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  1. Hi all, Simple question. As per the title, is it illegal for the council to refuse to accept payment for council tax? The story is quite simple, our council tax account has been passed to the bailiffs and as such the council are refusing to accept payments (to the point where they even appear to have blocked me from using their online payment portal), and insist that payments can only be made to the bailiffs. I've no intention of paying the bailiffs anything as a number of years ago (10-12 years) they stole money from us intended for payment of council tax, later telling me it was used to pay their own fees. Long story short, we lost our home as the council eventually made me bankrupt. Our solicitor advised an FVA and the equity in the house was used to pay all their legal fees, effectively leaving us with nothing. We're now struggling again hence the question. The reason I ask is I remember reading somewhere, some time ago that there is an old law somewhere that states that it is illegal to refuse payment for a bill or debt. That's what i'm trying to find out. *** PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME ADVICE ON HOW TO DEAL WITH BAILIFFS, THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M ASKING*** Thanks
  2. Llanelli vinyl vendor jailed for selling illegal cancer drugs across the EU READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/llanelli-vinyl-vendor-jailed-for-selling-illegal-cancer-drugs-across-the-eu
  3. I had this - cars were following some big truck at about 40mph in 60 zone and then just ahead is the first possibility to overtake straight into 70 zone. everyone is taking right lane. I usually have a solid distance to preceding car and when I was doing it - just along the white line - guy behind used painted area to try to get in front of me and we brushed sides. He has damage to back side of his car around back wheel arch, I have damage to side at front between door and front lights. INsurance advisor was only suggesting that as I was changing lanes I could be at found fault too. I'm kind of not ready to take hit on that [costs - car is important to get me to work far away], but there is no witness, and guy can claim he has overtook but never went over painted area. The Only thing supporting my case is that there is junction in 200m and we have still managed to get it and stop round a corner - crawling slowly for most of the distance after accident. Road is busy and too dangerous to walk onto plus it was dark to get any evidence photographed. Only debris from side indicator could poss be found. 1. I'm not feeling at fault should I go already with letters in STICKY [more like messages as only phone number ready] 1a. When to send letter if only in few weeks I will know full extent of uninsured costs? 2. If I neglect that can he do the same? claiming I was at fault and what is worst case scenario? It is right thing to claim expenses, but now I just feel 'how I did not see it coming in a side mirror' but remember only it went fast and he had to well accelerate to be in front of me that fast :
  4. Hi everyone, My case is turning quite complex and I would appreciate any support anyone has for me. I will try and lay everything out as clearly as possible... 1) Viewed a property on the 21st of October, and noticed some issues with the property (cracks on the outside walls), we asked the estate agent who said it was just “common shrinkage”. As the current tenants were in with furniture / laundry around we didn’t see the full extent of this. 2) The following week we decided to make an offer on the property, and stated that “this offer is contingent on the following: …”. Our contingencies included: a professional clean, painting over some obvious large internal cracks, resealing mould in bathroom and cleaning the garden. The landlord confirmed in writing to do the contingencies before our move in date. We also asked for an inventory, and received a list of items, before going ahead with putting in our deposit etc. 3) Upon moving out of my rented flat and into the property 6 weeks later (25th of November), we discovered that 1) no work that our offer was contingent on had been completed and 2) Two 12L dehumidifiers had been placed into the bedrooms (RRP: £139.99), alongside 9x mould absorbency gels dotted around the flat, indicating that there was a mould / damp problem in the flat (neither the dehumidifiers or gels were in the flat advertisement, nor were they present when viewing). 4) I have severe Asthma and a mould allergy, and my boyfriend has also been to hospital with a mould allergy in the past, so obviously had we known there was an issue we would not have made any offer on the flat. 5) We immediately got in touch with the estate agent in writing, who stated the dehumidifiers were there upon viewing (not the case). The dehumidifiers were also not included in the inventory we received (although that included kettle/toaster and other small appliances). Irrespective of that none of the work the landlord said they would do was done. In addition, I immediately begun suffering from my allergies in the flat due to mould / damp (asthma, hives etc). 6) Once we were in the flat without the previous tenants’ belongings, we began to see many more issues in there that were concealed by the previous tenants furniture and items on walls (e.g. cracks in internal walls that were concealed) as well as many probable hazards with the flat (e.g. excessive cold, windows not shutting properly, suspected subsidence and suspected penetrative damp / mould). 7) We got in contact with the estate agent the evening we moved in. The estate agent denied all of the above and stated that the dehumidifiers were there upon viewing (they weren’t). There was some back and forth over the next 24hrs but the consensus from the estate agent and landlord was that nothing was wrong with the flat and that we were not misled. We asked to know what would happen with the flat and the estate agent told us that landlord “believed and understood the property was in a fine state of repair from the outset”. 