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  1. Hi Guys, I need some advice for a work colleague. She has been living at a new address in London for just over a year. She was paying £50 a month fixed amount for her electricity and has now received a bill demanding over £1000 as British gas claim she had been under charged all this time. I would like to help her challenge this amount. What would be the best way in going forward? Thank you
  2. Hi Guys, I hope all is well. I have been trying to regsiter for a gas supplier. I have called around all the big suppliers and was told that they didn't supply my property as there was no meter point reference number. Having done some research online I discovered I could all XOSERVE to find out my MPRN so I could regsiter for a gas supplier. XOSERVE have said that due to an admin error from the previous supplier to my flat that I was not registered on their system and to contact any of the energy suppliers and sign up with them which didn't help at all. I have gone back to all the big energy suppliers explaining the circumstances and non of them seem to understand and they have all said again they can't supply my propery because I dont have a MPRN!!! I would be very grateful if anybody who has dealt with this situation before could give me some advice on how I get a MPRN in order to sign up with an energy supplier? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Many Thanks, Frank
  3. Hi Guys, I was hoping you could help. I live in a block of rented flats and have lived here since 2012. When I first moved I set up an account with British Gas and have been with them ever since. I was told when I registered for electricity that British gas didn't supply my gas, and that I would need to find another provider. I rang around all of the major suppliers and was told the same thing that nobody supplied my property. I text the agent to find out what was going on and I never got a response so I reached the conclusion that the gas was included in the rent as I had tried everything possible to set up an account with a supplier. All the appliances in my flat such as the shower, cooker and fire are electric, and whilst I do have a gas boiler I never switch it on and the only time its used is when I do the washing up. My usage is very low and I have a record of what the reading was when I first move in and have periodically taken a pictures with the reading over the years. My usage is 264 cubic feet in six years. A gas engineer recently game out to a neighbouring flat, as there was a small gas leak and when he looked at my meter he checked his records and said that my meter was shipperless. I have rang XO serve and they have confirmed that my meter is shipperless and advised me to ring one of the energy suppliers and register an account. I'm not sure what to do now as I have tried to register on multiple occasions with no success! If I can register the meter, I'm happy to pay for the amount gas I have used over the years, and I have never been in any financial arrears in my life but I'm worried that if I contact an energy supplier that they may back date my usage based on an estimate rather than my actual usage. This is really causing my some worry and I just want to get this rectified as quickly as possible. Any help or advice on how to proceed would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Hi, am new to place, wish you all well. My problem happened weeks ago, the B Gas Revenue Protection Team lock pick in to my shop and took my meter away and said i am suspicious for Tampering their meter. The Meter was outside the shop front behind the counter table, when they come to get the meter reading, i always let them in straight away. What i had in mind was "Since i haven't done anything to the meter, it shouldn't be a problem with it anyway, if they want to check, let them do it." The reason they think i tampered the meter is because the gas usage in my shop is lower than the average usage around my shop. (My shop is new takeaway in the area, only opened less than 1 year so not many business going on, that's why the usage was lower than other shop.) BUT They come back today with the test results which said "The test results shows Diaphragm Has Not Been Tampered." but in their Conclusion it said "In My Opinion, The Meter Has Been Programmed Reverse." (They said there is some wearing in side the pinion this is why they think the meter has been reversed before. though i still have no idea how this works... how can a meter reverse and still working?) (I had been ask them if they know when the reverse happened, the Company who did the check said they don't know when it happened but the guy who brings the report said it happened after i took over the shop, no roughly information of month) and now they took my meter away and asking me to pay 5300 before they can reinstall the meter back if not they will call the police and bring me on court. i have called British Gas to ask what is really happening and why i got accused for it when i have no idea about it. but they always passed me through to the guy who took the meter away. I HAVE NOT done anything to the meter, and I CAN'T Afford to play 5000 now to get my business back on running... and the business is my only income... they stopped it now which means there is no way i can make 5000. I really need some advice of what i should do.... i don't want to take this blame since i actually haven't done anything to the meter. and now my only income, my business has been closed because of this....
  5. Hi, I run a small retail operation, bricks and locks building..., I am disputing the bill Britisg Gas have sent me, they said it's a smart meter and up to date, it still doesn;t seem right.. One of the last letters have threatened with bailiff or coming in to change the meter, how heavy are they on this stuff? Need I worry till I can try sort it out with them? How long do they normally take to take action?
