Peugeot 3008 from a main dealer. It had low mileage. He paid just under £7000 for it. The car came with a 3 month warranty. My dad has done around 600 miles in the car since he bought it. The warranty had expired only 2 weeks earlier. He took a friend to hospital which was a 200 mile round trip. On the way there the car suddenly lost all power and went into limp mode. AA came and said something was wrong with the injectors and he couldn't fix it. AA had to tow my dads car home. My Dad took the car back to the dealer. They said some of the injectors had burned out and they replaced all 4 of them. My dad was without his car for a week and when he collected it they charged him £360. Is this right ?? I know the warranty had only just expired, but having spent £7000 why should he be expected to then have to fork out £360 for a major fault. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, I would understand if the warranty had expired by several months. I'm trying to find out if my Dad has any grounds to recover the £360 from the dealer. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi, I wonder if anyone could clear things up for me, I purchased a used car 5 months ago which broke down yesterday, the steering lock is electronic and will not disengage meaning the car won't start. I had to have the car recovered to home as it was in a pay and display spot. It is my understanding of the CRA that if a fault occurs up to 6 months then the dealer has to offer a repair or replacement. They said there was a 3 months warranty and that's that. Upon ringing the dealer today, they told me to book it in and it will be chargable. Recovery has already cost me 200 and dealer prices for the repair could run to a new steering column which would be astronomical. I bought a car with such low miles to avoid any unwanted repair costs. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and need the car to get to hospital every week as its a problem pregnancy. I have now had to hire a car just for this purpose. The car is only just over 3 years old and cost me 10000 pounds. And I have covered only 2500 miles in it. I am now unsure of my next step, I have car that won't run and can't afford to fix right away, and the dealer's stance is that its chargable even though the CRA says otherwise. Please help! TIA
  18. Looking for advice on getting a £500 refund for a deposit on a used car. On July 2018 I visited a second hand car dealer to purchase a used BMW that was for sale on its forecourt. I had a test drive we agreed to purchase the car for £11,000. The salesman filled in a part exchange form. I was trading in a CAT D car and at the time I didn't tell him that it was a CAT D. I understand that I was not under any obligation to do so. They inspected the car and they offered me £4500 for the trade in. There was a tick box on the form that asked if the car was in insurance write off. This wasn't ticked by the salesman amongst other things some of the boxes they should have filled in were not filled in. Additionally one of the terms was that deposits were not refundable. I signed the form. I told him that I would not be able to pick the car up for three weeks when I would take delivery and pay the balance. During the 3 weeks they continued to advertise the car for sale. One the day of picking the car up I called the garage and asked if it was ready to pick up. They told me yes. About 5 minutes later they called to say that they had done a check on my trade in and couldn't accept it as it was an insurance wrtite off and I would be better selling it privately. They had 3 weeks to do this and the unit price for them would have been at a lot lower price than I could get it for. I sold the car to a private buyer 2 days later. I called the garage to inform them that I had sold the car and also told them I was offering £10,500 on the car as there was no trade in. They did not accept the offer. I asked for my deposit back and was told they would not be giving it back. The car was advertised on the Autotrader for a further 6 months before it sold and the last price advertised was £10,450.