8) After moving in on the Saturday the 25th Nov, and getting nowhere with the estate agent/landlord we decided for our health (mine especially – I had gone through a full inhaler and multiple antihistamines in the 24 hours I had been there) to leave the flat as we realised we had been sold a lie, it was clear the landlord wasn’t going to do anything and we could not stay due to our health. 9) We moved our belongings into storage at the earliest opportunity (Monday the 28th Nov) and went to stay with family so we didn’t have to live there and struggle health wise. We also received an email from the estate agent that the landlord was going to re-let the property with a different estate agent and that we would get 24h notice before any viewings take place. That email was the last we heard from either the landlord or the estate agent. 10) 5 days later we went back to the property and realised we had been locked out (they had used a lock to which we were not provided a key) so could not gain access to the property even if we did want to remain in the contract. 11) We also realised the landlord had been negligent on a number of other things: Hadn’t given us prescribed information on the deposit, had put the deposit in the wrong scheme (i.e. not the one they put in our AST), we had no gas safety certificate, and there was further misrepresentation (said there was a fridge freezer and chest freezer, there was neither). 12) We tried to contact them and were ignored. Finally, we sent a pre-action protocol letter outlining our claim and restating that we were open to negotiate rescission of the contract and our monies paid back. This was ignored. 13) 14 days later we filed a court claim against the landlord which included all the money we paid and damages (around 7k) and also the fines for them not giving us the proper prescribed information (£6.6k) so our case is currently in the fast track (we found out after this may not be the best thing). 14) The landlord is now defending and counterclaiming (we are waiting for the details of their defence and counterclaim in the post but assuming this is for loss of rent up to the new tenant move in date, irrespective of the illegal eviction). 15) One last point is that the MCOL apparently made a clerical error and accidentally discontinued our claim on the 17th of Jan without telling us, and we spent the last week or so reinstating it. I am now unsure of what our next steps should be so any advice on what you think we should do would be hugely appreciated. Thank you all!
  5. The store's staff will use the app to take pictures of vehicles parked in disabled bays without Blue Badges or taking up spaces designated for parents with children under 12. The evidence collected will be sent to Horizon Parking. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/motoring/tesco-parking-parent-child-fine-1157405
  6. Is it illegal to pay people using the GetCash service? Say they can't do bank transfers, or just for transactions in general? I recently got a call from the fraud department after carrying out a transaction with GetCash, but they just wanted me to confirm some recent transactions, specifically asking about the GetCash ATM transaction twice where i lied and said it was me. I think flags were raised because it was in a location far from me though. All was fine after and they unlocked my account, didn't specify why they called though. Anyone have any information on this subject? Can't seem to find much online. Thanks.
  7. My mother has been a housing association tenant for 12 years. Recently, she has had to come and live with me as she is unable to live independently at the moment. Housing Association found out that she was not living at property for a short while and served Notice to Quit which ran out today. I wrote to the HA saying that I have been let down with removals and explained my situation that I work full time and have caring responsibilities and need more time to arrange something. Just had Housing Officer at my door saying that they have taken possession of the property on the date of expiry of the NTQ and have changed the locks. I said that they cannot go breaking into the property and changing locks without a court order. Housing Association said they have every right. Surely this can't be right, have they performed an illegal eviction. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks jb000
  8. Hi. I will try to be brief and to the point. I took an assured shorthold tennancy on in a house of multiple occupancy as a cost saving exercise. The landlord told me there was 3 girls living in the house and upon viewing the house it seemed clean and livable. Upon moving in I found out only 1 girl lived there. The next day a new tenant also moved in. Let's just say he was from a diffeent walk of life. His standard of living was well below mine, and he had no social etiquette or co-living skills. Leaving his dirty plates and pans for up to 6 days or more and leaving his dirty washing all over the kitchen floor. I told the landlord and he basically said 'shut up and deal with it and work it out' not in them words but pretty much something like that. The new tenant was using passive aggression and doing odd things as almost mind challenges, anyway I thought this is not my problem and that I did not have to deal with it and told the landlord I would be terminating the contract as a result of this pig of a man who he had placed in after me. The landlord said there was no way I was getting out of the tenancy without a suitable reason (clearly he had not listened - but like all these cowboy traders money is his god). We exchanged emails for a week and in one email I stated something like 'I