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  1. Good afternoon, I am wondering if somebody can point me in the right direct. Last summer myself, my wife and our son (13 at the time) flew to Romania with Tarom (Heathrow to Bucharest). Our flight landed almost 6 hours late. On our return, I filed a claim for compensation for the three of us at 400 Euro’s per person. After 3 months, Tarom eventually replied to me with an apology and an offer of 450 Euro’s per person in vouchers. I refused this and insisted upon a cash alternative via bank transfer under Regulation EU261. Tarom agreed to compensate 400 Euro’s per person and asked for my bank details, which I have supplied. However, after another 3 weeks, they only paid 400 Euro’s. I have emailed them twice since to ask about the remaining 800 Euro’s. Today, I got a reply stating the following: “Under the Romanian Law (we are a Romanian Company) we can make the payment directly to the passenger. In order to make the payment for Mrs. XXXX and Mr. XXXX we need the following bank details of the passengers.” Is this information correct, or are they trying to delay payment further? I can’t imagine that an airline pays each member of a family separately e.g. a family package holiday. Our son does not have a bank account, so I can’t give them any bank details for him, although he is entitled to compensation too. Many thanks
  2. Hi, What rules apply to flight delays from pakistan to manchester flying on PIA? Flight was delayed for 7 hours, the expected departure was 3pm but delayed until 10pm. When i asked for a reason i did not get an full answer, all i was told was there were some issues from a flight from canada. Accomodation and food was provided. This was a return flight, left manchester to pakistan, and pakistan to manchester. I had no travel insurance. Am i able to claim compensation via EU regulations?
  3. Hi all, New here and after some advice. I booked a package holiday through Olympic Holidays in April with flights operated by TUI. Our (2 of us) return flight (Corfu-Gatwick) was delayed due to a faulty aircraft having been sent back to Gatwick on it's way out to Corfu. This resulted in a 13 hour delay. Due to work commitments, we needed to be back home much earlier than this so unfortunately had to pay for new flights that were operated by Thomas Cook, plus €110 in baggage charges. The total came to around £400 after conversion (flights were £155 each). Before I start the long compensation process and so that I go about this in the correct way, I was looking for advice on: 1) Do I claim through Olympic or TUI? 2)Am I entitled to the standardised compensation package, or 3)Because I didn't take the scheduled flight, do TUI/Olympic have to pay me for the flights that I bought due to their delay, or: 4) Are they liable to pay for the flight that we didn't take due to the delay? I have a feeling Olympic/TUI will try passing me on like a hot potato so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jacob
  4. Hello All, My flight from Barbados to London was delayed over 3 hours. When I put my claim in they stated it was denied stating the flight was delayed by arrival in UK 2 hours and 51 minutes. Are these claims not based on the time the flight departs also?
  5. Hi, I was recently on a flight from Vienna to Gatwick. The distance is 1250km (775 miles). The delay was exactly 3 hours, 4 minutes (184 minutes). Under Flight Regulation EC 261/2004 I am entitled to compensation of 250€ per passenger (2 of us) for flight delays longer than 3 hours. The delay was due to a technical fault. I contacted BA via email for compensation. They responded stating that 175 minutes was due to technical fault, and the remaining 9 minutes was due to ATC as they had to wait for a slot to take off, therefore since less than 180 minutes was their fault, they reject the claim for compensation. My friend, on a different BA flight had exactly the same issue - his flight delayed by 200 minutes, and BA claimed 175 due to technical fault, and 25 due to waiting for ATC to let them go. Suspicious. From my point of view, if there was no technical fault, the flight would have taken off in the allocated time and the delay would have been 0 minutes. The technical fault caused the ATC delay, and therefore the delay is entirely BA fault, all 184 minutes of it. So they should pay me compensation. Also, does "ATC waiting for a takeoff slot" count as "extraordinary circumstances" ? I know an ATC strike, or ATC staff shortages may do, but there is nothing improper or out of the ordinary about the operation of ATC at this time - it is entirely correct operation, they are just waiting for the next free slot because obviously they cant just let a plane go immediately when its ready, so there will always be some kind of delay here, so how can it be classed extraordinary? It seems there is a grey area on the Air Traffic Control and airlines can use it to get out of paying compensation. Please can someone give me advice on this? Thanks, Ryan.
