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  1. Has anyone else received a letter from Redstone (alias Melanite) Mortgages stating that the FCA has ruled that they have calculated some customers' monthly payments incorrectly since 2010 and that those customers are due compensation? If so, has anyone received compensation or a refund yet? I received such a letter stating that I was one of those who had previously been overcharged, but with no details of how much I would be refunded or when. It stated that my account has now been recalculated and my new payment will be £6 per month higher! I rang them for more information and was told yes, I would receive a refund by cheque, but they could not tell me the amount. Then, after being put on hold for a long time, I was told that actually I will not be getting any refund as my account is in arrears. Instead, they might adjust my arrears, again no idea how much. All completely vague. I then demanded a letter from them giving a complete breakdown of figures showing how much I have been overcharged and how much will be refunded, including interest. The employee agreed to but seemed clueless and uninterested. I also stated that if I do not receive this information within 2 weeks I shall contact the FCA and let them know that Redstone/Melanite has not complied with their ruling. It also seems suspicious that Redstone changed their name to Melanite, and sent out letters telling customers that their mortgage had been transferred to this new company, at the same time that the FCA ruled they were in breach. They are pretending Melanite is a new company, yet their address is the same, the employees who answer the phone are the same people, and even the recorded message is identical.
  2. Hi to all! I have read some very helpful advices from the similar story thread like mine. I am wondering if anyone could ever help me as well with my situation This Saturday, when I was about to go to London to visit my 90 year old friend ( more like my second Father). I was so stress because I have not sleep that much for the whole week and stress out because my son who is 8 months old has been having temperature the whole week. all set...my husband told me to take his ticket. At first I said no but because I was rushing I just took the travel ticket in the end. Off I go to the station rushing to catch the train. When I got into the train the first thing I did was writing the things I have to do for the coming week. Booking my son's GP appointment, view my son's nursery, contact my manager about my maternity leave. And everything else. Then the inspector asked for my ticket. I was so stupid to gave her my husband's ticket thinking it was mine. So the inspector asked for my Ticket ID and obviously it won't match. When she asked me about my ticket and me thinking not to put my husbands into trouble, I said that I have my own weekly travel card and that card was beside my Husband's travel card and mistakenly took his instead of mine. But none of them was true, I just made it up because I do not know what to do and people are looking at me like a criminal. I have been in this country for 10 years and never been in this situation. When the inspector asked me about my reasons, I said I was on a rushed and I do not intend to take my husband's ticket. Which is true apart from the sentence when I said I have my own travel ticket. My husband went to the ticket office on Potters bar (GreatNorthern Railway) to ask if he could ever get his card back. But they didn't give it back instead he paid for another £300 for his travel card. They also asked for the reason about his ticket and all he said is that " My wife took my travel card by mistake and by the time she was on a train the ticket inspector took the travel card". It is indeed a mistake to take his travel card in the first place. I have called the customer service today asking what shall I do. But they cannot give me a straight answer. I am applying for my license and I do not want any records just because of my stupidity. I am so stress right now and I have no idea when the letter is coming so that i will know what to do next. I have read some thread here with a great result and I am hoping mine would be the same. I do not know if they will I prove to them that it is not my intention to use my husbands travel card. It was just a bad week for me and very stressful sleepless nights because of my son. But how would they understand my situation and what shall I do to prove them I am very sorry and it won't happen again. Should I email them before I received the letter from them or just wait? Please help me, I am not from this country but I have been living here for 10 years. I have never thought of being in this situation. Thank you in advance for those of you who would take time to read my story.
