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  1. Hello all, Im new to all of this stuff. In November 2012 I was issued with a default warning letter from Capital one (then Cabot) for a balance of £270, which I tried to pay off at the end of the 30 day period on (xmas eve), but they did not answer their phones that afternoon (this is not a lie!!). somewhere in the middle I called up and paid a tenner with the intention of paying it off weekly, but was so annoyed with the default that I just then ignored it. 6 years on (the default is set to 'expire' on 6th November ) and they are now asking for the balance to be settled at £190. 'Robinson Way' now own the debt. What is the best way for me to deal with this. I obviously do not want them to enforce a CCJ for another 6 years. Should I pay the settlement price or the full balance? Is it more sensible to pay the £190 since the default is to drop off my profile anyway? Should I negotiate a lower price. What do I need to be careful of? Appreciate your advice. Many thanks.
  2. I recently purchased a smart/fitness watch (Garmin). When purchasing I was lured in by the suggestion that the watch would feature connectivity to Deezer (Music app) so that I could download my playlists and go out running without having to take my phone with me. This was marked on the website as 'coming soon'. Since buying the watch and asking the customer care team when this feature will be added they are unable/unwilling to give a time frame. Is there an actual definition of 'coming soon'? I am tempted to take the watch back but as it is outside of the 28days and there is nothing wrong with it I can only imagine it will not be an easy conversation. Any help to sway my argument would be much appreciated. Thanks RunningMan84
  3. Hi everyone, I recently recieved a book from dwp to be reassessed which i filled in sent back with all medical reports meds etc and and then yesterday i recieved a letter from health assessment b-ham with an appointment for 18th oct18. ive been on esa support group now for over 4 years with anxiety and depression plus cant walk so i also get pip high award which has been awarded untill jan 2021. Now i retire on dec 1st this year so less than 8 wks away so my first question is, is it normal to call some-one in for a medical this close to retiring as by the time i had the medical id be down to 6 wks before i retire. as my mobility is next to nothing i cant get to b-ham so if i dont go to the medical dwp say it may affect my benefits but would this include my state pension ? I have 44 years of contributions in so have enough for a full pension. yet again if i dont go to the medical could the dwp stop my pip award?. many thanks in advance for any help and advice folks might send me.
  4. I guess there is always the telephone book? I have Yellow Pages and a local directory delivered every year. For the full story :- http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/great-118-rip-could-end-10410058
  5. Hi I've been posting on a different site about this but help seems to have dried up. I'm keeping things vague as I don't want to tip their hand. Last year I complained about IL to PDUK. Extremely close to this time, probably passing in the post was a claim form from BW about a £100 loan outstanding from PDUK. I informed them it was in dispute, sent off the usual CCA request and CPR naming agreement, default notice and assignment. My defense stated the account was in dispute and that BW had not supplied docs or CCA. No response from BW. DQs were exchanged, I reminded them no docs had been sent. During this time PDUK took a very long time to turn down my complaint, I escalated it to FOS. Mediation comes and goes as no docs had been produced. BW finally supply reconstituted Agreement 3 months after CCA request. Still no Default or assignment. Hearing date set, BW pay court fee. Im now preparing witness statement, still awaiting FOS outcome they are waiting for docs from OC. Not sure how to proceed with witness statement. I know how to write it but am not sure what legal arguments I should flesh out. Anyone know mistakes BW may make and or arguments I can use on my WS? Also what mistakes may have been made on their reconstituted agreement?
  6. Seems to be a trend on here and other website help forums, to ignore and even laugh off threats from CEL. Fortunately I have kept all correspondence and have been fighting this for my daughter since May 2016. Now she has been referred to the County Court Business Centre Northampton issue date 07/04/2017. In May 2016 my daughter had an appointment at a doctors surgery with her baby for injections. She is adamant she entered her car number plate on the screen inside the surgery but for some reason did not register. When the first letter arrived from CEL she approached the surgery to have it dismissed but was advised to be just out of time. As the letter came to my address she then emailed CEL with her new address and attached a letter with the appointment time from the surgery. This email was ignored I emailed CEL and informed them to refer to her change of address. Apart from getting a reply saying that I need permission from my daughter to act on her behalf, they still send letters to my address [ car registered there at the time ]. Looking for advice here for the best way to deal with these court papers. I understand parking needs to be governed but this seems unfair on my daughter whom the surgery were expecting. CEL Statement All visitors must register for a permit on a touch screen inside reception. If you park without obtaining a valid permit, you agree to pay £100. To deter abuse of this car park, these terms apply at all times. Additional costs will be incurred if payment is not received within 28 days. Arrival 10.53 20 Departure 11.12.37. Bill is now £327.04 including legal fees
  7. Hi all I was hoping to get some advice on what the best course of action would be for the debt that is on the verge of being unmanageable. It's a combination of an unsecured loan & credit cards (approx £34k). At this moment all the payments are being made on time. But there is no wiggle room left & with the interest the amount I can afford to pay each month means I'm stretched to the limit. I'm self-employed & the amount I earn each month varies & is not at all predictable. I took out the loan & maxed out the cards to get a business up & running last year but it has not worked out as planned (c'est la vie) & now I'm treading water. I've been reading through the forums to try & get an idea of what direction I should take but it's left me unsure. So I thought by posting there may be someone who can advise of any options available. I live with my girlfriend (rented) & she's worried if I go down the route of debt payment plan then her income will be taken into account too. Is this likely?
