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  1. Hi, I've just found myself in a situation, whereby I was caught without money in my account on the day by DD was due - and now I'm being charged the £25. However, I would like to carry on using the gym, - and not pay the £25 - is that possible? Very annoyed, as I really am enjoying the gym - particularly because it's a good hobby when I don't have much money! However, my integrity is swelling, and I can't bring myself to let them rob me.
  2. Hi All This is my first post as I'm currently having issues with Samsonite and a suitcase I bought. I bought a small cabin bag size suitcase from a genuine Samsonite outlet store in York during the Black Friday sales at the end of November. It cost £41 which I knew was really cheap for Samsonite as I already have a couple of their cases. I used the case for the first time during a trip to London in mid January, during which time the retractable handle broke while waking along a train platform (so much fun!). I took the case back to the Samsonite store where I purchased it, and was told it would have to be sent away for repair as it was more than 6 weeks since I bought it. I've since received a voicemail from the store advising that the case could not be repaired, and to visit them to discuss. I'd really like to know what my rights are before I travel to the store (which is 90mins from where I live, so I need to be prepared), as to what I can get as a replacement. I do not want store credit or my money back, as I know I won't be able to buy a replacement suitcase without putting a lot more money towards it. As far as I can see the suitcase wasn't fit for purpose, and I'd like a replacement at no cost to me, but is this what I'm entitled to? Any help would be much appreciated so I can be prepared to fight my corner. Thanks Claire
  3. Hi, Just after some advice and opinion. My better half's holiday year runs out at the end of March 19 and her employer operates a "use it or lose it" policy. She has asked for some time off, and they have said that they cannot facilitate her absence due to low staff levels along with others being on leave. They have also informed her that as she cannot use it, she will ultimately lose it. Is this correct and will she have no option but to lose out on leave entitlement, even though its the employer preventing her from using the holiday entitlement? Most years she loses between between 5-10 days leave, 1. due to her not being a huge holiday taker and 2. due to the fact that whenever she wants time off, its rarely approved or she is given less days than requested. I would just like to know where she stands, as I feel she always draws the short straw and I feel that they are not being entirely fair in denying the leave, also they could be doing it in order to make it lapse. Many thanks to all who offer comments. Regards, W4ter_Boy
  4. Open Consultation Banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/banning-the-use-of-combustible-materials-in-the-external-walls-of-high-rise-residential-buildings Important please be aware this consultation closes at 11:45pm on 14 August 2018
  5. Hiya! Im hoping to get some advice for my partner on an ongoing work issue. My partner works for a company where it relies heavily on contact with customers. This company has always said that because people now a days have a mobile phone plan that includes unlimited minuites and texts they dont see why they should supply a mobile phone or contribute to the bill. This company give every customer my partners personal phone number to contact him on. My partner now has had his phone temporarily cut off ( this is due to having to make a call to India for work purposes which they have not paid for despite being shown on the bill that it was a work call which has added additional money on to the bill) My partner also has to use his data on his phone which always goes over his limit as he needs to use the maps to get to customer locations. I also want to add that this company ( my partner has been working for for 3 years) has issued him with a warning about his phone which has absolutley infuriated me! This company also use our electrcity at home and our broadband to update their console systems for the bus! They also use our money to buy batteries and cleaning products for the bus ( which they hardly ever re-imburse) Also he cannot have sick days. They said to him if he is sick and there is no cover he will be charged from his wages the cost of the party ( upto £300) Also he has missed out on holidays and weddings as they are booking parties so far ahead we as a family cannot plan anything. They have also said that if a party is booked that day ( parties are always booked 6 days a week..upto 3 parties a day so he has one day off a week) he absolutley cannot have that day off. I'm honestly so sick of this company, i feel like we are being taken this pee out of completely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is so much to get our head around. I think them issuing him with a warning over his personal mobile phone for work usage was the last straw. Many thanks for your help
  6. Got stopped by 4 traffic police cars (that were on a roundabout) they checked insurance and driving license which was all good ! Then started looking around the car and said 3 tyres were rubbing as the car is lowered but not excessive (can send pictures on request) They told me they didn't know if it was legal or not so they took pictures to send away to be examined. they also threatened to take my car away from me but in the end they let me drive away. also the accident happened on 27th of june and I received the letter on 12 of july. does it matter that they sent the letter out later than the 14 day period ? thanks
  7. Home Secretary statement on the use of DNA evidence in immigration applications READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/home-secretary-statement-on-the-use-of-dna-evidence-in-immigration-applications
  8. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but just been on the Universal Job match website and saw this : Universal Jobmatch will be replaced by the Find a job service on 14 May 2018. Important: If you have an existing Universal Jobmatch account it will not move to the new service. Save any information you want to keep, like your CV, cover letters and application history by 17 June 2018.
