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Found 6 results

  1. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/video/shocking-moment-man-walks-away-121526688.html
  2. Scottish gin threat as juniper stocks disappear THE JUNIPER plant which is used to flavour gin is being killed off by disease leaving Scottish stocks in a “critical state”, according to a new report. Read more: http://www.scotsman.com/news/environment/scottish-gin-threat-as-juniper-stocks-disappear-1-3927219#ixzz3phho8kWs
  3. For my daughters 21st birthday we have arranged a boat party on Thames. We have agreed the price for the boat, food, entertainment and 1 glass of champagne We have also paid £500 for the drinks at the bar so the guests could order what they like. We informed the company that if the drinks will go above that amount our daughter will settle the balance. There were about 35 quests. At the end of the party the company produced a bill on their headed paper for further £1131.50 which she had paid. We thought that £1631.50 for 35 people drinking for 4 hours was rather excessive and asked the company to provide us with itemised bill to see what drinks were sold. This they have refused saying that there is no till receipts for the drinks. We asked how they could come up with this total if the drinks were not recorded in the till. We were told that they only put the drinks through the till if customers are paying, So why we are not classed as paying customers if we had to settle this bill at the end. We had no further response from them. I would very much appreciate for any advice how to go forward with this as we cannot think of any industry that will bill you without any details of what they are billing you for.
  4. Soft drinks makers including Coca Cola are reportedly considering suing the Government over George Osborne's plans to implement a tax on sugary drinks, which could never see the light of day. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/sugar-tax-soft-drinks-makers-coca-cola-britvic-ag-barr-legal-suing-the-government-a6943871.html
  5. Holidaymakers who have an accident or fall ill while on holiday risk having their travel insurance claim turned down if they have had just two alcoholic drinks. The Financial Ombudsman Service, which adjudicates on consumer complaints, has warned that insurers are increasingly accusing customers of "alcohol abuse" in order to wriggle out of paying claims. It has disclosed the details of cases to highlight the issue. In one, the insurer insisted that a customer suffered from "alcoholism" even when medical evidence showed that they had consumed no more than two alcoholic drinks. Travel claims are most commonly rejected if a customer is accused of not declaring a medical condition. However, the ombudsman has reported a rise in complaints over insurers using alcohol consumption as an excuse to avoid paying. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/travel/11113938/A-couple-of-drinks-Its-alcohol-abuse-and-we-wont-pay-your-claim-say-travel-insurers.html travel insurance – alcohol exclusions http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/PUBLICATIONS/ombudsman-news/120/120-alcohol-exclusions.html
  6. New rules come into force today,following campaigns to axe the proposed "Pastie Tax" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19731923
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