  8. Hi all, I have a number of unsecured debts and phone contracts that resulted from me giving up my business at the start of 2009 to take care of my parents who both have dementia. The debts were personal and not in the business name, although almost all of them were used to set up my business. I always intended to go bankrupt but due to the pressure I am under looking after both of my folks, I just never got round to it. Letters came through the door, but nobody ever knocked it and here we are 6 years later. The letters are rare. In the last few months I have only received about 2-3 letters a month. As you can tell i'm in poor state with the paperwork and uncertain. I am on carers allowance and income support and have no assets. Today I decided to check my credit report after discussing this with a friend. To my surprise Experian gave me a 'fair' and im only 40 points off a 'good', 860/999. Looking on my report I can't see any details of these debts although I do have 3 warnings on my account: You have a defaulted or delinquent account (but no accounts or amounts appear?) You have no settled non-mail order credit accounts You have opened 1 new credit account in the last 6 months (a new bank account, but doesn't have an overdraft, it's a Cashminder that I was preparing to go bankrupt with). I thought that on my report I would see a list of people chasing me and for set amounts, but that is not the case. Does it not work like that or have I overlooked it? Experian is also suggesting I am eligible for loans and cards, although the rates are sky high 25-50%. I'm not looking for a loan, but I was surprised to see it as an option. Given my situation I was looking at going bankrupt but having seen this file i'm not so sure. I do owe that tax man £2000 from the business which I could offer to pay in smaller chunks to save going bankrupt. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but I felt that I needed to understand my report better before knowing how to proceed. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  9. Given the lack of affordable housing, how soon will it be that it will illegal to be homeless..
  10. Cut a very long story short. Judgement against me £1700. Payable in 30 days. Incurring ground rent on flat as flat up for sale. Agreed with management company that when sold, CCJ and ground rent to be paid out of sale. sale fell through, next offers were too low to accept. Took house off the market. Now management companys sols are asking for 3k payable within 7 days. I have a funny feeling the Management Company will try and take it to up and a notch and appointment HCO to collect the debt. I have asked the MC solicitors for a payment plan but last time that happened they didnt accept it. This time i have asked for a reasonable payment plan to pay off the 3K and am more that happy to fill out a Application to Vary and Order. What can i expect for a £1700 CCJ from the HCO cost wise? Compliance 1st visit no entry all i can see is £75 charge. If I came to an arrangement with HCO would that take it to enforcement and incur additional fees? I will not be allowing entry to the HCO and work from home so in every day. Any help as happy to come to acceptable payment plan but the management company expect me to pay in full. Thanks
  11. Across the country, 91 courts and tribunals will close, while a further 31 will merge with existing buildings. See the link below for more details on this story: What effect is this going to have on local justice and how will the volume change for the remaining Courts to pick up the extra cases that will be heard at regional Courts in the future? So with the change to digital and more use of the video conference and the use of telephones will see a significant change to the justice system. How many more changes are in the pipeline and what will they be now? Only time will tell!!!! Centralisation will be more cost effective so will the EA's face the same cuts or will more be used? If the latter will this be just the start of a new justice system? Imagine facing the bench from your armchair? Homemade justice without the need to attend a live court!!!! http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/13424238.Essex_courts_to_close_as_Government_makes_cuts/
  12. Got a NIP for 37 in a 30mph zone. asking for a photo and camera calibration certificate. I've also stated in the letter that it's likely I will be travelling abroad for quite a while (up to 6 months), and don't know exactly where I'll be staying. I've provided them with the address of the first hotel I'll be staying in, and that they must write to that address or i won't see any correspondence.The hotel will forward any letters once I've stopped staying there. I'm concerned they'll ignore what I've told them, and they'll end up writing to my uk address, and I won't see the letters. Not sure what else i can do. Obviously not willing to name myself as the driver until I see the photo, as it could have been my colleague driving at the time of the offence.
