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  1. Hi all I need advice. 2 years ago we had a minor car accident which we believed had been resolved by our insurers!! Last week we received a letter from the court asking for £1556 as the insurance company had not paid the total amount we now have a CCJ. I have spoken to the insurance company who have assured me that they will resolve the issue ( they have admitted fault) someone forgot to pay some of the fees and they have not responded to any letters sent to them!! Now to me even though they have promised us that they will resolve the issue I can't help but feel that this is negligence by the insurance company - getting to this stage to me is totally unacceptable unfortunately only now we have received a letter about it otherwise I would have been on to them a hell of a lot sooner. Any advice on this situation would be very much appreciated.
  2. From April 2017 insurance companies have been ordered to make it crystal clear in renewal notices how much they are increasing their premium from the previous year. The move, a new rule announced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), is aimed at stopping sneaky eye-watering raises that customers often don’t notice and simply pay on auto renewal. From April 2017, insurance companies will have to display last year’s price in a prominent position on renewal notices The FCA says the move could mean customers save up to £103 million a year simply by spotting the big rises and deciding to use a comparison site to shop around for a better deal. The renewal rule will apply to all forms of insurance, so motoring, breakdown cover and home insurance. https://www.aspokesmansaid.com/money-and-insurance/stories/content-9129/no-more-sneaky--rip-off-insurance-rises-as-companies-ordered-to-clean-up-their-act
  3. Up until last year I was insured as a driving instructor and had my own car and paid my own insurance and accumulated 6 no claims years from the insurers. I had decided not to continue as an ADI and looked elsewhere for insurance. I received my NCD and uploaded it to the new insurers who refuse to accept it as it was earned, they say, on a commercial vehicle. I have phoned my previous insurers and they said they have never had a problem like mine, and suggested I give permission for the new insurer to call them. The insurers I have now have said I can alter my policy on line (have tried with no success)I want to cancel within the 14 day cooling off period and look elsewhere now, for which they will charge me a fee of £25 as the policy began on 2/1/2016 and charge me for the days of insurance on a daily rate. Quote me unhappy !! Any advice appreciated. The insurers I have are the same Aviva
  4. I think it would be useful for CAGers to list which insurance companies use Albany Assistance for claim management given the widespread reports of Albanys practices which it seems many find troubling, including: Excessive charge bump up for hire cars Requiring fully comp insurance holders (including those with hire car included on their policies) to sign credit agreements Long unreasonably drawn out periods where nothing happens It would seem Albany wont do ANYTHING unless you sign a finance agreement and agree to their inflated car hire. Google: albany assistance claim management problems Please include a link or two, or your personal experience supporting any companies inclusion Heres the first I've found who apparently use them. Please correct any that are wrong Hastings Direct (confirmed by reps of Albany and HD here on CAG) (http://forums.mercedesclub.org.uk/archive/index.php/t-119377.html) (CAG search Albany) Admiral (I was considering Admiral for my renewal) (http://kwaichi.com/2012/07/17/terrible-cold-calling-whiplash-claim-companies/) (http://www.theguardian.com/money/2012/jul/06/albany-elephant-car-crash-claim-excess) Diamond (http://commonvehicleproblems.com/non-fault-accident-been-reffered-to-albany-assistance.html) Now I'm not saying that any other claim management companies are any better, but these folk do seem to me to lead the way to a world of stress, pain and disappointment at a time when you will already have more than enough - quite the opposite of what they should be doing it seems to me. When I pay fully comp insurance, I want service, not grief if the worst did happen.
