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  1. My girlfriend and I are moving house at the end of March, and have agreed with a lettings agency to move to a new property. The initial payment to hold the property was £500 with £200 of that to come off the first months rent. We agreed the fees etc and am just awaiting the forms to complete. However when I was just speaking to them on the phone, the gentleman I had previously been dealing with admitted he had made an error with the fees and needed to pass me on to one of his colleagues. I was then passed on a rather gruff assertive woman who stated that they needed and extra £90 to be paid as exit fees in advance. I queried this, and she said it's standard practice to ask for it in advance (which I know is nonsense). Personally I don't think charging £90 to leave a property to be fair, and the only reason they want it up front is because people don't pay it. My question to anyone is, is this reasonable? And given how we have already agreed a price etc how can they come back and request extra money?
  2. Hey all So I moved into a property on 29 July 2015 I payed £675 deposit and £675 one months rent advance We’ve just been excepted for social housing so have now given notice on this private property. As it’s 4 weeks notice from today this gives me until the 11/03/19 The question is about what is left to pay, am I right in thinking as it’s payed in advance that the £675 I payed on 31st January covers February’s rent until the 28th So I only have to pay the 11 days of March rent as I’ve already payed February’s Or Do I still have to pay February’s rent plus the 11 days of March
  3. In simple terms i'm self employed and have been here since october 2010, up till October 2016 the tenancy was not in my name and was paid monthly but they moved out so at this point the landlord agreed for me to pay 6 months in advance because I was unable to prove enough earnings due to being self employed. I have renewed twice paying the 6 months in advance again so 18 months total but this time they want to put the rent up £300 a year and are asking me to pay £60 in advance to reserve. I'll be honest its doable but its a real struggle this time finding over £4k. Logically it should be no different to paying monthly but it just doesnt seem to be feel like that. Flat will need decorating if he wants to find a new tenant I think. Now ive been here nearly 8 years and in that time ive had nothing done, its all starting to look a bit tired in here. But I think ive been a good tenant, im not Hyacinth by any means but ive not trashed the place at the same time and the rents always been paid etc. I guess what im wondering is where I stand legally if I want to stay on?, I know that usually an agreement goes periodic but how does this work with 6 months paid? If I dont renew will it just carry on as is? Ideally i'd like the reduce the amount due and increase the payments per year, even quarterly would be better than 6 monthly. Surely if it goes periodic they could allow a bit of room on how often payments are due?. I did pay a huge deposit. I'm just sure even if they did agree to change it there would be a huge fee for drawing up a new agreement. I have about 6 weeks so I need to get this in order I think. Have pasted the email minus sensitive info. As your current tenancy is due to be reviewed on ...Late April 2018 we are delighted to inform you that you landlord is offering you a further fixed term of 12 months at a rental of £@@@ payable in advance half-yearly for the term. In order to secure your new fixed term tenancy term please call us on 00000000000. There will be a charge of £60.00 (inc VAT) required to cover the cost of this service which can be made via debit card. We are also available should you need to discuss any changes to the proposed terms, our office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm. Should you be intending to vacate your property at the end of the current tenancy term then please email confirmation of this to email address including details of your forwarding address.
  4. A few years ago my husband applied for PPI refund from a loan with swift advance, although he was definitely mis-sold it his complaint was rejected eventually via the Ombudsman as nobody wanted to take responsibilty and the correct file(s) couldn't be found with the appropriate details,he feels the ombudsman let him down big time but heyho, who is he? He recently received a letter (I couldn't upload it for some reason)stating "In line with the Financial Conduct Authority policy statement PS17/3 issued in March 2017, you can now make a further complaint against Swift Advances PLC (swift) under s.140A of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, in relation to its failure to disclose commissions associated with the PPI policy which was sold to you" We are not entirely sure how to pursue this, any advice, links, info would be hugely appreciated. Thankyou. Dawn
  5. Hi, perhaps someone here might have some good advice. Southwest Water has just sent us a demand for advance payment for water supplies (probably estimated) , payable in two instalments. Up til now we've always paid weekly or monthly, but we've never trusted direct debits to anyone , and with good reason. Now suddenly Southwest Water want to take nearly my entire pension for two months. What do these people think folk are supposed to live on? I would like to ask if they can demand the whole amount like this, and what can we do? To be absolutely honest they have always been difficult and a right pain, for many years. We're also now aware they've been the "second worst for complaints" in the past. No surprises there. Two questions if we may: 1) Should we set up a standing order (SO) for a corresponding monthly amount amount from our bank to our Southwest Water account. Or b) There is no way they are getting my pension for two months, so what can Southwest Water do about our choosing to pay monthly by standing order? Thanks and kind regards.
