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  1. Hi, Just need some guidance on this issue. Virgin Media came yesterday and laid some cable from the street drilling a hole in my front wall to put the cable through and then digging the garden to lay the cable . Now I have never ordered virgin media for any services nor am I a current virgin media customer. About 2 weeks ago I got a letter addressed to someone else but with my address on it that had a direct debit for virgin media, I got in contact with them and explained about and was told by the call centre that it would cancel due to incorrect details. I emailed the CEO explaining the situation and am awaiting his reply. Is there anything else I could be doing to get a resolution Regards Richard
  2. I've just received an award by CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) against CIGA for the removal of Cavity Wall Insulation which was installed in 2012. I've had horrendous problems with damp since and put a claim in myself. Also been awarded redecoration costs and an award for poor customer service. My query was relating to the redecoration costs, the award states mould treatment, repainting and repapering. Some of the plaster on the walls has crumbled with the damp, will they sort the walls out before they paper over them. Also the bathroom which is another area where damp has been a problem has tiles on it, as the award states repapering will they not do this area. Damp is in the electricity meter cupboard, will they make this safe? I know it sounds like I might be worrying over nothing however the way I've been treated by CIGA to date has given me reason to be concerned. Thanks Dex
  3. Hi All, Need some help with how to proceed with my issues, story below; We have had a boiler installed via Eon earlier this year and about two weeks after having the boiler installed we have noticed an issue when using the shower mainly, I contacted the installers Rothwell Plumbing Services Ltd and they took a while to get back in contact but at the time it would only do it maybe once a week so I didn't chase it too much. What will happen is the water will all of a sudden go ice cold for about 60-90 seconds and then heat back up, there is no pressure drop whilst this is happening. To test if it was my shower mixer I turned on the bathroom sink hot tap and that was also ice cold too indicating it is an issue with the boiler. It would only do it on the odd occasion and it has just started happening more and more to the point it is doing it every other time the shower is being used. Rothwell Plumbing Services Ltd have come round today and say that our water pressure is too low and is only 8L/PM instead of the recommended 16-18L/PM and this is what they think is causing it. They have said they can remedy the issue by fitting a pump within our house to increase the pressure but this will cost me £700 approx. I don't want to pay this after paying £2.5k to have the boiler installed thinking that was it we would have a shiny new boiler after the one in the property started leaking in a couple places and that one kept the water hot at least, we only purchased the house a few months prior so money had been tight being our first home. I have emailed E-ON as I can never get through to the installation complaints department via phone it just dials out and dies. "To Whom it may concern, We have had a boiler installed via Eon earlier this year and about two weeks after having the boiler installed we have noticed an issue when using the shower mainly, I contacted the installers RTS and they took a while to get back in contact but at the time it would only do it maybe once a week so I didn't chase it too much. What will happen is the water will all of a sudden go ice cold for about 60-90 seconds and then heat back up, there is no pressure drop whilst this is happening. To test if it was my shower mixer I turned on the bathroom sink hot tap and that was also ice cold too indicating it is an issue with the boiler. It would only do it on the odd occasion and it has just started happening more and more to the point it is doing it every other time the shower is being used. I have got in touch with the installer and they think it is down to the water pressure as they ran tests and have come back saying that the pressure is only around 8L/pm when it should be around 16-18L/pm, they have said they can fit a pump within the property to increase the pressure at the cost of approx £700 that should remedy the issue. So seeing as you are the ones that came out to survey and recommended a boiler based on the results of the survey conducted within the property I would ask that you either come out and confirm their findings and if you don't agree fix the issue or if you agree pay for the additional work that needs to be done so we can use the boiler that we are now paying for with no issues. I have asked them for a copy of the report so I can forward it to you and if needed I will also get an interdependent boiler expert out to give me a report and I will forward that along with the invoice to pay if you need a second opinion. It has caused me a lot of issues personally as I have had an operation on both of my big toes and I need to shower daily and when the water goes ice cold it causes me to jolt forwards sending pain across my foot and up my leg. I have tried contacting your office a few times but each time it just rings and rings and then cuts out. If you wish to contact me directly my phone number is XXXXXXXXXX. Regards XXXXXX" Do you think I am right with what I have said above in my email and asking for them to pay for it as they are the one that completed the surveys and tests and recommended the installed boiler based on this ? Apart from waiting for a reply what should my next steps be ? Thanks in advance PIXeL
  4. Good Morning Caggers I got STL Heating to install a New Intergas Boiler for me. The initial Installation was fraught with issues, but they corrected the mistakes I pointed out to them. However, the system has not worked properly for the 2 months since installation. After no HOT Water again, I had to pay £145 for a gas engineer to come out to tell me that their installation was incorrect with several issues. I got this on a finance package with them through HITACHI, however, STL aren't taking my calls. What level of recourse do I have as the local Gas Engineer says the boiler works, but by STL Heatings own admission on the sign off paper, it highlights an installation. The cost to fix is circa £1000. Many Thanks
