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  1. I placed an order in early December 2018 for a surround-sound speaker system, along with HDMI leads. The items mostly turned up on time, but the HDMI leads were "awaiting stock from the manufacturer". I have since had a to-&-fro via email with the online supplier (a well-established UK company, who also has several physical stores in the UK). I have now been told via Phone that the leads have been cancelled/recalled by the manufacturer due to a quality issue, & cannot be supplied. This leaves me out-of-pocket by just under £200.00. The phone-discussion I've had with the online retailer has been pretty disappointing, they are saying that as the goods were purchased via Finance, they cannot refund me the balance I'm owed, & have tried to suggest that I find "goods to the value" from their website. But I do not require anything further, & would rather the difference is refunded, to the card I paid the 10% deposit from. (10% deposit being far less than I'm now owed). They are playing nice for now, but are insistant that they cannot just make a refund for the sub-£200- owed (I don't believe this at all) & that the alternative is to send everything back to them (I no longer have any boxes for the speaker system, & they have said maybe they can get the manufacturer to send me empty boxes to box it all up & return it, cancelling the credit agreement.) I am perfectly happy with the system I've purchased, & have no intention of returning it. So this is a tricky one - I am fully aware that it is possible for them to just make the payment from their business to me, they have stated that Hitachi would not allow this, & it would invalidate the agreement - they have also claimed that they only receive "Monthly, incremental payments" from Hitachi as the credit provider, therefore they have not received the full amount of the credit agreement (this seems highly doubtful). If anybody can shed any light on where I stand, I'd be grateful.
  2. I just wanted to check regarding how the UK minimum wage works online with one of the project websites where buyers offer projects and freelancers bid for them. In this instance, both are based in the 'uk I recently bid and was successful on a project where budget, timescale and objectives were agreed. I produced a good piece of work within the timescales and sent this off three weeks ago. When 'I came to invoice, the buyer rejected the project and in essence has asked for additional work that if I undertook would end up meaning that 'I would be paid 87p per hour for a month, as opposed to the 75 pound per day agreed. I was wondering where the law stands on online work in the Uk regarding the minimum wage?
  3. I was caught shoplifting from a Sainsbury's earlier in the week, huge mistake I know. Does this mean I can't order my groceries online from Sainsbury's too?
  4. Hi I've ordered a leather apple watch strap from WSC - THE WATCH STRAP CO. The strap was faulty and I returned it back to them within a few days of receiving it and requested a refund. However they refuse a refund and only offer a replacement or a credit. They claim their terms of conditions clearly state that. I am pretty sure that I have a right to a full refund but I am not sure which is the applicable legislation. Is it the Consumer Rights Act or the Distance Selling Regulations? Where can I find the relevant sections? They also have a sticker on the straps that says that you can only return the item when the seal is not broken. I know this is valid for CDs, DVDs or software but I believe this is not applicable to watch straps. I spent an hour with them on the phone but they would not agree to a refund only stating their terms of conditions - which I think are void but I need the right paragraphs when I write a letter to them. Can anyone help me with the applicable legislation? How would you proceed? I am thinking of initially using resolver.co.uk
  5. HI guys, I’m currently assisting my mother with a PPI complaint with Barclaycard (formerly an egg card taken out Online in Q1 of 2004). I would really appreciate if someone could categorically tell me that EGG had the PPI box pre-ticked during Q1 of 2004 i.e. they have been successful in calming miss-sold PPI with egg. I would be especially over the moon if someone could tell me that it was not possible to proceed with the application if this box was not ticked as that seems of a complete own goal by egg. Barclaycard have offered us quite a chunk of a refund due to Plevin, but my mother believes she did not knowingly apply of the PPI insurance, which would be the case if the box was pre-ticked. We are is still the early stages i.e. we stated that we believed we have been miss-sold to Barclays and the 1st letter had was this Plevin offer, but we still have not sent our evidence nor our full reasons of the miss-selling to Barclaycard as of yet. Note: Barclaycard have stated the application was made online, I have no way to confirm this, but I have a paper copy of the 15 year old agreement from egg which I found filed away. The card is still active and has PPI premiums ongoing although I have made her paid off the balance of the card (+£2000). Any Help is much appreciated.
