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  1. Hi Guys, I hope all is well. I have been trying to regsiter for a gas supplier. I have called around all the big suppliers and was told that they didn't supply my property as there was no meter point reference number. Having done some research online I discovered I could all XOSERVE to find out my MPRN so I could regsiter for a gas supplier. XOSERVE have said that due to an admin error from the previous supplier to my flat that I was not registered on their system and to contact any of the energy suppliers and sign up with them which didn't help at all. I have gone back to all the big energy suppliers explaining the circumstances and non of them seem to understand and they have all said again they can't supply my propery because I dont have a MPRN!!! I would be very grateful if anybody who has dealt with this situation before could give me some advice on how I get a MPRN in order to sign up with an energy supplier? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Many Thanks, Frank
  2. My son has a Mk 4 VW R32 ,( Fast Golf ) and as well as being a long term project in keeping it standard and in tip top condition ,it is also a money pit , but he loves the car . His latest project came about because of a leak from the sun roof ,. The leak caused staining and other damage to the head lining ,so having replaced seals to the sunroof , using the cars VIN number he ordered a new headlining , which was special order from the factory The replacement head lining material is not a match to the rest of the interior trim ,” A” posts “B” posts and sunroof inner panel etc , VWs answer is that there may have been a specification change to the head lining , and could not guarantee that if he ordered the rest of the interior trim it would match the finish of the headlining . Here is the crunch ,due special order , VW will not accept return , even though there is a mismatch with existing interior trim . There was NO indication on the official VW parts list the dealer used to order the headlining to indicate that there was a change in specification or material type ,so at present my son has shelled almost £400 for a useless part . Not fit for purpose ? or any other reason we can persuade VW to accept return. It is a awkward situation as my son has ( up to now ) a good relationship with the dealership , having bought many parts to keep his pride and joy looking its best .
  3. We rent retail premises which has a totally separate flat above it. A box on the wall at the rear of the property contains the electricity meters. British Gas were 'kind' enough to update the meters to digital style meters a couple of years ago, leaving the old meters in place but in the process they connected BOTH properties to one new meter. This means that British Gas are now billing the tenants of the flat at a domestic rate and ourselves in the shop on a business rate for the same electricity. We have it in writing from British Gas that this is the case, despite this, they were unable/unwilling to do anything about it, so we took our case to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman agreed BG should rectify the problem, but it did not happen, BG ignored the request and the Ombudsman tells us they have no power to force BG to carry out their recommendations. British gas have promised numerous times to come to meet us at the premises, so we can show them what has been done but never turn up, obviously BOTH bills are incorrect, since each bill is for the electricity used by whole building since there is now only one meter. Does anyone at all have any suggestions as to how we can get British Gas to take some action?
  4. Hello all, Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any advice appreciated. My parents own a Chinese takeaway and live in the adjoining house next door. They moved in 17 years ago after the initial contact with British gas to inform them they have moved in (which I think I did for them as a teenager) they have not had much contact since and just paid bills as and when they arrived. Always assumed one meter for the takeaway and the residential house as they both share the same door number. In all truthfulness I think they probably knew that something wasn't quite right but with limited English without relying on others they never tried in earnest to peruse the reasons why their gas bill felt cheap. a man came to the door a couple of weeks ago and asked to see the gas meter. My father showed him to the box which is attached to the outside of the house as that's the one that's always been read by British gas. He asked for access to the box that they usually show the npower for electric but they couldn't find the key at the time and takeaway was open. The man said he would be back but wouldn't give my father a business card. All he got was a bit of paper with a mobile number and first name. I come back from holiday abroad and my father tells me about this man. I wasn't keen to ring a random mobile number on a piece of paper and my father couldn't even tell me what company he was from (I accept he may have tried