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  1. Hello all. I appreciate that this is the wrong sub forum to ask this so hoping to be moved to the appropriate one? My question is what device would you all recommend to record phone calls to such lovely people as banks, etc?
  2. Good morning, I have outstanding balance with EON for £624 and have done since 2016. I have always disputed this balance as it appeared far too high for 2 months bills where I was not living in the property due to renovations work. The last payment on the account was in September 2015. To cut a long story short, I was due to set up a payment plan with simply past due credit who put the account on hold after I questioned EON sharing 6 late payments on my account in 2016. EON refused to refuse the payment markers and I wrote to the past due credit in February 2018 again asking to set up a payment plan but received nothing back. Last week, out of the blue, I received a letter from EON requesting a the full balance by 31st January or a default would be put on my account or if I did pay monthly by arrangement, "we will share the information about the arrangement with the CRA". My credit files are squeaky clean and near maximum with both agencies apart from the one with Equifax which bizarrely after 2017 showed payments on my account to EON then last month it showed a late/missing payment in December 2018 despite no arrangement being in place. I want to pay the full balance but am worried about how negatively it will impact my credit history as I've heard that "settled" can be viewed very negatively - some also say that a payment arrangement can be almost as negative as a default! Could anybody kindly give me some advice please?
  3. Name on my NI Card, is not in full as on my Passport I was given the NI card with a short version of my name. Anyway I've have applied for a job, where I need to show my NI card (which are no longer produced) or NI Record, which I believe is no online, can I go online to the HRMC site register and update my NI record, so my name is now in full as per my Passport? Its not a name change, but update to my full name as on Passport
  4. Having just inherited an iPhone 5, I am feeling my way around it and (sort of) starting to get used to it. But, unlike Android based cellphones, the iPhone (even the later models, I am led to believe) will not, as standard, record a conversation. So third-party Apps and/or workarounds are de rigueur and widely used by those of us with such a need. Unfortunately, I am: A) Skint B) An Apple OS novice:oops: Has anyone else had this issue? Has anyone reconciled it? We wonders. Aye, we wonders.
  5. Done loads of googling, read loads of threads, still no definitive answer, clutching at straws DVLA claim to have no record of me passing my HGV 2, with the Army, back in ´76. As such, they refuse to give me a licence with Cat C on it. I worked for three firms in Lancaster over a period of ten years, they have all disappeared so no records available from them. After that I moved on to other things and didn´t drive HGV any more. This was back in the day when the HGV licence was separate from car licence in that it was a separate booklet. I recently came back from Spain after 13 years and decided to reapply for my HGV 2. Duly sent off the correct forms and DVLA sent back a provisional Cat C! I mean, WTF? Phoned em up and DVLA has passed the buck to me saying that it´s up to me to prove I had a licence, not for them to find it for me. I have a form to send off to the Army seeing if I can get info but not holding out much hope tbh. Others have tried and failed. I have a 42k a year job waiting for me, DCPC and digcard, but no licence, dammit. Have any others found a way to sort this out? It´s put a huge downer on, well, everything really. Thanks
  6. Record £15.6 million underpayment identified for workers on the minimum wage READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/record-156-million-underpayment-identified-for-workers-on-the-minimum-wage
  7. Hi In March 2016 I received a County Court claim form from Shoesmiths for a HSBC Account for £8000 for a credit card I had defaulted on in 2013 acting on behalf of ARROW GLOBAL. I defended the claim and sent a CCA request to Arrow global they were unable to provide any documentation not even a reconstituted agreement and as a result I received a letter from them stating the ccj claim was dropped and all collection activities would cease. In April 2019 will be six years old and drops off my credit rating and I’m trying desperately hard to get my life back six years later and get a mortgage. Last week out of the blue I got a warning from Equifax my rating had changed I checked and I found Another debt collection firm had got a CCJ for another debt from 2013. They had brought this account and been sitting on it for the last couple of years doing nothing then the claim forms were sent to my old address and I never received them. Even though they could have easily found my new address. I’m aware I could still have defended this but I had enough to pay it so I settled within the 30 days. I understand this is a tactic they use to get CCJs and I think it’s disgusting the courts allow it. I’m sure the Bailiffs would have had no problem finding me. The Arrow debt for HSBC I could never afford to pay. If they do the same trick send CCJ forms to my old address I will never know until it’s to late. What are they likely to do, they have already had one go through the court and failed. I could contact them and give them my new address details without acknowledging the debt but is this then just going to put the idea in their mind. Is this debt really just sitting there and all collection activities have really ceased , find it a bit odd they haven’t sold it on or maybe they can’t but HSBC knew they had no agreements before they sold it to them. Please don’t think I’m just trying to get out of this debt but i have been in debt management and paying all my old debts the last six years and almost paid back everything. I just want to get on with my life but this is in the back ground now. What if anything are they up to