  5. Afternoon, My colleagues son has crashed his car into a tree which has written the car off, there were no other parties were involved in the accident. He instantly phoned the insurance company and they offered him the full £3800 subject to him sending the v5 in to them. The vehicle is registered in his mothers name (same address as he lives at home) however he was the only person insured on the vehicle. Once he sent the V5 in with his mothers name on, they've now said that the insurance claim is void due to the V5 being in his mothers name and not his. Is there anything they can do with this? It seems pretty harsh to me! P.S... the insurance company in question is Markerstudy uk
  6. Insurers could be forced to come clean to their customers on how much they paid the previous year, to make it easy for households to check if their premiums have been pushed up significantly. Up until now, insurers have not had to tell their customers how much they have been paying when it’s time to renew, so it is difficult to tell whether the new premium is competitive or not. A study today reveals that few customers can remember off the top of their heads what they had agreed to pay a year earlier and many just agree to roll over and pay for another year. The proposal by the City watchdog is designed to tackle concerns that loyal customers see their premiums rise if they stay with the same insurer, particularly for a long period of time. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-3344203/Insurers-forced-tell-customers-paid-year.html#ixzz3uIOo2BqX
  7. Hi there. I was involved in an accident that wasn't my fault last night. They reversed their car into their drive and didn't see me as I was driving past and swung out into my car. There was a witness who saw it all. I haven't informed my insurer yet but have already received a text message from the other party's insurer: 'Admiral ref.******* - We are sorry to hear you have been involved in an accident with our insured. We would like to help with any damage caused to save you claiming with your insurers, paying an excess and we will also supply a free replacement vehicle to suit your needs - Please call 03303335531 ext 25256. Please note SMS responses are unmonitored' Does this mean he has already admitted liability to his insurer? Is it safe to settle with his insurer and not inform mine so that I don't get stung with increased premiums? I have protected NCD. Do I HAVE to inform my insurer? Any help greatly apreciated
  8. Afternoon All, Me and my partner are looking at starting a Motor Trade Business and are wondering what insurers or brokers are best to go through. We've been looking at a few local companies, but to be honest, we're not relying who we go with, on their location. It would be an added bonus to have a company nearby (North-west England) but does anybody have any companies they would like to recommend? Thanks, P
  9. I woke up this morning to an email from Post Office Van insurance informing me that my policy has been cancelled. I was laid off in the first week after christmas and had to reign in my direct debits to avoid bank charges and missed two payments. I started back work last week and had been planning on paying the money owed in full yesterday but did not get a chance during the day and so thought i'd call them today. However what I am really annoyed about is that Post Office simply cancelled the insurance. No phone call just a straight robotic cancellation. I will freely admit to everyone on here, as I did to Post Office that I have had a change of address and I have not therefore received any correspondence. However I still believe that for something as important (legally) as insurance, insurers should not cancel your insurance before speaking with you. This is 21st century communication. Letters are antiquated and too slow for matters as these. Even if I had been living back with my parents the letter would likely have not turned up today and I would now be driving around with no insurance with potential life crushing consequences such as car crushed etc etc. I check my emails everyday. A search in my gmail box shows no email from post office for at least as far back as november. When I called this morning and explained my personal circumstances and offered to pay the arrears I was told it was not possible. It seems curious to me that Post Office emailed me to cancel the policy, (therefore giving the cancellation notice special communicatitive consideration) but they did not email me to say that this was going to happen if this that and the other. That leads me to beleive that they know that sending letters is not the most effective means of communicating and thus the need to email in addition. As mentioned before I have not received an email for any reason in at least the past four months. The great thing for the industry is that this practice benefits the industry as a whole. For every person this happens to looses their NCB and has to pay a higher premium. Very convenient that flawed communication effort. Seems as it is a legal requirement for one to hold insurance to park or drive a car on a public road then it should be a legal requirement that insurance providers provide a reasonable, fair and accurate service. *******s. I have no idea what to do about this but I don't want to become a silent victim. I believe the above must be happening to many other people to the industries benefit. Does anyone have any suggestions about how or what I can attempt to get some justice? Thanks for any help on this, Daniel