  13. I Feel that there has been a miscarriage of justice against me by Medway and Maidstone council. Last January i came down to your lovely part of kent for a job interview and parked in a car park in Maidstone. I went to pay the machine would not take my cash i had to risk leaving it. I got a parking ticket which i contested was rejected i paid, using the online method as we are all urged to do now on my bank card. in October i got a letter from a debt collectors trying to get money from me for the ticket i rang them straight away to resolve the matter was told to email proof of payment. I sent a copy of my bank statement showing payment thought the matter was dealt with again. on Thursday a bailiff turned up to take my car away, i told him what has happened so far and he went and made some calls. Apparently i had paid Medway council and not Maidstone council, I then questioned how they could have taken my money as i had entered parking ticket numbers and car registration etc when paying online. I have since spoken to both councils to resolve the matter but have had a "Tough luck" response from both. I paid in good faith even though i thought it unjust in the first place and am amazed that Medway council can just take money from people willy-nilly, i wonder how much they have got of other peoples as they have never tried to give my money back that was taken incorrectly and is now going to cost me my car and possibly my job. I donated another £1 today to Medway council via their online payment sysem, daylight robbery. I appreciate that this seems quite trivial but i feel i did everything i am expected to do and i am just having two fingers stuck up at me from two major councils. :evil:
  14. I have not earned enough to pay back my student loan for the last ten years. I now find I am slightly above the threshold, if indeed it is a monthly threshold. Over the course of the last year I have earned less than the yearly threshold. Over the course of the last three months I have earned less than the threshold (divided by 4). However, the fact remains that my monthly salary is currently above the threshold and has been for the last two months. How is the threshold calculated? Is it on the previous years earnings divide by 12? On this months earnings? Thanks
  15. Hello everyone, on the 16th March I have my assessment for PIP at my home. I have written down the answers to the questionnaire and I was wondering if someone could look through them and see if I am hitting the descriptors and if not, how I can re-word them. My mental health problems began when I was a child and were caused by the effects of childhood sexual abuse, mental abuse and physical abuse by my step dad. It’s a long read and graphic at times on the additional information part. Q1 – About professionals I see 1. Main health care professional, , Community Psychiatric Nurse, ***** Hospital, Worksop. TEL: 01909 502001 2. Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr , Bassetlaw Hospital, Worksop, TEL: 01909 502001 3. G.P, Dr S ***** I hardly see my GP, but Dr ****** is always up to date as my Nurse and Psychiatrist send him letters updating him on my conditions and medications but Dr ***** has been supporting me since the court case and still does, he was a rock as he was the only person I had at the time and he got me through it. Q2 – About your health conditions or disabilities I suffer from moderate to severe depression, I also suffer from moderate to severe anxiety and I also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, I often suffer severe panic/anxiety attacks as well as feeling suicidal, agoraphobia as well, and generalized anxiety disorder, I also suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, all this can cause confusion, severe anger and rage, I am also asthmatic. I currently take 150mg of Amitriptyline at night as it works both as an antidepressant and a sedative, on the 9th February 2014 I was prescribed Lamotrigine to help stabilize my moods, the dose will gradually build up over the next 12 months, I currently take 100mg.I find it extremely hard to operate the following day as the amitriptyline is strong and I am sedated most of the day. Q3 – Preparing Food I am unable to prepare food as it’s not safe for me to do so, over the past few years my kitchen has been on fire due to me leaving the gas cooker on unattended and food burning as well as items falling on to the gas hobs such as boxes and plastic bottles causing black smoke to come in to my living room, this has happens because I cannot concentrate on anything and I forget and I only realize when the smoke is filling up my flat which could potentially kill me as well as fire and could spread to the other flats in the block I live in. I used to have a microwave but that also caused problems, I would put the wrong items in such as plastic pots which would melt as they were not suitable for a microwave and burn and cause more smoke as well as burning food, I also put tin foil in there once to help cook some food but that cause huge sparks and blew my microwave up and tripped all the electricity. I live of cereal and sometimes don’t even eat at all. Q4. Eating and Drinking This question is not applicable as I don’t have any problems with eating and drinking, I can chew and swallow. Q5. Managing Treatments I constantly forget to take my medications, such as anti-depressant’s, sleeping medication and anti-anxiety medication which makes my conditions worse, I fall deeper in to depression which can cause me to think and plan suicide, it can also make me extremely angry and my anxiety will rocket up making everything worse, I will suffer from severe anxiety attacks that I cannot control and which last a long time and when I do remember that I forgot to take the medications I will take more doses of it to catch up which again can make things worse as some of the medications can make me drowsy if I over dose, over dosing is dangerous and can cause death, over dosing on the anti-anxiety medication that I do often makes me feel on the edge, it makes me angry, makes me want to go and attack someone with a knife, makes me hyper active which is not good with my conditions, the adrenaline rush I sometimes get will make me more determined to attack someone with deadly force. Amitriptyline makes me extremely drowsy the next day, I struggle to function but it’s the only medication that barely helps my sleeping problems and depression. Q6. Washing and Bathing I can go weeks without washing or bathing because I forget to, I cannot concentrate or even remember to bathe or wash and in the past when I have remembered to run a bath but I forget its running and the water would over flow which would flood my bathroom and my hall way causing damage. I will wear the same clothes for weeks as well, which includes underwear, I don’t do this on purpose, it’s because I don’t remember due to my mental health, it’s not my fault. Q7. Managing Toilet Needs After releasing my bowels I always tend to forget to clean myself afterwards and this can go on for weeks. As I explained on question 6 I can go weeks without bathing and without changing my clothes, it’s not very hygienic but I can’t help it, it’s my mental health. Q8. Dressing and Undressing As I said on another section, I wear the same clothes for weeks which begin to smell bad after a while. Q9. Communicating I do have a phone phobia, even though I have a mobile phone I hardly pick it up, even when my CPN or GP has called I get too anxious to pick it up but sometimes I do pick up with my CPN calls me but it does make me anxious, but I do