  8. Visited my mum tonight like I do every week, she is 80 and suffering from the onset of dementia. Last week she had mentioned she loved the movie Dirty Dancing and would like to get the music from it so she could play it at home. When I walked in she was all excited saying she had bought the music from a 2nd hand record shop. The first problem was she had bought a 2nd hand copy on cassette and does not have a cassette player. She then tells me she has to return to the shop on Monday to pay the rest of the money for it as she did not have enough on her when she was in the shop. I had a look at the cassette and the price on it was £3.99 reduced from £4.99. My mum said she had paid £20 towards the cassette and the guy in the shop had taken her name and address and also asked for her phone number but she could not remember it and told her to bring in the remaining £19.99 on Monday. Now I know people will say how would anyone think the price of the cassette would be £39.99 but my mum does not have a clue what sort of price these sort of things sell for. I was going to go into the shop tomorrow but it's closed, so I'm trying to get some time of work to go in with her on Monday. Not sure about the best way to deal with this.
  9. Hi there, does anyone know if the DWP can refuse to allow you to audio record meetings with a work coach at a Job Centre Plus? I have contacted my local Job Centre Plus office to ask for permission to audio record all future appointments but they have refused . Is there anything i can do about this?
  10. I am embarrassed to say I got caught eating a product at tescos I did not pay for today, which I completely forgot about, long story short, the police didn't get involved they took the RLP route said a letter will come through soon. I know most members advise against paying these [problem]mers but I feel far too embarrassed and would rather just get it over with. My question is, how will the record they keep affect my future employment with Tesco themselves? Since I am a pharmacist and Tesco is a very big chain, would paying the RLP effectively prove that I'm guilty? Thanks in advance to anyone that can help
  11. Not sure if posting in the correct category. My issue is that first time in my life I have decided to apply for a credit card. A good friend of mine recommended MBNA as she has a very good experience with them. Turns out for some mysterious reason that MBNA thinks I do not qualify for their credit card. I never checked my credit score and don't really wanna do it. Here's my history in a nutshell: Living in London for 15 years, residency status, EU national. NEVER applied for a credit card in my life before Banking with Santander ever since opening my first account in England in 2005 4 bank account with my bank, cash card, current account with a visa debit card, savings account and credit card. Not much money in the first 3 accounts currently but never used overdraft, only once or twice my current account went into unarranged overdraft but only lasted a few days before my wages arrived into my account to balance it. Been using my Santander credit card but always repayed the money in one payment. Currently I do have a small amount on it that I have not paid back yet, but I used that amount only 1 week ago so no repayments or anything else due on it yet. Living as a private tenant, 18 months at my current address, 2 years at previous address Part time employed for 7 years, been self employed before for 2 years, all taxes, NI, etc been always paid without delay. Annual income 15K. Recently my hours had been permanently reduced by my employer and I am only receiving pay per hour for my work, about 15 hours per week at the moment. Still in employment and job hunting, of course. Also the most interesting thing is that time to time I am being spammed by other credit card companies such as American Express and etc by post, sending me their credit cards even though I don't even know where they got my details from as I have never applied. When Santander gave me a credit card, I didn't apply for it, they asked me in the branch at the counter if I'd like one, I said 'yes', and they handed me the card. If anyone got any tips or ideas what might be the issue, it'd be very helpful.... Oh, and I am not on the electoral roll register - if that counts, that's literally the only thing I can think of what might be the issue.
  12. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/credit-card-time-bomb-personal-10356434?service=responsive Over the last couple of years - CAG has been advising people in debt to start paying it down and stop taking on more debt. It is frightening that consumers simply don't say NO to their children at Christmas and Birthdays - even just for one year - do you really need to upgrade your TV or sofa, EVERY year?
