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  1. Received letter from Capital One in April 18 RE:A credit card debt. We are writing to inform you we have instruced Fredrickson to act on our behalf to arrange payment of your capital one account, blah blah blah. I DONT HAVE A CAPITAL ONE ACCOUNT. Checked credit file with call credit and already listed on my report as sustained arrears. Steady flow of letters coming from Fredrickson now one stating on 5/6/18 "as there is a default on your credit file this may affect future credit". Checked credit files this morning no default as of yet. Sent SAR to Capital One and received reply back stating "The information you have requested has not been enclosed as we cannot locate a capital one account in your name using the details above". So they have added an account to my credit file in arrears Have sent me letters stating they have passed it onto Fredrickson Received steady flow of letters from Fredrickson But they state they dont have any record of me ?????? As stated above i do not have or had any dealings with Capital One . Whats the next course of action please ?
  2. Hi All, In 2014 - there was a clarification from the Information Commissioners Office - on whether the domestic customers were allowed to record calls with utility companies. The article states that the ICO - said this was permissible: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-2683569/How-watertight-records-calls-online-chats-case-s-dispute-later.html Now that we are in 2018 - and with all the new legislation that is being passed: Can we get a crystal clear update about what we are allowed / not allowed to do? This should cover - if/how/when we can use our copy in the pursuit of settling a dispute. I think exploring this topic will help many of my fellow community members - as it is one of the very few ways consumers can demonstrate their honesty. My sincere thanks to any, willing to help map this out.
  3. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this but.... I have a dispute with Rooftop Mortgages over fees they have added to Morgage Redemption Statement. Anyway, late in a long converstaion yesterday with them I asked whether the converstaion was being recorded and was told yes. Q: AM I right in stating that I should have been advised of this at the start of the conversation and given my consent?
  4. I didn't know where exactly to share that. So i thought I'll place it in the forum relevant to the situation that made me to write it. 2 ladies from consumer complaint service hunged up on me saying they won't talk to me if I won't switch off recording (yes I tell everyone at the beginning). So instead of changing my ways, I did that. I won't be saying witch mobile provider it was as I finished dealing with them now but wanted to share if someone is in the same shoes as me. It's open for edits as it was done in some 30 min.
  5. Hi all. I suspect that this is no big deal but I had a head injury whilst at work last Friday, attempted to work today but realised that I was suffering from concussion. Before I left, the health and safety manager wanted to interview me about the accident and just as we were starting, he took me by surprise and took his phone out and began to audio record the conversation and asked quickly if I was okay with this, to which I replied that I was. Obviously I am not complaining about this because I did agree that it was okay, but I am curious as to whether this is the norm?
  6. Hi Folks I have just had my reconsideration letter through the post and fortunately was successful. I think that this was due to my secretly recording the whole process via a mobile phone. The recording allowed me to quote exactly what I said and point out the "inconsistency's in the ATOS assessor report. Without this recording I would have been at a loss to recall a fraction of what I said, and what the assessor said and given the numerous distortions and assumptions made by the assessor it was a godsend. I don't know what other people think, but I would advise anyone undergoing the PIP/ESA process to try and get a recording of any and all communication with the DWP or their contractors.
  7. Hi Can anyone tell me the legalities on recording business calls do you have to tell them on picking up the phone or putting a reference on website be sufficient TIA
  8. Copied from my PIP thread so that more people are likely to see it:- I know that we're not allowed (for all practical purposes, anyway) to audio record PIP assessments but I have severe memory issues AND I find writing very difficult so I often use an electronic note taker which is in effect a voice recorder, it just puts the sound into words for me to save me the effort of transcribing. Does anyone know if I'll be able to use this during a PIP assessment? Should I also accidentally leave my phone on voice recorder, that would of course be a different issue. And if my companion also had their phone on voice record so that if asked to stop, we would of course turn off the phone that had been noticed ......
  9. I have been at the same company since it started 3 years ago. I have been presented with around three contracts, all of which I refused to sign due to mistakes in the badly written contracts (out of date law references, conflicting information etc). I have heard that if you continue to work more than 30 days and receive regular payments, then you automatically accept the contract. How does this work for someone like me that has expressively and with reason rejected the contract?