  6. hello all, i have a valid gas safety certificate until November the 3rd 2018. my landlord(local council) uses a heating company for the gas safety check,... they are being very overzealous and have been calling to do an 'ANNUAL' gas safety inspection since the beginning of August...this seems very strange as its 3 months early and they know it expires in November.?? I have came home and received calling cards when I have been out and on one occasion a calling card was left when i was on holiday...as it was August. today i received a letter from the council saying they are taking me to court to apply for a 'warrant to authorise entry'? I would like to know if i can attend the court hearing (to show the certificate) and also can they do this with a valid gas safety certificate in force? thanks, Sonia.
  7. HI, Wondered if anyone could help - I'm posting this for a friend of mine: Female with 3 kids under 18 lives in home previously shared with ex partner, who left 3.5 yrs ago. He has left BG bill in his name for all 3.5 yrs and and said he'd been paying it all along. BG have NEVER written to the female partner. On Saturday ex partner decided to try and take his own life and was sectioned. BG letter arrives on doorstep next day and my friend opens it to find its chasing £1700 bill (all still in ex partners name, not addressed to my friend (the female)) She's called BG and explained, and only after she explained he'd been sectioned would they even speak to her. They have as a result told her she is responsible for the full amount and have almost forced her (wouldn't allow any other options and basically said take it or leave or we';ll send debt collectors after you) onto a 50 month repayment plan for the £1700. She lives int he house and she uses the utilities. She has not has a bill in her name from BG in the entire time she's lived there. it's always been in ex-partners name. Is there any legal route out of paying this money due to BG being threatening (They were on the phone) and the fact is his debt not hers? Many thanks in advance.
  8. Hi Caggers! I have a friend who is at the end of her tether with Scottish Power. She has a Gas Key for prepayment, however, has not used gas for approximately 6-9 years, possibly longer. This was due to the boiler breaking down and this was the only usage of gas, therefore she only uses electric immersion for the water heating. SP sent an invoice for money owing and after she quizzed them due to none usage they told her it was for X amount of standing charges for the gas meter. The agent for SP told her to ignore the bill due to none usage of gas and therefore she accepted that until she received another demand. Once the next agent told her a different story she requested the gas meter to be removed from her house. This request was made approximately 6+ years ago and was never actioned, until April 2018.Now of course they are demanding the standing charges for the last 6+ years at approximately £465. After numerous calls chasing up the removal and she was always told they were going to send somebody to do the removal. After many years of waiting they now sent her a bill for the entire periods of standing charges, which she disputes as she requested the removal, common sense eh? Now due to the hassle factor she has agreed to pay weekly when she tops up with her Electric Key to stop the hassle, but they do not appear to register these payments against her account as they have now issued a DC to chase her for the 'debt'. Now she contacts SP to inform them she has already made 3 payments to the account which they confirmed, but since then they know nothing of these payments and the DC keeps hassling her. Firstly, can she fight SP to actually cancel this debt in the first place as her request for removal was ignored? Secondly, how can we get this monster of a company to realise her payments already made need to be linked to her 'gas account' although she never buys gas? Any help would be greatly appreciated. regards stuscfc
  9. I have been living in my current flat for approximately 5 years. Firstly with a partner and recently by myself. During this whole time I have had a pre payment meter taking debt every time I top up for a previous tenant. Through my own laziness and stupidity I didn't pursue the issue. I tried to at first but couldn't figure out where to start and about a year or so ago the 'debt' being taken off was a negligible amount (approximately 50p-£1 for every £10 I topped up). However, recently the rate that the debt is added seemed to have escalated to £2-£3 per £10 topped up. I should have pursued this much sooner I realise this, but I would really like them to stop charging me for a debt that has never been mine and to recover some or all of the money that I have paid towards this debt that is not and never has been mine. Is anyone able to advise who I should contact and how I should go about this?