  10. Holidaymakers who have an accident or fall ill while on holiday risk having their travel insurance claim turned down if they have had just two alcoholic drinks. The Financial Ombudsman Service, which adjudicates on consumer complaints, has warned that insurers are increasingly accusing customers of "alcohol abuse" in order to wriggle out of paying claims. It has disclosed the details of cases to highlight the issue. In one, the insurer insisted that a customer suffered from "alcoholism" even when medical evidence showed that they had consumed no more than two alcoholic drinks. Travel claims are most commonly rejected if a customer is accused of not declaring a medical condition. However, the ombudsman has reported a rise in complaints over insurers using alcohol consumption as an excuse to avoid paying. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/travel/11113938/A-couple-of-drinks-Its-alcohol-abuse-and-we-wont-pay-your-claim-say-travel-insurers.html travel insurance – alcohol exclusions http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/PUBLICATIONS/ombudsman-news/120/120-alcohol-exclusions.html
  11. Firstly, Had an 'ECO' grant towards the cost of solid wall insulation all taken care of by Energycare Group of Haynes. http://www.energycaregroupltd.co.uk/about Surveyor came and said it would take a 2 weeks or less in Nov 2013. Work was completed in March 2014 after 50 calls to them. I was told by the surveyor and installers there was a SWIGA (Solid Wall Installation Guarantee Agency). The quality of work was very poor and they had to come back numerous times and caused damage to the property. Due to sight problems in the winter light I relied on their supervisor stating that the work was all ok and was pressured into signing the satisfaction form before the workers left as they kept saying they would not get paid until the form was signed. Complained through their 'Check-a- Trade' organisation they were registered with. Energycare Grooup came out with a pack of lies even though I sent them photographic evidence to the contrary. No result as Check-a Trade are paid by the companies. Complained to SWIGA but after more than 20 phone calls, letters and E-mails there was never any response. Complained to Ofgem as they are supposed to 'monitor' these organisations but again no response. After 3 months found that EnergyCare Group had not registered the work with SWIGA so not covered bt their ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) process. Found Energycare group had arranged an insurance backed warranty if they ceased trading but it was worth over £15000 less and no ADR process. Had purchased Legal cover with the house insurance through 'Wisecall Claims Assistance'. When reading the document that was sent, it is only a 9 month policy as they will not accept claims within the first 90 days of commencement of the policy. I thought at first this was only for new policies but it is in fact on renewals also. Never mind I thought, my claim was after the 90 day period so submitted a claim which Wisecall said to go through their underwriters, AU insurance services. The claim was rejected because I had not notified them within 90 days of the damage occuring, having lost 3 months going through SWIGA! Wise call said to send a letter in writing to their nameless managing director. This was done on 26th Aug this year. By 6th November, still no reply or acknowledgement so contacted Wisecall and they gave me an e-mail address a copy of original letter was resent to them. Still to date no acknowledgement or reply. I have been told to sue Energycare group for 'Breach of contract but dont know how or what redress that would bring. I have checked on the OFT Unfair contract terms and sections 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 seem relevent regarding time limits being imposed where a claim could not be brought earlier but still have no idea how to proceed now so any comments would be very welcome. statch ps Was also told to seek redress through Ofgen as their companies contributed to the cost so should help but ofgem very evasive and at first said it wasn't a consumer issue then after telling them all calls were recorded and contacting my mp a message was sent to get back to them, this I was unable to do at the time as I was in hospital so now just trying to pick up the pieces again.
  12. Hi All, Really miffed at the moment. I had an accident on a local country lane where a car coming the other way hit my car. I saw the other party coming and stopped. However the other driver had the sun in their eyes (I could see them fiddling with the passenger side sun-visor for their child as they approached). As I`d stopped and could see they hadn`t noticed me I braced myself for impact. They saw me at the last moment and although they tried to stop and go onto the verge to avoid me, didn`t succeed. Both cars had bumper and bonnet damage requiring repairs but fortunately no-one was hurt. The other drive got out and apologised and later that day their husband phoned my husband, offering to pay for the damage/repairs through one of their garages, saying that if we went through the insurance route the insurers would probably claim for 50/50 fault . We wouldn`t have been happy to do the repairs though their choice but, either way, the car is leased so we needed to go through the proper approved repair process. Further down the line we had a call from our insures saying that the other party has denied fault, blaming us, and that the insurers were going to settle 50/50. We now have a cheque from our insurers to cash, for half the excess we had to fork out at the time of repair, along with a more expensive quote for insurance on our other car. I`m loathed to cash the cheque as this will be in final settlement. Our insurers keep telling us that they`ll not pursue the case as there no independent witnesses. Unfortunately, the only "evidence" we have is a copy of the business card from the repair place the other party wanted to use, along with circumstantial evidence that the time of morning and sun position that day backs up our version of events. The other party is a rural neighbour-ish so we know them to nod to. I`m tempted to ask them to explain why their insurers are claiming the accident is our fault (as they may just be going along with what their insurers are saying) just in case it an "insurance cutting legal costs" thing. I don`t fancy it becoming confrontational though. Could it class as harassment if I approach them, no matter how peaceful? Could anyone please offer advice to whether this worth pursuing (perhaps through small claims if not though the insurance) or should I just bite my lip and write if of as one of life`s Ah-bugger-moments? Thanks P4L