  13. Hi , I heard a legend about something that happened to a friend of a friend: They were stopped on British Rail allegedly without means to pay and intent not to pay, They changed address. Summons Letter went to the wrong address They missed the court date. (A month ago) Only recently. the occupant of previous address notified them of the letter. They have been advised to do the following steps: 1. call the court ask for Statutory Declaration to re-open the case. 2. This will trigger an interview to decide on re-opening and they will be asked for their plea.. 3. Do not submit a plea - but say they want to get legal advice. 4. This will adjourn the case ? This is the bit where the story gets cloudy - does it sound right ? Now its adjourned, they can petition , plead with the rail company to settle out of court and avoid a criminal record? If the rail company refuse then they get one of these 'fare dodger' specialists to help mediate for out of court settlement. Hows that for a story?
  14. Hi all I have had enough of stupid calls at all times of the day which are annoying and now a caller chasing something we know nothing about (perceived debt?) Many years ago there was a device talked about on these forums that allowed you to block all sorts of unwanted calls, it could filter out etc and also you could record them to an sdhc memory card, useful for all sorts as you can imagine Does anyone here remember what I am about, I apologize in advance as I did try searching here and also on google but so far I cannot find the exact thing im looking for.
  15. Hi all, I have a number of unsecured debts and phone contracts that resulted from me giving up my business at the start of 2009 to take care of my parents who both have dementia. The debts were personal and not in the business name, although almost all of them were used to set up my business. I always intended to go bankrupt but due to the pressure I am under looking after both of my folks, I just never got round to it. Letters came through the door, but nobody ever knocked it and here we are 6 years later. The letters are rare. In the last few months I have only received about 2-3 letters a month. As you can tell i'm in poor state with the paperwork and uncertain. I am on carers allowance and income support and have no assets. Today I decided to check my credit report after discussing this with a friend. To my surprise Experian gave me a 'fair' and im only 40 points off a 'good', 860/999. Looking on my report I can't see any details of these debts although I do have 3 warnings on my account: You have a defaulted or delinquent account (but no accounts or amounts appear?) You have no settled non-mail order credit accounts You have opened 1 new credit account in the last 6 months (a new bank account, but doesn't have an overdraft, it's a Cashminder that I was preparing to go bankrupt with). I thought that on my report I would see a list of people chasing me and for set amounts, but that is not the case. Does it not work like that or have I overlooked it? Experian is also suggesting I am eligible for loans and cards, although the rates are sky high 25-50%. I'm not looking for a loan, but I was surprised to see it as an option. Given my situation I was looking at going bankrupt but having seen this file i'm not so sure. I do owe that tax man £2000 from the business which I could offer to pay in smaller chunks to save going bankrupt. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but I felt that I needed to understand my report better before knowing how to proceed. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  16. Hi, I am on JSA and am currently with a work programme provider. I have two issues I hope someone can help me with. First I have been told that I need to attend their (the work programme provider) site for regular jobsearching on their system, but I was also told I need to leave a written record of jobs I have applied for with them at the end of the session (telling me this is mandated for everyone with them on JSA by the DWP). I am sure I have read in this forum somewhere that I do not have to leave this written record for data protection and other reasons, does anyone know where I can find this information, preferably with some sort of evidence/proof that I can take along to my next jobsearch? Second I suffer from anxiety and have brought either my partner or a family member with me to many of my meetings. I am also sure I have seen other clients doing the same thing. My current advisor (like previous advisors I have had with them) appeared to be understanding with this and even put me on a self help course. However literally only minutes after I tried to defend what I believe to be my rights concerning the written record, I was told for health and safety, blah blah, insurance, blah blah etc that I cannot bring anyone along who is not a registered carer with me from now on. This is already very stressful for me even with bringing someone along, does anyone have any advice on this. I feel a little victimised considering the timing of this sudden change and feel they are trying to punish me for standing up for my rights. Thanks in advance for any Help.