  10. Dont know if this is the correct section: We have a 13 year old boiler and have paid Boiler care cover for 11 years which also covered pipes, electrics etc... Basically their top cover. Over the past year we have had boiler failures around 4 times and its usually the odd filter, pump etc... although 4 months ago they changed the circuit board. They did advise during the last visit that we would really need a system flush at over £500 but we thought this was steep so didnt get that done but at the same time not advised that failing to get that done could cause damage that would result in our boiler not being covered in the future. Yesterday the boiler just wouldnt reset so we called them out again and it turns out that the heat exchanger is leaking which has leaked onto the circuit board. The engineer called his boss but they are refusing to cover the claim because we didnt get the flush done. The options they gave were: Fix the parts at £400 or get a new boiler. So we now have a sticker on the boiler saying its unsafe to use. They said that the cost of parts previously used to repair the boiler is more than the boiler is worth itself, but the way we say it was that thats why we took out the £30 per month cover. Called a few companies for quotes but its also going to be a few weeks without hot water and heating so no good with 3 kids. Im trying to find our contract to read the terms although i know that they will have covered themselves. Anyone else been here with them? Thanks
  11. Blood pressure back to normal now Live in Northern Ireland under housing authority accommodation. Just had them phone me (Customer service unit) saying that my gas and electric metre need their annual safety check. Fair enough it is a legal requirement. She then started dictating to me time and date for the engineer to visit (Contractor) Between nine and four Monday to Friday. Like most people, I have to work for a living and single. After much arguing, it was decided a Saturday afternoon and that was like pulling teeth after being threatened with disconnection etc. She then said if I had no money in the Gas/Electric meters the engineer would cut me off. Can they do that?? Wish to submit a complaint about this treatment and inflexibility, any suggestions. Being an ex-trade union rep it is water off a duck back but say it was someone with mental health issues etc, totally unacceptable behaviour
  12. CMA advises Liquefied Petroleum Gas customers on switching rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cma-advises-liquefied-petroleum-gas-customers-on-switching-rights
  13. My 84 year old Dad lives in a flat run by a housing association. They seem to have a company who come in and service/repair the gas boiler etc. Anyway, they came Tuesday and found a gas leak. Gas was turned off. They provided him with heaters and went away. So no cooker, or hot water but at least temporary heaters. Yesterday I phoned the company who seemed to have no plan in place but promised to send someone. Someone else turned up yesterday, made a few excuses and admitted they can't fix it either. No plan is in place for further work. Am I right to expect that, after two days, they should have, at least a plan of action in place here. At the moment, it just seems that no-one is particularly interested. Like I said he has a temporary gas heater but no cooker, no hot water so he cant wash.
  14. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Iresa and its compliance with its obligations under its gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-iresa-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-its-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-slcs-14-233-234-25c-slc-0-october-2017-275-278-2716-and-chsr-2008
  15. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Ovo and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-ovo-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-31a-and-25c-slc-0-october-2017
  16. Hi all, asking for some advice on behalf of a family member. She moved into a council flat 6 years ago and has never paid for her gas. It is a pre paid meter setup, the meter is turning (quite fast) but the screen is blank. I She has been given annual safety inspections by the council but nothing has been said and also received a yearly cold weather voucher from British gas! I asked why she has never mentioned it and she said after she left it for a year she was scared of getting a massive bill, silly really as she now probably faces a much much bigger one. But anyway that is the situation at present. Does anyone know what is going on and why she isn't having to top up the meter? Also what is she likely to have to repay, from looking online it seems they can charge back 6 years? Thanks for reading
  17. Hi, I am desperate for some help if anyone can, the story is as follows, sorry if it is long winded. I am a sole trader running a Lawnmower Repair Business, I lease a 1400sq ft commercial unit from my landlords. My landlords supply the Gas, Electricity and Water, I am billed directly from the landlord for the utilities and not their supplier which is not one of the big 4 believe is CNG Contract National Gas Ltd. I do not know who supplies them the electricity or water (a good guess for the water would be Yorkshire Water) So I took the lease out in February 2010, Trumbling along. struggling along to run a business as it was, paying my bills, rent, suppliers etc etc etc. Every month the Gas, Electric and water bill dropped through the letterbox always on the 5th of the month and they were always paid on time, as far as I was aware the gas was up to date, billed for usage and paid. Then in Sept 2016 the landlords said to me they think there is a problem with the gas and to leave it with them, anyway, fast forward to now. We have had a revised bill from them saying we have underpaid the gas since 2010, it was their fault as they calculated the meter reads incorrectly (ALWAYS originally billed by actual meter reads, we have all meter reads by way of photograph back to then, we took a photo of all utility meters every month (so did the landlord)) aparently they said they were calculating on imperial or metric instead of the other way round. So the invoice is £13,000, but they will accept £5,500 to clear the matter. If we don't pay it in 7 days they are taking us to the small claims court etc etc. Some thing stinks if you ask me. Can they do this? do we have a leg to stand on? does the Bills of Exchange Act s59 not apply?. I called citizens advice to ask about the Back Billing 12 month limit and they said this does not apply to me as my landlord re sells me the gas rather than the actual supplier, but they can only back bill 6 years as to the statute of limitations. £13,000 or even £5,500 is impossible to find for a sole trader with 7 days notice, last accounts I turned over £60,000 with a profit of £6,000, last year was a shocker for lawnmower repairs/sales. Please, if anyone could offer any guidence/support/advice I would be eternally grateful. thanks Dave....
