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Found 16 results

  1. Help, Please can anyone advise me where to turn to. I bought a 3 year old approved used Mercedes from a Mercedes dealership on Dec 22nd 2017. I was told verbally that the car was being MOTed the day prior to my picking it up and I was giving paperwork listing the MOT date as Dec 22nd 2017 - Dec 22nd 2018. I was overseas for a while in Sept / Oct and left the car in airport parking. Whilst I was away my car was damaged with some scratching to the bumper. I returned to the UK and amongst the admin I had was a reminder for taxing my car. When I tried to do this I realised my car had no MOT. After multiple enquires with the dealership I have only been able to establish that the MOT expired in April 2018 and no one is able to tell me how this happened. To make matters difficult the dealership I bought from has changed ownership and the car was actually supposed to be MOTed in a different dealership as the car was not located at my local branch when I enquired about it. I have written confirmation from the dealership I bought from that the MOT expired in April 2018 and an apology. I raised a complaint with Mercedes asking for an investigation and hoping to find out what had happened and ideally correct the issue if it was an admin issue. I have got nowhere, Mercedes customer service immediately sent me a final response saying there was no harm caused. I pointed out I could not claim for the damage in caused in airport parking as I had effectively been uninsured. I also pointed out that I was very worried about the fact i had unknowingly been driving uninsured for several months. I got another final response which was very rude and again closed the matter. I asked to speak to the person who was writing these emails and they have refused my calls. I have written again and got another response saying Mercedes maintain there position - I do not understand what this position is. I am bewildered by all of this. I have written to the ombudsman but I think this process takes a while. Can anyone help me, do I have any legal rights here. I have documents saying my car had an MOT until Dec 2018 when I purchased it but it only had an MOT until April 2018. If I had been in serious at fault accident I would have been uninsured, if this had involved a personal injury claim I could have lost my house and if I was prosecuted for driving without insurance I would have been suspended for a minimum of 6 months from my job. I have not yet managed to sort out the damage to my car as I haven't resolved this issue so my insurance is still invalid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!
  2. Hello team CAG, This is a little long, but please bear with me. I applied to one of the Emergency Services in London, and after passing an assessment was invited to an interview on 18th August. On 30th August I made contact with one of the two panel members who interviewed me as I had received no feedback. I had a lengthy conversation with this person who raised concern about unaccounted gaps in my employment but also stated that I sat a good interview and did not fail it. I was informed if I were to send a complete employment history covering the gaps along with key skills gained/used, there would be potential of a second interview but this would have to be with somebody else. On 4th September I emailed the person above (also Cc’d two other HR staff members) my complete employment history accounting for the gaps. I called my interviewer on 9th September as I had received no communications. I was informed that my information had been passed on and I should contact HR. On 12th September I received an email from one of the two HR staff members I had Cc'd informing me that I have been unsuccessful? No reason/feedback provided. I called this HR staff member the following day seeking an explanation and feedback. To my surprise I was informed that my interviewer had mentioned to this HR staff that she (my interviewer) had informed me that I had failed. My interviewer never mentioned this to me during any of our conversations. I emailed my interviewer on 13th September seeking clarification and feedback, which I am yet to receive. I sent a letter to the Head of Recruitment for role applied for on 16th September, expressing my dissatisfaction and seeking clarification/investigation. I also attached comms I made by email. Received an email acknowledging my letter and will respond no later than 14 days from receipt. GUESS WHAT?...NOTHING!!! Emailed this person on 9th October seeking an update, only to be informed my interviewer has been away, investigation is ongoing and will get back to me by the end of this week (14/10). If I do not hear from the Head of Recruitment OR if I do and the result is not in my favour, can I pursue this further? Your input would be greatly appreciated on this matter.