  3. Hi, hope someone can advise me on this. My letting agent is telling me that at the end of my current contract, they want me to sign a 12 month contract otherwise I will have to leave. I looked on my tenancy agreement and it states the following TWELVE MONTHS beginning 6th july 2017. If the tenant does not leave at the end of the fixed term, the tenancy will continue, still subject to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, from month to month from the end of the fixed term until either the tenant gives notice that he wishes to end the agreement as set out in clauses 6 and 7 below or the landlord serves on the tenant a notice under section 21 of the housing act 1988, or a new form of agreement is entered into, or this agreement is ended by consent or court order" clause 6 and 7 talk about giving the landlord 1 months notice before I want to leave. Am I within my rights to ask to stay on a monthly rolling contract based on the above? Thanks
  4. Hello I took out a two year contract with EE, in September 2016, on their 4GEE Max Plan, for £45.99 per month. That plan was £5 per month more than the one below it, as it allowed you to use your call and data allowance whilst in the EU. Awesome! Except that when I took out the contract, I was unaware that everyone would be getting EU roaming within their price plans on the 15th June 2017! Called EE and basically it's hard cheese. The only thing they will do is move me to one of their new 4GEE Max Plans and have allowance calls in USA, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand for an additional £2 per month. Personally, I think it's a bit rough. In my eyes the contract has changed significantly and I'm not getting everything I was paying for. What does everyone else think?
  5. Why does my insurance company who gave me a quote, not allow me to pay monthly because I was truthful and said I had a CCJ,they didn't even do a credit search. My sister who is financially connected to me, got insurance from the same company, and got monthly payments. Surely if I didn't pay they could just cancel the insurance? Very frustrating
  6. Hello everyone - I'm looking for some recommendations following a problem with an EE contract and phone. This is the current situation: My partner has a monthly contract with EE. Her phone stopped working so she took it in for repair under warranty. When it came back it was reported to be unrepairable due to water damage, even though it has been nowhere near water. She asked if she could buy a replacement phone to use with the existing monthly contract and was told by the guy in the EE shop that there was no way to do this because EE only sold phones for PAYG purposes not for monthly contracts. She was advised that the only way to solve the problem was to take out a second monthly contract to run concurrently with the first one, and let the first contract run out in due course. The second contract would come with a new phone. She felt pressured into doing this because she needed a working phone that day. My questions: Is it really not possible to buy a replacement phone from EE for a monthly contract? To be clear, she wasn't expecting a freebie and was willing to pay for the new phone. Even if for some reason it isn't possible to buy a replacement phone for a monthly contract, surely she could buy a PAYG phone from them and just transfer the 'monthly' SIM card? Is it usual practice for EE staff to advise customers to take out concurrent contracts? Isn't this mis-selling? Can we cancel the contract under the terms of the cooling off period? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi folks, How do I go about reclaiming packaged bank account charges? is there a letter template I can use? The bank in question is Ulster Bank. My account is a U-First account and the monthly payment was £9,99. How do I go about reclaiming please? I would appreciate your help. Regards, Johan
  8. Hello, I am hoping someone could give me an idea as to where I stand, although I think it's probably nowhere... I renewed my car insurance with Adrian Flux in August, £830 for the policy and £200 to pay monthly by direct debit (premium credit). I would now like to cancel my policy as I've been quoted £270 (with the same underwriter!!), a saving of £560, eye watering amounts of money. I rang to see how I go about cancelling. I was told that I would owe the rest of the 12 months remaining balance minus the three I have already paid. However, my insurer would effectively pay a proportion of this... Ultimately, I owe £152. I have paid three £100 instalments, so £452 for two months insurance. Surely this is too much? How do I go about challenging this or am I stuck paying the final £152? Thank you.
  9. Hi Everyone My wife and I hit difficult times in 2008 like most people and we eventually faced the Grimm truth that we could not afford our debts in 2009. Two of these debts were with HSBC, credit cards, that we agreed a zero percent interest rate and a fixed monthly fee to pay them off. Our combined debt equated to nearly £14k. In 2010 we signed with Payment services Bureau so that we could avoid paying interest. We signed standing order mandates to 2018 for my wife and 2020 for me. Over the last few years we have never missed a payment and the standing orders continue to go out of our bank account every month without fail. I have never received any official letters from HSBC stating any re-assignment and the fact that the standing orders keep going out have made me suspicious of recent claims by Cabot that they can hassle me for the balance. Tonight I have returned home to see two letters from Reston Solicitors stating that they have been instructed to seek immediate payment of the outstanding monies. They have given me two weeks from the date of the letter to settle - is this legal?? First of all I've never signed anything with them. Second, I have never had a re-assignment letter on official HSBC paper. Third, I received the letter today (November 16th), how can they demand a response in just over a week? Fourth, the balance they have demanded between us is just under £6,500 so why the high pressure when we've already paid off over half the outstanding amount from 5 years ago? I am working away for a few days and this really limits my capacity to research these parasites. Could somebody help me please? I have attached the three letters - HSBC to confirm deal and freezing of interest Payment Bureau to agree repayment schedule and Reston threatening us We have almost two sets of identical documents, the names, dates and values are the only differences. Can somebody help me with the next steps I must take please?
