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  1. hi everyone, I'm looking for my advice i have a shop food which has been open a little over 7 months and i have just seen my landlord is stealing my electric for the flats he is doing up. upstairs which is a full on building site and the wire coming out my meter is a very big thick one so i know hes running alot of juice i have no idea how long this has been going on but it looks like its been done very dangerously and a real bodge it job ive sent videos and pictures to 3 electricians i know which say he is for sure stealing my electric. Now i have no idea how long this has been going on so first thing im going to do is insist he re emburses me for every electric bill ive ever had as i have no idea what hes used and what he hasnt. also the shop has never really got off the ground and to be honest its absolutely dying at the minute were open 12 hours a day 6 days a week and its not uncommon to take £60 a day sometimes as low as £30 (terrible i know) and to be honest i would like to be able to get out of my lease because were getting deeper and deeper in debt and a rogue landlord doesnt help by stealing out electric. could i get out of my lease and demand by deposit back or threaten with legal action? because of course breaking the law? or will i at best get my electric bill re embursed? thanks in advance
  2. Hello, I just wondered if anyone has any advise. I will try keep this brief 1. I own a bedsit flat (inherited from mothers estate) and my brother is named as a life renter. 2. Brother had accident 3 years ago and is now brain damaged (I am his only relative) 3. Brother needs 24 hour care so cannot live in the flat 4. I rent out the flat through an agency and use the proceeds to pay for care to help him. 5. Flat was vacant for a 3 month period last year 6. I receive a debt collector letter (in my name) to my home address for the gas/elec costs of £94 7. I immediately contact SSE directly and they advise my name was given by the letting agent, they contacted them for meter readings and resent a revised bill for £55. 8. I pay immediately and ask them to set up a direct debit going forward so this situation doesn't happen again. 9. I check my credit report and they have registered a £94 default in my name which is stated as partially satisfied. 10. I called them to advise I paid in full and they updated their records to state default is satisfied £94. 11. the amount owed was never £94 it should be £55. 12. I googled legal owner of a property which says a life renter is the legal owner but its me that has suffered this. 13. I complained to SSE who responded 10 weeks later to say they will not remove nor alter the default figures. 14. I complain to Energy ombudsman who says that they have requested SSE apologise for the delay in responding to my complaint and they have asked them to update the default balance to say £55 and not £94. does anyone know what i can do with this? I only just managed to repair my credit file and now i have this
  3. Hi....has anybody had any success with telling your electricity supplier that you would prefer to stay with them but you can get a better price from many other suppliers would they like to match these cheaper offers???? FS
  4. A car park has 2 spaces for electric car charging. The charge port is there and the spaces are painted green. There are no signs up in the car park. There are no restrictions for time etc, I think it is a council car park. Can I park or wait in them with a non-electric car? The only thing I can find that could possibly cover it is the Highway Code: Rule 241 -"You MUST NOT park in parking spaces reserved for specific users, such as Blue Badge holders, residents or motorcycles, unless entitled to do so". But without any signs to say so, I'm not sure if they could say it is "reserved"?
  5. Greetings Ladies and Gents how often should Landis and Gyr 5235A / Ampy Automation 5235A Electric meter be replaced? The meter is the cheapest no frills anti-reverse digital electric meter they cost around £20 when they were introduced. I read somewhere ??? that it should be replaced every 10 years, however when I spoke to my current energy provider they said 2031 (25 years), that Centrica note above the meter was the provider when the meter was installed. Please click on the Image for larger and readable 800 X 600 (122KB) picture.
  6. I bought an Aqualisa electric shower and paid a lot to have it professionally fitted . Almost immediately, when switched on, water began gushing out of the back and down the wall. I looked online and found several postings, including one which explained this was due to a pressure relief valve opening and described how to fix it. Basically, you switch off the electricity, take off the cover, unscrew the valve (difficult) and push a plastic ball back into its tube and then reassemble. OK for a month then it happened again. I phoned Aqualisa customer services and asked for a fitter to repair it under the 2 year guarantee, which they did. Six weeks later same problem. This time customer services said they will make a total of 2 repair visits and thereafter, until the 2 year guarantee has expired, they will post you a new valve which you will have to fit yourself. So what happens after 2 years? You have to buy them and keep changing them yourself or you don't have a shower. It is clearly a design fault, but customer services say it isn't, and "it isn't part of the shower because it's a safety feature", even though it is inside the shower under the cover. What utter nonsense ! I now have a shower that fails every six weeks and the manufacturer won't honour the guarantee. I want my money back but don't know how to get it without spending even more money There are quite a lot of internet postings on Aqualisa electric showers describing exactly the same fault - take a look. Don't buy Aqualisa showers.
