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Found 18 results

  1. Hi, I'm 4 months into a 12-month contract with X4L and have requested cancellation on the grounds that I'm frequently unable to park at, and therefore access, the gym (which is too far/long to travel to on public transport) – and this is on the higher £14.99 contract with the massive admin fee. I'm a new parent and work part-time, therefore can only go at certain days/times that fit around childcare and work. After several emails to the manager/front desk of my local gym, I eventually wrangled their head office email off them, who have responded that my reasons aren't covered by the contract cancellation policy and so they won't honour my request (also that their replies are automated and the inbox isn't monitored, which is obviously a lie, based on correspondence on this forum). Any help would be great (I hear Slick is legendary on this!) - Financial Ombudsman can't help because X4L are apparently not regulated by the FCA and although I've contacted Citizen's Advice, I've had no response as yet. TIA
  2. I deposited some money to an online trading account who have an operations in the UK. This was about 7 days ago and i have come to have some reservations about the company. I am trying to withdraw my funds but according to their system they charge a £25 fee for withdrawals. Do i still have a penalty free option for 14 days using such a service or am i liable for the fee.? Not sure if this is in the right part of the forum but any advice would be useful.
  3. Last Wednesday, completely out of the blue I was called to a meeting at my HO and told that due to restructuring my job is at risk, the company produced a settlement offer and has given me a week to think about it (unlike 10 days as in ACAS guidelines) They refuse to announce the nature of the restructuring, just that I don't fit within it and if I decline the offer then I have been told in no uncertain terms that I will be made redundant and end up with less money than they are offering. Although I don't know (and probably never will) I am almost certain based on noises from the past few months that the restructuring involves paying off half the people that do my job, and then replacing the job of the remaining people with a new one with a bigger remit to cover the loss of those of us that are gone, and they are doing this entirely arbitrarily without any due process or allowing me to reapply for the new job. Given that there are already a small number of people doing this bigger remit job, and they have always said I would be suitable to do this if the opportunity gave up, I believe I am being constructively dismissed, and they are relying on the fact that I won't be able to claim that if I accept the offer. A few hours after the meeting I sent an email to the people that were in the meeting (my line manager and her line manager) asking firstly for an extension of time to consider the offer, secondly for a fuller explanation as to what is going on and why I won't fit into the restructure, and thirdly asking if they will revise the sum offered. I did stress that I had not made any decisions and nothing in the email was intended to constitute a decision or limit my options. That evening I got an off the record phone call from my line manager stating that I shouldn't have done that, I should have just taken the money and because I am seen to be arguing with them they might now just withdraw the offer and make me redundant. Can they do that? I thought if the offer is open then it remains open until the window closes or I accept/decline it. Negotiation and asking for an explanation is surely not declining it? I also don't think they would be that stupid, because if I stay I will get to see what they are doing and retain all my employment rights including the right to take them to a tribunal. I ask because I have now been offered another (better) job and if they want me gone I'm just happy to take the money at this point!
  4. I applied for student visa in 2011 with the help of 1 consultancy. They charged me £1600 for this service. I done bio metric and was waiting for reply till today. In between i communicated to UKBA several times . Today i came to know that i am victim of identity theft. This consultancy who helped me for my application, withdrew my application without my concern. Even they changed my communication address to their office address without my knowledge. I never authorized them to represent my file to UKBA because they are not registered as OISC. I just took help to fill the form, find the college. Now after longtime waiting for an application i contacted to UKBA for returned my documents as i wanted to go back home. They told me that my application was withdraw with the reason that my mother is passed away in 2011 . So they returned that documents to that consultancy address . UKBA advise me to take help of local police to go and get my documents. i done so but the owner of the company denied. now police advice me to go to County court to sue him. Please advice me if someone can help 1 Is it possible for someone to change my application address in UKBA without my knowledge 2 How can i get my documents back
  5. Hi everyone, This is my first post here and I wish I had found you earlier. I need some help; I have tried to sue my collage/university: Name: Grimsby institute of F and HE Course: FD Applied Computing with Multimedia Tech Length of course: foundation plus 2 years Years of studies: 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 Why: unfair timescale of notifying Student Finance England (SFE) Last day of attendance: 14th January 2014 SFE notification: 15th April 2014 Court of own motion order: Failing to identify a cause of action in law And failing to identity why the principle should have personal liability (my intention was to sue the college) Can some one help me please and what other info do you need?