  6. My pensioner mum likes the theatre... For years she's been the full time carer for my dad who recently passed away and couldn't go very often. So to treat herself, we encouraged her to go more often. She decided to apply for one of the ATG theatre cards to get discounts on some of the tickets she was planning on booking over the next few months. http://www.atgtickets.com/theatrecard/ This card was taken out on the 15th Sept and the £35 yearly fee paid upfront. They set up a Direct Debit to automatically take the following years payment in Sept 2017 and was informed by the staff that if she didn't want to renew, she should just cancel the direct debit. After working out what she could save, and realising that most of the shows they wanted had restrictions on when and where you could use the discount card (crap seating or only midweek/matinee shows)... she didn't think she'd renew it next Sept and so instead of forgetting about it in 11 months time... She cancelled the direct debit in Oct. She then went to get some tickets for another show and they wouldn't accept her ATG card at the theatre, said wasn't being accepted. So she had to pay full price, and contacted ATG directly this morning to find out why. She was told point blank that her ATG card had been cancelled because she cancelled the direct debit... despite the fact that she had already paid in advance for a full 12 months. They were very unhelpful, made all sorts of excuses... customer drone said he'd speak to his manager and came back saying nothing he could do... My mum asked to speak to his manager, was told 'sorry he's in a meeting'... 30 seconds after he has allegedly spoken to him... So it's clear that he's not spoken to a manager and is just lying about it, or lying that they're in a meeting. So my mum asked what would happen if she set up the direct debit again... and was told they would charge her £35 for the year again... Now they've accepted £35 for 12 months use of the card, so a contract exists between them... for them to cancel less than a month later because she stopped the Sept 2017 debit from being taken... means that they have effectively 'stolen' that money and denied her the use of the card over the period of the contract. She is currently waiting for a return call from ATG (if the drone actually gets his manager to call... but I'm very doubtful as they seem utterly useless) I know she can call her bank and get a chargeback on the card payment she used to make the original... and should be able to get that £35 back. But where does she stand on the issue... they've taken £35 and then cancelled her contract without notice or justifiable reason... which to me is fraudulent. If they haven't contacted her today, on Monday we will be calling the bank and will also be calling the consumer show on 3 Counties radio as we are both very angry about what they have done... and I'm wondering how many other people have been screwed in this manner.
  7. Hi all! Great job what you do here. On February i became a member of Advance Gym, it was a monthly pay membership so i paid the first membership on cash in advance when i started at the gym and i took the introductory session. I didn't like the gym and i cancel the DD and never came back. While after started the letters telling me that i owe 1 month, and after Harlans and CRS, now Spratt Endicott in asking for 156.49. I sent on June a mail to the gym through the web web page and the told me that i breached terms and conditions as i did't gave one month notice. Should i get an agreement and finish this? Or just ignore them? Thanks in advance for your help guys!
  8. Hi All, My brother has had 8 loans setup in his name, 4x Wageday Advance and 4x Myjar, my brother suffered a brain hemorrhage about 6 years ago and since then he has found it difficult to read and comprehend things, his daughter is the one who setup the loans, we have proof of this by her making a transfer into his account when the payments are due, unfortunately she has also been found out for other fraud to other family members and the payments for the loans have now stopped, leaving my brother a tidy sum against his name. I have spoken to Wageday Advance and they requested a signed letter from my brother giving me permission to act on his behalf, which has been done and emailed back to them. I tried to talk to Myjar who also said they cannot talk to a 3rd party but would need a letter and a copy of this passport or driving license so they can match the signature, 1) the thing is, we have not been able to find out if the loans are in his name or simply his account details used. 2) my brother does not have a passport or driving license so they cannot have been used for the application of the loans so how are they going to match the signature ... Between us (the family) we have reported 11 instances of fraud to Action Fraud, but it would appear only 10% of the reports are investigated. We have reported it to the police, a PC came out, asked a few questions and went away saying he would need to talk to his sergeant, and we have heard nothing since. We also have other proof of bank accounts being emptied, ebay [problem]s and paypal [problem]s, the list goes on. Can anyone offer any advise on the above and how we can get a conviction?
  9. Had grief from Virgin Mobile, with an unhelpful call centre staff member (not for the first time). They want to sell you a new phone, or a larger tarrif, but asking questions about the tarrif isn't what they want, and when I asked for help and followed their instructions : it didn't fix the problem.) I'm in credit with them, which credit runs out in 3 months (it was a PAYG SIM initially, topped up numerous times to get 'free data' the next month, and when it had accumulated a large balance I was never going to use, converted to a pay monthly SIM, to use up the credit balance). [VM suggested the swap to Pay monthly, given the credit balance]. So, I asked to disconnect, on a date in the future, once I've used up almost all of my credit, as one has to give at least 30 days notice. They (customer retentions) declined to take my cancellation request. Whilst I accept I have to give them at least 30 days notice (and 3 months is more than 30 days), they claim they also can't take notice any more than 30 days in advance. "It is the customer's responsibility to call us 30 days before, we can't take notice in advance" (the rep also agreed that if the customer doesn't remember to call exactly 30 days before, they will end up committed for another month's line rental...........) Is this correct? if it is, is it "sharp practice"? The best way forward? Would a letter, stating when I wish to end the contract, (sent by a guaranteed delivery (and signed for) service) work?.