  18. Hi, In 2016, having gone six months without a bill and having complained online to BG I signed up with Eon to replace my existing electricity supplier for my business. This was following a phone call from a rep from BG asking me to sign up with them & confirming that I did not, in fact, have a contract with them. Lo and behold my supplier, British Gas, then wrote to me to state I could not leave as there was an outstanding bill, a tactic which Eon told me they often employ. I queried this and told them all the steps I had taken to resolve the matter but got nowhere, I even paid up until the date Eon was supposed to take over whilst the dispute was ongoing. Having got nowhere, I contacted the Ombudsman, whose investigation took so long that by the end of it I had actually handed in my notice on the premises, end date 12 March 2017 The ombudsman agreed the service had been appalling and awarded me a token payment of thirty pounds to be taken off the bill but stated that despite the fact that I wanted to move to Eon who would have billed me on a cheap tariff that British Gas was entitled to bill me on their variable tariff until this was completed despite the fact this whole issue was their fault. They also advised that I send British Gas an email with final meter reading and that they would also send a copy of the picture I sent to them just to ensure British Gas closed the account correctly. In July 2017, I received a bill from BGB for my final electricity bill at my home address of 403.68 which included a 45 charge for non-payment, even though this was the first bill I had ever received following my leaving the premises in March 2017, again two hours of phone calls to BGB and an apology. Then new bill 31 July 2017 with 45.00 removed only to receive phone call / email demand that this bill is paid 01st August 2017, so once more complaint to British Gas Business very same day stating appalling service and the bill would not be paid until my complaint had been addressed. In September 2017, having heard nothing from BGB apart from an acknowledgement of my complaint received a letter from Moorcroft demanding payments, contacted their offices explained the above and sent copies of correspondence and then nothing apart from once call where I stated do not want to talk about the matter but put everything in writing as sick of wasting time on calls and matter not being resolved . Moorcroft said they would write to me, but guess what, the letter was an email requesting I call them to discuss this matter, I emailed back saying this is not a letter, write to me at my new business or home address and we can take it from there. Heard nothing until today, when a new company appears LCS, explained all of the above and they have asked for copies of the correspondence and stated that Moorcroft passed it to them. Do any of you have suggestions as to what steps I should take now, do I go back to the ombudsman, take it u with BGB senior staff or wait on LCS. All advice would be gratefully received.
  19. Can someone please advise. I own a gf apartment in NI the upstairs landlord wants to install a phoenix gas pipeline to their apartment up the middle of my frontage. Between my front door (only exit) and my living room window.
  20. Hello, I just wondered if anyone has any advise. I will try keep this brief 1. I own a bedsit flat (inherited from mothers estate) and my brother is named as a life renter. 2. Brother had accident 3 years ago and is now brain damaged (I am his only relative) 3. Brother needs 24 hour care so cannot live in the flat 4. I rent out the flat through an agency and use the proceeds to pay for care to help him. 5. Flat was vacant for a 3 month period last year 6. I receive a debt collector letter (in my name) to my home address for the gas/elec costs of £94 7. I immediately contact SSE directly and they advise my name was given by the letting agent, they contacted them for meter readings and resent a revised bill for £55. 8. I pay immediately and ask them to set up a direct debit going forward so this situation doesn't happen again. 9. I check my credit report and they have registered a £94 default in my name which is stated as partially satisfied. 10. I called them to advise I paid in full and they updated their records to state default is satisfied £94. 11. the amount owed was never £94 it should be £55. 12. I googled legal owner of a property which says a life renter is the legal owner but its me that has suffered this. 13. I complained to SSE who responded 10 weeks later to say they will not remove nor alter the default figures. 14. I complain to Energy ombudsman who says that they have requested SSE apologise for the delay in responding to my complaint and they have asked them to update the default balance to say £55 and not £94. does anyone know what i can do with this? I only just managed to repair my credit file and now i have this
