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Found 8 results

  1. Home Secretary statement on the use of DNA evidence in immigration applications READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/home-secretary-statement-on-the-use-of-dna-evidence-in-immigration-applications
  2. Hello I recently made a Planning Application to the local Council to make some adaptations to our house for a disabled person. On the application form/guidelines it stated that the application was exempt from application fees, if the application was for use of a disabled person. The application was made and adequate proof was provided to show that the person was disabled. The Council accepted the application. However, after a week they called to say that as the Disabled person was not currently living at the Planning Application site , that the application was invalid and the fee would have to be paid to progress the application. I had a look into this and the following rules apply: P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 In that regulation, a “disabled person” means— 4. (2) (a)a person who is within any of the descriptions of persons to whom section 29 of the National Assistance Act 1948(1) (welfare arrangements for blind, deaf, dumb and crippled persons, etc) applies. In those rules can be found : P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Exceptions – access and facilities for disabled persons 4.—(1) 4.—(1) Regulation 3 (the requirement to pay the local authority a fee) shall not apply where the local planning authority to whom the application is made are satisfied that it relates solely to— P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } for the purpose, in either case, of providing means of access to or within the dwellinghouse for a disabled person who is resident in, or is proposing to take up residence in, that dwellinghouse,or of providing facilities designed to secure that person’s greater safety, health or comfort. I pointed this out to the official and they have now reinstated the application for free. So, Contrary to what you may be told by your Local Council, if you are making a Planning Application for a Disabled person it is free!. even if the Disabled person is not residing at the Application site. Which makes absolute sense, if you consider that a disabled person may want to see if he or she can alter a property for their use before purchase. Hope that helps someone uphold another regulation that the Council seem unaware of. nn
  3. Then here is the answer. Works for Adobe programs, MWord, Outlook, - probably works with any program http://neoshamon.blogspot.fr/2015/06/adobe-app-scaling-on-high-dpi-displays.html?view=sidebar magic.
  4. Hi Wondering can you claim back cash advance fees from Cap1 i'll tell you what i found on my bills lots of little £3 cash advance fees for gala coral i went through a stage when i was playing a lot of online bingo using my cap1 card not knowing that i would be charged for every single time i made a deposit before gala were took over by coral payments on my cap1 card shown up as aquapay and there was no fee at the time coral took over i had a bit of a bingo bug and well cap1 must be thinking happy days because they made about £400 in cash advance fees from me just wondered if anyone knew if i could try to claim them back, surely cap1 should have told me about the charges anyway i honestly thought i was buying online tickets, not going to the cash point any help would be great help Jay
  5. Not sure I have posted this in the right place but I have a question I hope someone can answer!! An old debt originally for around £750. Sold to a small company who have added interest and escallated it to around £2750 with bogus call out charges, find charges. Court said pay, I've said cant as do not have the money. This time last year court appearance infront of judge who told the creditor to set the bailiffs on me. Heard nothing more. late last year had to go for questioning about my finances for this debt. Showed letter that confirmed behind in mortage, electric bills and she (court lady) suggested offering £5 a month which I did on the form. Heard nothing. Now letter to go back to court infront of judge. I'm not really sure quite what the creditor is trying to prove. I am thinking to SAR the court? Just to find out exactly what has been recorded/ This guy has been chasing me for years and it really feels like harressment. I feel that there is nothing I can do!!!! Any suggestions please. Many thanks
  6. http://lifeintheuk.net/index.php/news/rules_for_applications_from_overstayers_change_from_1_october_2012/
  7. After a long drawn out procedure appealing two PCNs sent to a previous address and following two separate visits to my house by same bailiff, rejection of my out of times by the London borough, I had a court date in July and my two out of time applications were allowed by the presiding judge. The LB did not turn up. However I have found it impossible to get money back from the council. They are saying that because the order did not specifically say that charges must be refunded then they won't give me any money back. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am minded to sue the council in a separate court action as well as the bailiff because I found out much later that the bailiff had over-charged me. Never had a parking ticket before, so this was all new to me. I have emailed the court several times since then and they kept saying the order stands. The latest communication from the court said that the case has now been sent back to Northampton. Does that usually happen?
  8. Hi All I have recently applied for car finance with a large car manufacturers own finance house and was initially declined (but was approved after an appeal), anyway the official dealer of the car brand decided to do multiple applications after the decline without my approval and without me knowing. Can they do that?....thing is I now have 3 full credit searches on my credit file, against my wishes! If not, (which I am sure they can't) what should I do? Many thanks for your help in advance. :o)
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