need a phone in case I need to call the crisis team if I feel suicidal etc and I have their numbers. When I do speak to my GP, CPN or Psychiatrist I tend to mumble and they are unable to understand what I am saying so I have to repeat myself. Q10. Reading I have problems with reading at times, I do need glasses but I don’t want to go to opticians as I am too anxious. Often I can’t understand letters so I just throw them away, most are from debt collection agencies and utility companies chasing money for bills but this also could be letters from healthcare professionals which I need to discuss with them when I see them to try and understand what they meant. Q11. Mixing with other people I cannot deal with social situations what so ever, I cannot be in crowds or surrounded by a lot of people as I will get very anxious and anxious for me turns in to anger and I will get aggressive and violent with people, I will provoke people to start fights and I will get violent and pick up weapons and attack people with them and I would use deadly force if I had too and it wouldn't phase me what so ever. I can barely cope seeing my CPN on visits and she's only with me for one hour and I begin to get mad, this is also the same when I see my psychiatrists, after ten minutes I begin to get annoyed and I start being rude to her and asking questions trying to provoke a situation and in November 2013 when I had to see a Dr because I was border line suicidal I nearly started a fight with him but he left the room and I was asked to leave but he phoned the crisis team for me. I can't help this but after 22 years of physical abuse by my step dad this is what I have become. If I have to leave my flat now for any reason I will carry a weapon with me, a 4.4 inch knife I own or scalpel to protect myself in case anyone tries to attack me or provoke me I know it's illegal to carry weapons but I’d rather protect my life and I would use it if I had too and it wouldn't phase me. Q12. Making decisions about money I am in debt with the water company which is over £300, same with Electricity and with District Heating, When my medication was erratic I got in to a lot of debt with phone companies and with online catalogues, I am in debt with them towards £4,000. I cannot control my money what so ever, I order a small amount of cereal and milk and some bleach, most of the order is Corn Flakes or cheerio’s, Milk and Sugar which is what I live on. I always forget to pay my phone bill and it gets cut off but I need my phone to be working in case my CPN calls me or my GP or if I need to call the crisis team. Q.13 Going Out I very, very rarely!!! Go out at all as it means I need to travel on the bus or train and in day light. I travel by taxi now to appointments to see my psychiatrist which is door to door. I can't travel to places I know any more because since the trial I know people who live in the vicinity as it could lead to someone attacking me and me attacking back with a weapon and getting arrested for assault or for murdering someone and having a dangerous weapon on me and going to prison for it. I have to travel to Worksop by Taxi to see my psychiatrist and this puts my anxiety through the roof, I have to over medicate myself with Diazepam and Pregabalin (no longer on Pregabalin) which is not safe at all but I only have an appointment every few months with her but I once got a lift by my CPN . I cannot go to places I don't know because I don't know where I would be, if people I knew were there who would want to harass or attack me because of what happened during the trial, I could attack people if I felt threatened as I would carry weapons with me if I had to go out, such as my 4.4 inch knife, a stanley knife etc and would use them if I had too and it wouldn’t phase me at all, this is how bad my mental health is getting. I have tried going out as risks need to be taken but it never ends will. It will cause psychological distress, anxiety and panic to go out anywhere, I get my prescriptions delivered now because I can’t go out, I have to over dose on diazepam and previously pregabalin to see my Psychiatrist which is not safe but I have no choice, it’s a door to door taxi service which takes me weeks to mentally prepare for. On the 9th November 2014 I went out for dinner with the only few remaining family members which took over dosing on propranolol and diazepam which wasn’t safe, at the restaurant I was bumped in to purposely and aggressively when I was sitting down by another family member who happened to be there at the same time with other people, upon my instinct I picked up my steak knife and I was going to stab him, I would have stabbed him if my uncle didn’t stop me otherwise I would be in prison now, this is why I can’t go out or be in public as I will have aggressive behaviour for no apparent reason and will I attack people, which could be deadly. I tried to go out and see how I would do mentally and it didn’t go well at all as you can tell, its best for me to not go out as I am a danger to the public. A lot of the time if I was out, I would want to try and end my life by jumping in front of a speeding car, van, lorry or train etc to end my life quickly. What my step dad did to me has caused me severe psychological damage and mental anguish which is severely impacting my adult life. On the evening of the 19th December 2014 I confronted someone who had been trying to intimidate me for the past few weeks, I was wearing a balaclava and put my 4.4 inch knife to their throat and told them to stop or face the consequences. This is how mentally unstable I am coming, people need to take what I am saying seriously and I mean my health care professionals, DWP etc. In January 2015 I was again being harassed by people sat in a transit van in the car park next to where I live, I again put on my balaclava and went around the back of the car park and sneaked up next to the van and used the glass smashing mechanism on the end of my life to smash the windscreen. On the 19th February I attacked 5 people with a titanium baseball bat for playing really loud music, I injured 4 of them badly, they were all drunk and attacked me so I protected myself with force and I will do it again, I then followed one of them home 2 hours later and I set his car on fire and threatened to burn his down with him in it if he ever tried anything like that again, and believe me, I would. I am getting worse, it’s best for me to isolate myself before I kill someone, I am not safe to be in public. Q.14 Moving Around I often have problems walking as I can become really dizzy on the verge of fainting, this is due to the medication and it one of the side effects, anxiety causes the exact same problem because it’s that severe, it can cause breathlessness which can make my asthma worse. I also lose concentration when I do have to go out and I cross major roads without checking and I have killed nearly several times because of this, it’s not safe for me to go out at all. Q15 Additional information PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Why I am the way I am, explained below but it is a long read, it started after childhood trauma including sexual abuse, physical abuse and mental abuse by my step dad. This has caused severe physiological damage. My mental health problems began when I was a child and were caused by the effects of childhood sexual abuse, mental abuse and physical abuse by my step dad. I am the youngest of four brothers and I was sexually and physically and mentally abused as a child. For a period of 7 years I was molested by my step dad who used to pull my