  6. Hi, Currently, a member of my family is sat on a broken down coach, which is supposed to have arrived at Heathrow. He has missed his flight, and will have to try and book one for tomorrow. According to the conditions of carriage: http://www.nationalexpress.com/help-and-advice/about-us/conditions-of-carriage.aspx and He allowed 6 hours between scheduled arrival and the flight departure. Would a hotel room at Heathrow overnight be considered a reasonable and foreseeable loss?
  7. I sent my laptop into toshiba for repair under warranty around 10 weeks ago. Despite half a dozen phone calls over this period they still have not got the parts in nor know when they will have them. I said its about time they consider giving me another new or refurbished laptop but they were unable to offer this as they are only the repair company and not Toshiba themselves. They were unable to offer any contact details for Toshiba apart from email. I emailed Toshiba in Germany who deal with this apparently and politely asked for a replacement as a repair was not forthcoming. Because i only had an ebay invoice they considered this not proper proof of purchase and they wouldn't give me a replacement machine. I argued that they have accepted the laptop under warranty already and that surely they cant pick and choose solutions because the laptop is either in warranty or not in warranty and not some in between state where they can only offer certain solutions. Despite doing this politely they then decide to block my email address. No notice of anything i had to google up the server errors i was getting. i try contacting Toshiba by phone but the only number available for computer repairs is locked out unless you can provide a repair reference (mine didnt work). I wanted to talk to customer services and found out the only way i can do this is via snail mail. Right i thought, that old cop-out!, i tapped out a letter and sent it recorded post within the hour. That was nearly three weeks ago it looks like they have ignored it Anyone have any idea where i stand legally with this? Can they make me wait this long for a simple keyboard replacement? Can i do anything about my issue and complaint being ignored? Any advice would be helpful as im kind of in toshiba limbo atm. Thanks.
  8. Hi I apologise if this is in the wrong forum but I'm trying to determine my rights and who I should be addressing my concerns to(and potentially taking legal action against) Please forgive me if I go into a lot of detail as I'm not too sure what is pertinent and what isn't. In February of this year I booked return flights from Manchester, UK (MAN) to Jacksonville, USA (JAX) through Netflights, travelling on the 6th of April. The carrier was listed as Virgin and the only route was via Atlanta. Both flights were listed as Virgin operated with the correct VS code although it appears hat the Atlanta to Jacksonville flight was to be operated by Delta Airlines. Upon landing at Atlanta I received a text from Virgin advising my flight (17:45) had been cancelled (It was still on the Airport boards) and that they had rebooked me on the next flight out (They hadn't). I approached a Delta desk representative who refused to confirm that my flight had indeed been cancelled as it was still listed on the boards. Approximately one hour before scheduled departure time the flight was cancelled and I then attempted to use the automated system for assistance and rebook but it kept telling me that I had to speak to a representative personally. I therefore started to queue up at the Delta service representatives area, which was by now almost the full length of the airport long. Eventually by the time I managed to speak to someone a further two flights (operated by other carriers) had departed to my destination. The representative, however, was very helpful and rebooked me on the 20:30 flight to Jacksonville but advised that it was delayed until 21:30. This delay kept being pushed back until shortly before midnight the now 01:30 flight was cancelled and the queue for the customer service representative was even longer than before. Delta had by this time marshalled some executives onto the concourse to offer aid and assistance however this seemed to consist of 'I think you'd better speak to someone on the desk'. I was also advised at this time that there were no further flights before the morning and that there was no possibility of overnight accommodation being provided as it was classed as a domestic flight despite it being a connection from a trans-atlantic one. I should say at this point that no food, water or communication assistance was offered or provided despite my speaking to multiple Delta agents on the concourse. After getting to speak to a customer service representative they advised me that they could put me on a flight to Jacksonville at 11:30 the next day but I had lost all faith in their ability to get me to my destination by this time and so nearly seven hours after my scheduled departure I asked them to cancel the flight as I was exhausted and in need of a bed and a shower. I then went to collect my luggage from the Delta luggage area only to be told that I could not have my luggage and that they would not send it onto my final destination, more I had to collect it from Jacksonville Airport in two days. A task that effectively took a day out of my holiday as I was approximately four hours drive from Jacksonville Airport. Now the reason for the delays (that made headline news in the USA) is that there was a hurricane and the official Delta response is that it was Force Majeure however I've contacted the Aviation authorities in the USA who confirm that while flight