  5. I purchased carpets for 2 bedrooms and stairs told the guy i would not be able to clear rooms. Came with free fitting never said anything paid for carpets. Then he said you will have to clear the rooms. I said i just told you i could not. said well they can work around and do one room and then come back next day and do next. said no wanted it on one day Well they arrive i cleared rooms bar the beds they refused to fit had a long argument with owner who said they could not becuase they had to put grippers down. Then when i said but the rooms are 12ft and the beds are on casters and only 4ft said well it would be extra money Refused to fit and wanted to leave carpets i said no how do i get money back it is a small company and i think they wont pay up they did not even give me an invoice
  6. Hi Everyone, I have been trying to have Smart Meters fitted by edf since last August. Initially, they were not available.. Fair enough. Then in November, I was given a date of 16 December 2016 for removing the existing meters and replace them with "Smart? Meters". Whilst the swap out happened, the new meters were left non-operational and not actually commissioned either.. Failed appointments after failed appointments, and here we are at the end of June with a commissioned Gas Meter, not a commissioned Electricity Meter, and no Room Display Unit (which as a disabled amputee with a heart condition was the initial appeal for the Smart Meters, as my meters are in the basement and I cannot get down there to read them to see how much Gas and Electricity I am using..) I have finally had to resort to the ombudsman, and just wondered if this was a common issue with edf or utility companies in general..?? I look forward to hearing other people's experiences.. Keep Smiling.. James
  7. I have repeatedly tried to get a smart meter installed and British Gas has failed to do so. They attended the property, and then said they needed access to next door too and would arrange access. They have failed to do so. They have repeatedly missed appointments at installing a smart meter at all. They have however tried to sell me a new boiler, even lying and claiming that my present boiler could "blow up". Their words, not mine. An independent gas inspector burst out laughing. Anyway, what is the legal perspective of this. It is impossible to monitor energy use with an ancient gas meter in the cellar. My lodger burns energy like god knows what by having the heating on 28c at 4am and cannot see the results of it - I'm getting fed up with £800 per quarter gas bills.
  8. Consumers who are forced to have prepayment energy meters put in should face a maximum installation fee of £150, the regulator has proposed. Currently such energy users - already the most vulnerable to debt - face a charge of up to £900, said Ofgem. As many as 4.5 million people use prepayment meters for electricity, while 3.5 million use them for gas. Ofgem is suggesting that the maximum fee should be between £100 and £150. For particularly vulnerable consumers, such as those in financial hardship or those with health issues, it says there should be no charge at all. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37349013 Ofgem is now inviting comments and responses to its plans before it finalises them in Novembe and. has published a series of proposals
  9. The contract between the company and me, of which I signed states: The Purchaser shall not be entitled to withhold payment on account of any alleged defects. The company agrees to investigate any alleged defects after payment in full of the balance. A surcharge of 2.5% per month will be payable on outstanding balances. I paid the deposit of £131 cash in May but they did not put my door in until October, this was after numerous calls to them. The door is black powder coated aluminium. Problem One: Poorly applied caulking, which is difficult to correct because the hinges on the door narrow the gap between the wall and hinge and so no caulking has been applied and will be impossible to apply. The caulking should have been applied before hanging the door. In other places there is no caulking. Where there is caulking, it is a wavy mess. Problem Two: Apparently, the cleaner they used dulled the surface leaving the door looking patchy and dull. I went to the factory. For Problem One: They gave me some white rubber trim to hide the caulking. They did not have any black aluminium trim and they said they could not remove the door so that I might reapply the caulking. I have not attached the white rubber trim because it looks tacky. I have researched and can buy some metal trim, which will cost me about £50 to buy. For Problem Two: I was given some silicone spray and the door appears okay but I find it easily smears. And I am not sure yet if this has cured the problem or if I have to apply the silicone on a regular basis. I said I would pay them because I felt it was the best they could do. But when I got home, I noticed the insulation trim which is screwed to the frame has defective powder coat. The finish has fine lumps over it and the top layer of coat has started to peel. Also, the bottom trim which has been cut on site now shows aluminium along that cut, they could have attempted to paint it. Also, they did not paint the cut edge of the wood doorstep. Now that it is inserted into the brickwork, it will be difficult to paint, but is do-able. I was hoping they would remove the old door frame intact so that I might use door and frame for my garage. This was not agreed before hand and so frame was destroyed. The door was removed from my property. I asked them to return it. They said they always remove rubbish. I pointed out that a handmade door with solid brass hinges and hand forged handle was not rubbish. They refused to return the door but they did remove all door furniture, which I collected from them. I still have not paid them and last Monday, I rang them to tell them about the defective insulation strip and asked them to replace it, but they have gone quiet on me. My question is, shall I pay them the £1,000 and hope they at least replace the insulation strip after the payment is cleared. I should have read the small print - darn it. Guidance will be appreciated - but I fear it is pay up and shut up. Thanks.