  7. Hi all, My brother has bought a used fold away wheelchair made by Careco, from a lady who bought it in Feb this year for her mother but she has since been put in a nursing home and could not use the chair anyway as she could not control it. My brother has emailed the company to enquire about transfer of the 12 month warranty and has been told that this is not transferable so he is not covered unless he bought it new from them. There was an additional insurance purchased by the buyer for 2 years at the cost of £209. He has enquired about transfer of this but been told to contact the insurance company direct. I didnt think they were allowed to do this as its a statutory warranty ? The email is below ..... From: K Date: 30 October 2016 at 10:26:16 GMT To: T Subject: RE: CareCoContact Enquiry Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is with the person it is sold too on the item itself. When it is sold on or someone else receives the goods it voids the warranty. We are not able to transfer this from person to person. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: T Sent: 30 October 2016 09:52 To: K Subject: Re: CareCoContact Enquiry Hi K I can understand the insurance side of it but as for the warranty surly it's on the item that was sold and not the person it was sold to ? Kind regards T Sent from my iPhone On 30 Oct 2016, at 09:27, K Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is not transferable from person to person. We are unable to do this on the foldawheel Powerchair. In regards to the insurance details you would need to contact the insurance company ***** ****** direct to see if you can swap the insurance over to your details. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: Sent: 29 October 2016 21:34 To: [email protected] Subject: CareCoContact Enquiry Title: Mr Name: t Email: Telephone Number: foldawheel warranty transfer Message: hi i have just purchased a foldable electric chair from a ************* customer number is ****** please could you change the remainder of the free 12 month warranty over to myself mr t ***** ******* ******* there was also a 2 year extended insurance taken out policy number p******* i would be very grateful if this could be transfered over to myself any problems please let me know i can be contacted on *********or by email kind regards mr t
  8. Virtually all automakers (except for Tesla) are asking China to slow down electric car mandate. The auto industry is once again attempting to slow down the rollout of electric vehicles. Virtually all automakers, except for Tesla of course, have sent a letter to the Chinese government in an attempt to have them drastically weaken their zero-emission vehicle mandate. As we previously reported, China, the world’s biggest car market, has somewhat of an aggressive ZEV mandate that would force Automakers to have zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020. Interesting comments. https://electrek.co/2017/07/13/automakers-but-tesla-china-slow-down-electric-car-mandate/ I have heard that many Taxi Companies are now using Electric Taxis but are there enough charge points available in Great Britain for this rapidly increasing market. Have you got one.What are your views. And who will try to resist this market.
  9. Hi All, I'd appreciate any advice on the below as I already fear it is going to turn into a messy debacle. I recently took up tenancy in a property on 17th September. I was informed by the letting agency that the energy account with Spark was transferred into my name (and I was welcome to change it) for dual supply. Yesterday, I received my first bill for 17th September - 1st October period from Spark energy. The gas meter serial number is correct and the readings are in agreement with the actuals. That's no issue. The Electric meter serial number in the bill is completely incorrect, compared to the electric meter serial actually in my flat. Equally, the readings on the bill are completely off from my actual readings. I have contacted Spark and gave them my actual serial number, which they claim is actually registered to to the address next door (separate building). They then say it has been an erroneous transfer from February 2015 and to contact the previous supplier Eon to sort it out. Also, due to Data protection obviously they couldn't divulge any details about what serial number and end reading the previous tenant had supplied for his term. I am now caught in limbo being passed between Spark and Eon, each claiming it is the other who have to sort it. Incidentally I had also arranged a switch to GnEnergy but have since contacted them and they have been very helpful in putting my switch on hold until I contact them again. Any advice where to go from here? I feel there is a massive mess brewing regarding the previous tenant/his meter serial/readings/billing. Thankfully the inventory issued by the agency at the start of my tenancy has detailed both meters with the correct serials, readings and even photographs so hopefully none of this falls back on me, but I'd like to have my facts and rights straight incase I end up having to argue my case. Thanks for reading, POTR
  10. ]Hi, I live in a top floor flat with 2 other people, and there is a lower flat with 4. There is only one electric and gas meter between our two properties, and have been told that we have to set up an account with the other house to pay the bills. The landlord has refused to split the meters into one for each house as it is not "economically viable". I am worried that if the other people do not pay their share then our house will be liable to pay this. We were not told about this before signing our tenancy agreement and neither were the other house. The lettings agents are unwilling to have the accounts in their name and for all of us to pay them directly. What can we do? Is this legal or is there something that can be done, or do we have to deal with this? There is nothing in our contract about situations like this! Can someone help?