operations were disrupted at Atlanta due to bad weather they authorised the resumption of flight operations around 14:00 the day prior to my arrival. My feeling is that the delays were caused by Delta's inability to get their planes and crews to the correct location despite having had over 24 hours to do so. Certainly the weather permitted my flight from Manchester to land without being diverted and other airlines were struggling more becuase of the volume of people transferring to airlines not Delta than any weather issue. In my opinion weather should be classed as Force Majeure but bad management during bad weather is well within the control of Delta. This might be considered the end but it gets worse from a customer service perspective. Upon my return I approached both the company I had booked the flights through and Virgin Atlantic regards flight delay compensation plus a gesture of goodwill for the lack of accommodation, food, water, communication assistance, etc. Netflights have taken the position that they provided the tickets as advertised and that any such claim should go through the carrier which in this case was Virgin Atlantic. Virgin Atlantic are taking the position that despite the flight being coded as Virgin the carrier was Delta and all communications should go through them. Delta have refused to respond to multiple attempts at communication for updates and advise on the status of my claim. While I really don't want to go down this route I'm starting to feel that legal action is my only recourse as every party is either trying to say that it wasn't down to them or simply not talking at all. So I guess the question I'm asking is who should I be addressing my concerns/potential legal action to? Should it be the seller of the tickets, the name of the airline on the tickets or the actual airline subcontracted to provide the flight?
  9. Hi, I have joined the forum in the hope that somebody has useful information for me in my aim to shake Cabot Financial off, who are chasing a debt which becomes statute barred in September 2018. A brief outline of the debt I am being chased for: Type of debt: Credit debt - Santander Current account Outstanding balance: £590 (consisting £150 overdraft + £440 charges) Account closed: September 2012 After speaking with a helpful advisor at the National Debtline and explaining my situation, I was told it was a difficult one which needed careful consideration of my next steps. I was presented with three options: 1. Wait the seven months and risk court action 2. Set up a payment plan, which would reset the limitation act 3. As it was a disputed debt with Santander, present evidence to Cabot for them to investigate - but this would reset the statute barred clock. I have email records of a complaint I had made to Santander about charges on my account late in 2011. Santander acknowledged receiving my complaint, they even followed up with an email apology for the delay in responding to the complaint - but this was to be the last correspondence with no further follow up and the issue remained unresolved from their side. I have records of this correspondence. I stopped using the account and the charges continued until the bank decided to close it in September 2012. I really don't have the money to pay this debt. I would really like to avoid paying it especially as it was disputed with Santander in the first place, I can't afford a CCJ as it will stop me getting a mortgage which I hope to be in a position to go for within the next few years. I am looking for delay tactics without acknowledging the debt to get me into the statute barred date when I can confidently answer a Cabot phone call and tell them to do one! Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Dear All First of all, thank God for Forums like this and people who care enought to devote precious time to assist others in debt. A Debt collection firm, issued a claim, the progress of which was halted by a CCA request. It has finally come back, after a year following request, with what appears to be a copy of a signed agreement and t&cs and statement of account. Amount seeking is over £3,150. Can't claim time barred, owing to previous payments. They say they can proceed to seeking judgment unless payment arrangement is set up. They trade under three very very similar names. The claim was issued under a name the authorisation of which by the Regulator has now lapsed. Should I give in and set up arrangement? Can I apply to dismiss their claim? Should I request copy & details of assignment or ownership of the debt? Can they come back and reissue a claim under one of their authorised names? Please tell me what option I have. Very grateful
  11. Ryanair has told lawyers acting for a woman claiming compensation that it will no longer accept the jurisdiction of the English courts, in a case that has raised concerns over air passenger delay rights. The claims management company acting for a woman known only as Ms Menditta, who claimed against the Dublin-based Ryanair after a delay in 2015, have been told by the airline that a clause in the airline’s terms and conditions requires disputes to be decided by the Irish courts. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/09/ryanair-says-womans-delay-claim-must-go-through-irish-courts Clause 2.4 of Ryanair's terms and conditions states that contract disputes will normally be subject to the jurisdiction of Irish courts, but until now has rarely invoked that clause. Ryanair has now declared it WILL recognise the jurisdiction of British courts in flight delay compensation cases, but only if customers shun third-party claims firms and approach the airline directly.
