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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, writing this for my mum as she's too stressed to think at the moment, I hope you can help us out. Some time back my mum and dad got a joint loan, she did the earning and he did the spending, she wasn't wanting the loan but was talked into it by him. A few years later they seperated and she remarried. Financialy the loan was taken over by idem servicing and the debt was just over 10k, they had both aranged to repay this equaly from June 2000. Mum stopped payment as she had paid her half, then was contacted by letter in her old name asking to get in contact for the account. She has found that her ex (dad) has not paid a penny, she has spoken to them several times about this - as she is jointly liable. They are saying the account now stands at 4.6K Sorry for my first post being so long but she's under issues with re-joining work after an operation, having been on Statuary Sick pay which has not helped, and we would like to ask for any help or advice. Next week is the first opportunity to contact the CAB but I would like to ask if anyone can help? With thanks Jason
  2. Hi all I thought I would share this, I moved into my property 2 1/2 years ago, The property had storage heaters originally, so was on a Dual meter (night and Day) Now by I have had gas central heating since I have been here, Dual meters are only good for your pocket if 60% of the electric is used on the night side of the meter, I queried this and asked it to be changed as there was just over 5p per KW difference. Look's like I have just save about £400, as the company are now back dating the account with the lower rate, Worth looking into. Leakie
  3. really need some help. I have just moved in to a property with British Gas. There was some delay in getting electric connected so I complained. I am being told the Property has two mpans and British Gas don t support that. The property has a heat wise economy 10 meter. ( Even though british gas have supplied electric since 2009 they say they cant calculate ) I am also advised that they want to send back the supply to the previous supplier as an erogenous transfer to NPOWER ( i think ) from 2009 who do support Economy 10 with dual MPANS. The Meter has 5 Rates. THERE IS ANOTHER BIG PROBLEM The two MPANS have got crossed over. MPAN 1 Has R1,2,3 and MPAN 2 has R1,2. Rates 4 and 5 have not been taken in to account but i suspect should have been on one of the MPAN's. Theyt are going to try and bill for the same usage OMG ! British gas advise they cant bill this situation. Its been a month and i was told to get an electrician to check the MPANS. Is it really my responsibility. In addition if the MPANS have crossed over where do i stand. Id like a new meter as it scares me whats next. I used to live in the property a few years before ( long story ) and i was only on one MPAN ( Two Rates ) and the last resident a different MPAN. ( Three Rates ) and i can prove that R1 and R2 are the same on both MPANS ( Rate 3 does not move and R4 and R5 are well away from the sequence. In addition British gas supplied and billed me at this time so how can they now say they cant bill me as they have done for me previously and the last resident. I have been told old bills will be reworked and invoiced and cant stay with British gas. I thought dual MPAN with 1 meter was a logical thing no need for an electrician to check it. Ie there is not two physical supplies just a meter that has multi rates. Where do i stand and what can i do.....I would like British Gas to put in a new economy 7 meter i think. Ive spent hours on the phone and feel like i am getting no where. Also looks like they want to bill for the same electric. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME TACKLE THE CORPORATE COMPANY
  4. Hi, My house insurance with Santander auto-renewed in September 2011. Being new to house owning, I didn't realise this could happen and took out a policy with Deeside/Aim for the same period. As it was paid by instalments, and a very busy year, I didn't notice I became aware of this when the renewal came around and contacted Santander. They said "we call this a dual insurance and will honour a 50% refund", They asked for Deeside's schedule and then refunded me 50%. I contacted Deeside, who asked for Santander's schedule and seemed to be going along with the situation. Since then they have been "palming me off". Are they obliged to give me a refund? Thanks for any help.
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