pyjamas bottoms down whilst sleeping and holding my penis doing masturbating motions with it, he frequently put his penis in my mouth as well as penetrating his penis in to my anus. The physical abuse lasted for a very long time, most of the time he would hit me that hard and for that long that I would go out of consciousness and when I came back around I would be violently vomiting because he had beaten me that bad, he would hit my head off my bedroom wall until I was unconscious, he was also like this with my other three older brothers but I seem to get the worst of it, this lasted until my teens and has had a severe effect on my mental health, I have been suffering from depression since being a child and attempted to take my life on several occasions because of it but was unsuccessful. I never had support from any one because I was scared to speak up about it because my step dad is that violent, however my mother never once intervened during this and she let it happen over and over again. I was hit with mental bars as well as thick leather belts and I often had buckle indentations on my body, he would throw me around rooms where I would get my head hit off walls until I was unconscious and when I came around I would be vomiting. When I was a child until my teens I used to lock myself in my small bedroom, with the windows closed and the lights off, even during summer just on my laptop and only coming out to shower or to go to school, I would eat the dinner made for me when everyone went to bed to stay out the way to try and prevent things happening to me. I used to get called a hermit until people realized why I did it and sympathized with me when they knew the whole story. After my GCSE’s in 2006 I went to America to visit my Aunt and Uncle and cousins in Mississippi and I went back again in November 2006 and during that visit something serious was found out and because of the severity of it I told my aunt (mothers sister) what happened to me because my step dad had said on the phone that my Uncle (mothers sisters husband) should never be able to see his children again (two boys 1 year old and 2 year old at the time) because of what my Uncle did to his step daughter (Aunts daughter, 16 at the time) and this made me see red because of what he said and my aunt had asked me if my step dad had done anything to me and she sat me down outside and asked me what he had did to me and I told her everything and the next day she phoned my mother up and told my mother what I had said and she confronted my step dad who denied everything and when I got back home it was as if nothing had ever happened and nothing more was said about it. A couple of years later my two eldest brothers had children, a boy and a girl and I felt that I needed to protect them from my step dad because I didn’t want them going through what I had to go through, even though they were really young at the time. In January 2010 I came back home from a New Year’s Eve party and I walked in to the living room where my step dad had my niece on his lap (mother was out at the time) with his hands near her genitals and his fingers were placed to make you think that he had been touching her genitals as she had a baby grow on and the sides of her nappy where her genitals are was pulled out a little. When I saw this is made me see red and started giving me flash backs due to the abuse he gave me and I eventually left the family home and moved out and started slowly reporting to the Police what happened to me. Over the next few months after several interviews he was eventually arrested and charged as the Crown Prosecution Service said there was sufficient evidence to charge him and send him to trial but during this, my cousin (Step dads’ sister’ daughter) also reported to the Police similar things that happened to me, he raped her at Centre Parks in the late 1980’s and again raped her at a house in Nottingham but was too scared to tell anyone and she held on to this for over 16 years, he also molested her as a child. It took 12 months to get the case to the Crown Court in Nottingham and after a three week trial he was found guilty and sentenced to prison for 4 and a half years, he was also put on the sex offenders register for life and was also given a SOPO order which is a Sexual Offence Protection Order which means he can’t be near any one age 18 years old or younger but this is usually 16 but Judge Sampson thought it was necessary to make it 18 due to the nature of the abuse. I had to attend the trial for 3 days on the stand whilst I was cross examined but I had to attend 7 days as I had to wait in the Witness Care Unit at the court in case I had to go up early. For the year leading up to the trial I was constantly threatened and harassed by my ‘family’ as the majority of them branded me a liar, only one family member had stuck by me all the way through the trial. This caused me to get in to a very deep depression and again I attempted to take my own life but my Uncle who supported me, found me and stopped me from doing it. My mother had threatened to stab my cousin because of all this to try and make her drop her accusations but this did not work. When I left the ‘Family’ home the only property I could get was on the same road as the ‘Family’ home and every time they would drive past my house they would slow down to try and look in my windows to try and intimidate me but this did not work but just made me more anxious and eventually my house was attacked as someone thrown a brick though my window and a week or so after that someone tried getting in to my house by hammering my door severely but left when they couldn’t get through but the Police were called. I was also attacked one night when I was posting a letter at night back to the Police, I was attacked by 4 people in an alley way however I fought them off and they ran off and this was reported as well but the Police couldn’t do much but I know they were my brothers and another person. After the attack I planned to commit suicide by jumping in front of a freighter train that runs each night at 10 and I travelled to the tracks but the train must have already gone past. After 24 years of this abuse, I am on the edge and I can’t take this anymore and I have plans of ending my life, I just can’t take it anymore, I have lost all energy to fight this. I have pushed away any friends I had, I can’t leave my house anymore and only do via taxi to psychiatrist because I lose concentration and over the past few years I have nearly been killed 10 times because I walk out in the main roads and nearly get hit by cars travelling at high speeds, I wanted to end my life in May 2014 and walked out in to the road with a speeding bus coming however a member of the public pulled me back, my psychiatrist is aware of this and my CPN. I cannot cook anymore because I forget I am cooking anything and there has been 5 occasions over the past few years where my kitchen has been on fire and has caused damage and put my life as even more risk. I mainly eat only cereals now as I can’t be trusted using cookers, toasters etc. I can sometimes go weeks without bathing as I forget too and when I do run a bath I forget it’s running at the water over flows in my bath room and floods and causes damage and I only notice this when I eventually go back in that direction. I wear the same clothes for weeks at a time without washing them, I cannot leave my house during the day, I have felt that bad and anxious and depressed to leave my house, I have signed up to an online pharmacy to get my prescriptions delivered by mail. I am a danger to the public