  6. I am the property owner of a 1st floor flat with one flat below. Had a water leak (fixed) and owner of the flat below has put in a claim for damage to his property. I bought the property before I was married under the name 'Miss Schroedingerscat'. My partner is on the deeds as an 'interested party' but I am the owner of property and mortgage. We got married, My husband is 'Mr Jon Pavlovthecat' and I took his surname. The owner of the flat downstairs should know that I am the owner, as the freehold is owned by both of us and obviously there was legal contact etc at the time of buying the property. He knows I am married now as we contacted him ref converting our loft (we own that, not freehold) with my new name and explanation of marriage. He has made the claim against defendant Mr Jon Schroedingerscat. Which is a) not his name and never has been and b) is not the person against which the claim should be directed, not being the owner of the property. Rather than going through the whole process of my dispute (to be fair I've already written it out), should I just cite this as the reason for my dispute, as it's not an error in spelling or because I changed my name, it's the wrong person, and the wrong name of that person. What happens if I simply dispute it for this reason and no other reason? If the court disagrees that this is a valid reason, what happens next? NB. I am disputing the claim for a number of reasons, so this is not an attempt to get out of liability for the claim.
  7. I do most of my Council stuff online via their web portal, also most of my GP stuff via (use to be EMS) https://www.patientaccess.com and book my next hospital app via their online bookings system so bonza! PIP appeals https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-online-service-launched-for-pip-appeals Check area availability as it doesn't cover all areas atm MoJ is also trying and failing atm to launch a PIP appeal via video link service. I've been having a few barnys with NHS services over disability accessibility/adaptation well lack of it. So think this is a good thing? ESA appeals on line https://www.gov.uk/appeal-benefit-decision/submit-appeal England and Wales only Upload your fit note https://www.gov.uk/send-fit-note I think one complaint for all is that is doesn't send you a copy of your submission but you should be copy n pasting to a word doc (or what ever you use) for your own records anyway. Imagine if the fully online Universal Credit service could do that? Well apparently it might do in 2020 (only 6/7/8 who knows years after launch) but you might at present be able to ask your work coach for a 'to do' whereby they can enable a one off upload function on your journal.
  8. Hi all, Firstly I wasn't quite sure which area to post this, so apologies if I've got the wrong place. Right, to my question. I won £6500 on an online casino last July and they are refusing to pay me. I have done all of the SAR, online mediation, contacting the CEO of the company, involving the gambling commission etc etc to no avail. The casino's stance is basically "take us to court". I'd love to as I've got a water-tight case, but the problem is that they're based in Malta with no UK service address. Questions: - Am I correct in thinking that I have to take them to court in Malta? and if yes.. - Does anybody know how to do this and if there are any solicitors who may specialise in these type of overseas disputes? - Any other general advise on how best to proceed? For info, the casino involved is Slotty Vegas and their parent company is Max Entertainment. Many thanks, Lee.
  9. I got spoofed out of £1,000 by these fraudsters and the bank have refused to give me my money back. I was stupid enough to fill in the form on line and then I found it strange called bank to stop cards and they said it was online Sc@m. They said they would watch my account, not to worry, and issued new card and pin. 3 days later my cards came and i got a call from "the bank" but it was the sc@mmers. (They had my number from the online form I filled out for the fake refund). They said they would send me a code to my phone and to confirm the code for security reasons. I gave them the code and they started talking to me about what had happened and said someone tried to take £500 out my account but they blocked it and was calling to make sure it was not me. During this time, they downloaded the bank app onto their phone and using the code, transferred online 3 transactions totalling £994. After the call, I checked my account and noted then called the bank who stopped the account but could not stop the transactions. After an investigation they said because I gave this code to them I am liable. I have complained and they said I won't get my money back. I want to know if this is right. They knew this fraud was happening but did nothing to warn me and had a duty of care to watch out for me and protect my money. I did not authorise these transactions, even though they had the code to download the app, the actual authorisation and transfers were not done by me. I have been sick and unwell because of this and wondered if there was anything I can do because the bank should have done more to protect me and the transactions were not authorised.