  10. Just having a pop at Cashplus MasterCard. Do not get me wrong , the card and service they provide are fantastic. I have been with them since 2012 and never had any issues. As i use their credit builder program and pay no monthly fee they give me an optional extra service called I-Advance. It is a sort of payday loan for a month If ever needed i have the facility for an instant approval on line for a credit advance up to £50.00 deposited into my cashplus account instantly. When i take this up i pay back £60.00 for a £50.00 loan in 28 days They have now increased that by £2.00 to £62.00 for a £50.00 loan It is not so much that they have increased it by £2.00, it is the fact they are starting now get greedy and behave like the other **** bag payday loan companies. But this I-Advance is an optional pre-aproved facility, you do not have to use it. Like i said, the service they provide as a pre-paid MasterCard is second to none
  11. In Sept 2014 I booked a Thomson (TUI) holiday in Turkey for July 2015 through Directline Holidays (Broadway Travels) for 10 people including 2 children under 6. In Autumn Statement 2014, the Government announced that from 1 May 2015, APD would be scrapped for children under 12 for both new and existing economy-class bookings. In January 2015 Directline informed me that Thomson had changed the airline from ONUR Airways to Thomas Cook. When the full and final payment was due in April 2015 I questioned Directline about refund of APD and was told that Thomson had many advance bookings to review, and that refund would be forth coming at a later date. After returning from the holiday and waiting for so long I emailed Directline to claim a refund and got the following reply: Thank you for your email, we have reviewed your booking, however, no refunds have been applied. The airlines were doing these refunds automatically and we would therefore assume that no refunds are due on this occasion. Please be assured should we receive any refund from the airline in respect of your booking we will contact you. Yours sincerely on behalf of the Broadway Travel Group Ltd Libby Clarke Customer Relations Department Tel : 0871 716 1004(option 1 & 6)
  12. A close family member has received a letter from Moorcroft re a loan they had with WDA. They were suffering financial difficulty and informed WDA of this, the amount was total payable £278. Letters e-mails and financial statements were sent to WDA to make offer for re-payment, this was sent by Royal Mail signed for del, which was received and signed for by WDA in May 2014. WDA had requested they send them Bank Statements which was refused by relative as they had sent them financial statements and step change docs. To date no agreement has been reached, the last contact with WDA was 16th June 2014.The amount now outstanding according to Moorcroft letter is now £480. 00. Moorcroft are threatening a home visit and also they are willing via their client WDA to offer a discount from the outstanding balance. This means that if you are able to pay an acceptable lump sum we /they will not attempt to recover the remaining balance of the debt. In addition your credit file will be marked as partially satisfied and our staff will be happy to explain what this means when you contact us. Question 1, is what should they do next. Question 2. Should Moorcroft be ignored and solely deal with WDA. All information and assistance will be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS" "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  13. Hi, not looking for advice as i'm following the same format as my QQ and P2P complaints. I just wanted to update the forum. After WDA emailed me and said they noticed I'd borrowed a lot and they would freeze the interest on my current loan and arrange a repayment plan to help me, I thought it was great. After that the hassle started, constant phonecalls including to my work, even after I asked them to remove the number from their records. I put a complaint in about how poor their service was as they had offered something to me, yet started treating me as if I had defaulted. Letters with default charges 3 weeks before my DD was due etc. 8 weeks later I got an email saying they had been in the wrong and they would remove £25 off my loan, hardly the most generous offer, but an acknowledgement at least. The rest of the email ahd incorrect information on it in relation to my balance etc. I emailed back expressing my surprise at the information on outstanding amount etc. I also asked for all the information on my accounts and what I had borrowed / paid. I got a reply with the correct info on the account but no response on the additional info I asked for. Last week I emailed again to ask when i'd receive this info. As I still haven't received something today I decided to do my own digging I have found all the emails for loans in my Hotmail and was able to piece together all the payments, loans, interest and rollovers. I have had 37 separate loans, and during that time I've rolled over 20 times. This included one loan that was rolled over 10 times, then a payment plan put in place for 6 months to pay it off, and a loan issued again the month after!! Loans started at £150 per month borrowed and up to £640 (repaid £800) between March 2009 and October 2015. Total interest paid seems to be around £7,300 I have put in my complaint for irresponsible lending (the 10 month roll over one that took my 16 months in total to pay back and then immediately be offered another should be enough to show that!) and i'll await their response. I'll update if and when I hear anything
  14. Good Evening, I am trying to locate email addresses for Yes Loans and Liquid Advance which I had loans with, I am trying to reclaim my interest charges from these companies. Could someone help with this please?? Thank you for your time ;-) Kind Regards Mr Wits
  15. Hi Took out a loan in 2013 when i was unemployed after a difficult time stupid idea at the time now ive been working for the last 2 and a half years ive cleared all my debts well thats what i thought until i got a letter from these cow boys this morning stating i owe them £292.00 from a debt dated back in 2013 which i thought was cleared, and i completly forgot about it. So i got this letter this morning threatning to pass it over to Moorcrap Debt Recovery telling me they will come round my house etc not that im bothered i welcome there arrival to be pushed back down the drive way. I am not refusing to pay the loan but what is really bugging me is i only borrowed £130 and these people have stuck almost 60 percent extra on top i know they have to make a little bit extra etc but £160 extra!?!?!?! Ive told them that i will only pay the remaining balance if they come to some agreement with myself i will not involve myself with Moorcroft and will ignore all there letters I am still waiting on a reply So my questions are why are these people waiting 3 years without any correspondance on this time frame, Is this a tactic to add alot of fees before they process a letter of harrassment ? Can they still persue all these fees when the only letter ive had off them is threats of DCA since 2013 ? this seems to be a little tactic they are good at from other things ive read about WDA on here