  10. Hi, I quite often record calls to companies so there can be no confusion on what was said. I am aware I do not need to inform them or gain permission as the recordings are for my own records only and I need the other parties permission to use the recording for any other purposes such as supplying it as part of a complaint against them. However, what is the law regarding Transcripts of the call? If I sit and transcribe it can I legally supply a written record of the call as part of a complaint without requiring permission? The call in question is one that happened between myself and a Senior Revenue Officer of my local council and he is now telling porky pies as to the things he said on the phone. Thanks
  11. simple question is it better for your WCA to be recorded or not in other words does it make much difference either way? from personal experience did you find you were placed in either group more so after it being recorded or not? thank you
  12. My wife has had a long standing dispute with Vodaphone A few months ago during a long phone call a vodaphone rep agreed to cancel her contract and close the account with nothing further due to pay. We have now started getting letters from a DCA, claiming she owes Vodaphone just over £800. which is the remainder of the 2 year contract plus the cost of the handset involved. after talking to the DCA they claim the above call "never happened" and are now harassing her in the usual way for payment Can we force Vodafone to supply us with a copy of the recording of the phone call? maybe with a SAR ? I can prove the call happened as it's on my itemised BT phone bill but not what was discussed. TIA Mat
  13. I’m not sure if CAG is the right place for the bit of advice I need. It’s a tale of the folly of paying a tradesman in advance of work being carried out. At the end of my tale this I ask the following questions: 1/ How can a person make a proper search of the Gas Safe and NICEIC registers; before I accuse this guy of something I want to be sure of my facts 2/ Can my tape recorded phone calls be used in court 3/ We agreed a refund price of at least £150 to £200. An NICEIC registered electrician has quoted £552 for the work Lee Temple said he would carry out. Bearing in mind 2 above is it possible to reclaim all of this or just a maximum of £200. 4/ When the police spoke to me they more or less said forget about getting my money back. Do people think I should forget about it. This is my tale. In early June I had a leak in the bathroom with water coming down into the kitchen. Plumbers didn’t seem interested in such a small job. After hunting round for a few days for a plumber to fix the leak a neighbour who I know and trust recommended someone who was Gas Safe plumber and a NICEIC registered electrician. I was told, he had recently set up his own Ltd gas and electrical company. This plumber turned out to be someone who was in the same class at school as one of my daughters. His sister was in the same class as my other daughter. The company he said was his is called Complete Solutions NE Ltd. Company registration number 10110170. He told me he was the managing director. His name XXXXXXXXXX. Edit We agreed on the price for the job; £480 to fix the leak, install a new shower, fit the shower room with modern plastic cladding and fit a new light and extractor fan. He said he had resigned from his previous job to set up this new company. In so doing he had incurred large sums and would it be possible to pay in advance. He drove a transit van with professional advertising on it with his Ltd company name including the Gas Safe and NICEIC logs. Because he was recommended by a trusted neighbour and with him being in the same class at school as my daughters I gave him £450. This was the 2nd June. We agreed that everything would be delivered to my house on Saturday the 4th June and installation would commence on Sunday the 5th and would take no more than I day. This was the start of problems. About 7 pm on the 4th I phoned to ask when were the parts to be delivered. He told me he had arranged for deliveries to be made to his house. Unfortunately, not all parts were delivered. Delivery of all parts would definitely be made by Tuesday the 7th and he would definitely commence work on Wednesday the 8th. This is how things continued for three weeks with him spending a few minutes here and there doing the installation work. After a few weeks I became suspicious of his plumbing and electrical qualifications. I asked him for his Gas Safe and NICEIC registration numbers. He mumbled something and then hurriedly left. A day or two later on the 28th June he telephoned to tell me he wouldn’t complete the work he had been paid for but would refund what he owed me. He asked how much I would accept. I asked him the cost of the materials and labour charges. He said he would phone back. He never did. But I later phoned him and we agreed he would refund me at least between £150 and £200. He has never contacted me since. Whenever I phone him he immediately puts the phone down. Halfway through this adventure I took the advice of CAG to always try to record phone calls. I recorded him phoning me to say he wasn’t going to complete the work and that he owed me money. In a second phone call he accepts that he owes me at least £150 to £200. Needless to say I’ve not seen him or my money since. I contacted the registered offices of Complete Solutions NE Ltd. They said XXXXXXXX had never been a director of the company, XXXXXXX had never been an employee of the company and he was completely unknown to them. I told them he had their name and logo on his van and that he was trading under their name. They repeated what they had already told me. According to Companies House XXXXXXXX has never been a director. There was a XXXXXXXX as a director but he resigned a few days after the company was incorporated. XXXXXXXX is a Social Media and social friend of XXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXX on his Socila Media websitepage still says he is a plumber at a company called Catering Solutions NE Ltd, of Killingworth, Newcastle upon Tyne. I phoned them on the 23rd June to enquire about him. Yes they said he resigned in late May/early June to set up his own Ltd company installing bathrooms and kitchens and he was the managing director. They told me he was employed as plumber. When I informed them I could not find his name on the Gas Safe register they said that’s because he was a really an electrician and that was the work he carried out with them ! I told them I couldn’t find his name on the NICEIC register either. The reply was he was a good bloke who did a good job. Edit XXXXXXXXXXX goes by other names, at the moment it’s XXXXXXX but he also calls himself XXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXX is the name of his mother and father. XXXXXXXX told me his address was XXXXXXX, Newcastle upon Tyne. I called there. I was told he did live there but shifted 18 months previously. XXXXXXX has another business called BRM Electricals of 2XXXXXXX, Newcastle upon Tyne. This company offers services, amongst others, as electrical engineering and an electronics engineering. He also has at least one other business renovating and renting various commercial and domestic properties. Edit I’ve asked XXXXXXX a few times to refund me my money he promised. He said he had reported me to the police for harassment and being a psychopath. If I harassed him anymore, he said, he would have me arrested. So I reported myself to the police. They said they had not received any such complaint. The police did call at my house. They told me not to make any more enquiries about XXXXXXX. They told me only that people can sometimes get violent if others check up on them. They said nothing else and they added they were talking only in general terms. The police also told me from what I had described XXXXXXXX had not acted criminally in any way. It was a purely civil matter and had nothing to do with the police. So the advice I require if anyone can give it is: 1/ How can a person make a proper search of the Gas Safe and NICEIC registers; before I accuse him of something I want to be sure of my facts 2/ Can the tape recorded phone calls be used in court 3/ We agreed a refund price of at least £150 to £200. An NICEIC registered electrician has quoted £552 for the work XXXXXXXXX said he would carry out. Bearing in mind 2 above is it possible to reclaim all of this or just a maximum of £200. 4/ When the police spoke to me they more or less said forget about getting my money back. Do people think I should forget about it.
  14. When I first opened my Pub I had many different businesses contacting me with offers to promote my pub in their magazines, website or Pub Guides of some description or another. one that I did sign up to was "The Official Pubs Guide" After two years I told them I was not interested anymore. I never had any sort of direct debit with them and t was done on a yearly basis. They phoned me and I either agreed and paid them, or as the last time, I did not agree and did not pay them. A year later they phoned and said I had an outstanding bill with them for last years entry on their WebSite. I told them that I had not agreed to go in that year and had specifically told them I did not want to. All this was over the phone. The other thing is that on the two previous occasions I paid there and then over the phone. The fact that I didn’t for last years entry means I did not agree. They came back and said that they had a recording on me agreeing to it, and duly played it to me. I said that the recording could have been from one of the two years I did agree to go into their publication. Since then I have received a demand from debt collectors Daniel Silverman. i have sent back the standard letter asking them to send me proof that I owe it, but what I really want to know is did the Official Pubs Guide illegally record my conversation, and if they did , what recourse do I have? Can recorded conversations be date stamped? If so then I am in the clear as I know I never agreed the last year. I really want to go aggressive on this as I feel that a recording of my conversation was done without my permission, or I was not made aware of the fact that they were recording me. Please note it was always them that phoned me. Thanx Seamark
  15. This post may help to clarify the legal status of claimants who wish to, or choose to, record their interviews at Jobcentres or other locations where their concerns and personal circumstances are being discussed and may affect them personally. Jasta11, posted on another thread a FOI Response dated Sept 2012 that included the following paragraph: Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), Section 36, there is an exemption which states that:- “personal data; are exempt from the Data Protection Principles and the provisions of Part II (individuals’ rights) and Part III (notification) of the Act where they are processed by an individual only for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family or household affairs (including recreational purposes).” That paragraph still applies, it is quoted again in a DWP FOI Response dated Oct 2014 which can be checked at: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/130864/response/322027/attach/5/Recordings%20by%20claimants.pdf I don't believe that there is any doubt about claimants being able to covertly record interviews with DWP advisers for their own personal purposes. In fact, this paragraph states clearly that anyone doing so is exempt from the Data Protection Act 1998. This means that the DPA 1998 can't be used to prosecute a claimant for recording an interview since s/he is exempt from it. Recordings processed 'by an individual only for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family or household affairs' would cover sharing them with such as one's solicitor or legal adviser, personal advisers