because I get angry and aggressive easily over the smallest things, I have attacked the public with bricks and mental bars in the past but I cannot help this what so ever, I become severely violent and enraged, I have an axe and I would not hesitate to put it thorough someone's skull who either tries to threaten me or who I feel threatened by, I am mentally unstable and cannot be around the public because I could kill someone and not think anything about it. If I do have to go out now I will carry a weapon like my 4.4 inch knife a Stanley knife or Scalpel with me just in case I get attacked and I will use it with deadly force if needed, I keep a titanium baseball bat near my front door and a meat cleaver in case anything happened and I would use deadly forced. I had anger counselling in school because I attacked teachers and students and the Police had to be involved. My uncle who was the one to support me during the trial and after had a very similar childhood to me and during his late teens and through his twenties and thirties he was arrested several times for attempted murder and tried in court, he also committed serious assaults using knifes, swords, hammers and crowbars and he would kill someone if he wanted too and it wouldn’t phase him and I feel I am going to very same way and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison for taking someone’s life or just by beating someone that much that I nearly do. I first reported the sexual abuse, physical abuse, and the mental and emotional abuse to the Police in February 2010 and in May 2010 I went to see my new GP, Dr Simon Allen at Meden Medical Services as I was in need of anti-depressants and sleeping tablets and anxiety tablets and originally he put me on 10mg Citalopram for depression, 30mg x 3 a day of Propranolol and 50mg of Amitriptyline at night to help me sleep but over the next few visits I had to try other anti-depressants and eventually I was put on 50mg of Sertraline in place of Citalopram, 40mg x 3 of Propranolol for Anxiety and 100mg of Amitriptyline at night to help me sleep because my problems got that bad, but since seeing my psychiatrist I tried mirtazapine but had an allergic reaction to it, I was on 50mg of Trazadone for depression which went up to up to 100mg after two weeks but I had a severe allergic reaction to it so I had to come off it, I was also on 150mg of Pregabalin twice a day for anxiety but this ended as it wasn’t working that much. I am now on 150mg Amitriptyline at night for depression and insomnia and 100mg of Lamotgine in the morning to help with mood stabilisation and this is due to be raised over the next 12 months. I also take 5mg of Diazepam when needed in case my depression gets a lot worse or my anxiety gets worse, I have also been diagnosed with severe Agoraphobia and PTSD. In May 2010 my GP also referred me to a service in Nottinghamshire called Let’s Talk Well Being and I had my initial assessment in June 2010 and I was told that counselling would be the best way forward but I never heard anything back from them and I had to go back to my GP to re-apply and I had another assessment and this time I was told that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy would be the best path to take and in November 2011 I started this with Mr ****** ***** but I struggled to attend sessions as they were in Warsop which is a two 15 minutes away from me and I either had to walk there across main roads or get the bus but as I explained earlier I can’t walk anywhere and I had problems with the bus because it’s a limited service in to Mansfield and it gets very busy and on one occasion I started to feel anxious and I started to get very angry and I just ran off the bus before I started attacking other passengers. I was sweating profusely and I was vomiting when I got off the bus. The service through Mr ***** was only a 12 session treatment plan and Mr ****** told me that I would need a lot more longer term care and he discharged me from his service in March 2012 and referred me to the Mental Health team at Kings Mill in Mansfield and in October 2012 I had an assessment with them and Mr Mark ****** insulted me, didn’t really care what I told him, ignored me and told me that I behave like a child and that I should be able to attend any appointment anywhere when this isn’t the case and if he read my notes he would of known how bad I am. I eventually got a letter back from Mr ******* outlining key points and told me that I would need to attend sessions and I can’t miss any and that if I did he would discharge me so I had no choice but to complain to the NHS head office in Nottingham and I had to fight more to get more therapy and they were not having it for a while but I requested that I be sent to **** Mental Health Team instead in Worksop and I eventually got a letter from them telling me I had been assigned to a new worker called **** *****. When I first met *** she explained to me that when they received the referral and read what Mr E****** had put about me, they were very angry and could understand why I was as well and called him UN professional. I have only had a couple of appointments with ****** because of my own health and her own. I also cancelled some appointments due to the severity of my condition but I have attended the majority. ***** told me that I am going to need long term care and that it’s going to be a long healing process and that we are going to work on my time and she doesn’t want to rush anything and wants me to get better. I also mentioned to ***** that I need to see a psychiatrist and after nearly 4 years of waiting I got assigned to Dr *****based at Bassetlaw Hospital and I had my initial appointment with Dr ****** in February 2014 then a further appointment in March 2014 due to issues with a new medication that Dr ***** prescribed for me that I didn't react well with and that medication is Mitrazapine. I feel something is going UN diagnosed in my head and that I need more support so I don’t attempt to kill someone like my Uncle does, he has been seeing one for over 15 years now and still struggles severely. In February 2015, after reacting badly to a medication called Trazadone, I was put on a mood stabiliser called Lamotrigine, I take 100mg at night and this will be raised over the next two months if it does work, if it doesn’t my psychiatrist will try me on another mood stabiliser. I am also in the process of moving out of ******* to help me with my Anxiety and T***** has contacted the housing department at ****** County Council but she told me this could take a while as there are long lists, in January 2013 I was placed in the lowest band with Bassetlaw which is Band E, they refused medical grounds application as I don't live in the area even though all my support is in the ***** Area. T***** has also contacted the charity Framework to see if they can help me too. I am currently band 2 with ***** District Council and I have been since November 2011 and I am no way closer to getting moved even at band 2, band 1 is the highest, and this isn't even in the area I need to go in too. In December 2014 I signed up for the housing register in Sheffield as I have found out members of my ‘family’ reside in Worksop so it’s not safe for me. I am currently getting ESA with the Support Group component (A4E also agree I am no way near ready for work) and I feel it would be best to stay on this for the foreseeable future as I need long term care and treatment and because I have severe mental health problems, and my CPN and Psychiatrist agree with this, that I am not suitable for work for the foreseeable