  16. Hello, Sorry, I really tried to keep the description as short as possible: On 03/03/2016 we called some conservatory companies in Devon and finally made appointments with two of them for the next day for a viewing. In the afternoon we sent them a floor plan with detailed measurements and other information about what exactly we wanted. BTW We had even searched the web for reviews about the companies and found nothing negative - just one positive review. On 04/03 an employee of the first company arrived in good time, and we noticed he had the document (which we had emailed the day before) printed out and ready for discussion! Because the negotiated price was acceptable (£8,060), and because he confirmed that they could complete the conservatory within a month, we decided to enter into a contract immediately. In the contract was stated: "Installation date: 18/03/16, 09.00" As advance payment 1/4 = £2,015 had been agreed: On 04/03 we paid £2,015 by bank transfer. On the same day another employee arrived to carry out a survey (as specified in the contract). He examined the house, took measurements and discussed with us and wrote down the exact positions for the doors, opening windows, roof connection etc.. We mentioned that we had already paid the advance, and he said the required parts would be ordered IMMEDIATELY! 17/03: Since we hadn't heard anything from the company, we sent an email and asked if they had received our advance payment and also asked them to confirm that the works would start on the next day as provided in the contract. No answer. On 18/03 we waited at home the whole morning, but in vain. No one came. No information. We called them after lunch: the secretary said she would talk to the builder responsible for the groundworks. On the same day we were informed that the builder would begin on 22/03, 9.00am. On 22/03 no one came, but the builder called us to tell us he would come one day later, 23/03, 1.00pm. On 23/03 he came, examined the ground, and asked us additional questions regarding the groundworks. Since it is a hillside situation, he recommended insistently to build an additional retaining wall (the rain would wash the garden down to the conservatory), cost around £2,000 (making it much more expensive than other offers we had received before signing the contract with this company). He seemed to be a skilled and competent builder, and to avoid further delays, we agreed in principle and asked to calculate the exact additional costs and inform us asap. We asked when the groundworks will begin finally, but he could not give us a concrete date. On 24/03 we sent another email to the company to declare in writing what had happened so far. We wrote that because early installation was VERY IMPORTANT to us, we were happy that they could offer us that early installation date (18/03). This was the MAIN REASON we decided in favour of their company, cancelled another appointment we had later on 04/03, signed the contract, and immediately paid the advance - just to avoid any delay. We asked them to inform us immediately in writing about when the works would begin and what exactly the extra costs for the additional work (retaining wall) would be. 29/03: Since they hadn't answered, we sent another email in the morning. We reminded them that during our initial discussion on 04/03, before signing the contract, it had been confirmed that the project could be carried out within a month, so we already made plans for the time after the installation. We stated again, that we really needed the additional space, provided by the conservatory, as soon as possible. 30/03: Since there was no reply, we sent another email, stating that it's urgent. Then the secretary called us and said she would send us an email regarding the starting date. 01/04: Again, nothing happened. We sent another email: we asked what had happened in the meantime and why there were further delays. We reminded them that we were waiting for 9 days now to get an answer regarding the costs for the additional works. 06/04: After many many attempt we finally got the manager on the phone. He told us that the groundworks will be carried out "next week". We were very relieved about that. He said he would call us back to tell us the exact date. He didn't. 07/04: We sent another email in the evening: We wrote that we tried to call him several times during the day, but in vain. Furthermore we reminded him, that we would also need to know what would be the costs*for the additional works. 08/04: The secretary called and informed us that a skip will be delivered on 13/04. We asked again, if they would already know what the additional costs would be. She just answered "not much". On 13/04, as announced, a ridiculously small skip arrived, and one worker, without any machines, dug out some earth and moved it into the skip. A day went by, but this method was not suitable to make progress. On 14/04 the employee who visited us on 04/03 for signing the contract came again to let us sign an additional contract about £2,000 for the extra works, and we were asked to pay this in advance, because more work needs to be done, so they would need more money in advance for material and the builder: On 14/04 we paid £2,000 by bank transfer. On the same day or a few days later, a larger skip had been delivered, the required machines and an excavator arrived, and intense working finally began. Great! (we thought) On 28/04 a lot of work had already been accomplished, The manager visited us and tried to persuade us to accept that the project would cost another £1,600 (!!) more. He admitted it had taken a bit (!) longer, but he had selected "quality workers" in order to get the job done as good as possible. (Later it turned out that this builder and his men had been commissioned by him for the first time - he never knew them before!) We reminded him that we have a contract plus the additional costs of the second contract, and that we can't pay more than was agreed in these two contracts (all together £10,160). He accepted our objection, but asked us politely to pay another £2,000 in advance + £100 which we had agreed with the builder for a minor modification of the retaining wall, so that he could speed up the remaining works: On 28/04 we paid £2,100 by bank transfer. Until 05/05 (with some interruptions of several days) the builder had completed the groundworks and brickwalls, however there is still some work left for him to do, which he can't do before the other conservatory parts will be built up. That is the reason why material, some debris and the last skip (which has already ruined the lawn in front of the house in the meantime) had been left here at the construction site. (BTW: It turned out that the ground is solid ROCK, so the wall wouldn't have been required - according to horticultural advice it could also have been fixed with cheap retaining wire netting!) On 06/05 the manager called us and asked us to pay another £2,000. He said he had to pay bills for many skips, pay the builder and buy further material. Again, he said this would speed up the completion. Because it was already more than a month after the expected completion date, and we really wanted this project to be finished as soon as possible, we accepted his request: On 06/05 we paid £2,000 by bank transfer. On 09/05 the employee who took measurements on 04/03 came once again for more detailed measurements.