  6. Hello. I am in need of a bit of advice so figured this was probably the best place to try besides CAG (and their office is closed today apparently so they are no good for me really) I recently transfered some cash from my savings account to my current account to book a holiday. Paid for it. I'm not sure if I am going to be able to go now. I left over £1000 in my account for spending money. When trying to withdraw our spending money at the bank this morning, I was told insufficient funds. Obviously I went into the bank and was told a counter withdrawal was made yesterday for £1000. I ask how on earth this can happen, as surely a cash withdrawal would require ID. Apparently not, they just ask security questions. I asked what kind of security questions and the manager seems a bit reluctant to tell me, but it turns out simple things like address would suffice. I am getting slightly wound up at this point and ask if they used anything else to verify this withdrawal. He tells me that they dont have chip and pin machines in branch as a signature suffices.. . however my card never left my possession all day so how they could even have had a card to verify the signature is a mystery he offers to check the cctv footage but claims this could take up to a fortnight. Probably the wrong thing to do, but at this point I walked out as to be honest, I felt like I was going to completely snap. There are more security measures in place to use a cash machine than take out larger transactions over the counter! Unbelievable. I have never tried to draw out cash at the counter before anywhere, but is this the same with all banks? If so I completely understand why my grandfather used to keep bundles of cash around the house. I used to laugh at him when he said he didn't trust banks to keep his money safe and would rather take the risk of keeping it himself I got home and contacted the fraud team, who reckon theres nothing they can do as it was an in branch transaction. They can open an investigation but it can take weeks to get a reply/refund. Now, I may have to go down this route, but is there anything I could do to try and get an immediate refund? I don't feel its fair for the bank to penalize ME for their lack of security. I am currently asking around to see what cash I can lend from friends to see if I can still go on holiday. I have transferred my wages to my partners bank account until the fraud team sort this out as clearly I cannot trust my money to be in nationwide right now. .unfortunately I don't get paid til the end of the month though I am absolutely foaming at all of this. Especially the day before I am meant to be going away. I don't feel I have actually done anything wrong, yet I have no access to my own money :S
  7. My husband was placed in WRAG group for the second time in May 2013. He decided to appeal, decision was upheld and he has since had 2 tribunals both adjourned. The last one advised him to get legal advice as she didn't think there was enough evidence to continue paying ESA at all. Our legal adviser has let us down somewhat, despite having plenty of notice and being emailed the whole bundle of papers back in August, he only went through them (allegedly) on 5th December then advised us to withdraw the appeal immediately as he wasn't confident of retaining ESA (despite telling the Mental Health advocate at an earlier date it was simply a question of getting him moved to Support Group). We emailed the Tribunals people and received the automated response on 6th December. We have since been waiting for official letter stating the tribunal would not be going ahead - tomorrow - but despite 4 phone calls to them we still don't have confirmation it has been withdrawn. The last phone call I was told that instead of the request to withdraw being seen by a duty judge, the last judge at the tribunal asked for it to be specifically she who was contacted should we wish to withdraw. Our legal advisor is at a loss as to why, I have searched many places and can find no other examples of this happening. Can anyone shed any light on why she would insist on being contacted? My husband is in no fit state to be able to attend the tribunal tomorrow, unless I hear I shall be going to the court alone just in case it is heard in his absence for some reason. (It does involve a 3 hour round trip). Any ideas?
  8. Hi all, I made a big mistake and took out a Ladder Loans loan for £400. Two days later I awoke in a sweat and knew I needed to make good this awful error. I telephoned them and notified them of my intention to cancel under the CCA 1974. I paid the balance of £401.61 and asked them if it would be registered to the CRAs. They said it would, which I found hard to swallow. I have cancelled the credit agreement in the cooling-off period and believe they cannot record the loan with the CRAs. Am I right in thinking this? Also, they have emailed me confirming settlement of the loan, not cancellation of the credit agreement. Are they trying to pull a fast one here? Any help is gratefully received. Thanks.