attached to a charity or Citizens Advice. other advisers and/or representatives. Could not social advice forums such as this one also fit into that category? The other important part of the above quoted paragraph to consider is that in addition to an 'individual's personal, family or household purposes' the law makes provision to 'include' that recordings can be processed for 'recreational purposes'. This part of the clause doesn't get a mention in the DWP's guidance, wonder why not? What does 'recreational purposes' mean? Could it not mean what is now commonly termed the social media such as Facebook, Youtube, etc? Are they not recreational? What else but recreation attracts so many people these days to that type of social media? In any event would it not still be regarded as the individual's personal affair to publish his/her individual interviews where and when s/he chooses? We know from experience that any time we receive a letter from DWP telling us what they want us to do, or threatening the consequences of failing to do what they expect us to do, they always quote the law, chapter and verse. It will be noticed that the guidance on this topic does not mention a single law on which a claimant can be prosecuted for, not only recording interviews, but from doing what s/he likes to do with that recording. Two actions are suggested for the DWP to take: 1. write to the claimant; 2. write to the Internet Service Provider (ISP). They rule option 2 out themselves as being almost worse than useless. That leaves option 1. Under option 1: We have already examined where the action of the claimant is exempt from any action under the Data Protection Act. DWP could only bring a prosecution under the Act if they could show that the claimant was a 'Data Controller'. From a quick perusal of the law this would appear laughable to suggest that the claimant is a 'Data Controller' on the internet. The ISP, I would suggest, is the data controller, and DWP are more or less conceding in their guidance that any appeal to them to control anything anyone might publish would be futile. This is the relevant part of Section 1 of the Data Protection Act 1998 that defines a data controller: “data controller” means, subject to subsection (4), a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be, processed; Sub-section 4 says: (4) Where personal data are processed only for purposes for which they are required by or under any enactment to be processed, the person on whom the obligation to process the data is imposed by or under that enactment is for the purposes of this Act the data controller. As a last resort they attempt to scare people off by bringing the Information Commissioner who is Parliament’s independent regulator of the Data Protection Act into the mix. This is what they tell us the information commissioner has to say: "It is a criminal offence for a data controller to process personal information if they have not registered this with the Information Commissioner." Here again we have already shown that to suggest that a claimant is a potential data controller on the internet is laughable. Anyway read for yourselves and I believe that you will reach the same conclusions that I have reached and that is that in this, as in so much else, DWP are relying on bluff, ignorance on the part of the claimant, intimidation and fear to continue to get their own way. Finally, is it to be supposed for one minute that if there was a law to prevent covert recordings from being published that Mr. Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind would not have exploited it to keep their careers from such an ignominious ending.
  16. Hi, does anyone know if claimants have the right to have a PIP medical recorded in the same way as ESA? If so, can you please point me towards the relevant regulations to quote at Crapita. Thank you
  17. I am currently in the ESA Support Group. I have just received another Atos appointment as to work capability. After the last appointment shall we say i have requested this appointment be recorded. They say that my appointment may be cancelled as not all ATOS offices have these recording devices and that they will be in touch. Can anyone give advice as what to expect, is this the norm etc, and what as to the assessment itself .
  18. Hello All I need help I booked a holiday with a company and they now want to charge me for a name amendment as per the company my partner who book the holiday using my phone and my details (email etc) booked a holiday for us whilst i was present with her she spelt our names correctly and the agency is saying that it was spelt incorrectly hence we need to pay the charge now cut the story short - when we brought this to agency's attention, they were very rude, sent a call recording from their system which sounds snipped and edited we complaint and told the company that we suspect the call is edited etc Now the thing is I have a copy of teh call in my phone (i have this app in my phone which records all incoming and outgoing calls from this phone) and in this recording our names are spelt crystal clear and correct !! but the agency people are saying we have amended this recording to 'suit us' I mean its a mere phone how on earth I would do that i do wnat to complaint to someone higher up like regulator, but dont know where i stand and how much weight this recording in my phone holds. The holiday company has been less than helpful, being really belligerent, accused us of editing our phone recording and threatened of involving police to which we said by all means they should do as its about principle and honesty. the business then backed off and said its a civil matter !! where do i stand with this as i m feeling really cheated and hurt because of thsi behaviors and dont want them to get away with this i look forward for your replies
  19. Hi, Does anyone know if it's a legal requirement to inform a company that you are calling that you are recording the conversation.