On the same day we sent an email and asked if the works would continue the next day. No answer. On 11/05 we tried to reach someone of the company on their various phone numbers. We could only reach the employee who visited us for signing the contracts. We asked him when the works would continue. He said in about a week.
Later we could also reach the manager via phone, and he claimed that the groundwork would require 2 weeks to stabilise! According to this we would have to wait until 23/05. (Later the builder confirmed that this isn't true at all!) On 23/05, we stayed at home and waited for the work to continue - again, in vain. We tried to reach the manager via phone, but in vain. Again, we could only reach the employee who visited us for signing the contracts. He assured he would contact the manager and call us back. He never did. On 24/05, again, we stayed at home and waited - again, in vain. We tried to reach anyone by phone. Since no one answered, we sent another email. No answer. On 25/05 we could reach the employee who took measurements. He informed the manager who finally let his secretary call us back. She said, the problem would be that the "roof takes longer to arrive"; estimated day of arrival: 31/05. On 26/05 the builder visited us privately on his own initiative and informed us that he hadn't received any money from the manager, though it was him who did all the work until 05/05. He warned us NOT TO PAY any more money in advance (what we hadn't done anyway). He said, the remaining work could be done within three days. It would NOT have been required to wait to let the groundwork stabilise! For many days we tried to contact the manager, but we had only been cajoled and put off by a new, young employee whom we had never known before. On 07/06 we reached the manager by phone! He said he would call us back soon or confirm via email to guarantee that the works will be completed from 14/06. On 08/06 in the morning he called and offered to complete the conservatory from 21/06 (about another two weeks later!).
Since we still wanted to get the earlier date (14/06), we sent another email reminding him what he had said the day before. We also tried to call him again, but there was just his answering machine! We sent another email in the late evening and asked for a confirmation for 14//06 again. On 09/06 we could reach him by phone in the morning. What he had suggested, he had also confirmed by email in the morning:
"Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I have been speaking to our manufacturers about a possible earlier delivery for your conservatory roof. As I explained in the telephone conversation, they will need a payment upfront to prioritise the roof which could lead to a delivery to us on the 13/06. We will need to payment of £1500 for the roof to get this prioritised and allow us to complete the conservatory sooner. I also would like to confirm that I have offered you a discount [£500] on the total left outstanding which I have taken off the contract."
We answered via email, that we had believed him that the 3 additional payments he had already asked for (£2,000 + £2,100 + £2,000) would speed up the conservatory works, and we had always paid! Nevertheless the project had been delayed by months, which caused many serious problems and financial loss for our family. At this point we couldn't take an additional financial risk. We suggested to arrange the delivery of the roof (direct to us) and the payment direct with the manufacturer. We wrote we would also pay the rest (£2,045 minus price of roof) after completion and that we won't make use of the offered £500 discount.
When we came back home we noticed that the manager had tried to call us back (caller ID), but he hadn't left a message. We sent him another email, that we had noticed that he wanted to call us, and that we wouldn't want further phone calls, but a WRITTEN answer in this case.
We waited the rest of the day for his reply, but again in vain. We sent another friendly email later in the evening and asked him to answer. On 10/06 we waited until the evening and then wrote another email:
Because he hadn't replied to our suggestion regarding the payment of the roof, we decided to accept his previous offer (which he made via phone on 08/06) to complete the conservatory from 21/06. Because in this case a prioritised delivery of the roof*wouldn't be required, we would pay the remaining £2,045 after completion. We asked him to confirm this in writing until 14/06. He didn't reply. On 14/06 we sent him a "Reminder with fixing of a period of time" As time limit for completing the remaining works we allowed 2 MORE WEEKS, until 28/06 (included). We had sent this as emails and as RM Signed for letter. On 06/07 the letter came back (undeliverable and not collected from the PO). In the meantime we found two extremely negative reviews on Google about him - unfortunately posted after we had signed the initial contract. The other customers got their work done, but with immense delays, and without obtaining promised discounts. We know we made mistakes: We waited too long. We paid too much in advance. Nevertheless, what can we do to get this solved? Offer him a bit more money? (Sometimes paying a bit more is better than fighting longer.) Go to a solicitor? Trading standards? We really need a fast solution now. Our nerves are on edge... Many thanks!