  12. Hi please see below the response from BH airlines to my delay flight claim - seems to be saying, yes the aircraft was broke but we are only a charter company so tough! Also interesting interpretation of BH holidays terms and conditions. Whats next then SC court? any views gratefully received: Thank you for contacting BH AIR Customer Service Department and thus giving us the chance to review your complaint. Thank you for your patience while the case was being reviewed. First of all, we would like to apologize for the inconveniences you faced due to the delay of your flight. We do realize that any delay could be quite frustrating and we strive to avoid such occurrences. Unfortunately, delays in aviation do happen and in such cases we try to at least minimize them as much as possible. We would like to take this opportunity to explain that your return flight was delayed due to a combination of factors which made it very difficult for the airline's ground-handling agent to predict how long it would be delayed for. We can advise that your flight was unfortunately adversely affected by a series of cumulative delays to the aircraft on earlier rotations. The root cause of your delay was a technical problem to the aircraft on a previous rotation. We naturally regret to hear that the end of your holiday was marred by the above delay. *We can advise that the track record of BH Airlines on timekeeping is very good, but unfortunately sometimes delays do occur for reasons beyond our control. As a charter airline BH Air has less flexibility than other airlines (such as e.g. Lufthansa or Air France) to replace an aircraft in order to comply with its initial schedule. Preventing this delay would have led us to making „intolerable sacrifices” in the light of the capacities of BH Air’s undertaking at the time of the flight, which sacrifices (as per the rationale of the European court judgment on Case C-294/10 (Eglītis-Ratnieks v. Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija) we have no legal obligation to make. Evident from the above, the delay of the flight was caused by circumstances which we could not avoid even where we took all reasonable measures within the capacity of our airline. Furthermore, we would like to advise you that BH Air operated the flight on the basis of an aircraft lease arrangement but not a contract of carriage with you and the members of your family as passengers. The flight schedule announced was for reference only. As stated on Balkan Holidays website – flight timings and routings are only provisional and may be subject to change! Hence, the Airline had no contractual obligation vis-à-vis you and your family to comply with any specific flight schedule and may not be responsible for any flight delay. For that reason and reasons mentioned above, we may not honour your claim for compensation under Regulation No 261/2004 or otherwise. That being said, we would like to take this one last chance to apologize for all inconveniences caused. We always strive to give our passengers only the best customer service and so your feedback as it is highly appreciated. We hope that they will give us the chance to welcome you on board our aircraft in the future and give you the customer service you deserve! Kindest regards, BH Air Claims Team
  13. Regulator the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which no longer deals with complaints flight delays and cancellations, has announced that a total of 20 airlines have now signed up to approved 'Alternative Dispute Resolution' (ADR) bodies. Customers with complaints aginst those airlines who have signed up with the Retail Ombudsman will have thier case dealt with free of charge. But British Airways, easyjet and Thomas Cook have signed with CEDR which charges customers a £25 fee for unsuccessful claims for compensation https://www.caa.co.uk/Passengers/Resolving-travel-problems/How-the-CAA-can-help/Alternative-dispute-resolution/ Retail Ombudsman Air Astana, Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge,Asiana Airlines EgyptAir , Flybe, Ryanair, SkyWorks Airlines AG, South African Airways TAP Portugal Turkish Airlines, Wizz Air Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) British Airways, easyJet, Thomas Cook, Thomson (TUI)