to explain himself to my father but surely he should've recognised that there was a language barrier and his point may not have been communicated) I did my own investigations and we realised there was an additional meter. I rang citizens advice and M meter number helpline and concluded that the meter is not registered and must be for the takeaway only. The meter which has been registered with British gas is actually for the residential part of the property. I then called uswitch to seek some advice on getting the meter registered (as citizens advice suggested picking a supplier). They did a bit of digging for me and I've been talking to Eon about registering a shipperless supply. In the meantime my father was waiting for the gentleman to return armed with instructions to find out where he was from. He did return tonight, with a warrant. This time he had the police and all of his ID and helpfully gave my father a letter as he cut off the supply to his livelihood and took the meter away with a number to ring on Monday. I briefly got to talk to the gentleman on the phone as my parents rang me in distress. It sounded like this gentleman feels like he has made all the communication he needed to before taking the meter away. However, I've not seen any letters or correspondence from British gas. He claims to have been to the premises on numerous occasions and couldn't get access but the takeaway is not open before 5pm so if he came during regular working hours that would indeed be the case. He told me that the options were to "pay the bill tonight" or "be cut off" but we've had no additional bills and when I queried said bill on the phone to prevent being cut off he said he "hadn't worked it out yet". Having now read the only piece of written correspondence that has been left, it seems that my parents have been accused of tampering with their meter and they need to ring a phone number on Monday to settle an amount that is before reconnecting. I'm not disputing that there is a problem that needs to be rectified. However, I feel that to come and cut the supply off at 5pm on Friday night, knowing that their business can't run over the weekend and no one is around for them to seek help is quite out of order. Perhaps I should've called the mobile number first rather than seek third party advice but I honestly questioned the identity of the man who came round and wouldn't leave a business card or official letter. If the meter wasn't registered to British Gas was he allowed to take the meter? As I said I was in the process of talking to Eon to sort out the supply. I think the issue is murkied by the fact that the residential property and takeaway both share the same door number and apparently it is British Gas business which supplies the address. Thank you for taking the time to read. Haven't been able to sleep because of it. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  5. On 18th April I had a new washing machine delivered. As soon as the men left, I tried it out. The washing boiled and I scalded my fingers when I tired to remove it. Immediately I contacted Currys by email. I expected them to send the men straight back, but they did not, and a seven month long battle began. Indesit sent an engineer on 6/9 who told me the machine was working perfectly and the fault was mine. When I heard that, I suggested then that perhaps the machine had been connected to the hot water. Without even checking he said it was not. He told me that he had a good mind to make me pay for the visit as there was nothing wrong. He walked out while I was talking to him. When he left I put it on again, first cottons, then wool at 20 degrees. I sat at the computer while it was washing, and the boiler fired up. The boiler feeds the radiators and the wet room and the washing machine, and since only the washing machine was on, it was clearly connected. I posted on Indesit Face Book page. They told me that their engineer had made his report, which they believed, and that if I posted again I would be banned. After another battle they eventually sent a senior engineer today 27/10 who finally admitted that the machine had indeed been plumbed into the washing machine. I have to thank the CAB for monitoring the situation. It has been so stressful it hardly seems possible that someone can complain, and clothes ruined and they would not return, and I believe the visit today was because I started to list the costs involved, like their paying the difference in gas used from last year. Todays visit was by a senior Indesit engineer . Last Friday, however was not so good. The person they sent had no English, no identification, no job sheet and no tool kit. He could not understand what I said. He got his 'boss' on the phone and gave it to me. I spoke to the 'boss' and asked him if he would explain the job to the young man because he could not understand English. The 'boss' said he did not know the job either and expected me to explain . I was so nervous I threatened to call the police, because I really thought they were making a fool of me . At the he ended the call and the young man left. That is unpardonable.