  17. I’m not sure if CAG is the right place for the bit of advice I need. It’s a tale of the folly of paying a tradesman in advance of work being carried out. At the end of my tale this I ask the following questions: 1/ How can a person make a proper search of the Gas Safe and NICEIC registers; before I accuse this guy of something I want to be sure of my facts 2/ Can my tape recorded phone calls be used in court 3/ We agreed a refund price of at least £150 to £200. An NICEIC registered electrician has quoted £552 for the work Lee Temple said he would carry out. Bearing in mind 2 above is it possible to reclaim all of this or just a maximum of £200. 4/ When the police spoke to me they more or less said forget about getting my money back. Do people think I should forget about it. This is my tale. In early June I had a leak in the bathroom with water coming down into the kitchen. Plumbers didn’t seem interested in such a small job. After hunting round for a few days for a plumber to fix the leak a neighbour who I know and trust recommended someone who was Gas Safe plumber and a NICEIC registered electrician. I was told, he had recently set up his own Ltd gas and electrical company. This plumber turned out to be someone who was in the same class at school as one of my daughters. His sister was in the same class as my other daughter. The company he said was his is called Complete Solutions NE Ltd. Company registration number 10110170. He told me he was the managing director. His name XXXXXXXXXX. Edit We agreed on the price for the job; £480 to fix the leak, install a new shower, fit the shower room with modern plastic cladding and fit a new light and extractor fan. He said he had resigned from his previous job to set up this new company. In so doing he had incurred large sums and would it be possible to pay in advance. He drove a transit van with professional advertising on it with his Ltd company name including the Gas Safe and NICEIC logs. Because he was recommended by a trusted neighbour and with him being in the same class at school as my daughters I gave him £450. This was the 2nd June. We agreed that everything would be delivered to my house on Saturday the 4th June and installation would commence on Sunday the 5th and would take no more than I day. This was the start of problems. About 7 pm on the 4th I phoned to ask when were the parts to be delivered. He told me he had arranged for deliveries to be made to his house. Unfortunately, not all parts were delivered. Delivery of all parts would definitely be made by Tuesday the 7th and he would definitely commence work on Wednesday the 8th. This is how things continued for three weeks with him spending a few minutes here and there doing the installation work. After a few weeks I became suspicious of his plumbing and electrical qualifications. I asked him for his Gas Safe and NICEIC registration numbers. He mumbled something and then hurriedly left. A day or two later on the 28th June he telephoned to tell me he wouldn’t complete the work he had been paid for but would refund what he owed me. He asked how much I would accept. I asked him the cost of the materials and labour charges. He said he would phone back. He never did. But I later phoned him and we agreed he would refund me at least between £150 and £200. He has never contacted me since. Whenever I phone him he immediately puts the phone down. Halfway through this adventure I took the advice of CAG to always try to record phone calls. I recorded him phoning me to say he wasn’t going to complete the work and that he owed me money. In a second phone call he accepts that he owes me at least £150 to £200. Needless to say I’ve not seen him or my money since. I contacted the registered offices of Complete Solutions NE Ltd. They said XXXXXXXX had never been a director of the company, XXXXXXX had never been an employee of the company and he was completely unknown to them. I told them he had their name and logo on his van and that he was trading under their name. They repeated what they had already told me. According to Companies House XXXXXXXX has never been a director. There was a XXXXXXXX as a director but he resigned a few days after the company was incorporated. XXXXXXXX is a Social Media and social friend of XXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXX on his Socila Media websitepage still says he is a plumber at a company called Catering Solutions NE Ltd, of Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne. I phoned them on the 23rd June to enquire about him. Yes they said he resigned in late May/early June to set up his own Ltd company installing bathrooms and kitchens and he was the managing director. They told me he was employed as plumber. When I informed them I could not find his name on the Gas Safe register they said that’s because he was a really an electrician and that was the work he carried out with them ! I told them I couldn’t find his name on the NICEIC register either. The reply was he was a good bloke who did a good job. Edit XXXXXXXXXXX goes by other names, at the moment it’s XXXXXXX but he also calls himself XXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXX is the name of his mother and father. XXXXXXXX told me his address was XXXXXXX, Newcastle upon Tyne. I called there. I was told he did live there but shifted 18 months previously. XXXXXXX has another business called BRM Electricals of 2XXXXXXX, Newcastle upon Tyne. This company offers services, amongst others, as electrical engineering and an electronics engineering. He also has at least one other business renovating and renting various commercial and domestic properties. Edit I’ve asked XXXXXXX a few times to refund me my money he promised. He said he had reported me to the police for harassment and being a psychopath. If I harassed him anymore, he said, he would have me arrested. So I reported myself to the police. They said they had not received any such complaint. The police did call at my house. They told me not to make any more enquiries about XXXXXXX. They told me only that people can sometimes get violent if others check up on them. They said nothing else and they added they were talking only in general terms. The police also told me from what I had described XXXXXXXX had not acted criminally in any way. It was a purely civil matter and had nothing to do with the police. So the advice I require if anyone can give it is: 1/ How can a person make a proper search of the Gas Safe and NICEIC registers; before I accuse him of something I want to be sure of my facts 2/ Can the tape recorded phone calls be used in court 3/ We agreed a refund price of at least £150 to £200. An NICEIC registered electrician has quoted £552 for the work XXXXXXXXX said he would carry out. Bearing in mind 2 above is it possible to reclaim all of this or just a maximum of £200. 4/ When the police spoke to me they more or less said forget about getting my money back. Do people think I should forget about it.
