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Found 8 results

  1. Hi all I have had enough of stupid calls at all times of the day which are annoying and now a caller chasing something we know nothing about (perceived debt?) Many years ago there was a device talked about on these forums that allowed you to block all sorts of unwanted calls, it could filter out etc and also you could record them to an sdhc memory card, useful for all sorts as you can imagine Does anyone here remember what I am about, I apologize in advance as I did try searching here and also on google but so far I cannot find the exact thing im looking for.
  2. A few weeks ago, I contacted PP to alert him to DCBL. Today, this blog went up. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcbl.html I have to say that I disagree with his advice to contact them.
  3. A few weeks ago, I contacted PP to alert him to DCBL. Today, this blog went up. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcbl.html I have to say that I disagree with his advice to contact them.
  4. The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) usually advises well, but they do make some really silly errors, this is just one of them, almost like opening your mouth without thinking. In there advice on buying a used cars, they say: I don't think any motorist would class a worn out clutch as a minor fault. Draft it up and get it proofread before publication CAB.
  5. Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could help me. My sister is a single mother to a child who is 1,5 years old. She started claiming Income Support while working 10 hours a week. She increased her hours and has been working for 15 hours a week since September 2013. She went to JCP in September for an appointment and informed the adviser that she was now working 15 hours a week. Her Income Support stayed the same I think. Now she had another appointment in January 2014. I went with her. She spoke to the advisor and said she is working 15 hours a week. The adviser said she is still entitled to Income support and even did a calculator to show her how much she would be better off if she was working 16 hours a week - increased her working hours by 1 hour. The adviser was aware of how many hours she is working. We talked about this at least for 30 minutes there. Then she was asked by JCP to post her wage slips. This was February I think. She posted her wage slips. Then few days ago (April 2014) she received a letter saying they over payed her since January 2014 and she has to pay Income support back. She is a single mother with a baby and can't afford to pay this back. My question is, whose fault is this, she reported how many hours she works and enquired if she is entitled to Income support, she was told for quite a long time that she is entitled. Now they want it back. She can't afford to pay £1000 or more back now when she's lost income support as well. I always thought if it's JCP mistake then she shouldn't have to pay it back. She never withhold any information so how come they didn't calculate it months ago, instead of waiting for months and now wanting all the money back? can someone please help me and advice me on what to do? I am quite upset as JCP just make mistakes so much and people who end up with no money have to pay them back when they are supposed to help people in difficult situations, instead they make their situation worse. thank you
  6. Now, this is not actually a panic as such. However some prompt advice would be appreciated! Some background. We're both self-employed and income can be sporadic. Last year was a poor trading year though this year is considerably better. Arrears from last year of approx 50% of bill carried over into this years bill. Starting to make inroads into the balance at the beginning of the billing year and write to them in June setting out intention to reduce balance to less than £400 by end December then to £0 by March. Also emphasised that: Unpredictable income makes DDs or SOs for periodic set dates impracticable. Larger payments will be made when funds allow to reduce the balance faster. No correspondence will be entered into with any third parties. No response. Payment made in July then a threatogram arrives from a DCA in August demanding full amount - ignored (see above). Further threatogram received from DCA, then silence. Still no acknowledgment of letter of June. Large payment made on 23rd October, then Court Claim (CCBC) for full balance, plus solicitors and court costs, received on 24th October, issued on the 19th. Now, this is not a panic because a further large payment can be made and we were on target to hit the zero balance before Christmas. However, I spoke to them yesterday and they say they have no record of my June letter and will not withdraw the claim unless the sums demanded are paid in full before the claim proceeds. Firstly, I am well annoyed at the trigger happy use of the courts and the denial of my letter. It is conceivable they didn't receive it but more likely they have simply lost it. They wouldn't deliberately destroy it - would they? [Memo to self: if it's important, register it!] Secondly, I'll be damned if I'm just going to shell out the solicitors and court charges just to kill the matter - I need to know if they are inevitable. Thirdly, I'm a little suspicious of some advice they gave, namely "write it all down on the defence form and send it back to us - then maybe we can work something out". This to me sounds like "load up the gun and hand it to me". And finally, I feel wronged! Do I have a defence here that could be filed to the court? I could pay off most off the balance next week and probably would have done so - very keen not to repeat last Christmas and the stress-fest it became - so could that show as further good intention? Thoughts anyone?
  7. Not sure if it's been posted here yet, I haven't seen it but apologies if it's here somewhere... From the Daily Record.
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