  11. Hi, I have just received a PCN charge (code 53j) in the post and completely in shock. I turned into this road (Electric Lane) as I was trying to find parking and noticed it was a dead end, so just turned and drove out. I do not know Brixton that well as I live outside London. I also did not see any sign to say no entry at the said times. I have gone on line to check and seen that the sign age is placed where it cannot be seen clearly. I really feel that this ticket has been produced unfairly but need solid prove to show that its misleading. The only one I have is 1. Sign age not clear upon entry 2. Was not aware its meant for pedestrians I would be very grateful if you can assist me with a letter to appeal to the council and also further prove. I want know whether the sign is within the Law and if this PCN is valid. Any suggestions, ie case law will help. I know a begging letter will not suffice with them, not unless I can prove they are wrong. Many Thanks
  12. Just starting a thread on Electric Cars. I have noticed a Taxi Firm in my town has gone fully Electric. Can you believe this news. As i looked around Great Britain to see what was going on other towns have done the same. Just a quick look around but sure i read that cost of electric v fuel was roughly 1500.00 Electric per year v 7500.00 for fuel a saving of 6,000 pounds.This was a Taxi and i will have to find the article again. Also that batteries are improving and most motorway service stations have recharging points now. Better put a couple of articles on as i have not looked at Electric Cars before. Electric cars could rule the road in just over 10 years say motor industry experts Sales of the vehicles are surging so fast the market looks set to meet government forecasts for the end of new diesel and petrol cars by 2040 http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/motoring/electric-cars-could-rule-road-8305609 How the all-electric Leaf is becoming a favourite of taxi drivers http://nissaninsider.co.uk/how-the-all-electric-leaf-is-becoming-a-favourite-of-taxi-drivers/ One dramatic chart shows why electric cars are about to become mainstream http://www.techinsider.io/electric-vehicle-battery-cost-decreases-2016-3 Taxi Built In Britain known to us as a Bomber,well was when i last used one about 20 years ago. Metrocab Electric London Taxi- Made two years ago so probably technology has moved on much more since then. Another reason to switch to EV...there are plans for electric cars to drive in bus lanes http://bit.ly/292fWiL Electric cars are so refined and quiet, you can record a song in one. Here’s how Cerys Matthews and her band did it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNfyVHbn3xE Have you got a electric car. Sounds like you are saving a few bob if you have.
  13. Hi all I thought I would share this, I moved into my property 2 1/2 years ago, The property had storage heaters originally, so was on a Dual meter (night and Day) Now by I have had gas central heating since I have been here, Dual meters are only good for your pocket if 60% of the electric is used on the night side of the meter, I queried this and asked it to be changed as there was just over 5p per KW difference. Look's like I have just save about £400, as the company are now back dating the account with the lower rate, Worth looking into. Leakie
  14. I am in dispute with southern electric regarding a quarterly bill 5 times my average usage, we have reached the stage of having the meter removed for an independent test, they have now informed me this could take up to a year due to only 4 centres that can do the test, is this timespan. acceptable
  15. Hi, My daughter has split up with her boyfriend after 12 years and one child and finally admitted what we already knew that she is in a world of debt and has had to take out an IVA. The boyfriend never contributed a penny to their living costs and she even paid off his rent arrears. Problem is the elctric bill is soley in her name and that had been run upto 525.00 GBP which eon have accepted a twenty pound a month payment plan on , I feel as it was a joint tenancy property (housing association) Eon should pursue him for half and her for half but she thinks this will not happen . During all this time she has worked so he can sit on his arse and do nothing, I am trying to think of ways to get the issue dealt with and bring her debts down and thought it might be worth negotiating with eon, any thoughts.