  13. Insurance companies could be forced to provide clearer information on renewal quotes, after coming under pressure from consumer groups. When consumers are informed of a new premium, they are not usually reminded what they paid previously. As a result, some customers may not even be aware that the cost of their insurance policy is going up. Now the City regulator is drawing up new rules to ensure renewal quotes include previous premiums as well. That would enable policy-holders to see whether, and by how much, their bill had risen. The Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) decision follows pressure from consumer groups, including Which? The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has proposed the change itself, and has written to the FCA suggesting it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28229282
  14. Had great help when last visited the forum, about harassment notice my complaint now with the police, hope I can get help with my on going problem with parking on the right of way. There are three houses, 1, 3 and 5. 3 and 5 have a right of way over my drive, I, no.1 have a right of way over no. 3s drive. No. 3 let's no. 5 park on his property, my right of way. I have written to both 3 and 5 pointing out the covenants regarding the right of way and received no response. Two weeks ago I asked the police to visit no. 3 regarding the parking, to my surprise they agreed to speak to him. No. 3s response to the police was, despite the covenants, it was not his responsibility to stop people parking on his land and interfering with my right of way. As I have legal cover with my insurers I put the matter into their hands. Insurer informed me that my legal cover is for trespass and nuisance, that as I am not driving at the moment, I am waiting for knee replacement surgery, the courts would not uphold a claim for either nuisance or trespass. Would appreciate any input regarding this
  15. Hi there, A few weeks ago I was hit from behind by another driver. He was driving a company vehicle. After taking down his details, I rang his company and reported the accident to their fleet manager as well as informing them that their driver was using a mobile phone at the time of the accident. Their fleet manager arranged to get an accident report from the driver in question and then arranged for their insurers (Zurich) to set up a claim and arrange the repairs to my vehicle and provide a courtesy car for me to use whilst mine was in the garage. It was within 2 weeks of the accident that the car was taken in for repairs, so pretty quickly. I also sustained whiplash and this has set off another occurrence of TMJ (Temporomadibular Joint Pain) Disorder that I suffer from. Apart from my neck feeling very sore and stiff to move, I am suffering from referred pain down the right side of my face (headaches, ear pain, teeth, jaw pain, eyes) etc which can be very difficult to deal with. As a result of this I spoke to Zurich about a PI claim which they said they would look to settle. They immediately arranged for a medical examination by their medical examiners and have instructed a rehabitation company to assist with recovery. I also naturally informed my own insurers of the accident. My dilemma is do I use my legal cover I have on my own insurance / or through my union to instruct PI solicitors or do I deal with Zurich directly and try to settle the claim with them. My inclination is that it would be quicker dealing with Zurich directly, but I want to be assured that I get the best possible result for myself. However, what I don't want is for solicitors/claim assessors to drag it out for their own benefit. Has anyone got any view on the best course of action - dealing with the TP insurers who have acted pretty swifly thus far or appointing a solicitor through my legal covers? Many thanks
  16. A new system that will allow insurers to access DVLA data on drivers' convictions and penalty points will be tested from February. The insurance industry says the move will cut the amount of fraud seen under the current system of driver declaration. Up to 23% of motorists failed to accurately disclose their record to insurers, it has claimed. Drivers will want to ensure that the new system will lead to lower premiums. Costs The scheme is known as MyLicence and has been developed by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), the Motor Insurers' Bureau, the DVLA and the Department for Transport. Insurers will be able to access information to cross-check any points and convictions at the application stage and price the premium accordingly. The ABI said that 23% of motorists made incorrect disclosures. This could make insurance invalid, it said. It argued that the fraud, and complex claims that were subsequently generated, increased premiums for honest drivers, so the new scheme should cut costs. About 7% of inaccurate declarations came from drivers who declared spent convictions or points, so they could also see premiums fall under the new regime. The MyLicence project will be tested from February and then begin in full during the second quarter of 2014. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25016515
  17. Read more : http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/best-worst-car-insurers-092605067.html