  3. Hi Everyone, i have requested a SAR on Natwest Bank and also Barclays, so far Natwest have replied back with their first letter. The objective of my SARS is to attain my old statement, fees, transactions and charges to claim back on and also for PPI. I know I have had a lot of bank charges as I used my Natwest account when i was a student and really bad with my money! I have attached the letter which Natwest have sent back, i was hoping someone could shed some light on what I could reply via email with? They have mentioned statements now can i say I just want ALL the information and statements available or I remember reading somewhere to specifically state i want all bank charges and fees? I typed up the below to send them, unsure if it is any good? Thank you for your letter of acknowledgment to my SARS request. As my letter states, I require ALL relevant documentation linked to my name, therefore I would like all statements including bank charges and fees to be provided to me, from the date my account was opened till it was closed. If you are concerned about the environment I will consider having it emailed over to me from an official source along with a written letter confirming what has been or will be provided via email to me, this is to ensure its authenticity, it is also proof for me should matters escalate due to any data violations and unlawful SARS violations. I should be informed of any documentation that cannot be provided to me via writing or email correspondence.
  4. Hello Caggers, I’ll try and be as brief as possible… After a long 4-year battle on a failed claim for a mis-sold PPI policy, the insurance company agreed to pay a back dated claim. I had a Mortgage Protection policy with the Halifax. It was sold to me over the phone on the premise that my mortgage payments would be covered if I was ever to lose my income. I accepted. My initial claim was for them to pay my mortgage payments when I became unable to work. They didn’t (it seems) record that I had made a claim back then even though they have some information recorded on their system that I contacted them and the medical staff that looked after me at the time contacted them. They also have records that I contacted their legal department to enquire about my employment situation when I became ill. I know I started a claim – they don’t seem to agree. Two years after my illness I was able to return to work and have been in continued employment since then. The back dated payment they are proposing covers the mortgage payments that were due at the time – which would have been great if they had paid it at the time that I made the claim. Because they didn’t pay at the time – I wasn’t able to make my mortgage payments, I got into arrears Halifax tried to repossess the house. I went through a string of court hearings and I was only able to stop the repossession by securing a re-mortgage with a Higher Rate Lender at the 11th hour. In a nutshell, I ended up losing a substantial deposit in my house to pay for the arrears, legal fees, early redemption charges etc. and I’m now paying extortionate interest only re-mortgage payments This is what I would term consequential loss – i.e. if my claim had been paid at the time I made the claim then I would have been able to keep my mortgage and none of the expense or trauma that ensured would have happened. After my illness, I was able to go back to work and make the payments on my re-mortgage without issue. My re-mortgage payments now are so much higher than what they would have been had I been able to keep my previous mortgage. The difference between the two is also part of the consequential loss going forwards. The insurance company must know that I did make a claim in the past otherwise why would it pay now, years later. I think they wanted to process a new back-dated claim because it would mean they wouldn’t have to consider consequential loss at all. I was hoping on some advice on whether this payment being back-dated would mean I couldn’t apply for consequential loss? Thank you Sunny-side-up
  5. Last Wednesday, completely out of the blue I was called to a meeting at my HO and told that due to restructuring my job is at risk, the company produced a settlement offer and has given me a week to think about it (unlike 10 days as in ACAS guidelines) They refuse to announce the nature of the restructuring, just that I don't fit within it and if I decline the offer then I have been told in no uncertain terms that I will be made redundant and end up with less money than they are offering. Although I don't know (and probably never will) I am almost certain based on noises from the past few months that the restructuring involves paying off half the people that do my job, and then replacing the job of the remaining people with a new one with a bigger remit to cover the loss of those of us that are gone, and they are doing this entirely arbitrarily without any due process or allowing me to reapply for the new job. Given that there are already a small number of people doing this bigger remit job, and they have always said I would be suitable to do this if the opportunity gave up, I believe I am being constructively dismissed, and they are relying on the fact that I won't be able to claim that if I accept the offer. A few hours after the meeting I sent an email to the people that were in the meeting (my line manager and her line manager) asking firstly for an extension of time to consider the offer, secondly for a fuller explanation as to what is going on and why I won't fit into the restructure, and thirdly asking if they will revise the sum offered. I did stress that I had not made any decisions and nothing in the email was intended to constitute a decision or limit my options. That evening I got an off the record phone call from my line manager stating that I shouldn't have done that, I should have just taken the money and because I am seen to be arguing with them they might now just withdraw the offer and make me redundant. Can they do that? I thought if the offer is open then it remains open until the window closes or I accept/decline it. Negotiation and asking for an explanation is surely not declining it? I also don't think they would be that stupid, because if I stay I will get to see what they are doing and retain all my employment rights including the right to take them to a tribunal. I ask because I have now been offered another (better) job and if they want me gone I'm just happy to take the money at this point!