  16. Hi all, I've been told this is the very best place to come for sound advice, so here goes - it's a long convoluted story but I'll keep it as short as I can. I live in a one bed flat that occupies the front half of a three story town house. Last year, unbeknown to me, Scottish Power messed up billing on my account for electric (something to do with them changing their computer system to a new one). Then out of the blue I received a bill for £1100 - on top of what i had already paid / been paying. I questioned it (obviously!) They said the figure was correct and based on actual readings. I continued to question it and raised an official complaint. I have no TV and use my washing machine once every 2 weeks. I have a desktop pc that is on all day and a fridge freezer. That's pretty much it apart from small items like LED desktop lamp, phone chargers etc. So there's NO WAY I could be using the amount of electric they claimed I was using. So while this complaint was being processed by Scottish Power (A whole other nightmare!) I continued to pay £100 a month off the debt they said I owed. As obviously I would be using SOME electricity, just not the amount they claim. Few weeks back, out of the blue, a debt recovery agent turns up at my front door, threatens me with all kinds legal fees, court costs etc if i don't sign his paperwork and agree to having a prepayment meters fitted. Feeling intimidated, I signed his paperwork. This morning an electrician from Scottish Power turns up to fit my prepaid electric meter. He takes one look at my meter and says, "Can't change your meter, there's a problem". Well the problem, according to the electrician is that my meter has other stuff wired into it, which he guesses to be, the communal power for the entire building, hall way landing lights on every floor, fire alarm, AND another flat - again guessing it to be the little bedsit behind my flat, but on the same floor. So my questions are: Has a crime been committed? Where do i stand legally? What action should i take? (Can't afford lawyer - I'm on benefits) What should i do about this money Scottish power still insists i owe them? This whole situation has been massively stressful. I've actually developed Alopecia which I directly attribute to the stress of the alleged debt and the excruciating frustration of trying get coherent answers from Scottish Power. I don't need to tear my hair out, it's falling out all by itself! All suggestions welcome and greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi all, new to the forum so apologies if I have posted in the wrong place. This is quite a long post as I want to be as thorough as possible, any advice would be appreciated. I moved into my property (2 bed flat, all electric, no gas) in November 2011, shortly after moving in (Feb 2012) I received an electric bill from Npower for around £80/month in electricity. At this point I made a huge effort to lower my usage, to do this I did the following as well as many other things; I reduced my washing machine usage to 2 times a month, I turned off my water heater and used cold water only, I limited showers to 5mins Max on eco setting, I also stopped using all forms of electric heating. Expecting this to drop my bills to around £40 I waited for my next bill, and again the bills where coming through at £80 - £120 a month, at this point I contacted Npower and requested they come inspect my meter. I made the same phone call 3-4 times over the course of 6 months and each time was told my usage was average and they wouldn't investigate, instead threatening to cut me off if I didn't pay my balance immediately. Bringing us to today and my total payments to Npower have been in the region of £3700 - £4000 since November 2011, an average of approx £100/month and somewhere in the region of 9000kwh/year for a 2 bed flat occupied for the last 2years by just myself. Electric consumption is outlined above; one person, working full time, short showers, no heating EVER, no hot water heater and very infrequent use of cooker. Last week whilst doing a meter read I decided to have a quick look at my meter and the cables attached etc, and noticed that my meter is connected to a separate fuse board for the communal lights, sockets, and alarm systems of the flats above me (I'm basement flat with my own door, meter is located in the entry area to the block of flats directly above me). By killing the power to my flat and turning on the lights in the communal areas, and monitoring my meter, I have confirmed that I have been providing the electric for the communal areas since I moved in. I have raised an official complain with Npower and have been told it will be investigated within 10 working days, what I'm wanting to know is, who is responsible for refunding my overpayments? I have been advised by CAB that Npower MUST correct my overpayment first, then persue the landlord for the energy used by the communal areas themselves. Is this the general practice? Or is it possible Npower can just tell me to speak to my landlord to get the money back? Also after speaking to a former tenant of the flats who I knew from his time in the building, he has told me that several of the tenants have been using extension cables from the communal plug sockets (used for cleaning/contractors) to power heaters/appliances in their flats as a way to avoid using their own supply. Whilst this does explain why my usage is so high, how can I prove this is the case when requesting my overpayments back? I can get several tenants to write a statement saying they have witnessed this, but would it be helpful? I'm a little worried Npower are just going to try fob me off with a 10% refund when the real figure I should be refunded is likely to be closer to 70%/80%.. Any help much appreciated, thanks for reading