  9. Aquilon Medical Nebulisers: people urged to stop use immediately READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/aquilon-medical-nebulisers-people-urged-to-stop-use-immediately
  10. Alert for charities - use the regulated financial sector READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-for-charities-use-the-regulated-financial-sector
  11. I purchased a phone case from the company Spigen through their eBay store on 6 November 2017. Over a month ago, I discovered there were cracks on the back of the case. Neither the phone or case have had any form of impact since purchase. I contacted Spigen and asked if they are able to help. They refused because I was outside of their three-month warranty, and offered me a 'slight discount' from any new purchase. I explained that I am covered under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but they continued to reiterate that they cannot help. The company has also refused to use an ADR scheme. They also said that when I purchase an item with them, I automatically agree to their terms and conditions which entails THEIR returns/refunds process. What are my options????
  12. I am needing to apply for a mortgage asap. Im a LTD company self employed contractor. There is a wrong default on my Equifax and Callcredit reports. Experian is absolutely fine. I have only been contracting for 16 months and so the likes of Halifax wont touch me. I have written to the FOS to get the details corrected but this may take time. Can you tell me what lenders only use Experian or suggest who i could check with. The brokers dont have this information. There is an article on MSE but its incorrect, it says Nationwide only use Experian, i called them and they said they use all 3 companies for credit checks. Many thanks
  13. I'm Genes1s and a first-timer so forgive me for the myriad of details buzzing around in my head on this. Advance thanks to those of you who add serious value to this site and may feel inclined to offer your opinions. Evening of Monday 23Oct17 my husband bent under pressure and bought me a new Aerolite case from a local store [luggage+shoe-repairer+key-cutter] for my 2-week trip to Miami the next day Tues 24Oct. Really pleased with choice: hard steel grey outer with 360deg wheels where you can pack in both case sides, weight indicator, sturdy handle when horizontal and sturdy trolley handle when vertical, plus a 5-year warranty. Perfect for this trip on my own. Hubby whipped out credit card and, while owner regaled us with his latest St Barts trip, ordered a pair of keys from our house master. Total £85 incl VAT. Case was reduced to £79 from £135. No problem. All processed. Rushed home to pack for 10:30 Delta flight next day. Quickly realised the weight indicator was faulty - would not display let alone work. Too late to buy a battery. gauging the weight was easy: going from 15C to 82F - packed summer wear. Left home at 5am Tues 24Oct for Heathrow. Case checked in at 52lbs and all she did was smile at me and hand me my docs. Sweet. Connected at JFK and had to check in again - thank goodness for the 1.5hrs changeover: if I had to take off gorgeous full-length woollen coatigan, my snazzy ankle boots, belt and bracelets one more time, I'd have made the news. Okay, okay, I'd heard but didnt believe the new security reality]. All good. Case pristine except for a few scratches. What felt like 20hrs later, arrived at Fort Lauderdale to a case with TWO wheels/same side so damaged one wheel was missing and the housing left was destroyed. Looking and failing to find a trolley I walked up to the tallest uniform and asked him for help. He told me to leave my case and he kindly walked me over to Delta office to make a claim. [The Delta chap gave me paperwork, told me to follow-up when I returned to the UK and he manhandled my case outside to a pick-up point bench o/side the terminal]. Great. Brilliant two weeks. On my return via Atlanta on evening Tues 7Nov, my limp case was checked in at Fort Lauderdale airport curbside - brilliant idea - 4hrs early. While processing, check-in staff just wanted me to repeat the word 'passport' while they shoulder-moved to 80s soul music. I obliged. Every time. Case must have been heavier with all those extra clothes. No worries: luggage was travelling right through to Heathrow. Sweeter. Arrived next day approx 10am Wed 8Nov to 11C and a case that was in shock: no wheels. The remaining two wheels were barely attached. Okay. My new Aerolite is now no longer fit for purpose. My Delta claim has been acknowledged but not yet resolved. The store owner was lippy when I explained that his "premium" product did not withstand standard international travel and is preparing a letter for my house insurers. What? My pristine no-claims-bonus contents? Apologies for length, succinct writing is an art. Do I have any other form of recourse available to me? I still feel hard-done-by. Am I being unreasonable, guys? Your opinions are welcome
  14. Hi All, I am in a bit of a pickle at the moment, I felt I was finally able to afford my council flat that I have lived in for over 15 years, I put in my first RTB application March 2015, and a valuation was done for the property, after the valuation came out, I found that I was not able to afford it even after the London discounts so I didn’t take up the offer, fast track November 2016, the same year I made another application and this time around the price of the flat had reduced by £100k as per the new valuation done in November 2016, so I took up the offer, applied for a mortgage and got it approved etc, to my horror council wrote to me last week saying that they have now revised the offer from the council where they have changed all the figures and have now decided to use the first valuation which is 100k more than the second one. I am a little lost now and do now know what to do. I am already out of pocket after spending on solicitors and mortgage brokers. Thanks in advance.