  20. Hello! I have ATOS assessment tomorrow. From their leaflet I have learnt that if I want the assessment to be AUDIO recorded I must contact ATOS in advance. Well do I or is it in my rights to just record the meeting?
  21. I am presently claiming ESA, and have been told in a letter that it will cease in March this year. An appointment for an assessment was made by DWP for 21st December, but I couldn't attend due to being away, and I told them that on the phone . So I was then told I had to come on the Sunday 20th December at 3.00pm, but I couldn't make that one either and finally got another appointment for 28th December. I attended that one, but after waiting for over 30 minutes, I was told that because there was not a neurologist to assess me, another appointment would be made for me with a neurologist. So I went this morning for a 9.00am appointment, and waited almost 30 minutes before I was seen. The person who was going to assess me was not a neurologist but a GP from Eastern Europe with 1 years qualifications. Anyway, I told the GP that I was going to record the assessment on my phone, but was told I could not due to regulations, and I had to pre arrange for a recorded assessment. So now, yet another appointment is going to be made for me, which will be the 3rd time I will have been for my assessment.
  22. Hi first post on here hoping someone can give me some advice. Took out a loan with Welcome Finance paid almost all of it took out another loan in Oct 2007 for an amount of £4000. Paid this loan at £234 a month but struggling with old debts that had surfaced I was advised to apply for Banktruptcy in June 2009. It was humiliating but I believed that at least it was a starting point in correcting my financial problems and hoped that after six years I would be able to start with a clean slate (so to speak) The bankruptcy lasted from June 2009 to June 2010 when I was discharged from the bankruptcy one of the rules of the bankruptcy was that I had to pay a contribution of £300 a month for 36 months and at the end of this period the total amount paid would be distributed to the creditors. In June 2011 I applied for an upgrade to my bank account as they had changed the account to one which only lets me use RBS cash machines which is really restrictive. I was refused an upgrade to my account based on my credit rating and was told to check with Experian. I thought it was the bankruptcy so signed up to Experian and was horrified to find that Welcome Finance have continually recorded missed payments two years after the date they were informed of my bankruptcy and state I owe them £9481! and at that point the bankruptcy wasn't even on my credit file. I contacted the accountancy firm who dealt with my bankruptcy only to be told that welcome were just being awkward! I asked the accountant to supply me with the amount that was paid to Welcome from the trust fund and Welcome stated to the accountant that the debt at the time of Bankruptcy was £6431. How do I get Welcome to remove the missed payments they recorded from June 2009 onwards when they were included in the Bankruptcy? I feel really angry that they are going to affect my credit rating for longer than my Bankruptcy how can they state I owe them £9481 when they only claimed for £6431 yet this remains on my credit rating and will do for two years after the bankruptcy which they were part of. The accountant who dealt with the bankruptcy and trust won't help as I'm no longer bankrupt and the trust has been distributed. Any help welcome (excuse the pun)
  23. Hi again guys, I did a search and I couldn't find this anywhere. Today I went to sign on, and I did what I have been doing for the last few months now, and providing all confirmation emails from applications, and all the emails I have sent out, however it just happens that these applications were all on 2 days, so because of this I get all the usual bullying from the JC staff "This is not enough next time you will bring a full log or we will sanction your benefits." and going on about how I should be using Universal Jobmatch as usual to record my job search (I will not use it outside of an anonymous job search out of principle). I was wondering if they are allowed to tell me how I will record my job search, and if they can tell me that showing them emails is enough, I really don't like the idea of writing down "checked xxx website, nothing relevant" time and time again (my situation limits the amount of relevant applications a little) It just seems very inefficiant and doesn't seem like a good use of my time. Also are there any practices set in stone that anyone knows of about how JSA claimants should be recording jobsearch, it seems to me like it's however the advisor you see that day wants you to (I saw someone I haven't seen before today). I'm starting to loose patience with the JC, if you ask me constant threats and bullying don't seem the best way to help and keep people motivated to effectively conduct a job search and keep your mind on applications.