  14. Hello, I am due to move into my new flat on 11 December. I made an offer for it over three weeks ago, which was accepted by the landlord on 18 October (3 weeks ago). I then went successfully through reference checking and all that, and on 25 October (16 days ago) I made the payment for the first month of rent and the six-week deposit, plus various fees (in total circa £4500). The issue is that, as of today, the landlord has not yet signed the contract; the lettings agency say they are trying to get a hold of him but he is not returning their calls, the last time they spoke to him was "some time last week". they say they are sure he will sign eventually but cannot tell me when as they do not manage to speak to him. I am concerned that something may be going wrong on the landlord's side and that he may not sign at all in the end, otherwise I see no reason for such a huge delay. As my move-out date is approaching and the lettings agency keeps telling me that they can't do anything but insist calling him, I am getting more and more worried and am thinking of looking for alternative solutions, i.e. considering finding another flat. But as they have my deposit I feel my hands are untied, at least until either he signs or he pulls back from the agreement. The questions that I have are: 1) Does the landlord have an open-ended option to sign the lease whenever he wants, and possibly never sign? Can he basically keep me on hold until 11 December? Or is there such a thing as a "reasonable time" after which I can withdraw my offer without my incurring in any cost (i.e. I get everything back)? 2) Is the agency or the landlord to be considered liable for any of this? If I need to look for another flat, I will have again to take time off from work, go through the annoying and frustrating flat-hunting again, which I suspended because both of them agreed to signing a contract (as proved by offer acceptance letters, reference checking, deposit, etc.). I am trying to put some pressure to the agency but they are a bit helpless (and useless). Thanks, Daniele
  15. i have a contract with a broadband provider for 8 more months. its 18.40/month, i've moved and they want me to pay £100.00+ moving fee and wait 27 days to connect it at my new address. the contract is for supply of broadband/phone so can i cancel it based on the fact that they have broken the contract ? and cancel all further payments?
  16. Hi, What do you think I should do? I ordered Business Fibre 152mb broadband in January 2015 Virgin required a £230 deposit which I paid. It is now a year later, hundreds of emails and hours of calls and 6 missed apointments and we seem no closer to an actual installation. Costs initially escalated from £60 for the install to a couple of hundred, and 2 months in I opted for a government Connection Voucher to cover it. Since then they have continued to rise and I've continued to agree to them as they are still less than the grant. Highlights include: a 3 month wait while Virgin was emailing the wrong email address to get the installation started being asked to pay £3895 excess costs which turned out to be a basic algebra error resulting from adding the £3000 connection voucher grant and actual £895 costs together waiting for contractors to not show up to do work on 6 different weekends I made a formal complaint in October and have a reference for it, but all the complaints department do is chase their Manilla call centre to give me an update, which typically doesn't contain any information. It has been a very frustrating year and the practical and financial impact on my business is huge. There is also no sign this is going to end with Virgin actually getting round to the installation... I've thought about complaining to CISAS, which is the ombudsman Virgin Media seem to be linked to, what should i be asking them for? Is there anything else I could do?