  6. Hello Everyone, I hope this has gone in the right thread Im really hoping for some great advice here, - Although i'm confident i will receive it, Im writing on behalf of my sister. Here is some background information which will help picture our crisis. My sister is 27, a qualified staff nurse, caring, loving and kind.She has fibromyalgia a chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder When she first started nursing she was put on HDU a high dependency ward, A highly stressful ward when first qualified. In time my sister became depressed and was put on anti-depressants, But also moved wards to somewhere she was happier.She was on these for 5 years, In between this she had a long term boyfriend, Whom she loved very much and was her one and only boyfriend so never knew any different. He cheated on her 3 times She found out and left him, Then when she was at a low ebb he wore her down and begged for forgiveness, This went on for a year until she finally gave in. Whilst they had been apart he had found another girlfriend who became pregnant, My sister accepted the child and they were ok for around a year or so, Until she read through his emails and found out he had been messaging and meeting tran-sexuals. This obviously devastated her, she questioned his sexuality and couldnt understand what was wrong with her. She had to go for all the sexual health tests, saying thats she felt dirty and that no one would ever want a relationship with her again as he had passed herepes on to her. In November 2014 she was signed off sickicon due to the fibromyalgia and trauma she had just suffered. She was put on Sertraline antidepressants. as well as this she was also take Amitriptyline, for pain( but is also used as an antidepressant) Zopiclone as she had trouble sleeping, gabapentin a painkiller used for the nervous system, and Diazepam. 2 months ago she came out in an angry rash on her face, She went up to A and E with my mum, Whilst waiting to be seen she fainted, and banged her head that hard she was knocked unconcious. Her mental state has since got gradually worse and we now have the crisis team coming out regular with a physiatrist who has now diagnosed her with hypomania, and was very close to being sectioned if it hadnt have been that my parents are both at home every day. Her mood fluctuates between aggressive, emotinal and manic, She often wanders off without telling anyone and is a danger to herself, She is very confused and cannot be left alone. You cannot have a conversation with her because they are so random you cannot make head nor tail of them. She is still off work now and it has been 7 months. She is too poorly to go back to work but The hospital are pushing and pushing and now has a final meeting on the 22nd june for a final outcome as to what it to happen, My parents have not told my sister this yet, but she wouldnt be well enough to attend this anyway. Her sick pay has now reduced to £81 a week and she cannot afford to live. She has a large amount of outgoings that need to be paid for, She is still living at home with my parents but they are both self employed with very little income coming in to this house. My parents outgoings are around £1,200 a month and my sisters the same. Here are my sisters outgoings Credit card with Barclaycard £160 a month-* Due at the end of June Credit card with halifaxicon - £130 a month Overdue by 2 weeks car finance payment £110 ( Due the next fortnight, Taken over 4 years with Black horse. 1 year owned. Gap insurance for the car and service plans £60 due around the next fortnight Phone bill 02 £40 month RCN ( royal college of nursing payment ) £20 monthly Due in the next fortnight Tesco bank Loan £300 Due in the next fortnight Halifax bank Loan £300 Due in the next fortnight Overdraft £1,200 Santandericon So in a nutshell If you could help with the below questions i would be so grateful, As i really want to help my parents and sister but im not sure where to start. 1: What rights does my sister have with regards to her job as a nurse? Can the NHS sack her? 2: What can be done about the incurring payments due to be paid with credit cards, loans, finance etc can be done? I really appreciate your time taking to read this and any help would be so gratefully received. If i have missed any information out that would be needed please ask.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29896617 Be aware appeals are pending, this is not yet finalised