  15. I successfully applied for planning permission last year to convert a townhouse garage into habitable space. Whilst often no planning permission is required for this, there are special parameters around parking on my street which meant I needed to apply. The street is a row of about 20 identical (not mirror-image) townhouses in a row. As part of my submission, I engaged an architect to draw up plans, costing around £1k. A neighbour on the street is in the process of selling their house and the prospective owner has just applied for planning permission to do the same work. The planning drawings are identical to mine, other than that the architect's details have been hidden with some different text - it looks like that was done with a white box in powerpoint or paint. This is essentially theft of intellectual property although I feel it may be hard to prove. Do I have any leg to stand on to seek compensation? Thanks for your help!
  16. Quick question, been awarded enhanced rate mobility on my PIP, was informed that as well as free RFL, I can also have a ''C'' added to my bus pass. (so a companion can travel with me for free also) Went to my LA to be told that ''You do know that you can only use it with a companion and not on your own?'' Actually no, I didn't know, and it was the first time I'd ever heard of it! So, I'm calling her bluff, and wondered if anyone knows the real answer, or where I could possibly get the answer from....please, pretty please. TIA.. BB
  17. They want to Evict me,can you help. Can someone please advise what I can do to stop Elderbridge (company that purchased from Barclays, all Firstplus accounts) evicting me from my house, I have received a letter today from Elderbridge stating that they are instructing their solicitors (Eversheds) to ask the court to set a date for Elderbridge to take possession of my property. What I want to know is if they can do this as the original repossession order was granted to Firstplus who have gone bust (and then taken on by Barclays as they were the bank that set up Firstplus) Last year Barclays sold my outstanding account to Elderbridge, does that mean that they automaticity have the right to use the suspended repossession order to start eviction process? If yes how do I contact the courts to stop this eviction and make payments to this new company Elderbridge. Account Balance £64,809.59 Arrears Balance £64,722.09 how can Firstplus, Barclays have let my arrears get so high and charge me 7.8% intrest, I have asked all of the above to stop charging interest but have all refused.
  18. I have recently contacted this company regarding a claim. The person who dealt with my call was aggressive and hostile and frequently interrupted me/ talked over me. Aside from this poor communication, the employee continued to insist that a part could be fixed when in fact I had been advised by two separate garages that it could not and would have to be replaced. Then he proceeded to blame the garage. They insist that they will only cover the amount of the part if it had been repaired but of course it cannot be repaired. Has anyone else dealt with this company? Any tips?
  19. Hi guys I searched the forum but couldn't find any info on the situation I'm in. I was on JSA from October to mid November 2017. I got a part-time job which guaranteed me 12 hours a week. I started that on 14th November. They gave me a contract until 31st December. However, they cut that short as work had diminished. i left my job on 14th December. In the four weeks I worked there, I worked 24 hours in weeks 1 and 2, and 12 hours in weeks 3 and 4. After week 3 had finished, I called JSA to see if I could get extra benefit money as I had only worked 12 hours, and had been looking for a second job with more hour or a full-time job. I had an interview booked for 15th November. When I went to the interview, I explained that when I initially called them about low hours, I was not aware that my contract would be cut short, and explained that I had now left my job the previous day, and showed them proof of my termination letter due to diminished work. They came to a conclusion that I was entitled to £10.19 for week 4 and could not backdate as I had not shown enough reason for the delay of my claim, even though I explained them during the initial conversation that it was not possible for me to do so, as I could have been handed more hours towards the later end of week 3, since we did not have fixed hours of work. I decided there wasn't much point in arguing about not being paid £10.19 for week 3. I assumed I would start getting JSA from 15th December as I continued to look for work. I was asked to show my last payslip which I sent it. I got a call saying as I had earned £545 as shown on my payslip for the month of December, I would not be entitled to JSA until a month after I got paid. I got paid December 21st, therefore thy said I would not get any JSA support until after January 21st, as they expect me to use my earnings of £545 to get me through December 21st - January 21st. However, they expect me to keep signing on and continue to look for work, otherwise there would be sanctions. my question is, is this all correct? They're saying that after I was forced to leave my job on 14th December, I should use my earnings to cover a 1 month period, without getting any JSA support. They also expect me to continue looking for jobs and signing on. It all seems wrong as I'm seeking a job, and not getting job seekers allowance. In fact, I actually don't get my first JSA payment until 8th February as they pay 2 weeks after the month up to 21st January has finished. Any help would be useful.