  10. BT has more than tripled charges for former broadband customers who hold on to their email address. Its Premium Mail is free for people who pay for BT broadband, but costs £1.60 a month for those with other providers — until this month From 6th April, the monthly fee rose to £5, or £60 a year. Many pay for the service to keep their BT email address, access to their inbox and contacts after moving away from the firm. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3525098/BT-triples-charges-former-broadband-customers-hold-email-address.html#ixzz46pcFcheB
  11. I recently moved house and was very surprised to experience Scottish Hydro taking final bill amounts out of my account in the early hours of Christmas eve morning. The total involved was £560!!! I have of course intercepted and prevented those transactions from being completed.... On closer inspection (actually looking at my paperless bills..... I know, I know......) I find that my monthly payments more than covered my usage, confirmed by the fact that they reduced my monthly payments in Jan '15. Both my accounts were in credit at this point..... Billing changed to 6 monthly upon reading my July '15 bill, I'm a bit confused.... The total for this period was £485.23.... My payments totalled £156.... obviously from then on my debt to Scottish hydro has just grown and grown as my payments aren't covering my usage.... What I cant understand is - Why didn't they inform me and change my payments (as they had done in the January)? I have been presuming that I have been paying for my gas/electric as I've been going along... My other irk, is that the bill states they will collect the total "on or soon after 29 December 2015" so sneakily taking it in the middle of the night on Christmas eve is a little more than cheeky - My contracted DD date is 3rd of every month, so why the change in date for this payment?!!! Would just like to know if anyone knows if there is anything governing payment amounts and if companies must make sure consumer usage is kept up to date to avoid situations like mine..... many thanks
  12. Hi, hope for some advise. I paid my road tax via the DD scheme at my local post office back in September and set up the monthly payments via my bank. I have not authorised my bank to stop payments but the DVLA have stopped requesting payments and are now claiming that my car is not taxed. I have had no letters stating wht payments have not been requested and paid as agreed but it would appear that i am being held accountable for the DVLA breaching the DD scheme which seems a bit unfair. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. Hi i have been trying to find the actual legislation allowing taxpayers the right to choose to pay over 12 months instead of 10 if you notify your local authority before the start of the financial year. does anyone know what regs this ruling comes under? i want to be able to quote it in correspondence to my LA who are blatantly ignoring my right to make this choice myself. they are operating on the old system whereby they use their discretion as to whether or not you are allowed the 12 month method.
  14. Am seeking advice here due to the issue is with my ex partner. She received a text early November saying the account was been limited due to excessive use and a bill of over £200 been created. The payment was taken by DD even though no bill for the charges has been produced and was requested numerous times. Phone contact did nothing to resolve this issue and she advised them to cancel the contract immediately and send a final bill. She also informed them the DD would be cancelled and if the charges found to be legit then the bill would be paid. The SIM card was removed after that conversation (Early November). I then took possession of the SIM card so know it has not been used since then. T Mobile have now sent a demand for over £200 again for new charges since the last DD was taken in NOV. No bill has been supplied justifying these charges or what they consist of. What is the best way to proceed with this issue. It sounds like the standard not been able to collect DD pay up or else letter. The contract was a 30 rolling 2400 Minutes,unlimited text and internet so i myself would like to see how these excessive bills have come about.