  17. Hi, We have been looking at cleaning up my girlfriends credit record there where 2 entries from Freemans and one from Atlantik. One Freemans account stated it had been settled and closed in 2010 with the last record update in 2010. The other Freemans entry defaulted in 2011 and although not stated on the record, it was settled in 2013 through debt collection. We wrote to Freemans and they say they will update the record to reflect that it was eventually settled. The matter we have issue with, is a record for Atlantik that shows a default in 2010 for £357 and they last updated the record in 2015. They claim this is another Freemans debt which my gf doesn't recall. We're not wanting to get out of paying this, I would pay it today if I have to. Our worry is the fact that if we settle this today it will still be other credit record for the next 6 years, whereas if it was in fact settled year ago then it shouldn't be in this state. We wrote to EOS which is the company listed on the credit record for Atlantik, asking for more information. They simply responded with a bill for the £357. So a couple of days later we responded with the following letter: We heard nothing back, so later sent the following: They responded a few days later, acknowledging the complaint saying they have passed it to Atlantik F.GmbH (Freemans Oli) and that they have put the account on hold. 4 weeks later we received another letter from them saying: Now the credit agreement they sent has not been signed or even completed with any contact details. It is simply a photocopy of an Oli.co.uk credit agreement. It says in big letters at the bottom IMPORTANT: THE RETURNS SECTION OF THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED AND SENT BACK TO US AT... So why can they not supply us a copy of the signed agreement? 9 days later, they sent a letter to my girlfriends fathers very old address (Luckily after 2 moves, he now lives next door to where he used to live, so he got passed the mail) saying they are trying to contact the addressee on the letter regarding a personal matter etc. . I think it's a standard fishing letter when trying to find someone. 2 days after that, they sent another letter to her fathers old address (Please bare in mind, all previous letters were received at our current address) saying: Before we were passed these letters from her fathers neighbour, we had already responded with the following: And finally, this week received a response, again to her fathers old address: With this letter, was many pages of computer screenshots showing monthly statements of purchases, payments, and many Dolt Reminder Fee's. For completeness, her is the letter we received from Freemans.com: Both account numbers mentioned by EOS end with A701, so is it possible it is in fact the same account? What should my response to this now be? They can't supply a signed credit agreement, and can't even get our address right. Like I said to begin with, we haven't got a problem paying it, but this only came to light when my gf checked her credit records and noticed it, so it's been lingering on her record all this time, and if we settle it it will linger for another 6 years. Thanks for any input.
  18. Even though i'm new on here i've been on here enough to know that this type of 'help me' threads get posted sooo many times so here another one. To keep it short: i was stopped by revenue inspectors and failed to produce an oyster (i used my sister's but as my sister was with me at the time literally with me i gave her oyster back) when the inspector asked for my oyster i just said i didn't have one because my sister was terrified and i didn't want to get her in trouble so took the responsibillity. (i'm older than her). tfl sent me legal proceedings letter and now a 'single procedure justice' notice to plead guilty or not guilty within 21 days. This 21 day ends next week thursday. Because this isn't a court summons so does this mean no out of court settlement?????? also ANYONE have their number i've searched every where but can't find it. i'm so stressed out.
  19. Hi all, I started a previous thread to share my general issues, but am posting in this section for specific advise relating to First Direct. Previous forum address here if anyone is interested: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?458839-Low-income-6-year-old-debts-and-worrying-about-the-possibility-of-future-court-action I had an account with an overdraft, credit card and loan with First Direct (all pre Apr 2007). I defaulted on payments for the credit card and loan back in 2009, at which point, they closed my account, merging the credit card and overdraft together as one debt, and the remaining loan as another. Since the default in 2009, I have been making token £1 monthly payments to Metropolitan Collection Services; I have since moved house a few times and hence had no contact with them. Aiming to sort things out once and for all, I joined this site, and under some much appreciated advice, sent out a CCA request to Metropolitan last week. First Direct have responded, sending back my CCA letter (but keeping the postal order???), saying: The letter is not signed (didn't think I needed to) - they want me to provide a specimen signature My current address does not match their records (it wouldn't as I have moved, but my credit file address is up-to-date) - they want me to provide the old address to match their records. From this, I gather that FD still own the debt as Metropolitan did not write to me. As mentioned, my credit file is up to date with all addresses. Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed? Are they trying to delay and does the time limit of 12+2 days still apply? Or, are they valid in their requests? Any help much appreciated Thanks AM
  20. Ok Just start with some background. for the past two years 2014 & 2015 i have had relapses of prolapsed disks causing me to have long absences , after the last absence it was agreed that i would be covered under the disability act (or whatever its called now) also after i had my injections i had to have physio which the occupational health provided so i got back to work a lot quicker than if i had waited for the nhs . Now on to this year i had to be signed of sick because my shoulder had frozen i cannot lift anything of with with one arm , doctor has put me on pain killers and on the list for physio for the shoulder which will allow me to return to worl . When it was diagnosed i told my line manager to refer me to OH because the waiting list was 3 months and they could get me seen a lot earlier like last time , then when i spoke to them again after i was given another fitness note and again they saud they would . Also the reason i need the referral is that they could arrange to gety me back to work in a different area not doing the repetitive actions which aggrevate it while i am waiting for physio or sending me to their physio . The problem is when i go back i know i will face a meeting about my absence but i cannot afford to pay to go privte to jump the list also I cannot go back to full duties because even the gp said i would see you within a week again . So where do i go from here. I am unable to go to OH without the referral but without Oh i can see me being signed off until i get the phsio from the NHS
  21. First time post folks - so please go easy. I'm fairly certain I was mis-sold PPI on a credit card I held for 10 years with Sainsbury's Bank. I settled the balance in full in 2013 and duly shredded all the paperwork and destroyed the card. I've contacted Sainsbury's asking them about the PPI but they are saying that they can find no record of me on their system. Given that I've destroyed all paperwork, I'm kind of at a loss what to do next. What I do have is cheque stubs with the dates of payment over the years, but as they seem to be fobbing me off, what's the best plan? Any advice would be welcomed.