future. I have over 23 years of severe mental health problems because of my step dad. By getting the support from ESA and now my CPN T*** and my psychiatrist I finally am starting to see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel, I have only been getting treatment sick January 2013 with my CPN and we’ve only had a few appointments, then February 2014 with my psychiatrist but progress is slow for obvious reasons, because my mental health is that bad, it is giving me slight hope and is slightly stopping me from wanting to end my life but only slightly, it’s going to be a long road to recovery and I need all the support I can get. I am also getting DLA because of my problems and that has recently been extended to 2015, however I will need to apply for PIP which I think I am eligible for in 2015 as my DLA will expire then. My GP after all this time is still sticking by me and agrees with **** and my psychiatrist that I need long term support and he will support me to every step of the way and will write any reports to back this up if needed and will also issue me with sick notes. I also have support from my local MP. I am not sitting on my back side drinking alcohol all day like a lot of people do, I don’t take illegal drugs like heroin like some people do when they’re on ESA, I don’t drink alcohol that often and the only time I have in the past is to try and end my life by drinking that much in a short space of time that I poison myself. I am trying my best to get better as I have explained but I need support and the support I am getting now is the most I have had in years and it’s helping me a lot but time is needed. The NHS haven’t really cared and I have had to fight and fight to get where I am today with them. I would greatly appreciate if you could take all of the above in to consideration as well as the medical reports/evidence!!!!!! As it shows I am still in need of the same benefits and support I am currently receiving. I am trying to get mentally well again but it's proving severely difficult, you can see all the appointments I have had with health care professionals, I am not sitting around waiting for this to fix itself like a lot of people do, who take drugs and are alcoholics who do nothing about their mental health.
  16. Every time I look at a newspaper, it appears that the government have sold something to Capita. The latest is a food safety agency that was actually profitable in government hands. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/capita-and-the-great-british-food-safety-selloff-10134275.html In 20 years time, will the Prime Minister of the UK be the CEO of Capita ? I seriously worry that one political party sees no limit on what they would privatise. There are already private companies that provide laboratory services in regard to food safety. What the government have privatised is the body that looks after safety on behalf of the public. Capita already have commercial partnership with the companies in the food sector and this may lead to a conflict of interest.
  17. What should I do? I had a Business unsecured loan which turned into a secured ccj and now this month a charging order is being applied for. The debt was on a business which has since closed down. At the time of the ccj I was advised to get help using a debt company which I did and they offered monthly payments on my behalf which was really too much plus my financial problems have got worse (if that's possible) and I am unable to keep up the monthly payments hence I have now a charging order I need to deal with which is coming up very soon. I feel annoyed with myself for getting in this state and annoyed with the creditor as the business loan was from a government backed business centre to help my business grow. I am not saying I shouldn't pay it back but feel let down by a system which was intended to help. Can anyone advise what would be the best way or only way I can deal with this? The thought of attending court is scary! I will appreciate any help thank you. IOU24
  18. Hey Guys n Gals... As some of your already know, I'm one of those people who like to look deeply into situations... Sometimes a little too deep.. Ah well, anyway, over the last few years of living in this borough I've noticed quite a few things about the local Borough Council. Here's a quick list to give you an idea (I'm sure you lot notice this too) 1) Lights left on in the Council Offices over night 2) Heating left on in the Council Offices over night (the steam billowing out of the exhausts is a give-away) 3) The myriads of 'blank' pages sent out with their letters, notices etc... (I personally get about 1 - 2 every letter I get) 4) Duplicate or triplicate letters sent out 5) Civil Servants standing around the corner having a 'smoke break' on our tax money Who would need to contact about this? Better yet, is there a way I can request a detailed budget i.e. internal expenditure on postage, paper, manpower hours, telephone, fax, repairs etc... under the erm.. freedom of information act? or something like that? I'm not sure what it's covered under, but I would have thought that this information should be available due to it being paid for by tax payers. i.e. how the information about the MP expenses was obtained. I'd like to know this as I'm pretty sure that their 'finance' experts have the budgeting skills of Paris Hilton in Harrods Cheers, Moi
  19. In May of this year I was rushed into Hospital and underwent a 5hr lifesaving operation. I am due for another operation later this week and hopefully my last. After a bit of time to sort myself out, I'll be back doing my best to help in anyway I can. Just to let everyone know, I have not gone but due to the way I am, I cannot get back to the computer to answer replies although I know many would anyway, so instead have been reading up and keeping up to date with any changes. Love to everyone except DCA's Stigman
  20. Hello everybody, always found a lot of useful stuff on here but first time post as this is a bit more specific, need some help about the right thing to do. A few weeks Ago, started receiving voicemails on my mobile from Marlin and Bramber asking me to call them which I never did. never spoke to anybody on the phone as they would probably ask me to verify details which I won't do. Just noticed today that an old debt for £150 (re)appeared on my credit file. The debt wasn't there few months ago. Itis linked to a credit card I had with MBNA. I believe this debt was settled with a different collection agency ages ago... . so long ago that I can't remember when and where I may have paid that money if I ever did.. . I remember contacting the credit card company asking about this outstanding amount on the account but they told me, They wouldn't deal with it anymore. i haven't heard from anybody since that. (currently living at a different address from the one where the card was registered) The start date shown on the credit file for this debt is 01/10/05 and default date shown on the credit file is 15/10/07. I have never acknowledge this debt to Marlin or Bramber. What should be my next move?? Should I try to prove them that it has been paid already if it has? I'm not sure of that... :-\ should I wait October to see the debt removed from the credit file and hopefully have the date status barred? what can the debt collectors do as their next move? is it worth paying this £150 if there is a risk of court judgment that would make my credit file worse?? sorry for the long and boring post but thought I'd give as much details as I have to get some advice from you.... Thank you.