  8. Hi All Hoping someone here can help. I sold a van around 6 months ago. Logbook was signed by the new owner and myself etc and it was posted out the next day. Couple months later I receive the normal letter with a fine failing to notify them. I did not respond to the letter but did ring them explaining the logbook was sent out already. 2 Weeks ago I received a "No ASL Required" Requisition from DVLA/Court stating I had to go to the court on the Wednesday. To be completely honest, I misplaced the letter and did not enter a plea and did not show up at court. My stupid fault yes. I phoned the court today to get the results and I've been fined £200 + £20 (surcharge) + £90 (court costs). This is all because they are claiming they never received the logbook. Is there a letter I can send the court or do I just pay the fine? Thanks, Mike
  9. Guys This is an addition to my "Become Debt Free" Process... Ive had a wonderful discussion via email with the Customer Relations Department who took 10 weeks to resolve the complaint but its worth it... I also would like to add the complaint has mostly been dealt with via Email but did a few calls to chase them up. To me... that is a total sorting of £3600!! Im down to 5K! Im getting there... About these 2 extra accounts... Im going to challenge them with Lowell... I really am channeled to get this done and when im debt free a large donation is going to be made!
  10. So here we go folks. Ive been on the forum long enough to know that we don't condone debt avoidance but certainly help those who need it. Well its time for me to turn to you guys for more help. I appreciate that you guys are the best forum on the net for this sort of thing so here we go. My job Im in requires me to get SC clearance. Now I love my job and its the only thing holding me back is my credit history. Ive been very lucky in the past to avoid CCJs / Bankruptcy Proceedings due to some of the amounts, however i want to finally face up to the facts and hit it hard. Ive attached my current credit report of defaulted debts and I am going to hit these hard. I would like to £100 a month towards them all an take my time to clear them out. Now i know that for SC clearance they do a credit check and im worried about the level of debt i have. How could this affect my Chance at getting SC Clearance? [ATTACH]48351[/ATTACH]
  11. I have got my medical on Friday,second attempt.rang up Atos and medical centre ,groundfloor and recording ,my wife is coming in with me , any advise ? thanks
  12. Hi Guys From MSE!!! Im amazed that they managed to get this!! http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?p=63334853 (I know its an external link to another forum,,, Please dont penalise me ^__^)
  13. i was on esa work related group.. i thought i was in the support group i had 0 points and went to 15 after medical.. after 12 months it was stopped as i was on contributiion based ... i appealed and explained with panic attacks and depression i couldnt attend ... i got a letter today sayin exactly the following.. first tier tribunal social entitlement chamber decision notice 1.the appeal is refused 2.the decision made on 22/05/12 is confirmed 3.mrs ******* remains entitled to esa with the work related activity componmet but is not entitled to esa with support componment. 4.this is becaise no descriptor from sch 3 of esa reg applied 5.the secratrey of state had accpeted that mrs ******** satisfied the cnditoins for the work related activity componment. this was not in issue. 6. neither party requested an oral hearing. having considered the appeal bundle the tribunal decided it was to decide the appeal without an oral hearing and it would be just to do so ... that is all the decision notice says and i DONT understand any of it since i went for my medical i have been awarded mob dla low rate which is the only thing i get ... and also been put on prozac ..and my mum passed away 3 months ago which has made me worse can someone please tell me what i can do and wat it all means
  14. Hi, I had my atos medical on the 11th June.. I was told the decision would be made in 2 to 3 weeks.. should I wait a bit longer or should I risk ringing and asking for the verdict. and if so who do I ring??
  15. Is there any way to remove a search engine result/listing? The reason I ask is, having just googled my name, the first result/link is a newspaper article from 9yrs ago, which relates to a court case I was involved in, and is no longer relevant to myself or my character, and obviously should a prospective employer etc search for me, it shows me in a bad light. Without going into too much detail, it was a case brought against me for animal neglect, and relates to a not very good time in my life, depression.
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