  20. Most days we see a number of complaints on CAG, where DVLA have not received notifications sent to them in the post. This leads to letters, court claims and sometimes bailiff visits. Can CAG please publicise what DVLA notifications can be done online, as it might save people having problems, after notifications e.g vehicles sold, get lost in the post. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/driver-and-vehicle-licensing-agency The link above confirms what can be done online. Personally, i would not send anything in the post to DVLA unless i had to and then i would keep a copy, plus get proof of posting at post office. Most people can access the internet, either at home or locally. Most libraries that are still open have free internet access.
  21. Afternoon one and all. Hope you're all doing well? I was hoping that someone might be able to advice me of something just milling around my head. On the 7th of April, I found a car on Gumtree and entered into a conversation with the seller. After a while, my gut instinct was literally going ten to a dozen because the seller said that he wanted to sell the car to me using a third party, gullible as I am, I researched the said third party which was Reedy's Trading Group. I did quite a bit of research on Reedy's Trading Group and found many a website that verified that they were real. Even on their website and the back end they had Gumtree accredited within their SEO. I proceeded with the sale doing a bank transfer for £2779.00, Yes, I know, what a idiot. Turns out that Reedy's never existed, they had cloned all of these websites and created reviews. I got in contact with Gumtree to report the seller after reporting the fraud to Action Fraud for all the good its done. I work as a user experience designer and I wanted to ascertain exactly how Gumtree verify who is real and who isn't? I contacted Robert Hatterley who is the CEO of both Gumtree and Ebay UK and the only reply that I kept on getting was that how Gumtree are a classified add and they have a dedicated Fraud team... This is where I need the advice. 48 hours after the [problem], another company cropped up on Gumtree selling 15 cars, the name of the seller was Reedy Trade. I created a dummy account and these people sent through pretty much identical to how I was [problem]med before. I have reported this to Gumtree, 72 hours later, I checked and the seller is still there. If Gumtree is quoting itself saying that it prides itself on how it tackles Fraud and they have a dedicated team, yet in 48 hours I have managed to prove that the fraudsters are still trading on Gumtree, would I be able to claim damages back under the Misrepresentation Act of 1967? Because they are claiming that they are being vigilant, yet this isn't the case? Thanks in Advance Cole:|
  22. Hi all, To make this as brief as possible, I had a second charge on my property with Nemo personal finance. In 2007 the property was repossessed due to a lot of bad luck and the original lender sold the property over £50,000 less than market value just to cover their own expenses (G E Money) which left nothing to pay off the second charge. I have been battling this loan on and off ever since and during this time Nemo took me to court and won because I never defended the claim and this was due to the fact \I knew nothing about it. I agreed a miminal payment to them which I paid monthly about 2/3 years ago I wrote to them sending them £10 PO asking for a SAR. They never produced it so after a while I stopped paying and things went quiet of a year. Now they are back on my case threatening with a attachment to earnings, High court Writ and Baliffs etc. I am not sure how I should proceed with this and would really appreciate some help. I id speak to one of their customer service reps when I got the first contact letter and explained that I stopped paying because they did not comply with my request and he said he would look into it and get back to me but he hasnt and I ave just had a letter threatening allsorts to collect. When I first loss my house I did do a lot of research on this with regard to the PPI and secret commissions which there undoubtedly was but never saw it through due to personal circumstances.
  23. Can someone help me with my question? I need remortgage and on experian I have almost excellent scoring and HSBC has the best deal for us, so i need to know which credit agency they using. Thank you
  24. Thousands of people with lost or stolen contactless cards have been warned they could be used by fraudsters up to eight months after they are cancelled. The problem generally lies in contactless card payments being processed in one of two ways - 'online' or 'offline'. When payments are processed online, the card and payment machine immediately communicate with the customer's bank. If a lost or stolen card has been cancelled, this will be flagged immediately and a payment not allowed. Offline payments are stored in batches by retailers and processed online to the bank at a later point, sometimes a few days later with smaller stores. This can allow a thief buying goods on a stolen card to go undetected. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3779910/Thousands-contactless-cards-lost-stolen-warned-fraudsters-use-EIGHT-MONTHS-cancelled.html#ixzz4KtdyLapj If your contactless card is lost or stolen make suer you check your statement for fraudulent transactions.
  25. What are the consequences of one party referring to without prejudice discussions in court without the consent of the other party?
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