will be leaving soon, he is not my problem and I am not required to teach him how to co-live with people'. I had not payed my rent which was due 24 hours ago as I was not happy with the house and my plan was to get him to use the bond as months rent and any days left into the month that I would not be there. Saturday at 4pm I get an email to tell me that all locks have been changed amd that 'if you want to recover your chattels then please call during office hours to pay the rent owed and a £100 late payment fine'... This guy is really on a high horse. The email was sent at 10am. At this stage my rent was overdue by one day. The email does not mention anything about the tenant I had to live with, it states that as rent is overdue by 1 day 'property has been siezed and will be removed in 7 days if rent not paid with fine'. I was told by a friend to call the police before breaking in. None of the other tenants were in after repeated knocks (at least they did not answer). I got back to the house and caalled the police, they informed me that the landlord had in fact broken the 1977 Protection from Eviction Act Section 1. And that I had every legal right to break and enter and get my property. The bathroom window was open and I was able to get into the house but had to break down my bedroom door, a PCO turned up 30 mins later and helped me with my belongings into my vehicle (a good van load). After the van was loaded I drove for 2 mins and pulled up and it hit me I was not technically homeless. The law states that if you live in a AST in a HMO a landlord is required to give you 2 months notice, then he can start court proceedings, and after that apply for a bailiff to attend and remove property. This cowboy trader didn't even give me 1 hours notice. There was a note on the window that said 'if you want to regain your chattels (property) you must call during office hours to pay rent owed and fine. (I mean who even uses the word chattles these days). Did he expect me to walk the streets with just a thin coat and shorts on till Tuesday morning (it was bank holiday and it was also Saturday 5pm). I managed after 2 hours to find place to stay, I was at this point very hungry and fatigued. I have since been staying on sofas, my belongings are all over place stored and I am starting to get painful back and so on. As well as the emotional distress and so on! I am a tough shell and won't even admit to myself when times are bad but my plan is to take this sucker down. I have been to Citizen Advice who were pretty useless, a housing association who were pretty useless, local council who were pretty useless... The only luck I am having is with a solicitor who I am seeing this week, who see to think I have a strong case. The charity Shelter were useful, they gave me a lot of sound advice on the steps to take, such as sending a 'letter before action', seeking out solicitors or no win no fee, local council / organization numbers (of which none worked). I have done a lot of resarch and know quite a lot, such as this rouge landlord is liable to be paying between £100 to £300 a day for every day I am technically homeless or out of the house I was evicted from, plus all sorts of other compensation costs like misuse of bond (not putting it into a deposit protection service (bond and upto 1 to 3 times bond back) plus aggrevated damages. I am seeing solicitors this week who will hopefully take my case on. Because with my paper tenancy agreement and the email sent 32 days later, these two documents are proof that he has broken the law and illegally evicted me. What are people's thoughts here? I am still sleeping around at friends, my work / life mix is strained and my relationship with my girl is also tough as we can't spend time together as much! Please let me know your thoughts.
  9. 4 years before the property was repossessed it was valued at 580k by an RICS Surveyor and the price was in line with properties in the local area. During that 4 year period the property remained the same and was not altered and did not suffer structurally etc and in the local area for the same type of home increased in value by approx 24%. After the repossession 2 RICS Surveyors were separately instructed by the mortgage company to value the property. They came with very different figures from each other and the original survey 4 years prior at £510k and £450k. But these figures were again altered (I had no idea this had taken place until the SAR request) The mortgage company’s agent had contacted one of the Surveyors via email with the following conversation Subject – Urgent Valuers comments required Good Morning ………… Further to your recent valuation carried out on the above property. Our Corporate Client has asked us to write to you for your comments. The results of the survey show an 11.7% differential between the two recommended asking prices, a 13.3% differential between the two market value figures and a 19.4% differential between the PMV’S As you can appreciate , this is quite a difference. Our Client requires there to be no more than 10% differential between these figures. I would be grateful if you could contact (the other surveyor’s name and company was then given) and come to some sort of compromise – The number is ……….. Please reply to us by email – should you require further info or assistance please contact me – Later that day the surveyors sent back emails with revised figures Subject Re- Urgent Valuers Comments required Hello – Just spoken to ………. Revised figures mine are listed first Asking £485,000 MV £475,000 PMV £455,000 Asking: - £450,000 MV: - £440,000 PMV: - £420,000 Regards There was a discrepancy in the measurements taken in each survey – one measured the gross external floor area of main building 160 Sq .M and the other at 151 Sq .M Is this normal for Mortgage companies to ask surveyors to alter their figures this way and is it legal/ethical/fair practise etc?