  22. Hi, I've just noticed on my newly issued credit report that two debts, which were settled years ago, have mysteriously appeared. One belonging to BT, which I believe I addressed here for 200 odd and the other to Cabot Financial who insist that I have a debt with O2. (£900 odd?! no explanation as to what its for) The BT debt isn't an issue, that expired as of 9 hours 11 mins ago as per stutter barring O2 deny having a debt with me,Cabot tell me I do, neither of which will entertain sending me a letter to the effect... Also in the past I've sent them various letters: Oct 2011: Letter requesting invoices and full and final breakdown of the nature of the debt Nov 2011: (No Response) Chase up letter referring to the previous Dec 2011: (No Response) Final chase up letter stating that "if I don't hear from you within 30 days, I'll deem this matter as closed and resolved" (no response to date) I've contacted the CRA, they won't entertain the fact that I've gone though all these steps, Cabot are just a bunch of morons on the telephone as they won't discuss the matter and will only accept "a credit card or debit card number" and sound stay anything else. I'm literally grasping at strafers here as I really can't be bothered to go to court... Would the FCA be able to assist in this matter (and is that the right course of action?) Hope you can help Cheers, A
  23. I had mortgage arrears over 6 years ago, the lender went for repo and it was suspended. Arrears paid and back on track etc. Credit history now clear and looking to move. Santander have done a credit check on me and told my mortgage adviser that they have found something serious on my file but won't tell him what it is. I have checked my file and there is nothing on there. Am completely worrying now about what it could be. Have never been bankrupt, no IVA or criminal record so this is the only thing I can think of. Would Santander be able to see this somehow? How can I find out what they've found? without knowing, I can't possibly move forward with anything Thanks
  24. Please could anyone advise me on what to do next regarding this, as I seem to have run up against a brick wall. I bought my previous property in 2000 with a mortgage from Southern Pacific. The mortgage was redeemed in February 2004 when I sold the property to my son, who also took out a mortgage with the same company to purchase it. My son failed to make the mortgage payments and the property was repossessed about 2 years later. I no longer have anything to do with my son. Recently, I decided to try to claim back PPI from my earlier mortgage. I no longer have any paperwork relating to that mortgage, as it remained with my ex - wife when we sold the property. All I have is bank statements showing monthly payments being made to Southern Pacific, with a reference number which I quoted to Acenden when I made my claim. Acenden stated that they had no record of me ever owning the property or having a mortgage. The only details they kept coming up with were my son's. Despite explaining that I owned the property prior to selling it to my son, and that my initials are different, they could find nothing. Until a further phone call about 2 weeks ago when - at last - they stated they had found my details and gave me an account number, and promised to send my paperwork to the company dealing with my PPI claim. Then a few days ago, I received a phone call from the claims company. Acenden had sent them all the paperwork relating to my son's mortgage. I then phoned Acenden again, who stated that they have no record of me and my son's details are all they have. So back to square one. What can I do next to prove my mortgage existed, and have they committed a breach of the Data Protection Act in sending out paperwork relating to my son to a third party? Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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