  15. I have not earned enough to pay back my student loan for the last ten years. I now find I am slightly above the threshold, if indeed it is a monthly threshold. Over the course of the last year I have earned less than the yearly threshold. Over the course of the last three months I have earned less than the threshold (divided by 4). However, the fact remains that my monthly salary is currently above the threshold and has been for the last two months. How is the threshold calculated? Is it on the previous years earnings divide by 12? On this months earnings? Thanks
  16. I'm on a barclays bank account type (aka "bba") and i've gone past the £15 buffer a few times, 3 or more days past the buffer before paying it back, but have never been charged the £0.75 a day charges on any of the days I've been past -£15. As of recently I've been on for a period of 3 or more days now over the buffer to see if I would be charged the interest. This is recently though, and I could be just assuming the fees will appear at the end of the month and are not added day-by-day so they won't display on my online banking summary. http://www.barclays.co.uk/CurrentAccounts/Changestooverdraftsandwaystoavoidfees/P1242663274269 After checking the calculator shown at the bottom page of the link above I can see I should have been charged 75p per day on numerous occasions, but never have. I'm pretty sure my bank account is just a bba too as it says "bba" in the account type in online banking. Which theoretically means I should have been charged. Just wanna make sure since I want to buy something and it will cost close to the max on the overdraft before paying it back in a week and don't want a it to spiral into those £30 a day stuff going into an unauthorized OD with the 75p a day charges if they surprise you with them at the end of the month with a bulk charge. I guess I could phone them up but don't want to sound like a cheapster or tip them off to "correcting" my account status plus paying back what I "owe" them or something. So anyone know? Do they add these charges at the end of the month in one big lump or are they supposed to show up trickle-by-trickle every day? Thanks in advance.
  17. Dear community, Was hoping to get some friendly advice regarding an old debt with Barclays on behalf of a family member! Back in May 2009, an old debt (approx. £12k at the time) was transferred over to Barclay's Central Debt Collection Services (CDCS). At the time, an agreed repayment plan of £75 per month was set up for 6 months only, following which a review was to be made. This was the last statement of the account, which stated a 0% interest rate on the account. Funny thing is, we haven't heard back from Barclays/CDCS since! We've been paying £75 a month into the account every month without fail since this last statement via a pay-in book; addresses on the account are up-to-date, and Barclays never fail to send us a pay-in book before the old one has run out. I was hoping to hear from anyone with any similar experience? I'm not sure of the next steps we should take, as we would like to check on the status of the account - family member is particularly nervous that payments haven't been making much of a difference and that interest has been building up (can Barclays re-instigate interest without letting us know?). Could anyone provide any advice as to what we should do? Thanks a bunch! Littlebo
  18. Dear Caggers, I need some advice. I have a contract with EE. I cannot afford the contract anymore as I have other priorities (my gas usage is increasing rapidly as it gets colder) When I got the contract, I was under the impression that the handset was "free" and the monthly payments is for a "service" (calls, internet, texts etc) not a product too. Can anyone clarify whether (when I default) my handset will be blocked/blacklisted or just the contract SIM? I have tried to help myself by looking for the answer but all stories are conflicting. EE say they block the phone AND sim (but I am told this is scare mongering on the handset part into forcing you to pay the monthly contract)
  19. hello all, this may be a long story lol i cancelled ALL my 79 year old mother in laws services from virgin on 31st march (phone and tv). after the 30days cancellation period i cancelled the direct debit. virgin left the phone line on and are still sending bills because the direct dibit failed and is charging late payment fees. i phoned them on 13th may and said theyve made an error and are still billing her , they said they'd stop and sort it - they didnt. just incase they made more errors i sent a letter explaining to head office. no letter/call to acknowledge receipt of the letter i sent. the other day she received a letter saying that bailiffs/court action etc is going to follow unless she pays. ive phoned them 4 times in the last 2 days which has resulted me in coming on these forums because they are just sending me round in circles. ..nothing is getting resolved and on one occasion they just disconnected me. i found out that the error they made was they left the phone line on incase she wanted to 'port' the number (which she didnt) and because of this error this is why they are sending the bill each month and are saying we didnt cancel when we did. headache is an understatement. what can we do except go to court/wait for the bailiffs? what is the procedure? any help is gratefully appreciated.