  21. hi, i rent a room in one town (near my works and children) and my partner (not the mother of my children) rents a house in the next town, she is signed off sick and has a daughter. i cant move in to her home as she is being evicted as landlord is selling up, section 21 ends in september and her local council are not helping much they just say she will have to rent another private which isnt easy since she isnt working and on sick benefits due to ongoing heart issues for which she is having open heart surgery for very soon. i work full time but cant have her and her daughter live with me as i rent a room in a house to keep costs down so i can pay for my children and not go via csa. i have already registered for housing with local council in my town but of course can only apply for a 1 bed place due to it being just me. i have now filled in a change of circumstances form and added my partner as we were thinking of moving in together in the new year (have been with each other for several years so not a rushed thing) with all that is happening her end i dont know what to do as she is going to need me with her full time during and after surgery. have i done the correct thing adding her via the change of circumstances form with my local council? as i hope they will help us get a place together and soon due to her condition . we did not want to move in under these circumstances but i need to be there for her full time. since we are both living in different towns i am just wondering what the best thing to do or push for. a very odd situation and any pointers would be great as i am worried about her condition and the stress of all this being evicted is having on her but also wanting to get help with a council home not private rent as i cant afford to keep both of us on private rent rates. thanks.
  22. hi guys i am an ex gambling addict my payday loans etc have finally caught up to me I have never done anything to hurt my mom but she doesnt want the stress of having me around and having people knocking the door for money etc. which is fair enough if you ask me Soon i will be leaving the house with literally zilch, well, infact minus £15,000. I will contact shelter and see if i can find somewhere to live - but i was wondering if because i am an ex gambling addict ( very recently ) would i be classified as "intentionally homeless" I am a well educated young man but i have nowhere left to turn
  23. Hi.. Jobcenter are about to put me on Work Programme. I have heard nothing but bad things about this. Over the past few months I have been looking for jobs that I think I could do ( I have really severe ADHD and cannot do something mundane like sit on a till all day, I would pull my hair out) I am an actor, but aside for applying for lots of acting jobs I also look for other things, as long as they are not till based. Anyway, I am about to go on the work programme, and I have already seen the general rules ( I won't sign anything etc etc) I am also not happy to be shoved around the system by a private company, but I digress. I am also going self employed very soon. The money I need to set up my business is very little, and as such there would be no point in me looking for a full time job anymore like the work programme will invetibly attempt to hassle me in to doing. I am asking if anyone can lend any advice to keep off of this. Reasrch I have done shows that it may be unlwaful anyway? I have also read that JC can keep you with them for an extra 90 days if you are about to become employed? Any help would be appreciated, because I am damned if my ambition will be channeled into free labour for poundland!
  24. http://www.scotsman.com/the-scotsman/personal-finance/pressure-growing-to-crack-down-on-ppi-firms-1-2795828#.USEFNDqEh0M.twitter but in scotland its a frre for all to fleece for now dx
  25. I have an unsecured payday loan on which I have been unable to keep up repayments. The first missed payment was at the end of September, subsequently missing payments at the end of October and November. Received an email last week stating that: Pursuant to the Loan Agreement that you signed and the Terms & Conditions thereof, you are in default of the above referenced loan AND have failed to take corrective action as detailed in the Default Notice sent to you at least 15 days ago. We hereby exercise our contractual right of Acceleration. This means that: - Your entire loan amount of principal, accrued interest and fees of £xxxx is now due. - We may notify the Credit Reporting Agency of your default on this loan. - We may sell your debt to a third-party debt purchaser who may exercise any rights available under the law in collecting the amount owed. - Interest will not accrue from this point forward. Now as I remember, ICO guidelines state accounts shouldn't be filed as in default until the account is 3 payments behind. I am now three paments behind but the default notice was sent prior to missing the third payment. Am I correct to think they have failed to follow the requirements regarding default notices? If so, as they have terminated the account, am I correct in my belief I am now only due them the arrears, and not the full balance?
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