  18. Hi caggers, wonder if anyone can help me, ive just started renting a property. (yesterday) I need to sort out the gas, electric, water and council tax (council tax paid up until 01/08/15) I've never done this before. Do i simply go on a comparison website and find the cheapest quote? also is fixed rate better and do i need to know current readings? your advices would be very much appreciated
  19. Hi We closed our account with Npower in april this year. Before closing we were informed that we were £300 in credit. 2 weeks ago we received a final bill of £1577.24 When I spoke to the operator he informed us that we hadn't been billed for gas since sept 2013. I questioned this and suggested that even if this was the case we had been paying £100 per month and that this should have covered close to what we were using. When I was also surprised as our meter was read by a reader on christmas eve. I then enquired about the excessive electricity costs. The operator said that the meter was read at 12150 when in fact the final reading was 5958. We have now received another final bill for £873.81. I am also think this bill is a bit dubious as on the same page it states that our estimated duel fuel consumption this year would be £1150. We are at a bit of a loss as to where to start with all this. I have no way of checking their facts and charges and I'm also extremely unhappy that they (and for that matter I) haven't noticed that we haven't used any gas for 2 years. I just get the feeling I'm being shafted and would be really grateful for any help from someone with a bit of experience in this area.
  20. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can help. I recently bought an HP Pavillion Laptop via Very.co.uk on buy now pay later. I've had it about a week but went to unplug it from the socket last night and got a big electric shock. i.e massive spark/bang, electricity went off in the whole house, and sore, tingly hand/arm. I contacted Very last night to advise them of this and they said to email them which I did, I received an email this morning telling me I'd have to contact their Customer excellence team. I forwarded the email straight away but heard nothing back. I then spoke to someone on twitter to query timescales and to ask who the customer excellence team were. They told me its the complaints dept and that it would take 5 working days for me to receive an acknowledgement and then a reply would be given after that. I said I didn't think that was very good service having to wait 5 days after having a shock from faulty charger. Eventually someone has emailed me with two options. 1. they will arrange collection of the laptop and charger and offer 5% discount, also reorder if required. 2. I can buy a new charger and send them the receipt which they will reimburse and also offer 5% discount on the laptop. Its likely that I'll return it and ask for a replacement as I need a laptop asap for uni work however I feel that they haven't addressed the fact I got a shock at all and a 5% discount doesn't seem good enough to me. I'm not sure what I should do, can anyone offer some advice? Thanks
  21. Hi, I'm hoping someone can offer any advice or point me to an organization that can help. The story is as follows, rightly or wrongly. I sent BG a letter stating they have 28 days to object or I would commence with having my own meter installed into the property under Schedule 7 Electricity Act 1989. They failed to object so I commenced, Had the meter installed August this year. I provided meter serial numbers, start readings etc etc to BG. Then a chap requested to inspect the meters at 9pm Monday night (10/11/14) which I let him do, he said it was unsafe and then had an engineer come and remove the meter, he said he wouldn't be putting in their meter or a pay as you go meter. I called BG the next morning and they are refusing to install a payg meter untill we pay £1,400.26p. They said it is a second offence, Wrongly I know I did do something before. I have scraped together £800. But they wont budge... I understand if people call me a thief, fine, fair does.... I did this with the full reading of the Electricity Act 1989 which states at schedule 7 that I could have my own meters installed. Did I interpreted that act incorrectly? Are there any charities that can help liaise with BG?