  10. Hi, I have just been issued with a claimform from Robinson Way Ltd, I am considering fighting the debt for two reasons I would like any advise on whether I have a leg to stand on with any of my reasons and if anyone would recommend or recommend against doing so. 1. The debt of £1573.05 is originally from an approximate £50.00 unauthorised overdraft from Lloyds bank, the first reason I have for fighting the debt is that it is mostly made up of overdraft charges that since receiving them where found to be illegal (If you remember back in 2011 ish everyone was claiming their overdraft charges back). 2. The second reason is that this debt is over 6 years old, I cannot remember the actual date, but the problem is somebody (I think my sister) accidentally transferred money into that account on 13/05/2011 and they are taking that as a payment and therefore saying that is the last time the account was defaulted. I am thinking that because this money didn't come from me and that I didn't know about it until afterwards that it shouldn't be counted as a payment the that the default date should be the original which is over 6 years ago. If you think that these are valid reasons to fight the account please let me know, and the the same if you think I am wrong and that I should pay the amount before the CCJ goes into affect 14 days from today.
  11. My wife took our car to her work today, parked in a bay that lets her stay for 3 hrs. S he works part time. Came back at dinnertime to find the car clamped with no note or stick left on the car and no identifying marks on the clamp apart from a "H" cut into it. She collared a warden who said it was nothing to do with him, and who checked with the local council, no record of them clamping the car. She checked with the police who checked the car was insured/taxed/MoT'd etc. They also contacted DVLA, and there was nothing outstanding, no warrants etc. (I'm sure I'd remember one). The Police advised us to cut it off, so we did. Should I expect any comeback and how should I deal with it??
  12. I gave a "friend" a note with my contact details which included address. He posted this online with comment along the lines I wantes sex with him. Not very nice, I'm sure you'll agree. But is it illegal?
  13. Hello fellow CAGers, I'm trying to help my Uncle here. He received a notice to apply for a warrant with a £300 debt. However, he paid the debt in full 2 days before the hearing. EON went ahead with the hearing and got a warrant. Two days later they (or their agents) created huge panic with my Aunt and Nieces when they used a locksmith to break into the house to fit a prepayment meter. The meter is on the outside of the house and easily accessible so there was no reason to break in. (I understand they may want to inspect appliances). My question is what can be done? The warrant was obtained illegally/immorally and the representative must have confirmed to the bench that the debt was outstanding and cannot have exercised due diligence to confirm that the debt was outstanding or they lied. A complaint was made to Eon a few weeks ago and they have not responded despite saying they will reply within 5 working days. I'm thinking a lot of wrongs here. No debt, warrant obtained illegally/dishonestly/negligently, tort, alarm and trespass. Thoughts on next course of action?
  14. Sadly I went onto VF website last week and realised I was due an upgrade. I ordered the new iphone6s plus under pre order. it was meant to be £59 per month and £309 upfront cost. When I got home that night I noticed that my monthly payment had been billed at £120. I rang vf customer service and was told that I was more or less lying and that I could not cancel over the phone and would have to do it online. There is no where on line to cancel a order. over the next 36 hours I spent a total of 7hours 12 mins with customer service who said everything from 'you can only cancel within 1 hour of placing on line order' or 'your order has 100% been cancelled' to 'I am not allowed to cancel your order' I have now tried to leave VF and requested the PAC number to port to another network. They now say that I am in contract with them and if I want to retain my number (which I have had for 20 years )I will have to pay them £708 pounds. They are also refusing to unlock my handset from their network as they say I have not paid my bill for 3 months. All of this is complete rubbish. My bills are paid via direct debit and come out on time every time for the past 3 years with vf. I even went into a Vodafone store on Saturday and requested cancelation there which they refused. I asked her to write it on a bit of paper that she was refusing and she point blank refused to. All in all Vodafone are breaching just about every distance selling and cooling off period law, threatening customers, lying to customers and what amounts to stealing from me. I am disgusted, stressed and out of pocket from these fraudsters. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM, IT WILL END IN TEARS.