  20. Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help. I have an overdraft of £2570 with Halifax/Bank of Scotland. This was a student OD that I haven't paid off. I pretty much live in it every month. I have being paying their monthly fees every month for the OD without fail (since graduation in 2009!!!), however, my circumstances have changed. I am due to go on maternity leave in the next month, and will only be earning statutory pay of ~£500 per month after tax. This low wage means I will be unable to pay the ~£90 per month fees, let alone attempt to reduce the overdraft. Is there anything I can do. I have payment plans two other debts, and I have requested a reduced payment for the maternity leave period, but given this isn't a debt but a fee I am not sure where I stand. I have an account with RBS which I dont use, so could switch all monthly payments etc to that, but I would still incur fees on the halifax account. Thanks in advance
  21. I provided some services to somebody a few years back for which he did not pay. I took him to court and got judgment against him. He just stopped trading and went on benefits / job seekers allowance etc. I did not take any action and waited for him to start trade / work again. A few months ago noticed that he is now a director of limited company. So I sent him letter demanding the money reminding him the judgement. He suddenly resigned from directorship and put his brother's name as director of the company. Now I know he is working and earning good money. But it is difficult to prove because he is hiding everything (not keeping cash in bank account etc). Is there anyway that I ask court to enforce him make some monthly payment? Debt is well over £6000 and I waited for good 2 years but that conman did not pay a single penny. How can I ask judge to make an order for debtor to pay monthly?
  22. Hello first off before I ask for some advice I must sincerely say a big thanks to all the people who offer their time knowledge and expertise in helping others on this forum, the continued support offered and the positive impact it can have on peoples lives may be overlooked but is whole heartedly appreciated. Today I am after some advice on what to say to E.ON because they have suddenly increased my gas & electricity monthly direct debit from £107 to £250 for the next 12 months. (they gave me 10 days notice in writing) I feel this figure is unreasonably high for me to pay each month. Over the last 2 years I was automatically set on a tariff and only ever advised by E.ON to pay £107 p/month to cover my usage, Today it is now clear I wasn't paying enough each month and have now accumulated aprox £950 worth of debt. (its hard for me to understand but apparantly my electricity and gas usage has nearly doubled although nothing has drastically changed ergonomically in my household). I appreciate in retrospect I should have paid more attention to my annual statement and contacted them earlier to question my payments however, according to their terms and conditions, website pledges and the Energy Retail Association (ERA) Code of Practice for Accurate Bills, E.ON "will take all reasonable steps to ensure your payments are set at the right level. This includes reviewing your account proactively to make sure your payments are sufficient to cover your energy usage." My argument is.... If E.ON had proactively reviewed my account early I would have been better informed, and in a position to select a more effeciently priced tariff thus reducing my annual bill and subsequent debt. Their are also ambiguities on my on-line accounts energy usage chart (i.e 4 months of paying less than £5 a month for electricity usage last year which makes no sense). In summary i would like E.ON to reduce a percentage of my outstanding debt because to a degree their inefficiency has put me as a customer at a disadvantage, I would also need them to lower my monthly direct debit payments to around £160. (this covers my usage and pays £10 toward the outstanding debt) Questions 1. what would your advice be ? 2. Is telephoning best or should I write to E.ON ? and would It be best to deal with a manager or higher ? 3. What would be the best way of asking for a reviewed/reduced debt figure taking into account my personal circumstances and their apparent proportional lack of proactively maintaining my account ? 4. Can I write them a notice / offer to pay say £10 p/month over 10 years to pay of the debt on top of my monthly tarrif ? 5. is there any powerfull legal terms i.e neglegence, I can use to get my point accross Thanks in advance for looking at this really appreciate your advice Kind regards Lee
  23. I am about to come into the 'silly season' regarding some old debts, fallen off of the credit files but last payments in 2008. Not out of stat barred. If I recall under legislation these companies are now required to send you a statement of account every 6 months - non have done so, I also remember that if they fail to do so they cannot claim any arrears. Can anyone advise if they can still bring action for the original ammount. David
