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  1. I'm on a barclays bank account type (aka "bba") and i've gone past the £15 buffer a few times, 3 or more days past the buffer before paying it back, but have never been charged the £0.75 a day charges on any of the days I've been past -£15. As of recently I've been on for a period of 3 or more days now over the buffer to see if I would be charged the interest. This is recently though, and I could be just assuming the fees will appear at the end of the month and are not added day-by-day so they won't display on my online banking summary. http://www.barclays.co.uk/CurrentAccounts/Changestooverdraftsandwaystoavoidfees/P1242663274269 After checking the calculator shown at the bottom page of the link above I can see I should have been charged 75p per day on numerous occasions, but never have. I'm pretty sure my bank account is just a bba too as it says "bba" in the account type in online banking. Which theoretically means I should have been charged. Just wanna make sure since I want to buy something and it will cost close to the max on the overdraft before paying it back in a week and don't want a it to spiral into those £30 a day stuff going into an unauthorized OD with the 75p a day charges if they surprise you with them at the end of the month with a bulk charge. I guess I could phone them up but don't want to sound like a cheapster or tip them off to "correcting" my account status plus paying back what I "owe" them or something. So anyone know? Do they add these charges at the end of the month in one big lump or are they supposed to show up trickle-by-trickle every day? Thanks in advance.
  2. I apologise in advance if this is posted in the wrong section, or the info i need is posted elsewhere on the forum. Details are as follows: I had a loan to be paid back over 12 months. I made the first payment on time. Before the second payment was due, i recieved a notice of acceleration, quoting the previous issuing of a notice of default (which was definitely not received, and there would be no reason to issue) Because of the notice of acceleration, i suspected my bank account was about to be raided to recover the balance outstanding, so i wrote to my bank and the lender, to cancel my CPA. I also took the precaution to cancel my debit card and get a replacement. I complained to the lender to ask why my account was defaulted while i was up to date with payments and i was in compliance with all the terms of my loan. They could not give me any sort of answer to explain this, and in the 12 months or so since then, i have had no correspondence whatsoever. I have registered with Noddle recently to check my credit file and noticed the loan is shown under the closed account section, and is shown as having a default date, but the loan is marked as satisfied. My question, if anyone can help, is why would they mark the loan as satisfied and closed? I suspect the loan has been sold on, but my experience of this is pretty much zero so i really have no clue what this all means. I have been placing the loan repayment funds to one side, in case they or a DCA raise their head and request payment.
  3. Hi, Just a quick couple questions 1, how long is a debt kept/shown on credit agencies records, is it kept for life or does it get removed after a certain time and the slate wiped clean 2, if a debt is sold to a debt agency, does the debt then show as a new debt from the time that the agency buys the debt, in effect renewing the time the debt shows on the credit reference agencies records I have some debts going back 8 years or more and have been living out of the UK for all that time with no contact with debt agencies or the original companies the debts were from and just arrived back to the UK and wondered where I stand as I am going to have to start getting things like phones, renting a house etc and wondered how that will now effect me after all this time. Thanks in advance for your answers Kevin
  4. Wading through paper, I've found old Woolwich mortgage details. I think I may have paid PPI on this without it being listed as a separate item. Do I need to submit an SAR to find this out or is there another way? It ran from Nov 1999 to I think May 2002 so would it still be possible to reclaim? Thanks as ever C
  5. Hello, My brother has a £7000 debt with a UK bank. He lives in Asia at the moment. For a job he has applied to, he has been required to get a CRB form the UK. Will the debt show up on this?
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