  18. Hi All My partner was involved in a road traffic accident in March 2013. It seems an obvious case where the other driver was at fault, yet the insurers have just decided that liability cannot be proved so have recommended a 50/50 settlement. These photos that show the approach to the junction where the accident happened: http://s511.photobucket.com/user/rk1974/library/Road%20Photographs pictures 1-3 show my partner's approach to the junction (heading north), picture 4 shows the other driver's approach (heading south). Here's what happended: My partner was driving on the road shown above, on the right hand (inside) lane, driving northbound. She noticed the light was green so proceeded throught the junction. In a split second she noticed another car pulling in front of her, but it was too late, the next thing she remembers is her head hitting the air bag. The other driver was coming from the other direction (southbound) and had made a right turn attempting to cut across two lanes of oncoming traffic. She hit the right-side of my partner's car at the front, the other driver suffered damage to the front of her car. The cars rested on the road and blocked the northbound traffic (in photos 1-3, on the left side of the road). Given the damage caused to both vehicles, where they ended up on the road and the laws of motion, this situation could only have been caused by the other driver driving into my partner's car. Now I thought in these cases the standard response was to find the other driver at fault since she caused the accident by driving into a flow of oncoming traffic? The police were called to the scene and the drivers were helped from their cars. My partner remembers a bus was in the left lane travelling in the same direction as she was when the accident happened. She was told by the police the bus driver reported the accident. My partner also remembers an off duty police officer arrived at the scene immediately and checked her condition. The police later contacted my partner to say the other driver was given a formal warning about her driving. The other driver claimed she was not liable and claimed she was stationary when the accident happened. We thought this was laughable and simply a standard case of not admitting liability until all the facts were evident. If you look at photo 4: http://s511.photobucket.com/user/rk1974/media/Road%20Photographs/road4_reverse_zpsb820d3a9.png.html?sort=4&o=3 the other driver could not have been stationary. To be in a safe position she would have to be in the right lane on her side of the road waiting for the filter light to turn green. Even if she had pulled out ready to turn you can see that there is plenty of space just left of the box junction for her to have been in a safe position that does not obstruct the oncoming traffic. Given the positions the cars rested in, if she was actually stationary her car would have to be positioned sideways (she would have had to been static in the box junction with cars oncoming!) and my partner would have had to swerved left then back to the right to cause the damage to the cars! The insurance companies have determined as the police warned rather than prosecuted the other driver liability is not certain. My partner was asked by the police what course of action she recommended. As she thought the other driver would suffer enough financially if she was found liable, she recommended a warning. If my partner recommended a prosecution would this have influenced the police's decision? The insurance company are also claiming there were no witnesses. This is something we will investigate further by contacting the police for copies of statements and Transport for London for the bus driver's testimony. CCTV cameras were also not in use at the time of the accident. Can we also request a detailed breakdown of the other driver's counter-claim as what we have been told so far seems frivolous? And a full breakdown of how the insurers reached their decision (Data Protection Act - Subject Access Request)? My partner's insurance company wrote to her to say that liability cannot be determined. It could be in court, but they recommend against that. So they've decided it's a 50/50. Thanks if you've taken the time to read all of this, any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, P.
  19. Hello everybody, How are you? I hope you are fine First of all, I am not sure, whether this is the right place for this enquiery In order to chose a used car to buy, I wanted to get a list of insurance quotes via GoCompare. Now I am bombarded by calls from the best offering insurance companies. I already complained about this to GoCompare, but they just informed me, that this is standard procedure and I have to accept this or not make such inquieries. Without accepting this through the T&C's I cannot get such quotes. Also providing the telefone number is mandatory. I see this as an unwanted contact and an unfair practice by GoCompare. Is there anything to avoid this? Or are there any other comparisation sites, that do not require contact details or do not forward details without explicit approval? Best regards, Tino
  20. Last Spring I bought a motor caravan and because it was used in the UK for 3 months I insured it with Swinton Insurers. I then exported it to Spain and put it onto Spanish number plates. I didn't expect Swintons to carry on insuring me and duly cancelled the policy and paid an extra premium for doing so. I trusted that they would stop taking payments from my bank, but 12 months down the line I have discovered that they have been dipping into my bank account for all that time. (I have several payments going out of my bank, but they had cunningly given a folio that gave no clue that the payment was going to them.) When questioned their customer services said that he would get a colleague to phone me, I had previously emailed them and received no reply. My phonecall of course was not returned. I emailed them once more only to be told that the system was conveniently down that would show payments from my account. Why do these companies give us so much grief? Wouldn't it be great if we could recommend them instead of condemning them. I am hoping that they will repay me soon, but I am expecting a fight.