  19. Hi everyone, im new here and i have a problem with a used car that i bought from an independent car garage which located in Manchester and I live in London by the way. the car was described as a fully loaded with parking sensors and AC, and park assist, and more. I took and drove the car from Manchester to London on the 27th December 2017, and I found out that the AC and the parking sensors are not working. I returned it back to the dealer on the 18th January. He refused to fix these problems as he said he gave me just engine and gearbox warranty My question is: does he has the right to refuse fixing these problems? do i have the right to ask him to fix these problems? if yes how can i force him to do so if he refuse? Thank you for your time and help. hope to hear from you Guys
  20. Evening all, hate to say it but I need some help and advice again. I bought my wife a 62 plate Jaguar XF from Trade Centre Wales on the 6th November. It's done 90k and HPI shows 2 previous keepers. 10k trade in, £10 on credit card, balance by debit card. On the 7th, had trouble starting it. Press the button and the gear selector knob comes up and the dash lights up. After less than a minute, lights go out and knob retracts. Several attempts to start it and same thing. Gave up. Came out half an hour later, tried again and it works ok. Had the same problem on the 8th and 9th, intermittently, it simply won't start. It doesn't try to turn the engine, just shuts itself down. It's an intermittent fault and there's no rhyme nor reason to it. Sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's not. Over the course of the 3 days, it was also noted that the ECO stop/start system isn't working at all. On the 10th, the new V5 arrives and shows 3 previous keepers, not the 2 that they advised. I immediately sent them a rejection letter giving them 14 days to refund in full citing the V5 discrepancy and the 2 faults discovered to date. They have emailed 3 times now, refusing the rejection and stating they want the vehicle in to check it and rectify any concerns I have. They have also told me in their last email that I can't reject as the faults are minor. I've spoken to the bank re section 75 claim but they haven't got back to me yet. Any advice on my next move? Should I get a local garage to do an independent inspection? The owner has already seen the starting problem. I'd appreciate any help or advice you can give.
  21. My son went to inspect a car in a local used dealership on my behalf as I am overseas at present. I saw the car ( VW Golf estate auto diesel 2009) advertised in Autotrader, looked clean and well looked after by pics, only 2 owners and less than 100k miles , my son went to see the car , had a good look around and went for a road test after which I spoke on the phone to him. He told me of a rattle on idle which he thought was down to exhaust issue, but the car drove perfectly other than that, under bonnet looked good and no signs of leaks or coolant problems etc. Car had been cleaned obviously and presented for sale. We decided to go for it, left a small deposit while he went off to get cash as dealer insisted on pure cash deal as we agreed on a knock down price from 2999 to 2500, my lad notice also a sticky rear door lock mechanism so the dealer knocked another 50 off. On return an hour later my lad handed over the cash and asked the dealer could he deliver it to my house which was only 2 miles up the road save getting insurance/tax etc as the car wwas going to stand on the drive for 6 weeks until my return, the dealer agreed, handed over the sales receipt and duly delivered the car. My lad followed and after 30 mins or so started to try and track down the " rattly exhaust" . He subsequently spun the lock to inspect the exhaust more closely on the offside, he then noticed a small pool of oil collecting under the car, on inspection he saw a dripping leak from the gearbox. It looked serious so he immediately called the dealer and expected at least a half resonable response considering it was only an hour or so since he had dropped the car off, the guy more or less wanted nothing to do with it and pointed out the car was bought as seen , spare or repair, my lad checked the sales receipt again and sure enough the Dealer had wrote in the margins " Spares or Repair". My lad unfortunately did not check what he was signing for as he had been engrossed in the printed T & Cs and the rattle at the time. The car when advertised did not mention " spares or repair and at no time during road test , inspection or negotiations was it mentioned or any reference to any kind of possible major fault. After a heated discussion and various insults from the dealer owner my lad the next morning took the car back with a letter rejecting the car and requesting a refund. The owner wasnt there but one of his staff refused to accept the car, the letter or the keys so my lad dropped the letter on his desk, with the keys and left the car with them, took pictures of the car at the dealers premesis, the letter and keys on their desk. As we stand now weve given the dealer 14 dyas to refund the money , next stage will be trading standards then money claim online if he still refuses. My main concern with all this is if he dumps the car on the public road, will that make me as registered owner liable for tax impingement etc.