  24. Hi All, I read few posts on the forum and my story started similar to many of yours. Sorry for this long post but I thought it would be good to write in detail so you all can guide me properly. I live in Croydon. I mostly work from home and occasionally travel to London for "work" using my "pay-as-you-go" oyster card. My wife goes to office daily so she has monthly travelcard. Today evening I was due to go meet few friends in London and met my wife at Croydon station (she was coming back from her office). It was almost same time so I promised to see her before I go out. She used her travelcard to pass barricades and placed it in Ipad cover (she had ipad in her hand, guess was using in train). I met her, thought I could use ipad during journey, so took her ipad without me and her realizing that her travelcard is in the Ipad cover. So she left and after she left when I opened ipad, I noticed her travelcard in it. Now I have been in London only for a year and never used travelcard (always my oyster since she is always at work when I go out to London for my meetings) so honestly didnt know that it is not transferable (I know many would take it as a excuse but this is true, I stay busy with my work and hardly get time to research on things that I don`t use. this is the first time I got travelcard in my hands). At this moment, I made a bad decision. Without knowing it is not transferable, I decided to use it however, showed it clearly to inspector at barricade, he saw and allowed me in, I took the train to Victoria and then took underground using my oyster. On the return journey, I decided to board direct overground train from St Pancreas so again showed travelcard to inspector however, he stopped me this time. I had no bad intention of misusing travelcard which is why I wasnt afraid of showing travelcard to let him check and allow me in. But when I reflect back, I can see that I was wrong and also irresponsible - If I didnt know, I should have asked explicitly whether I can use this but In hurry to meet friends and rush time, I took it easy. he took my details, signature and told me that I will get a letter. Based on what I read, I am expecting a letter from FCC on confirming my address and perhaps interview (if I m lucky so I can explain my situation). I know I should wait for letter to come but just wanted to check if there is anything I should do in coming weeks before I get letter. I am very worried about criminal record now. I am due for UKBA visa in few months and also travel frequently across the world for my work which means quite a many visa applications in future. Due to sensitivity of my job, my employer takes criminal records very seriously and I am worried that this mistake might cost me lot more than money. I have a job I always wanted and now due to this reason, If it impacts my visa or employment, I would be quite depressed and disappointed. I never had any offence in my life (no speeding, no penalty, no fines etc.) but am afraid that this might just be a bad memory for entire life. I have no intention to endorse my stupidity and ignorance, I already feel awful about it but I hope FCC can consider my remorse and agree to settle out of court. thanks - S
  25. Hi, as a family we have 3 monthly mobile phone plans with Orange UK. Below are our current contracts: iPhone Extra 41 - Unlimited Texts, 600 Minutes, 1GB data - £41 per month - (taken out 27th Feb 2012 for 2 years) iPhone Extra 36 - Unlimited Texts, Unlimited Calls, 1GB data - £36 per month - (taken out 14th Sep 2012 for 2 years) Dolphin 7 - 500 Texts, 150 Minutes, 250MB data - £7 per month - (taken out 24th Sep 2012 for 1 year) Now Orange have sent a letter stating that because of the economic climate they have to raise the prices on their plans and ours have been raised as such; iPhone Extra 41 - up to £42.324 iPhone Extra 36 - up to £37.164 Dolphin 7 - up to £7.224 Now we are a little annoyed that they can do this to anyone, let alone us, part way through a contract. Surely when signing up to a year or 2 year term, that is the price you pay, it can't be changed at some spurious point into the contract can it? Now, to add some other information here, none of our contracts were made in a physical branch, two were done over the phone and one via the internet, so no terms and conditions were given or shown. Today I had a look on the Orange website at the current monthly plans and found some interesting information. The Dolphin 7 plan is still shown and is priced at £7 per month, not the new £7.224 per month that we are being charged. Both the iPhone Extra plans no longer exist but have been renamed to The Works 36 & The Works 41, both of these plans are again shown as priced at £36 & £41 per month respectively and not the new hiked price. Now have we got a case against Orange for initially changing the contracted price part way through a contract and the fact that tariffs are still available at our initial prices on their website? Kind regards.., DHB
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