  21. Hi, I have recurring menatl health problems, and during an earlier episode, was co-erced into starting a haulage business, which enatiled obatining insurance for the lorries.The Broker obatined insurance and a loan for the balance of the insurance, i paid 25% of the annual premium as a deposit. Jan 2003 - I had to cancel within 2 months...then had a breakdown. Loan company took me to court for a sum ...didnt know why, and was unable to defend myself.They got a CCJ, and a charging order on my home, I was bereaved and had no one to help me. I recovered in about a year, to find the Broker dissapeared, so no redress there -I thought there was nothing I could do. Am in recovery for another breakdown, but this time got good treatment and can think straight , so have been writing to all concerned to try and understand what happened. Broker was sold to Swinton, but they didnt buy their liabilites. Insurers HIghway - sent me proof of refunds issued to the broker (before the swithc to swinton) Loan company say that the Brokers didnt issue the refund money to them , thats why they got the CCJ for £2.6K on me. this is now £4.5k with interest. Bit by bit over the last 2 years i have obtained info' to clarify what went on, and i see that a loan of £4K, was sent to the insurer on my account,( in addition to those i signed up to) but I never signed any agreement for it...interestingly the loan co. havent chased me for that. I have established that the agreements were created in a way that gave the company a financial benefit, but am out of time to challenge so here is my question. Can i use this new information in any way to leverage with the loan co to write of my debt. ..I have provided them with a statement of means, I doubt anyone will employ me after the latest breakdown (3 years) and i am 58, so pleanty of younger purchasing proffessionals out there! i know its statute barred, but as they continue to answer my letters, i feel there may be room to negotiate...but I have no lump sum to offer a lower sum to finish it off. I know I may have a chance of applying for a set aside due to my mental health issues,has any one here been succesful in this after so long? I dont know if i could cope with a court room, though, i have tried to get a litigants freind, but failed there. My partner works, but he dosent earn much so we wont be able to get legal aid. yes its convoluted, and taken me many years to understand what happened.. Any ideas would be welcomed!!! Suzannah
  22. Hi there I'm new to this, would really appreciate advice. I was in a minor accident yesterday, never been in one before. I rang my insurance company and reported it, they said due to circumstances it was likely the other party would accept liability and tried to refer me to a non fault accident specialist to arrange to pick up my car and supply me with an equivalent hire car. I wasn't sure what to do so said no at that point. An hour later I had a call from the other insurance company saying their party admitted liability and they then got really pushy asking me details about the accident and also trying to get me to book my car in with their repairers. I felt I was being bullied into something so asked them to phone the next day. I rang my insurers and told them I had had contact from the other party's insurers. They said they did not know the other party had admitted liability and said it was just up to me to choose what I did next. I'm really not sure if I should get this sorted through my own insurance and that means going through this non fault accident specialist (who I've heard terrible things about) or through the at fault party's insurer. I'm worried the at fault party insurer will just do a really bad job. I'm also worried if I go with my insurer I'll get stung for extra fees related to car hire and the process will get dragged out which seems to have happened to lots of people who have had to deal through this particular non fault accident specialist. Please help. I'm an intelligent person but seem to get brain freeze when confronted with car related issues! Thanks
  23. I'd appreciate any help in this matter. 5 months ago I had an accident on a mini roundabout, not my fault. The lady coming from an opposite direction just decided not to give me way and drove straight into my car. I have a witness. My car was written off, I got the money less my excess – which was explained will be refunded to me when the case is closed. 5 months down the line I'm due to renew my policy. For my surprise I received the renewal note with no years no claim discount. I was told it's due to the accident I had. Even though it wasn't my fault! But apparently the other party hasn’t admitted so until they resolve the case they can't give me any discount. And to add to that I was also told that it may take up to 3 year to resolve!!! 3 years!! How long can it take to resolve a small accident claim??!! Anyway – I can't use any discount to renew! So it didn't only cost me the excess, but also my premium went way up high. They say they will refund the difference in premiums…. But for the next 3 year I need to simply start collecting my no claim discount from scratch. But also – how I'm going to prove them how much the insurance would cost me with the discount??? Is there anything I can do to get my excess money back and also to get the discount back??? I must say – I'm furious! When you're due money to the insurance company – they want it immediately, but when you're owed anything – it takes them years….
  24. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/9853512/Pet-insurance-owners-face-18-month-compensation-delay.html
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