  6. I received a letter from Spark Energy yesterday, addressed to 'The Occupier', welcoming me to them as my new supplier. Goes on to say that "As instructed by your letting agent on your behalf, we've been appointed as the gas and electricity supplier to your property". But I don't have a letting agent/landlord, I own the property! I was the tenant, but I bought it from the landlord two months ago. My landlord used a local letting agency, and during our tenancy they've been taken over by Countrywide. It's obvious what has happened - Countrywide have an agreement with Spark to refer as many tenanted properties to them as possible, they are clearly getting kickbacks/commission from doing so. When they processed my tenancy agreement they have done the (allegedy automated) process of requesting Spark to take over the gas and electricity supplies. But they should never have done this, they had no right to. My tenancy ended on the day my purchase of the property completed. They were no longer acting for the landlord, since there was no longer a landlord. This is the first I've heard about any change to my supplier, and the electricity changed over to them 4 days ago, gas due to next week! If they'd contacted my (or 'the occupier') beforehand, I could have told them to do one and stopped this from happening. Obviously it's Countrywide that's initiated this mess, but I find it shocking that Spark are just blindly taking instructions from Countrywide to acquire supplies without bothering to attempt to make contact with the occupier until after the switch has been completed. Is this allowed, seems like sharp practise to me? I phoned Spark first of all, who confirmed that it was Countrywide behind it. I told them they had no right to perform a switch without my consent, and Countrywide had no authority to request it. I asked them to reverse the switch immediately and put me back with my previous supplier. Initially I was told they couldn't do that, and I should go through the normal switching process again to change back! Told them that wasn't good enough - I've not entered contract with Spark, it'll take weeks to switch back, I'll be on an uncompetitive tariff with Spark in the meantime. And the (exceptionally good) tariff I was on with my previous supplier is no longer available to new customers. After a bit or denial and erring, they finally accepted that they could attempt to reverse the switch under the erroneous transfer correction procedure, which I instructed them to do asap. Although they said that it was conditional on my previous supplier agreeing to reinstate my contract with them. I then spoke to my existing supplier (GB Energy), who were very helpful. They immediately understood the problem and said that they could also initiate the erroneous switch reversal from their side, and it would probably be quicker. So hopefully it will get resolved and I'll be put back to where I was with GB Energy before this fiasco. But it sounds like it could take a while to resolve. I then called my old letting agent to bring the problem to their attention and get them to escalate it within Countrywide (in the hope of them improving their procedures if nothing else). Letting agent was very blase about it, "just standard practice, nothing we can do, no point in me even raising it". They used to be a really good local letting agent, always had a good relationship with them in the past. Then Countrywide took them over, the staff are the same, but the service has turned to rubbish. So, who has done this, is it just Countrywide, or are Spark partly to blame accepting an unauthorised switch? I guess the regulator can't touch Countrywide? Even if I get put back to where I was, I'm not happy that this mess has ever been allowed to occur, and I intend to kick up as much stink as possible.
  7. Can anyone PLEASE offer me any advice on how he can apply descriptors to conditions? We have absolutely no idea how to apply these things? Can someone point us in the right direction? We really need some idea of how to link his condition specifically to the questions they ask you? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hello fellow CAGers, I'm trying to help my Uncle here. He received a notice to apply for a warrant with a £300 debt. However, he paid the debt in full 2 days before the hearing. EON went ahead with the hearing and got a warrant. Two days later they (or their agents) created huge panic with my Aunt and Nieces when they used a locksmith to break into the house to fit a prepayment meter. The meter is on the outside of the house and easily accessible so there was no reason to break in. (I understand they may want to inspect appliances). My question is what can be done? The warrant was obtained illegally/immorally and the representative must have confirmed to the bench that the debt was outstanding and cannot have exercised due diligence to confirm that the debt was outstanding or they lied. A complaint was made to Eon a few weeks ago and they have not responded despite saying they will reply within 5 working days. I'm thinking a lot of wrongs here. No debt, warrant obtained illegally/dishonestly/negligently, tort, alarm and trespass. Thoughts on next course of action?
  9. We ordered around 20 items (each with multiple parts) from a small online retailer. We didn't open the box to fit the parts until around 3 weeks after the order was received. It was at this time that we noticed that one of the items had a missing part to it. We called the retailer who supposedly 'remembered' checking all the items and was adamant that the part was definitely not missing upon dispatch. After much arguing, we sent the item in question back to the retailer and asked for a replacement to be sent out, this time with all parts included. Two weeks later we called up to say that we still haven't received the replacement item. We were told that there is nothing the retailer can do. We were hung up on twice (upon calling back we were told "it was a bad line"), accused of lying (not quite that directly) and that all parts were definitely included, fobbed off that the 'director' will not send out a replacement item and that their supplier refuse to send out a replacement part. Apparently our only option is to re-purchase the item again. Now, the item in question costs peanuts, a missing part was more of an inconvenience than anything. It's mind boggling that the retailer refuses to take a 'hit' on such a low cost item. However, their despicable customer service has irritated us beyond belief and on shear principle I want to go out of my way to get this sorted. So far we have only (tried) to have telephone conversations and stupidly sent the item back without proof of postage. What should we now do (other than leave poor online reviews)?