  10. Hello, I used this forum a few years back and it helped me greatly so hopefully I can get good advice on where I go with this problem. Basically I employed a car electronic/audio firm to fit a rear headrest DVD system into my car for the kids. This was back in May. Whilst the system worked lovely and I had no issues with it, it did however play havoc with my car's electronics. Within minutes of me driving off I had a tyre pressure system warning on the dash (which remained on) The reversing camera and the keyless door entry systems worked intermittently and the FM reception was poor. I messaged the guy a few times asking if anything he did could be contributing to these faults and his replies were basically to disable the tyre pressure system. I took it to the dealer and after plenty of visits and investigations they found the following : "disconnected DVD system. Found live wire wrapped around a fuse and pushed into fuse board for boot release. System earth wire was wrapped around a bolt. Advise wiring to be fitted correctly from a direct power supply". Basically the installation wasn't good by the sounds of it and it was interfering with my car's electronic systems. Anyway now they have left the DVD system disconnected and my car is all working perfectly again. Now however I am left with a system that I paid for not even connected. I paid for the DVD system by credit card but I am not sure what the score is here. Technically the DVD system worked ok and was not faulty. It was the installation that wrecked my car so are they still jointly liable or not? I am over £1000 out of pocket. Can anyone advise me on what I do and who is best to claim from. As I say it is not quite as cut and dry than if the system itself was faulty.
  11. Hi, What do you think I should do? I ordered Business Fibre 152mb broadband in January 2015 Virgin required a £230 deposit which I paid. It is now a year later, hundreds of emails and hours of calls and 6 missed apointments and we seem no closer to an actual installation. Costs initially escalated from £60 for the install to a couple of hundred, and 2 months in I opted for a government Connection Voucher to cover it. Since then they have continued to rise and I've continued to agree to them as they are still less than the grant. Highlights include: a 3 month wait while Virgin was emailing the wrong email address to get the installation started being asked to pay £3895 excess costs which turned out to be a basic algebra error resulting from adding the £3000 connection voucher grant and actual £895 costs together waiting for contractors to not show up to do work on 6 different weekends I made a formal complaint in October and have a reference for it, but all the complaints department do is chase their Manilla call centre to give me an update, which typically doesn't contain any information. It has been a very frustrating year and the practical and financial impact on my business is huge. There is also no sign this is going to end with Virgin actually getting round to the installation... I've thought about complaining to CISAS, which is the ombudsman Virgin Media seem to be linked to, what should i be asking them for? Is there anything else I could do?
  12. On 9th May, a Gas Stove was installed in my house with balanced flue. I live in sheffield, south yorkshire. I paid in full £2500.00 for stove and installation. Now there are issues with the installation are: 1. Wrong Hearth - The hearth they installed is not something that we ordered. There was a gap of almost 4 months between placing order and installation but there was no communication from the installing company. 2. Wrongly Installed - The hearth itself is not installed properly. It is left dangerous pointing upwards from the edges as they used mortar to place the hearth. A bead of silicone would have done the job. 3. Draft Issue - They made a hole in the wall for balanced flue. A day after installation i realised there was a huge draft coming into the house from around the flue pipe. 4. Flue pipe not properly terminated - we were promised the flue pipe will be terminated with stainless steel plate and bird cover. But both of them missing. I've raised the issue with the installers. But they're not willing to own the installation issues. I paid with credit card. I asked my bank to cancel the transactions as I wanted the issue to be resolved via Courts. But the bank asked me for independent report on the faults. All the gas safe engineers i've had since agree there are installation issues but are NOT willing to provide the report in writing as its a professional thing. I'm stuck now. 1. Can anybody please provide some advice who can write such independent report. 2. Do I need to provide an independent report as I thought I can cancel my card transaction as per section 75 of the consumer credit act 1974? I feel the bank itself is harassing me. Regards
  13. Do i have to pay for a prepayment meter to be installed for a debt recovery and current usage? My energy supplier spark told me i had to pay 140 pounds to have 2 prepayment meters fitted for collection of my debt and current usage, i am classed as vulnerable person and therefore got into debt and because of bedroom tax i am waiting to move but not getting any were thanks