  21. Hi All, Need some advice on behalf of my partners Dad. There was a gas explosion recently in Blackpool and the street that he lived on story here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-41374322 19 - X's House 21 - House that explosion originated from 23 - Partner's Dad's house Some bullet points outlining what has happened so far; Explosion occurred Damage assessed 21 is found to be un-safe and needs pulling down 19,21 and 23 have scaffolding erected Cause is found (21mm pipe from house owners side of the meter was connected to a 15mm pipe with a connector and over the years this came lose to the point where gas was escaping, electric kettle then ignited it) 21 is then pulled down The damage to 19; Dividing wall damaged The rear half of the property collapsed Front brick work has been pushed out in certain places Council have decided the structure may now be to unsafe to save Damage to 23; Dividing wall damaged Crack in wall from lower floor to the 1st floor Windows and frames have been pushed back into the property Chimney collapsed Some windows smashed Back Garden wall has collapsed The council have come in and removed the remains of 21 and are going to be double bricking the wall of 23 and it will be the new outer wall, they have also sorted all the scaffolding, security, clear up and other parts of the whole operation. 19 and 21 both had private renters, 19 was just tenants and 21 was tenants and owners living there. 19 and 23 didn't have any form of insurance but 21 did. Council has gone to 21's insurance with the bill and they have rejected it saying that they will only pay for work done on their customer (21) as he hasn't admitted liability nor been negligible, this means that the bill for repair work to 19 and 23 could go to their respective owners to either pay or have put on their property with interest of 8% per year. We just need to know if this is the case I would have thought the repair for all 3 buildings would be covered by 21, like car insurance X crashes into Y and X's insurance pays for X and Y's car etc. I would assume if 21 has been renting out rooms in his ex guest house he would need to have gas safety and boiler certificates every year to prove the lodgings where safe and these haven't been done and therefor this would be considered negligible. I guess what I am asking is how can we get this sorted and what sort of legal action we can take to get this repair work covered by either 21 or their insurance. Sorry for the long post but if there is more information needed that I have missed just ask and I will do my best to provide it. Thanks in advance
  22. We rent retail premises which has a totally separate flat above it. A box on the wall at the rear of the property contains the electricity meters. British Gas were 'kind' enough to update the meters to digital style meters a couple of years ago, leaving the old meters in place but in the process they connected BOTH properties to one new meter. This means that British Gas are now billing the tenants of the flat at a domestic rate and ourselves in the shop on a business rate for the same electricity. We have it in writing from British Gas that this is the case, despite this, they were unable/unwilling to do anything about it, so we took our case to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman agreed BG should rectify the problem, but it did not happen, BG ignored the request and the Ombudsman tells us they have no power to force BG to carry out their recommendations. British gas have promised numerous times to come to meet us at the premises, so we can show them what has been done but never turn up, obviously BOTH bills are incorrect, since each bill is for the electricity used by whole building since there is now only one meter. Does anyone at all have any suggestions as to how we can get British Gas to take some action?
  23. Hi....has anybody had any success with telling your electricity supplier that you would prefer to stay with them but you can get a better price from many other suppliers would they like to match these cheaper offers???? FS
  24. Say they haven't increased their prices since 2013 and have lost nearly 400,000 customers which meant they posted a loss on their consumer business this last quarter ! I wonder why !! Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/personalfinance/british-gas-announces-major-hike-in-energy-prices-leaving-millions-of-customers-paying-more/ar-AAperr7?li=AA54rU&ocid=ientp
  25. Hello! I'm new to this forum so please be gentle! my partner and I moved into a flat almost three years ago. For the first few months we had no boiler, gas, radiators etc as the building is very old. Only electric. The landlord finally got gas installed, so we had heating. Great! Only thing is, the men who installed the gas meter seemingly did not hook us up to the supplier I had requested. ..in fact no supplier at all. Having not had a bill for several months, I contacted who I 'believed' was our supplier, to be told that we weren't on their records. And we weren't on anybody's records. She told me that essentially the gas is coming direct from the grid, it's free, and if I keep quiet, I'm not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately at the time I didn't think to record that conversation. here we are, nearly three years without paying gas, and we are planning on moving out in a few months. We're panicking that our letting agent will find out we don't pay gas and will forward us a giant bill, or that if we try and start a gas account that they might back date the bill? Please does anybody have any advice or know how this stuff works? I put my hands up to the fact that we've been aware of this situation for a long time, and usually we're very play-it-safe types, but we threw caution to the wind for once and now I'm wondering if we'll be punished by the utility gods for eternity for this tiny thrill of free gas... HELP! Thanks for reading!
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