  10. Hello I might share a water supply pipe that enters my house, with a neighbour. I live in Wales. I say might as there is no branch pipe to their house in my cellar, so the branch off would have to be under my dining room. their house unlike most in the street, has no external stopvalve in the pavement, and there is no water supply pipe in their cellar [ a tenant of the house and i investigated] my deeds do not show that we have a shared water supply pipe. i have asked the landlord and the water company to determine if they have their own supply pipe, and if they do not to make arrangement. the landlord has not replied. i first alerted them to the shared-pipe possibility in late spring 2015. i intend to replace my water pipes, and for it to feed only my house [if we are indeed on a shared pipe]. the water company is trying to avoid giving the neighbour a new supply, and is giving me laughable guff that the neighbours water supply is my responsibility lololol [ive never heard such nonsense] --- my question/s: 1. i have read that, if the shared supply is not mentioned on my deeds, that i have no legal duty to supply the neighbour with water thru my pipes. i need to quote the statute, or regulation number. what is this please? 2. when i replace my pipe and feed only my house. can the water company get a court order to force me to reattach the old water supply pipe? 3. more generally, how should i proceed thanks Jon
  11. Hi, I have a question, I moved into a property around November 2013 and it was a fairly old house needed a bit of tidying up but we were happy as it was cheap £480 PCM. My partner found out she was pregnant around March 2014 and my son was born in the November. I think we finally discovered the problem with the water when he was around 6 months old, and all this time we were using it as normal. We moved out 2-3 weeks ago finally after finding our own place, my question is do I have a right to seek compensation for potential damages to my son and how would I go about this?
  12. apologies ..I am having great difficulty learning how to use the forum.. cannot find appropriate place for this thread.... Please move it where it belongs ! ... Thank you Hi folks, Desperate situation.. I'm hoping someone can advise.... I am living in Wales and own my own home along with the borehole/well, which services the property in adjacent field Back Sept- 2011 I received a letter from a water company claiming that there were going to be ~ CHANGES TO THE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR DRAINS AND SEWERS They stated, " by law, the government has decided that the pipes that go beyond the boundary of the property called " Private sewers and Lateral drains " would be better looked after if they were part of the public sewer network...and the responsibility of your local water and sewerage company... " They stated also, " ~ You Do Not Have To Do Anything the transfer of ownership will happen,automatically. " The letter looked very official along with an enclosed leaflet. I wrote back to them stating, briefly, " I am . NOT your customer and I do not give my consent for you to assume ownership. I, also, told them that I had sent a dated copy of my reply letter to a solicitor, for reference... " The water company, promptly sent me a letter of apology and never bothered me again.... I am now faced with ,yet, another water company, attempting to take over the ownership of my water.. However, unlike the other company they have official Local Council headed paper, they have, already sent me letters, three or four times, asking me to fill out a questionnaire for them... I KNOW, they want to trick me into taking over my water supply, so they can make me PAY for my own water.. .. a farmer told me, this happened to him, and he has, henceforth had to pay for the water supply which is on his land, which, legally ~ Belongs to him, which he ~ Owns ! If these people take over my water supply, or sues me, I'm done for as my financial situation is, already, extremely limited. ..and I am,already, living on the barest minimum possible... This company is threatening me with legal action, and a fine of £5000 if I do not fill out and return the questionnaire to them within 14 days.... What do I do ?
  13. Hi all I thought I would share this, I moved into my property 2 1/2 years ago, The property had storage heaters originally, so was on a Dual meter (night and Day) Now by I have had gas central heating since I have been here, Dual meters are only good for your pocket if 60% of the electric is used on the night side of the meter, I queried this and asked it to be changed as there was just over 5p per KW difference. Look's like I have just save about £400, as the company are now back dating the account with the lower rate, Worth looking into. Leakie
  14. Hi, I sent LOWELL a request for a CCA for an old debt, original account Capital one. back on 7 January 2015 giving them 12+2 days to respond. Received a letter dated 12 January 2015 stating (we are in receipt of your request for a copy of your credit agreement. .. we will advise you further if it will take longer than the prescribed period.). Received a letter dated 22 January 2015 stating ( We have been in touch with Capital One about the copy of your agreement, they have let us know they are trying to retrieve the agreement from their archive) .Received a letter dated 30th January 2015 stating ( We are waiting for your credit agreement). Received a letter dated 24th March 2015 stating (we have ordered statements on your account. As we have requested these from Capital One, it may take some time for them to be returned to us. During this time your account has been placed on hold). Applied for the card November 2007 on-line. Not sure on default date, and can't remember when last payment was probably end 2008. Letter dated 31 July 2014 informs us when the account was assigned to Lowell. Also attached letter dated 8 June 2015 paragraph two (we have confirmed with the original creditor that the outstanding balance is correct)? The statements attached is a little vague. The credit agreement was a rough copy, and difficult to see anything. Many thanks for your time.