  14. Hi all. Sorry if this post is on the wrong forum I wasn't 100% sure where it should go but I would really appreciate some advice about my rights on this matter. We had our new kitchen fitted at the end of August. There were many problems during the process of the kitchen being fitted, we were on holiday at the time and the kitchen fitter phoned us with problems and questions everyday. I had informed the company that we would be away but we had no communication from them before, I even had to contact them to ask what time someone needed to be at our house to let them in! the main issue was a couple of days after the kitchen was finished. I had a phonecall from the company's admin lady to say that she had forgotten to tell us there would be an additional charge for the fitting of the worktops as we had chosen to supply our own (ie they were not included in the kitchen fitting price we had paid the kitchen company) and that would be an additional £50+vat per worktop (they insist it is 6 worktops but it is in fact 5) please and could I email them to confirm that I accept that quote (which I didn't). I stated that I had emailed her nearly 2 months before to say we were supplying our own worktops and she had replied to say that she would make a note of it, no additional charge was ever mentioned. A couple of weeks later I received a final bill for the work done. The £300+vat for worktops was on there and they had added "as agreed" next to it. I wrote a letter to the managing director along with a cheque and went through each item on the bill. They had refunded me some money for some of the work they hadn't done eg, installing the fridge, boxing in the pipes but didn't refund me the vat I had paid for them! They had also installed the sink in the wrong way round (he thought the plans were wrong!). I also stated in my letter that the worktop price had not been agreed. I deducted 20% off of the sink fitting price, the VAT they owed me on my refunds, and the price of the worktop fitting (I also stated that there were not 6 worktops). I sent them a cheque for the amount owed minus deductions I had made. I received a reply from the managing director stating that he would deduct 40% off the worktop price and therefore I still owed £180+vat (that would still make it 6 worktops!!). I ignored the letter on my husbands advice, I know this was probably the wrong thing to do. I received another letter today (dated 6/11) saying they are trying to be amicable about this but if they don't receive payment by 14/11 they will refer me to their debt collectors! What should I do? I would really appreciate any advice on this situation.
  15. Hi all, Not sure this is in the right place, so feel free to move it if needs be. Long story short, my Mum bought a new kitchen from B&Q and I found a fitter via MyBuilder. He quoted us an amount to fit but didn't ask for any money up-front. Which is lucky, as it's a shambles. Cupboards are in at odd angles, drawers don't close, doors have been ruined where he's not fitted them properly... the list goes on. He's been back once to "fix" the problems, but he's just made it worse. We've had another two fitters come round to check out the work and it's not good; we have to have it all taken out and re-fitted. This includes the worktops which have been incorrectly cut/fitted. As we've not paid the fitter for this utter disappointment of a job, where do we stand? I'm happy to go into more detail if readers require, but I just wanted to see if we're entitled to hold his money so we can get an actual professional in to put it all right? And I know, I'm a flamin' idiot for getting this chap to even set foot over the threshold! I feel royally cheated. Cheers in advance, Fen.
  16. I have a strange problem. I own a wood and two fields. Over the past twwenty five years or so, I have permitted two local farmers in succession to use the fields, in return for maintaining hedges and fences. Unbeknown to myself either one or both or them between themselves had a water supply and meter connected to one of the fields which already had a sheep dip tank. The meter I am informed is hidden in a hedge. The first occupant moved on some ten years or more ago, the second died some nine months ago. I have never used any piped water on my property always, assuming there was none there and brought it in by bowser. Having no need for a permanent supply and would never have given permission for one, especially with a meter. Any advice wouild be welcome. Carningli. I have now recieved a bill from the water company for over £1,500.
  17. Hi there, we have just taken on a small holding, the national grid have run power to the barn from the station...however at this moment in time there is no meter..am I right in thinking that the meter will be fitted by the electricity company that we decide to use?? and also could you give me a rough idea of price or is it free if we are going to be using them as our energy supplier?? thanks in advance for any help
  18. I bought a Smeg KSEG7 via Deals4U.co.uk and it has blown 3 times now. A very helpful engineer, sent out by Deals4U has been here twice, and has now replaced the circuit board and placed it inside a plastic bag to stop steam getting to it (!!!) He said it would probably be okay but if i smelt burning i should turn it off! The hood has since blown again, but I replaced the fuse, and now the switch for the light is not working at all, although the motor is still working. Smeg, via Deals4U, have offered to collect it but there was confusion about whether they would replace the unit. Having spoken to Deals4U, who I bought this item from, I have been told that if I want a refund or replacment, i will need to pay for the required electrician to come and disconnect/dismantle the hood, and to install a new one! Since the goods are faulty and I have already paid for the original installation (as well as a custom made cupboard unit to house it) are Deals4U correct in refusing to pay for removal and reinstallation? Please help!...
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