  24. Good Morning I was placed in WRAG and according to the Government disabled people are now being forced into workfare either voluntary or mandatory I'm planning to record these meetings. Was thinking of using my mobile but decided it would be a better sound quality to use a dicta phone, but can't decide which one as there are quite a few to chose from. Have any Caggers used one and which one would you recommend? Thanks
  25. There's been a fair bit of back and fro about the legalities, and pros and cons of recording your WCA or any other Atos-related assessment for that matter. The consensus seems to be that it's all very well asking Atos to do the recording, but it's probably best not to rely on them actually providing the goods on the day and to have a back-up just in case, which is where covert recording comes into play. Let's be crystal clear here: It is perfectly legal for an individual to record a conversation, and they do not have to notify the other side. An individual person is exempt from the Data Protection Act and not bound by the rules that apply to companies, as long as it it for their personal use. Using a recording so that you can show discrepancies in the notes taken during your assessment, for example, comes without a doubt under "personal use". In fact, even the DWP have had to finally admit that there is no rule to stop people from doing this, despite trying to say otherwise for a long time or trying to put restrictions on how recordings could be done. So, with all of the above in mind, for those who think: "great, I don't trust them buggers, but how do I go about it?", this is a little guide that will hopefully help a few people send Atos and the DWP packing with a flea in their ear: There are plenty of recording devices available these days, including on most phones, so: BEFORE the event: 1 - Use whichever best tool is available to you, if you can afford a secret mike facility, great, if not, make sure that there are as few obstacles between the mike and what's being recorded (clothes rustling or whatever can all interfere, so a clear line of recording is always best) 2 - Practice makes perfect: familiarise yourself with the equipment, try to use it in different situations so you know exactly how to switch it on, adjust it and so on. 3 - Absolutely necessary is enough memory to record the lot, so do invest into a good size memory card, I'd think 8GB will be more than enough, but again it depends on the amount of data the recordign device uses. It's always worth spending a couple of extra quid and get a bigger card if possible IMO. 4 - Start the recording before you get in there, so that if there is a broken lift, or they're trying to bully you into climbing stairs or other traps, or you can't get the door open, or no parking etc...you have recorded proof of their actions. AFTER the event: 5 - Get the data transcripted as soon as possible. If you're capable of doing it yourself, that's fine, just make sure it is an exact transcript. If there are bits which are muffled but you remember what was said, put it in brackets, like this [inaudible, but what happened was this: ...]. 6 - COPY your data onto CD, more than one copy, and also save it online somewhere, and also on different media. (I once went to a DLA tribunal where we were producing a dvd evidence, which they knew about, so had the equipment all in place... except the DVD player wouldn't play our format of DVD! Thankfully, I had my laptop and a USB key with the info on both of them just in case!) 7 - When preparing for tribunal, make sure that you warn both the DWP and the tribunal ahead of time that you will be entering the recording as evidence. 8 - When sending your bundle to the tribunal, enclose the DVD or USB key as part of your index, and the transcript of it as the next item on the index. If you act confident that there is no reason for them to argue, they are far less likely to try and argue, so enter these as parts of your evidence exactly like you would do with a medical report or a letter, it belongs there. It then puts THEM on the wrong footing to try and get it thrown out, and they would HAVE to show a very good reason for it to be rejected (which then gives grounds for higher appeal for erring in law if need be, so double whammy here!) 9 - Make sure you include another copy of the disc or key for the DWP. Normally, the tribunal makes the copies and sends them on to DWP (unlike normal court where you'd be expected to send a bundle to the courts and one to the other side!) but you can't really expect them to do that with a dvd or a USB key, so just do it yourself as a courtesy, clean hands and all that, it deprives the DWP of another chance to say they were ambushed. 10 - See what happens. I would put some money on the DWP folding in more and more cases as they become more and more worried about covert recordings. ;-) Of course, you could always end up with a recording showing the HCP being scrupulously fair, doing their job properly, recording things as they happened etc... and your recording therefore being useless as a defense argument, but that's just one of these things. Let's face it, the odds of that happening are not huge by all accounts.
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