  22. Hi Forum. I am currently a BG customer, for three years, prior to that EON for a additionalr three years. Myself and my better half live in a tiny two beds (chocolate box) cottage, single fuel (electricity), No gas main, multi fuel stove burner which keeps the house reasonably warm in colder months. For many years we have always disputed and questioned the high costs with both Utility companies. After many years of being made to feel like we are going mad, and with the suggestion from both companies "are you sure you want to go-ahead with the meter check, it will cost you if you are proven wrong" attitude by both EON & BG we finally decided to proceed with a meter check, we were advised that this check would be via an independent! It was actually carried out BG themselves. Results - The engineer who attended professionally used the phrased "goosed" to confirm that as we had suspected over many years, the box is fast running. BG took over a week to acknowledge this and the reaction to resolving the faulty equipment has been disappointing, enough for me to ask for senior member of staff to deal with the matter. BG have now offered a monetary value, zero interest applied, no additional compensation applied, just what seems to be monetary payment with regards to over payment (I do not know the formula used to calculate their offer?) EON initial response was very professional to begin with, but now the worm has turned and they have become some may say, quiet bullish in their opinion. I am aware of the complaints procedures that I have to follow, I have logged a case reference with CAB, I will use the 14 days period of notice, followed by an additional 8 weeks if I am not satisfied with conclusion. Thereafter the ombudsman directly. I have been advised not to let the faulty meter be taken away, this advise actually came from the regulatory body who will determine further checks on the meter if we fall further into dispute with our current suppliers, I understand that meter examiners are employed by SGS and a point of contact here advised at no costs let them take the meter until we are satisfied fully with the outcome of dispute. The same kind contact advised me that beware that on the day, if the meter happens to perform correctly then it may not work in your favour!!! So right now I am confused about how best to approach this case! once I have exhausted the official process of complaint with the energy companies; Q can I claim compensation in excess of what would be the standard overpayment due to the fast running meter? Q are we entitled for interest to be applied to any overpayments made? Q should I allow the meter to be replaced? Q should I request a checking meter sit side saddled to my current meter? Q is their a maximum claim applicable to this kind of case and can I use effect on lifestyle (true) etc etc to make my claim for compensation stronger? Sorry for so many questions but I am now feeling a little bogged down with different opinions, at least BG by offering a figure is acknowledging the faulty meter. I look forward to the forums responses. Kindest regards
  23. Hi Guys, Need your help again. Received letter 'Final Demand' from LCS about a southern electric debt of some £8000.!!! this is apparently for gas used between 2/6/2010-30/12/2010 about 6 months. I own my home and have equity. I cant afford this amount at all. I dont even believe the amount £8k. Some help please.
  24. Hi all, We have just moved into a rented house with prepay meters, which we have no experience with. Our first problem was not letting the utility company know immediately, as the stress of the place being filthy (which is a whole other thread!) and the normal moving stresses meant that we were just topping the meters up for 3 days. We have now switched them to our name, and have no real problems with the gas, which is used only for the heating, water and hob. However, we seem to be using around £10 a day on electricity for a small three-bed house - this seems really high to me. This amount got used yesterday, even though we were out all day ant the only things drawing power (that we know of) were a Sky hub, a fridge and freezer, and a TV on standby. The TV is only a year old and brags about how little power it draws. When my wife spoke to SSE today, they told her that this was a completely normal amount to be paying for an Economy 7 tariff, but it just doesn't add up to me. The day rate is 16.1p/kWh, which is only a bit more than the credit meter at our last house, but we were only billed around £50/month there. I know prepay meters cost more, but we're looking at nearly £300 a month now! Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  25. Hi all, I'm having a pain with Southern Electric; they're claiming an unpaid final bill from a property we left at the beginning of March, 2013, of £160.78, which has now gone up to £184.90 as it's been taken over by their dept collectors "Past Due". We paid the final bill of ninety-something pounds at the end of February, and my mother (who's name the account is in) called them to give them the final reading a few days later and advise them we were moving out. The man my mother spoke to told her we'd be due a rebate of over seventy pounds because we'd been over paying, and to send the reading in writing with a cancellation letter. A month later after we'd long left the property we received the bill for £160.78, which I queried and after some back and forth (because we were moving out there was practically nothing electrical in the property, so this bill was ridiculous), the case was moved to someone else who, on the 2nd of August 2013, advised me they'd review the case and contact me soon when they had an update. At the end of January (this year) I received a letter from PastDue saying this had been passed to them and we needed to pay £184.90. I contacted SE. again, and they claim to have emailed me on the 8th of august, though I have no record of this, claiming they had decided I do owe this money based on the final reading with no further explanation. I'm not currently in the country so cannot go to CAB (and my local one has removed their online support). Please can anyone make any suggestions for what I can do? I don't want to take a trip back to the UK to resolve this as that would cost more than they claim I owe, but do not wish to pay a bill that is clearly a rip off. Thanks for your time reading my wall of text!
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