  9. i have a HSBC Basic bank account, and my withdrawal limit is 300 per day. however, i need to withdraw 350 tomorrow, is it possible for my local branch to raise my withdrawal limit to 350? if so, would it be an instant process? what documentation would i need to take with me? reply soon Thanks
  10. Hi, If you apply for a PD loan and then decided to cancel cos a family member will help you instead...can you withdraw without interest? and what effect will it have on the credit files? will a credit account appear on the CRA's? I stupidly applied for a small pd loan from lending stream but 2 hours later my mum helped me out and sent me the money so i emailed them telling them im withdrawing, and have repaid the original loan amount and thats it, as it stated in their T+c's that they waiver the interest if withdrawal is exercised and repaid with one business working day? i been trying hard with cra's... i have just a 2/3 searches which will drop off by xmas ( minus this pd loan search) and a default to drop off early January. Thanks.
  11. Concerning the issue of whether we are a casual worker or a an employee there is many criteria to consider for example the time we work for the employer, our skills, whether he employs us only in case of shortage or during peak time or he uses us in the normal running of our business...etc. However I would like to know if the conclusive evidence is not when the P45 has been issued because if it has been issued one year after the start of employment this means that we are now an employee. It is up to the employer to decide if he need us anymore or nor and as a consequence if he send us our P45 or not. If the employer decides because it is not convenient for him not to issue a P45 at the end of each project we could be consider as an employee There is also the issue of HMRC and in order the employer not to pay tax maybe a worker has to work only for a small period of time and not come back for a long time There is also the issue of the difference between temporary employee and a casual worker
  12. i-loandirect deducted £54.99 from my account on 16 May 2014. I do not now this company and have never had any dealings with them. I want my money back a.s.a.p. Have not succeeded to phone this company. I would appreciate if I could get suggestions as to how get my money back. Thanks.
  13. I always wondered, if you apply for a loan and then withdraw within the time permitted, can the loan provider mark it down on ur credit file that u had an active loan and then 4-6 weeks later update it to satisfied... or do they generally not bother?? Had an occasion with Wonga and Mr Lender but withdrew on both,, with confirmation too...but no mention as of yet on experian or callcredit
  14. Hi there. I am hoping that someone can offer me some good advice on this, because I am at a loss to understand what has gone on today. Basically, I was offered a fantastic new job and career, after 18 months out of full time employment, and this was subject to the normal pre-employment checks, including references. I was shocked and staggered today after receiving a start date for my new job that the offer was withdrawn due to an unsatisfactory reference. I immediately contacted my former employer, with whom I parted company on good terms, who denied providing anything negative. However, on further investigation, it transpires that my ex-employer had ticked a box saying that he would not consider employing me if I ever re-applied for a job, and ticked me as "weak" on a couple of areas surrounding ability to work in a team and ability to work unsupervised. This information is wholly inaccurate, as I have always been great in a team and the very nature of my previous work was such that I had to work independently an awful lot of the time. I am totally at a loss as to why a job offer would be withdrawn on the back of two very spurious remarks that are not even true. My other reference provided with the same questions, displayed my excellent team working skills and ability to be independent. As you can understand, I am totally bewildered at the moment, and wonder if I have any legal case to find out what has happened and gone wrong? I know I can request disclosure of my reference from my former employer, but I cannot for the life of me understand what has happened to cause him to basically end my career hopes. If he is providing bad or unsatisfactory references over something that simply hasn't happened, how am I ever going to get a job again, because I had been at that place of work for 11 years with no issues, apart from one informal verbal chat with my line manager over a slight falling out with a colleague, although this was well over eight years ago. Please can someone advise because I am at the end of my tether and don't understand or even know where to turn to next.
  15. Hi everyone, I've seen this withdrawal of consent letter floating about, does that mean that the Work Programme cannot refer you onto any training courses with outside training people ? For example, I am with Remploy and have been referred on to a training course with another company, which I am not all that happy with. If they had a copy of the withdrawal of consent does that mean you would no longer have to attend that ? Thank you.