  15. Hello All I made this SAR request to the Energy Ombudsman (E-O) as I wanted to see what Npower submitted to them as evidence to back up their response to my complaint with them. Npower are reknowned for saying they have done everything correctly but not substantiating anything with hard evidence. My questions are: 1) There are some emails between Npower and the E-O where the NPower's persons details (name number email etc) have been redacted. Is this permitted? Why? 2) The E-O hasn't sent me any evidence from Npower to substantiate their response to my complaint (but they did include the emails I sent them as evidence) . Should they withhold this from me in SAR request? As this was the purpose of me making the request in the first place. 3) Can I do anything about the above to get the info I was after in the first place? Many thanks in advance Jimbo
  16. Ofgem Investigation into BES and its compliance with its obligations under the gas and electricity supply licences (Standard Licence Conditions 7A, 7B, 7, 14 and 21B) Publication Date: 30th October 2014 Company being Investigated: BES Commercial Electricity Ltd (electricity supplier) and Business Energy Solutions Ltd (gas supplier) Ofgem are investigating whether BES (encompassing both licensees) is complying with the requirements of conditions 7A, 7B, 7, 14 and 21B of their gas and electricity supply licences. We are aware of a high level of complaints made about BES and have also received a referral from Citizens Advice. For more link is here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-bes-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-7a-7b-7-14-and-21b
  17. today I arrived home to find a notice for my attention in the main foyer of my block of flats from the company who do my annual gas check service. They have turned off my gas supply at the meter because it is at risk as my appliances have been unserviced. My gas appliances were last checked in September last year (so ten months) and all was OK. I was told to expect to hear from them in August this year. They normally send out a letter a couple of weeks beforehand saying when they will be coming out. I have not had anything through the post. They usually stick a card in the main foyer if they have been out and were unable to gain access with details of how to get in touch. I have not seen a card saying they have been prior to today (not that I have been expecting one but I normally check the foyer most days just in case). As far as I am aware this was their first attempt. I have checked my meter and they have stuck a "do not use" sticker on it. A quick check suggests that I do indeed have no gas and no hot water (as that runs off the boiler). So my question is can they do this and where to go from here? I can't do anything tonight as they only work office hours but I am really annoyed. For all they know, I could be vulnerable or have small children. Any help would be much appreciated.
  18. Hi all, I sent a CCA request to Welcome Finance on a secured loan from 2008 for over £18085. they have now replied stating that they are no longer in possession of the document but we are still liable for the debt under case law and the Consumer Credit Act. The figures they have returned look to have been completely made up, what should my next step be?
  19. I signed up for BT's TV and broadband package however when it arrived nothing worked. The tv did not work at all and the broadband was intermittent. I attempted to have both fixed after several hours on the phone to their contact centre I was told I would need to install a new aerial to the outside of my home at my own expense. I was quoted £250 by a company sent by BT. I decided to cancel after 6 days BT informed me I would need to pay £477 as held to term charges. I was outraged and they continue to bill me for this. I never received a service at all. Can anyone tell me if I have a case under the above legislation?
