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Found 7 results

  1. Lay-Z-Boy sell reclining chairs with a15 year warranty on the frame. This warranty is a key selling point. My chair broke within the warranty period and they have been very difficult to deal with. Firstly, they insist on proof of purchase irrespective of how long ago chair was bought. Now, they want me to pay £60 for an engineer to take a look at the chair before they would consider my claim. They are now saying my warranty is void since the present owners of the firm only took over 2 years ago and the retailer who I bought the chair from is now out of business. Wide & Berth springs to mind.
  2. Hi all, My brother has bought a used fold away wheelchair made by Careco, from a lady who bought it in Feb this year for her mother but she has since been put in a nursing home and could not use the chair anyway as she could not control it. My brother has emailed the company to enquire about transfer of the 12 month warranty and has been told that this is not transferable so he is not covered unless he bought it new from them. There was an additional insurance purchased by the buyer for 2 years at the cost of £209. He has enquired about transfer of this but been told to contact the insurance company direct. I didnt think they were allowed to do this as its a statutory warranty ? The email is below ..... From: K Date: 30 October 2016 at 10:26:16 GMT To: T Subject: RE: CareCoContact Enquiry Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is with the person it is sold too on the item itself. When it is sold on or someone else receives the goods it voids the warranty. We are not able to transfer this from person to person. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: T Sent: 30 October 2016 09:52 To: K Subject: Re: CareCoContact Enquiry Hi K I can understand the insurance side of it but as for the warranty surly it's on the item that was sold and not the person it was sold to ? Kind regards T Sent from my iPhone On 30 Oct 2016, at 09:27, K Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is not transferable from person to person. We are unable to do this on the foldawheel Powerchair. In regards to the insurance details you would need to contact the insurance company ***** ****** direct to see if you can swap the insurance over to your details. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: Sent: 29 October 2016 21:34 To: [email protected] Subject: CareCoContact Enquiry Title: Mr Name: t Email: Telephone Number: foldawheel warranty transfer Message: hi i have just purchased a foldable electric chair from a ************* customer number is ****** please could you change the remainder of the free 12 month warranty over to myself mr t ***** ******* ******* there was also a 2 year extended insurance taken out policy number p******* i would be very grateful if this could be transfered over to myself any problems please let me know i can be contacted on *********or by email kind regards mr t
  3. I purchased a brown leather chair (£565) from Laura Ashley in March 14. Over the past few months patches are starting to appear on one of the arms. I emailed the customer service team attaching some photographs, they replied by saying if there was a defect within the leather it would have happened before this time. I asked could anyone come and take a look at it first before making this judgement as I can't exactly take the chair into the shop. They said I would have to get in touch with a furniture ombudsman as we both agree to disagree. I have been in touch with the ombudsman and they are now saying I will need to get a consumer facing report within 7 days otherwise they will close this matter. I am absolutely disgusted with this service, the chair was an expensive piece of furniture and is more of a show chair than one that gets used daily . I would be grateful for any advice on this matters.
  4. If I buy a recliner chair for a disabled friend who would be allowed VAT exemption and store it at mine for when they vist, could VAT exemption still be claimed..
  5. My Father-In-Law purchased a Rise & Recline Chair but upon delivery found that it hadn't been made to the specifications. The matter was raised immediately with the delivery man and the chair was taken away. The relevant part of Clause 7 of the company's "Condition of Sale" states "The company warrants that the goods will correspond with their specification at the time of delivery". I cannot see any reference to what would actually happen in a case where the chair isn't made as per the specifications. Can anyone advise me please if he would be entitled to a full refund. He has no wish to have any further dealings with the company as he also ordered a bed from them and the mattress is the wrong size for the bed so that is another matter he is trying to resolve. As a result, he has just lost complete faith in the company and wants a full refund for the chair. He has spoken to the company since it was returned and there are some signs that getting a refund from them may not be an easy task. My Father-In-Law is very unwell and this matter is causing a lot of distress so any advice is very sincerely appreciated. Thank you.
  6. We purchased a lounge suite in August 2011 which consisted of a singel chair, a 2 seater chair and a recliner which cost us about £2200. Within 6 weeks we had to contact the retailer as the seat on the recliner sunk down virtually onto the framework. It was repaired and then the same fault occurred a couple months later and it was repaired again. On both occasions I had to write a letter to them as phone calls had to response. Unfortunately the seat has sunk yet again. As I suffer from a disability, I do use the chair every day for probably most of the day. This was made clear to the salesman when we purchased the unit. With the seat offering very little comfort it has now affected my back and I now suffered from back ache more than ever. Given that lounge suite is over 2 years old, can I claim an inherent fault under Sale of Goods Act as it has been repaired for the same problem twice before. Admittedly I should have chased it up several months ago, but was reluctant to approach the retailer as the last time, I was treated rather rudely.
  7. New rules come into force today,following campaigns to axe the proposed "Pastie Tax" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19731923
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