  15. I was recently illegally evicted from my landlord, with immediate effect. He's refusing to give me my deposit back or my unspent rent. Assuming I can prove in the small claims court that I was illegally evicted, can I sue him not only for the above, but also for the distress he caused? Thanks, Jeff
  16. Cameron wants a vote on are membership of the EU on June 23rd, however I’ve got news for him and his hangers-on. The referendum cannot take place until the autumn at the earliest. The fact is that this early referendum is not possible because it will be should be blocked by the Electoral Commission, which insists that at least ten months should pass between Royal Assent being given for a referendum and the vote itself. Dr Richard North said The Royal Assents was given end Jan; beginning Feb;. This means that the referendum cannot be held until October—at the earliest. Of course, the recommendations of the Electoral Commission could be ignored, but woe betide any politician who meddles with a lawful procedure. P.S. Some extra information for you. Some EU migrants will get more child benefit than families in this country. The UK will be forced to pay higher rates of child benefit to some EU migrants with children living in other countries under Cameron’s deal, Brussels officials said. Cameron’s agreement allows payments to such workers to be made at ‘local rates’ after his failure to get an outright ban on payments being sent abroad. But an EU official said the payment rate in some EU countries could end up being higher than those currently paid, because they would need to be adjusted according to the local cost of living. That means some EU migrants working in the UK would get paid more in child benefit than British workers raising their children here.
  17. Given the lack of affordable housing, how soon will it be that it will illegal to be homeless..
  18. I suspect that I have been illegaly evicted by my Estate Agent, who let two strangers into my house while I was away. Men claimed to be HCEO and gave me Writ of Possession and Control. But after a week of research I am almost sure that document was manufactured. Can anyone tell me what should be included on the legal Combined Writ of P. And Control (which seals,any signatures?) from HC QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION I would be thankful for any help
  19. Hi, I have a family living in a caravan on my land. What notice do I have to serve before applying to the County Court for a possession order. I understand it is a Trespass Notice. Many thanks.
  20. It appears to be well known that for councils in Australia, it is illegal to charge rates, yet they do it anyway & evict people & sell their property to pay for any unpaid rates. Our rates have risen in the last 20 years or so from $300,00 to $1,000,00. It is virtually impossible for us to become self-reliant whilst we still have to pay these rates. We are completely off grid, with no services being provided. We have not signed any contract with the council to provide any services. However, we certainly can not afford to fight this in court. Does anyone know of any legal means to avoid paying these illegal rates/taxes without any repercussions? Is there any chance that the "WIRRAL COUNCIL – ADMITS THAT COUNCIL TAX IS UNLAWFUL AND SETS A LEGAL PRECEDENT" http://australiansurvivalandpreppers.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/wirral-council-admits-that-council-tax_23.html will be of any help in this regard? Thank you. Sincerely, Keith H.
  21. Illegal EM technology use by collection agencies ======================================== USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION TO SPY and HARASS (Cant post links yet but will soon ... See websites/links for details on the possible technology being used) ============================================ Websites and links: - Use infrared and microwave image mapping and spectral reconstruction to invade privacy ... entire home mapped and monitored - Monitoring is 24/7 and includes all family - EM brain monitoring device which stores brain activity patterns and uses them to selectively manipulate (see links at bottom) - Most likely remote EEG >> has subvocalization recognition capabilities (mind reading) - Mobile - can be used from a car - Software with the antenna system which is used to select from a list of options of torture/intimidation tactics - Use EM radiation to induce unpleasant sensations and pain (see links for the full list) - Induce emotional states - Torture pets/animals in neighborhood - Flipping MOSFET on adaptor power supplies and damaging wires connects - Aggressive drive-by and cutting up in traffic - Power cuts/fluctuations - EM microwave burns - EM manipulating of heartbeats/dreams/limb dexterity etc - Jamming Internet and cell phone calls - EM suppressing brain activity - EM enhancing waves at time of stimulus to accelerate memorization (or enhance association) - Operating during sleep cycles to manipulate subject's memories - Manipulating motor behavior - Illegal hacking of electronic devices - Bug and stalk/spy on online activity - Read all emails/texts - Spy on other electronic devices / power cords =============================================