  17. My husband ordered a new car on the basis that it would be available on 30th November. Prior to delivery to us, it was to go to a specialist firm for adaptation to meet my needs as a wheelchair user. The retailer was aware from the outset that the car was needed fairly urgently. It is not a Motablility vehicle, we've paid a £500 deposit, there's no part exchange and we're paying the balance without any sort of finance. Only 3 days before delivery was due, we were informed that there would be a few days delay, but that the vehicle would definitely be available in plenty of time for a planned, extended holiday starting on the 14th December (which they also knew about when we ordered), so we rearranged delivery for 11th as my husband was working away from home until then. In the meantime we had arranged for our old car to go to a relative, who accordingly arranged the sale of his car and transferred his insurance to start on 11th. On 9th December I phoned to confirm some details only to be told that the vehicle had only been received by the retailer that day would not be ready until 19th December at the earliest, meaning that we would be unable to collect it until we return home at the end of January. On the same day we received the vehicle registration document dated 30th November, meaning that by the time we got our 'new' car, it would actually technically be 2 months old. Obviously this has put us to enormous inconvenience, the relative who was due to have our car has ended up having to borrow one as he didn't want to lose the sale on his car/upset the person he was selling to, it turned out to be cheaper to let his new insurance run rather than cancel (which we're paying) and since our existing car isn't adapted, we're having to limit how often I get in and out as it's painful and risks hubby's back every time. We're definitely asking for the warranty/service plan to run from the day we collect, not 30th November, but we're not sure what else we could/should ask for. The bottom line is that we want the car, we spent a long time researching which would best meet our needs and this one won hands down so we don't want to walk away, though if we did, the dealer would effectively be left with an unsaleable vehicle as the adaptation couldn't be removed without trace. However, had we known we couldn't have the car until the end of Jan, we'd have waited another month and had a 2016 model. Also, I've just thought that if the vehicle is registered in hubby's name, is he also risking getting done for no tax or insurance?
  18. We signed an order form for a 6 months old Ford Focus from a Ford franchise The car was at another branch 300 miles away so they gave us an estimated delivery date of the 7th July but the car has been delayed for unknown reasons (TO ME). Called them yesterday and they are still unsure when the car will be delivered. Its not a huge problem although i sold my own car today a i thought i would have had the new one by now so now carless. Having read their terms and conditions it says that they are not liable for any delays etc... and thats fair enough but wondering if i can get out of this if they cant get it to me by this week. Hopefully its not been damaged on route I have signed an order form that states the estimated delivery date. I have also applied for finance through them but not the actual finance agreement. thanks
  19. My landlord has submitted a claim and now I have a form for defense. I have been abused by the landlord over 4 years and last year I finally managed to have the council serve a notice for repairs which were done in the worst manner possible. I know the following: 1. I was never given details of my tenancy deposit being protected until now where I have seen them for the first time 4 years on. 2. The name on the claim form for the landlord is the wrong surname 3. The council requires a landlord to have a licence prior to submitting a section 21 and this was not done. 4. The court application for possession was made prior to the end of the fixed term of the assured shorthold which is June 29th and this was submitted on 26th May. 5. The second landlord (as there are two), does not reside at the address stated on the claim form. There are two boxes for two people and the second one is blank. What about issuing a counter claim for breach of contract under the Housing Act and Landlord and Tenant act for failing to carry out repairs once being notified in reasonable time for a period for 4 years? When would one submit this claim as a counter or is that done as an entirely separate matter in the courts? Shall post in 2 seconds.. uploading now here are the claim form pages Will make into a PDF. two secs Ok attached attachment.pdf
  20. The CAA's plan for airlines to sign up to ombudsman type schemes hasn't been a success. So far, only Thompson have signed up. To encourage a greater take-up, from 1 June, airlines which haven’t signed up to an ombudsman scheme will have to pay £150 for complaints made to the CAA. The change could push airlines to settle legitimate claims more quickly, to avoid incurring a charge for escalated complaints. It may also push airlines to sign up to ombudsman schemes if they’re cheaper. The complaints service will continue to be free to passengers. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/travel/2016/05/caa-to-charge-airlines-150-to-investigate-flight-delay-complaints-as-ombudsman-schemes-stall?_ga=1.101036417.1454227081.1456681947
  21. My family and I travelled back from Orlando to Leeds Bradford last weekend and were delayed as a result of the flight time being changed from Orlando meaning that we could not make a connection at Miami and had to be moved onto a different flight to London Gatwick (we were due to land at Heathrow). This meant that we did not have enough time to make the next flight at Heathrow and ended up getting back into LBA at about 18:00 instead of 13:50 (the plane was a few minutes late) and we also had the added hassle and cost of getting from LGW to LHR with baggage which had to be collected and checked in. Can anyone tell me if I am subject to compensation. For info the details were as follows: Flights booked through an agent (TravelUP) Return flight with Iberia but operated by American Airlines Although the experience was difficult and stressful I must point out that the American Airlines and British Airways staff in Orlando were excellent and did everything they could to help. Thanks in advance for any help.