  18. Dear All, A dispute has arisen over scattering of mymother’s ashes and I welcome any views or comments on this predicament! My mother was diagnosed terminally ill, earlier thisyear, and is still with us. Prior to this diagnosis, my mother hadasked us to assist in arranging her pre paid funeral, which we did. I am downas contact (eldest son). My mother wishes to be cremated. Due to diagnosis advance care planning was arranged (lastwishes booklet-this is not a legally binding document) and completed at mymother’s home, between my mother, MacMillan nurse and my mother’s sister. Thisnotes my mother wishes her ashes to be scattered in garden of remembrance. 10 days later, my mother had 2 trips at home and asprocedure was taken to hospital, by paramedics. My mother was admitted andadvised it would be unlikely she would return home due to her restricted mobility.Whilst in hospital, on a visit(within 2-3 weeks after the ‘last wishes booklet’had been completed), my mother’s brother informed my mother that her ashes donot have to be scattered in garden of remembrance, but can be scattered/placedat ‘family’ grave (where my mother’s mother is buried, along with her sister inlaw). This was obviously favourable as it would give a specific place to payrespects. Also present at this visit were myself & 2 other family members. We,all 4 confirmed this & an additional note was made to ‘last wishesbooklet’. My mother was lucid and understood options described. It may assistto note that on page of ‘last wishes booklet’ titled Funeral Planning, at ‘PersonI wish to be responsible for making my funeral arrangements’ is my name, not mymother’s sister. The dispute that has arisen is my mother’s sister who waspresent when ‘last wishes booklet’ completed, is demanding that 1stoption is stood by and that ashes are scattered over garden of remembrance,where 4 other family members had witnessed my mother’s change of mind, once sheknew such option was open to her, and now wishes for her ashes to bescattered/placed at family grave. Since knowing her diagnosis, my mother has always askedme and my younger brother to look after and ‘take under our wing’ our youngestbrother, who is 30 years. My mother is of the opinion that it will hit ouryoungest brother the hardest. Bearing this in mind, I decided to broach thevisit we (4) had with my mother and asked his opinion. He is more than happyfor our mother to be scattered/placed at family grave as oppose to garden ofremembrance. Even knowing this, my mother’s sister is being difficult and notconceding my mother’s ‘new’ wish. I could add more but this would only muddy the waters, save to say that not all family members see eye to eye with others! Many thanks for reading.
  19. I took out £200 loan with wage advance just after Xmas. My monthly payments are £72 approx. I telephoned today to offer a full and final settlement and my offer was declined because not in arrears. I explained my circumstances have changed. The only offer they made was to force it into arrears and redo an affordability assessment and then make 6 payments . Every payment made is interest only the final payment is the loan amount plus interest (£272). Any advice appreciated
  20. So my adventure with payday loans started off innocently, but as I have come to a realisation each time I paid off the debt to them I was left in no choice but to take out another loans and so on. This now leaves me with almost 700 pounds of debt (which started off as a 200 pounds). I have written to them partly using this template: -Wage-Day-Pay-Day-Loans-Letter-Template-for-non-payment-** Dear Sir / Madam, I have found myself in a situation where I will not be able to pay off the monies owed to you in a lump sum which is to leave my account on 15/06/2015. I will not have any funds in my bank account for you to collect your payment to cover my loan, or pay any of my household bills as my wages which will be paid in on 15/06/2015 were severly limited due to my health problems. After paying any priority debt ie. Household bills I will be left with very limited ammount of money to live. Please can you therefore with immediate effect, not attempt to take any payment from my bank account, either by direct debit or using my Visa Debit card details supplied as this will mean I will incur further charges from my bank and have even less money to enable repayment of my debts. I would now at this point like to arrange a payment plan with you and freeze any further interest and charges going forward so I am able to pay off my debt with you as quickly as possible, contacting me either by letter, e-mail or on my personal mobile number only. Contacting me at work would cause me further distress and I would also class this as harassment as I do not wish to be contacted at any point regarding this debt whilst at work. It is with great regret that I am having to ask for a , but due to these unforeseen circumstances which have now effected my ability to repay the loan to you in one lump sum, I have no other alternatives available. For my protection, and from a legal point of view, I would like to inform you of the following: You have 3 methods of contacting me (letter, e-mail, personal mobile - which has voicemail enabled for messages to be left) which should be more than adequate for your company to communicate with me regarding the repayment of the loan. I have no doubt that your company fully understands my situation and will adhere to Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 whilst I am arranging repayment of the loan with yourselves, and throughout the duration of any repayment period. I am fully aware of the OFT debt collection Guidance and I will consider making a complaint about a company's behaviour under the guidance if it becomes apparent that you do not follow the legal guidelines and would have no other alternative than to seek legal advice. In particular section (2.2 g) 'Ignoring or disregarding debtors' legitimate wishes in respect of when and where to contact them, for example, shift workers who ask not to be telephoned during certain times of the day'. I have also read and been made aware of CPUTR and will be following everything closely to ensure that your company follows the legislation set out. I look forward to speaking with you soon regarding setting up a payment plan to enable Full and final settlement of my loan over the coming months. I do hope however, that we can arrange a payment plan to alleviate the stress of my whole situation, and to also enable the repayment of the loan to your company as promptly as my finances will allow. I look forward to hearing from you and will help in any way I can to organise repayments with your company as soon as possible. Kind regards, I will keep you posted with any replies from WDA. I've read that canceling the direct debit and securing my bank account from them is a priority.