  22. Need pointing in the right direction please. I have an assured short hold tenancy agreement which started 27 February 2015, ends 27 August 2015. On 4 th August my landlord changed the locks to the property and will only let me back in to collect my belongings. I called the Police, they state they can't help it's too much of a grey area. Local Council won't get involved. Shelter pointed me to Local Council, local council pointed me to CAB. Cab stated I should just accept it as no one was going to prosecute the landlord. They did point me to Civil legal helpline, who stated they can't help because I have now secured another property. What are my options ? A little back ground, my landlord did not protect my deposit until late April and offered no explanation as to why. I did not receive the prescribed information until 8th May. On 9th May I received a hand delivered letter stating that the landlord /tenant relationship had broken down and therefore the landlord was evicting me as of 1 st Aug. I replied and stated there were no legal ground for eviction and his letter was not valid. In May I received a further letter advising me that he was evicting me under section 21 of the housing act on Aug 27th. Late July I received a letter asking what it would take for me to leave the property. I replied and stated I wanted the return of my deposit before I would consider leaving. I further stated that I would not hand back the keys to the property until all my belongings were removed and I had confirmation from Royal Mail that my mail redirection was in place. On 4th aug, the deposit was repaid. Later that day I went home and found the locks changed. I emailed the landlord seeking confirmation he had done this and pointed out it was illegal, his response was that the legal owner of property was the person paying the mortgage and my tenancy had ended when my deposit was returned. Everyone who I have spoken agrees the landlord acted illegally by changing the locks, but no one can help and I have been told in no uncertain terms no one is going to do anything about it. What can I do myself ? My belongings are still in the property. He states I can collect them and he is perfectly entitled to remove them 4 weeks after the tenancy ended, but to my understanding, the tenancy has never been legally ended as the only section 21 notice he issued was prior to returning the deposit. Do I have any options ? I wanted him prosecuted for this but no one is prepared to help, bit pointless having a law thats states it is an offence to illegally evict someone if no one is going to uphold that law. Any advise regarding what I can do would be greatly appreciated. I don't have the money to hire someone to remove my belongings or for solicitors, but if it is possible to issue a court claim myself then I am not afraid to do so. What would I claim for ? and which claim form ? Sorry for the long convoluted post but wanted to give as much background as possible. Oh, one final things, he has today emailed me stating that my continued emails to him are bordering on "harassment" and he will forward a complaint to the Police. He further states I am not to contact him again unless it is to confirm I will collect my belongings or through the Courts. Happy to do so through the Courts, but where do I start ? Any advice please
  23. When I first opened my Pub I had many different businesses contacting me with offers to promote my pub in their magazines, website or Pub Guides of some description or another. one that I did sign up to was "The Official Pubs Guide" After two years I told them I was not interested anymore. I never had any sort of direct debit with them and t was done on a yearly basis. They phoned me and I either agreed and paid them, or as the last time, I did not agree and did not pay them. A year later they phoned and said I had an outstanding bill with them for last years entry on their WebSite. I told them that I had not agreed to go in that year and had specifically told them I did not want to. All this was over the phone. The other thing is that on the two previous occasions I paid there and then over the phone. The fact that I didn’t for last years entry means I did not agree. They came back and said that they had a recording on me agreeing to it, and duly played it to me. I said that the recording could have been from one of the two years I did agree to go into their publication. Since then I have received a demand from debt collectors Daniel Silverman. i have sent back the standard letter asking them to send me proof that I owe it, but what I really want to know is did the Official Pubs Guide illegally record my conversation, and if they did , what recourse do I have? Can recorded conversations be date stamped? If so then I am in the clear as I know I never agreed the last year. I really want to go aggressive on this as I feel that a recording of my conversation was done without my permission, or I was not made aware of the fact that they were recording me. Please note it was always them that phoned me. Thanx Seamark
  24. I sent a subject access request form to buy as you view last year, after discovering that I had been paying for the following insurances: All sorted EPS A viewing guarantee (£136 has since been refunded because I had never purchased a TV with BAYV). I thought that I had recieved all of the information that was requested. After numerous emails to the company I have found out that they had failed to produce a telephone call log from 2012 and also a recorded telephone conversation in which it is implied that I asked specificaly asked for these insurances for the hp goods. I did no such thing. They have since sent me the call log in which I discovered that they lied about what was said in the conversation and they even lied about the name of the person who I spoke to! They have also conveniently lost the call recordings. I was just wondering if its against the law to fail to produce information that was requested in the SAR as I believe that the reason why some of the information was missing is because it would prove that they are liars. Thanks for your help.
  25. I am currently working as a bank worker at a job which I left and then returned to. They have messed up my pay over the first few months however they state in my contract I would recieve £10 per hour but are not paying me this amount as they are deducting 'holiday pay' or 'holiday relief hours' from me. As a bank worker I work as and when they need me therefore I do not take holidays. I have queried this and a colleague who puts in my hours has done the same but to no avail, they continue to deduct this amount. The total deductions from Feb to April is £234.84. What can I do?
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