  20. Hi everyone, I am a landlord of the property which my managing agency had rented out to a group of friends. They had been in the property for a year and as I'm a doctor and do not live locally, I never got the chance to pay regular visits to check if everything is in order. A year later now I have found out that my property is empty as British Gas Revenue Protection Department has cut off the gas supply as the meter was found tempered with on two occasions. The managing agency got rid of the tenants and have returned me the keys of my property as British Gas has refused to put the supply back on or put a new meter in until the balance is paid. The balance £2000+ . RP Department made it clear that they don't care who was liable as they need their money regardless of who's pocket it comes from. I want a bit of advice as to what are my options now as I will not be paying them for something I am not responsible for. Their job was to inform me on first occasion where they found out that the meter was tempered with so I could have served the tenants a notice. I have read a few cases here and they say companies hold Landlord responsible for all the costs. Is there any way round it? Thanks in advance
  21. Dear CAGers, In July last year (2013) I sent out a CCA request to Apex Credit Management and all I had back was a letter to say they would work on it. Then last week to my surprise (10 months later!) they sent a copy of the CCA. Now I’ve started to get a few calls a day from them (I haven’t answered any though). Would someone kindly cast an eye over what they’ve sent so that I know whether I have to start paying them something, or suggest any ideas? Many Thanks
  22. as my original thread has disappeared I am updating with a new one. Do I just ignore these muppets now, or is there something 'juicy' I can send them to get them to act? thanks, G From the DCA : 'We have received a formal request under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations CPUTR 2008 for a copy of the Consumer Credit Agreement which related to account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. We can confirm that we do hold a copy of the agreement for the above account; however we have requested on five previous occasions confirmation of any name changes before we could send this information to you. To date this information has not been received. In order to send the document to you, we do require confirmation of any previous names you have had, along with the dates of these changes. As this information has not been forthcoming, we must assume that you no longer require a copy of the Credit Agreement, therefore the account will be returned to our collections team for collection activity to continue.
  23. British Gas broke into businesswoman's home over an unpaid bill despite not having any gas appliances in her flat Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2431864/British-Gas-broke-businesswomans-home-unpaid-despite-having-gas-appliances-flat.html#ixzz2gMoyfcLV I would hope they provided this poor woman with more than just an apology !! This is not a one off situation, there are many similar stories on CAG
  24. We are currently looking at replacing our lead supply pipe since all of our floors are up at the moment anyway. From what we can tell, we share a lead supply pipe with 3 other properties (terraced) something like this: x----1-----2-----3----4 Where x is the stopcock and we are property number 3. Neighbor number 4's supply pipe splits off from our property under our living room floor; we think a similar thing happens for properties 1&2 as our supply pipe seems to head off outside as apposed to neighbor number 2's house. Neighbor number four also wishes to replace her lead supply pipe. Ideally we both wish to have our own supply pipe as water pressure is naff, especially when everybody is fighting for water in the mornings! Does anybody have any experience with Yorkshire Water in terms of getting off lead piping and getting a separate supply at the same time? I know they have a scheme where they will replace the lead upto the property boundary if you replace the stuff on your property boundary (that's fine, we're both prepared to dig a trench and lay 25mm MDPE etc). With this being that case, are Yorkshire Water likely to impose additional fees to give us both a separate supply?
  25. Hi Can someone help me please. My daughter called me a few hours ago-about 7.30pm saying the she had just arrived home from work and found a letter from Scottish Power through her door. The letter states that they have disconnected her elec. supply / they think the house is unoccupied ect and to call a number to discuss this. I have contacted the emergency number at SP and they have advised that the number is for the revenue protection dept and that they are closed until Monday. When I asked what this dept was responsible for - they advised that it deals with issue of meter tampering! She has been in the flat for about 18 months or so and has a pre payment meter- that she has to buy elec. on a key type thing as she uses it. The meter reader called a while back and read the meter & I know she has not done anything to the meter - in fact she has to stand on stool on tiptoe just to reach the bottom of it where the key goes in to register her elec. She has had no notification from SP about the meter/ of any disconnection etc So at present she is sitting in darkness / unable to cook any food/ do her washing or even have a shower & with her freezer defrosting rapidly. She cant contact anyone as phone & lap top has to be plugged in to work and her mobile has no power. left She is obviously really upset and I think she said the letter says something about taking access as well so she wouldn't come here in case they come back tomorrow and try to get into her flat! She works shifts and is terrified that SP will turn up when she at work!! How can they do this -- ie turn of the power without getting access to the property? Are they allowed to do this without notifying her that they were going to do this? What can we do - as she hasn't done anything to the meter and now she will have no power until Monday which is 2 full days away. Can anyone advise. Thank you Elaine
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