  22. A group of disabled people is taking the government to the High Court over delays in benefit payments. Thousands have been waiting more than a year for their Personal Independence Payments, a new benefit which replaces Disability Living Allowance in some areas of the UK. Disabled people have been forced to turn to loan sharks and food banks because of the “unlawfully long time” taken to provide them with vital welfare benefits. Two test case claimants are asking the court to declare that the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has breached his common law and human rights duties to make payments within a reasonable time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32738655
  23. A test case of Goel & Trivedi v Ryanair could lead to Ryanair successfully putting a two year time limit on claims, despite the Supreme Court ruling that passengers have SIX years to claim. Ryanair argue that by accepting the airline’s Terms and Conditions when they buy a ticket, passengers are waiving their right to the six year limitation period. As Goel & Trivedi v Ryanair is a test case, all Courts in England and Wales are likely to follow the decision. Most other airlines also have a two year time bar in their Terms and Conditions; if Ryanair win this case, all airlines could potentially put a two year cap on claims. The Judge gave a reserved judgement (meaning he will hand down his decision at a later date). http://www.bottonline.co.uk/press-releases/ryanair-fights-passengers-over-how-long-they-have-to-claim
  24. I got a letter from them asking who was driving my car about six months earlier. I replied that, after such a long time, I hadn't a clue. In my absence, they took me to court, gave me 6 points and a fine of over £700. === Are they allowed to wait such a long time before asking?
  25. Hi I think Im in a catch 22 ?? My intigrated tumble dryer broke after 4 years 8 months. That was two weeks ago In a panic I rang and agreed to pay Domestic & General £13.99 a month for a service warranty to get the dryer fixed. I knew the timer was broke and that the thermostat was broke because the machine worked but blowed cold air. I explain both faultclearly to the operator and she said she would arrange for an engineer to visit. Engineer arrived with no parts and said hed have to order them. A week later Domestic & General said that the thermostat is not in stock at the Italian warehouse and they dont know when it will be in stock. The estimated earliest date is January 2015 but nothing definate. It could be anytime. She agreed to cancel the contract because they didnt know when they could fix the dryer I re read all the dryer purchase documents and realised I had an extended 5 year warranty for the part only (NO LABOUR) with Baumatic. After numerous telephone calls, I spoke to Hoover Candy (they took over Baumatic in 2013). I asked for the parts but they havent got them in stock and are waiting for them from Italy and again there are none in the Italian warehouse --earliest estimate time that they may arrive is end of December/January but this is only and estimate They wont let me have the parts (when they arrive )unless I pay £119 for their engineer to install them. The warrarnty says the parts should be fitted by a "Baumatic engineer" I really feel annoyed at the time I have spent on the phone with D&G and Hoover Candy and trapped by a useless "parts warranty" waiting with no definate date when the dryer can be fixed My question is how long am I expected to wait for the parts before they are in breach of their warranty? Even if they do arrive at the end of December or early January that will be 5 - 6 weeks Is there anything I can do to avoid the £119 Baumatic engineer payment? I did ask them to send me the parts when they come in and I will get a local engineer (local engineer charges just £45) but they said I would have to pay £89 for the parts if I didnt use their engineer. A new machine costs around £240 ish with free fitting from a local supplier so I think that is what I will do as I really need a dryer in this winter rainy weather. Also the part reference numbers they have given me dont seem to exist per "google" Sorry this message is so long but I was wondering if anyone else has had any problems like this. Or any possible solutions? advice? I am pretty resigned to buying a new integrated dryer but money is a little tight with Christmas in two weeks:sad:
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