  16. Hi all, Just thought I'd post this in case this was a help to anyone. I've used a few PDLs over the past couple of years and sometimes there comes that magical time when its possible to pay them off early, or you realise that you don't need the loan at all. This is based purely on my own experience, but I thought I'd let you know the experiences I've had when contacting them to enforce the '14 day right of withdrawal'. In some cases this has saved me hundreds of pounds, so its always worth thinking about if you are quite early on in the loan. In all cases, its worth reading up on the small print in the loan agreement so you know what to state when you enquire about it. Also worth noting that if you enforce your right of withdrawal, you also have 30 days to repay in some cases! However, in the following instances I did repay instantly as I wanted to clear loans. This has never affected my accounts with them either and it doesn't appear to be problematical to credit rating either. PDUK - The best of the bunch for this from my experiences, emailed them the request, and they emailed back instantly stating they wouldn't even charge any interest (despite their loan agreement stating interest at about 66p per day). I phoned back to make payment and the assistant was aware of the withdrawal clause, and also was primed to only take payment of the initial loan, with no interest. This was about 7 days after the loan started. Another good thing about PDUK is that when you rollover as I had previously done in the above instance, they send a new loan agreement every month so you effectively have the first 14 days of each new period in which potentially you could repay that particular month interest free! Lending Stream - Also good for this, repaid them early on and they only charged a nominal daily fee of interest which I seem to recall was also no more than a pound a day. Quick Quid - Charged a percentage of the whole interest that would have been paid for the loan term. Basically using early repayment formulae. They are always worth considering if you wish to repay outside the 14day period, as even if you pay back 3 or 4 days earlier than repayment it could save twenty or thirty quid. Every little helps!! Txtloan: If you text them to take their 15 day loan back early, you still get charged full amount including full interest. They seem to operate a rolling credit agreement to prevent this action, so I guess it could be enforced within the first loan with them but I've never tried. Payday Express: Ignored all my requests to take loan early. Have seen other reports around the web suggesting they refuse to take early repayments so they can charge the whole interest. So please feel free anyone to add their own experiences, there are actually savings on interest to be had here that possibly people don't always know about!
  17. hi, dont know if this is the right place to post this but maybe someone can advise. I recently saw some thomas cook vouchers advertised on a website for sale. I am trying to save money on my holiday as we all are, so I made an offer to the seller which they accepted. She said she wanted payment through paypal as this was safer all round for both of us. So I duly sent the money, including extra to pay for special delivery signed for. She said the money was received and entered a tracking number to show they had been sent. On trying to track the item i realised it was not a valid tracking code. i contacted her asking her to send me the correct royal mail tracking code which is 13 digits. she said she would contact royal mail. initially she said royal mail could not trace it. I was insistent she send me the tracking number but she still did not, kept fobbing me off. I contacted paypal who have put a dispute on her acct. she now says the vouchers have been sent back to her address by royal mail. she still hasnt given me the tracking number so i can validate this. ive said why dont you just send the vouchers now, once i receive them i can call paypal and tell them the matter has been resolved. but no she wants to issue me a refund, then send the vouchers as she "trusts me" then when i receive them i can pay her again. its all a bit dodgy. my question is, paypal have told me if she does not provide a reciept, they will issue me a refund. but what if she has spent the money already, and there are no funds in her bank account? can they still take the money back off her, even if there are no funds in her account? I also wonder if I should contact the police, as her refusal to send me a tracking number is worrying, its an easy enough thing to do and i have asked several times!!
  18. Hi there, I'm hoping someone can help because I'm at my wits end. I have a verified business account with Paypal and have never had any problems before now. Suddenly, I am faced with a problem withdrawing funds I have received in Paypal to my bank account. Basically, I requested a withdrawal last Thursday 1 Sept and it should have cleared into my account on Monday. It's now Friday - 9 days later (and 7 working days) and still no sign of the payment. Paypal are refusing to do anything about it but my bank has advised that there is absolutely nothing they can do because it is down to Paypal as the originator to put a trace on the payment. Paypal are refusing to do a trace saying not enough time has passed. In the meantime, I have money going out and am out of pocket where I have paid to ship items to customer but have not received the money they paid to me. What can I do? Does anyone else have any experience of this?
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