  21. Hi Please help Capital resolve are threatening me for a debt I had with liquid advance. They have sent a copy of an electronic agreement with yes solutions. I borrowed 260 from liquid advance 18 months ago. Apparently. I thought it was 200. I have made payments of 45 pounds to them via step change and then they gave the debt to capital resolve. I have sent several letters of complaint to capital resolve and also an email stating that I am aware that they have had to report themselves to the FCA etc. I have also told them that I do not acknowledge any debt to yes solutions and to stop harassing me. They want 488 pounds off me. The original debt and capital resolve aren't on any of my credit files at all. I sent a cca and got an unsigned copy of an electronic agreement. Since leaving step change i have paid off over 1700 pounds and got over 6500 written off. I now owe less than 8k for the first time in 11 years. Thanks to all of you
  22. In my local paper the council are reminding people that due to the roll out of Universal Credit,and the way it is paid, our rents will go 4 weeks into arrears, they are hoping that people affected pay small amount each week from now until December when UC will be rolled out in my area to offset those arrears. There is an option to have UC paid in advance to cover the change over, this advance will be recovered over a 6 month period. If that's right then I will be £75 short on the first 6 payments of UC if I choose to have the advanced payment, which is quite a large proportion of my benefit IMO. It is though they have taken 4 weeks from the future plonked it into the present and said we dont pay benefit for the future so what we will do is loan you the money to get by, but we want it back before the future has arrived, they will soon clock on that they could take 3 months from the future and borrow us all the shortfall if they rolled out UC payments on a quarterly basis saving the government zillions. IDS I salute your accounting wizardry.
  23. Hi Son has inheritance coming in 22 months when he's 25. Will says can ask for advance for education, benefit. Asked executor, they asked for proof so provided them with invoices for rent and deposit, items for accommodation and fees from Uni, also asked for rest of money to be placed in 2 year fixed account for when he's 25. A month later they reply and say as he has already paid then answer is no. Can they refuse especially when clause was put in will for allowance of advancement of inheritance? Any help greatly appreciated.
  24. Hello all, A work colleague is having problems with the above WDA in the setting up of a repayment plan. They have sent letters by Royal mail signed for del and they have been delivered accordingly. Bank account has been secured. They were requesting the setting up of a repayment plan due to extreme health problems and the fact that no company salary is now being paid, hence severe financial difficulties. An up to date income and expenditure form was sent to them with a pro- rata offer of repayment into their Bank Account details to be provided by them and the request for all interest and charges to be frozen. They WDA, were informed that under no circumstances would they be sent details of their bank account statements covering 60 days, which WDA had insisted upon. This is their WDA reply. Thank you for your recent communication in relation to your loan held with Wage Day Advance. Unfortunately if you do not provide evidence of your change of circumstances in the form of 60 days bank statements, you will not qualify for hardship and your account will remain in arrears with interest accruing daily. As mentioned in your letter, if you do make the decision to become insolvent please send us proof of this (i.e.reference number,third party letter) and we will update your account accordingly. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Dane Cutforth Financial Solutions. I am sure I have read something relating in the FCA letters, of the fact that WDA should be providing/showing a provision of "FOREBEARANCE" to customers in Financial difficulties, they WDA are certainly not showing anything like "FOREBEARANCE" to someone offering to pay them. As usual all advice/info will be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  25. Hi Wondering can you claim back cash advance fees from Cap1 i'll tell you what i found on my bills lots of little £3 cash advance fees for gala coral i went through a stage when i was playing a lot of online bingo using my cap1 card not knowing that i would be charged for every single time i made a deposit before gala were took over by coral payments on my cap1 card shown up as aquapay and there was no fee at the time coral took over i had a bit of a bingo bug and well cap1 must be thinking happy days because they made about £400 in cash advance fees from me just wondered if anyone knew if i could try to claim them back, surely cap1 should have told me about the charges anyway i honestly thought i was buying online tickets, not going to the cash point any help would be great help Jay
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