  22. Hi, I recently collected a used car on finance(hp) from my local dealer, I have done about 200 miles in it and the vehicle had already done 50000 miles. Vehicle is an Insignia 2.0 cdti sri 2012. When I test drove the vehicle I noticed that the gearbox was a bit different to the one I was used to but thought it may be the characteristic of the box. Having now driven the vehicle a bit more it is apparent that the gearbox may have a fault which I am going to ask the dealer to investigate. Could I ask for advice on who is responsible for any repairs that maybe required and also what to do if I am unhappy with their response when I raise the issue. There is also a buzzing / humming noise heard in the drivers side of the bonnet which sounds as though it maybe a vacuum unit that needs replacing which again was heard when initially testing the car but was not mentioned to the dealer at the time. I have not had the car for more than 30 days as there was an issue with the v5 which meant I had to return the car until a new v5 was arranged and I could tax the vehicle. Nic
  23. Help, Please can anyone advise me where to turn to. I bought a 3 year old approved used Mercedes from a Mercedes dealership on Dec 22nd 2017. I was told verbally that the car was being MOTed the day prior to my picking it up and I was giving paperwork listing the MOT date as Dec 22nd 2017 - Dec 22nd 2018. I was overseas for a while in Sept / Oct and left the car in airport parking. Whilst I was away my car was damaged with some scratching to the bumper. I returned to the UK and amongst the admin I had was a reminder for taxing my car. When I tried to do this I realised my car had no MOT. After multiple enquires with the dealership I have only been able to establish that the MOT expired in April 2018 and no one is able to tell me how this happened. To make matters difficult the dealership I bought from has changed ownership and the car was actually supposed to be MOTed in a different dealership as the car was not located at my local branch when I enquired about it. I have written confirmation from the dealership I bought from that the MOT expired in April 2018 and an apology. I raised a complaint with Mercedes asking for an investigation and hoping to find out what had happened and ideally correct the issue if it was an admin issue. I have got nowhere, Mercedes customer service immediately sent me a final response saying there was no harm caused. I pointed out I could not claim for the damage in caused in airport parking as I had effectively been uninsured. I also pointed out that I was very worried about the fact i had unknowingly been driving uninsured for several months. I got another final response which was very rude and again closed the matter. I asked to speak to the person who was writing these emails and they have refused my calls. I have written again and got another response saying Mercedes maintain there position - I do not understand what this position is. I am bewildered by all of this. I have written to the ombudsman but I think this process takes a while. Can anyone help me, do I have any legal rights here. I have documents saying my car had an MOT until Dec 2018 when I purchased it but it only had an MOT until April 2018. If I had been in serious at fault accident I would have been uninsured, if this had involved a personal injury claim I could have lost my house and if I was prosecuted for driving without insurance I would have been suspended for a minimum of 6 months from my job. I have not yet managed to sort out the damage to my car as I haven't resolved this issue so my insurance is still invalid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!
  24. Hi All, any ppi experts around? I took out several loans and a credit card with hsbc 15 years ago and unfortunately defaulted and still to this day have not paid it off its currently with 1st credit as was sold to them by hsbc some years ago. I have no payment plan in place have not actually heard from them in over a year. I decided to claim for ppi and ive just had a letter from HSBC offering my 4k and ive sent back my bank details in order for them to transfer the money to me. My question is... will they use the money to pay the money towards what i owe 1st credit? Many thanks in advance.
  25. On the week-end of 2-3 June 2017, I parked on Cowley Place. One of my friends gave me the visitors pass for MN, but I did not realise it had a different zone than I usually use.(EO). I did have visitor parking permits, which I displayed and validated. Clearly there was no intent to evade payment or gain any advantage and I indeed have used/invalidated two visitor passes. I therefore feel it is unfair to be fined, and lose the use of two visitors passes. I also question whether the correct contravention code was used on the PCN. (30 - Parked longer than permitted). Shouldn’t the correct code be 19 - Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone either displaying an invalid permit or voucher or pay & display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time. In my case I was in a shared use zone, displaying an invalid permit. Guidelines say Code 19 is used when a driver has made some attempt to park correctly and is displaying something that could have been used. Additionally, The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 states that any PCN issued should legally contain the following information : (3)(2) (b)(ii)but that, if a notice to owner is served notwithstanding those representations, representations against the penalty charge must be made in the form and manner and at the time specified in the notice to owner. I cannot see any clear reference to point 3 (2) (ii) anywhere on the PCN. It is insufficient to say that the owner must follow the instructions on the NtO, it must be outlined on the PCN. This means that the council has not complied with the Regulations made under the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) or the relevant regulations. Am I correct in these 3 points, which make a sucessful appeal likely ??
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