  10. I purchased a sofa from Argos online, it was delivered a couple of days ago. I assembled it yesterday and disposed of the packaging as I didn't notice any faults. However, after a few hours of sitting it's so unbelievably uncomfortable, to the extent of my bum and legs going numb. I don't think I can live with it for much longer its so uncomfortable. My question is can it be returned for a refund or exchange as it has been used and has no packaging? Still in perfect condition though. Thanks
  11. Hi all I'm looking for some advice regarding a recent online purchase. I bought a computer monitor online last week which I had delivered on Friday. Unfortunately there are several issues with it that I cannot live with. One of them I’m fairly sure is a manufacturing defect. The monitor was fairly expensive (£450) so I contacted the retailer on Monday and asked to return it for a refund stating what faults it had. I told them I didn’t want a replacement as there seems to be QC issues with these monitors after doing some research and I'd rather buy something else. They replied instantly and asked for photos of the fault which I sent hoping they’d deal with the RMA swiftly. I hear nothing from them for 2 days so I contacted then again today and they’ve asked for photos again despite me already sending them. I’m sensing they are dragging their feet. I paid using PayPal. What are my options here? If they don’t issue RMA should I post the monitor back at my expense then raise a dispute with PayPal? The retailer has a page on their site that states, If a return is found not to be faulty they will return to buyer at the buyers expense.I was under the impression I could return an item that I bought online if its faulty. Do I need to prove its faulty? Did I even have to send photos? Does the monitor even need to be fault for me to return despite being used? Despite having a 5 star TrustPilot rating I have uncovered some horrible returns stories with this company so not sure what to do next. I was tempted just to open a dispute on PayPal but PayPal says if the dispute is not settled they will then decide whether I get a refund or not. This will teach me for not paying the extra and buying it from Amazon who have a great returns policy. Thanks for your time. Peter
  12. I came home to a letter from Moneyclaimonline today, the instigator being Moriarty Law on behalf of Utility Warehouse. They contacted me about a year ago for a debt they claimed I owed in 2014, during the phone call I asked them to provide me with proof of the debt which was never supplied plus this does not show up on my credit file with Experian to date (I checked today). How this happened, if relevant is I needed an EPC for my home, the surveyor pressured me into consolidating my utility bills which I wasn't keen on but they kept telling me I was under no obligation and could always say no at the end.... which I did. convinced me to take out the gas / elec / internet / phone but when my mobile came in the redemption fee put me out of pocket and UW wouldn't cover it so I had a huge mess but managed to sort it out. After this I lost faith in the UW and requested to cancel the service with them, they were awkward to I went straight to my old utilities who transfered the services back. I wasn't aware of any outstanding debt, I believed my old company had figured this out. So I'm concerned I have a small claim's court form to complete, potential damage to my credit file but no default on my account to date. Any advice please?
  13. Name on my NI Card, is not in full as on my Passport I was given the NI card with a short version of my name. Anyway I've have applied for a job, where I need to show my NI card (which are no longer produced) or NI Record, which I believe is no online, can I go online to the HRMC site register and update my NI record, so my name is now in full as per my Passport? Its not a name change, but update to my full name as on Passport
  14. Hi guys just wondering if I can get some help. I have issue a claim against amazon and their solicitors have emailed me stating the following: However I am sure I sent them what should be counted as a separate detailed particulars. First I sent amazon my money claim online form in pdf format within the post along with a separate detailed particulars detailing why I have raised the claim against them by first class post stating the following: Would this count as a separate detailed particulars as I sent this to the solicitors who are dealing on behalf on amazon via email as they sent out a letter well before 14 days since the claim was issued and I responded immediately via email with the details they wanted me to send. On the MCOL form I just briefly said I ordered some goods from amazon, were not as described, also claiming for gift certificate balance and a Iphone that was not delivered, nothing like the above that I sent to amazon via post with my pdf MCOL form along with what I've quoted I sent them above - Would this count as a separate detailed particulars as they sent me an email today asking for this stating I should of done within 14 days.. Thanks for everyone's help in advance.
  15. For anyone that might be interested a simple online process to obtain data they hold on you . https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-your-personal-information-from-the-department-for-work-and-pensions
  16. Online guides will help renters and leaseholders to know their rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/online-guides-will-help-renters-and-leaseholders-to-know-their-rights
  17. Hi all, I'll soon be moving home into a new 3 bedroom place 4 miles away. Anyway, I want to get everything set up in advance so that I can look for the good deals. I've been having a look online and checking out what quotes I can get for gas & electricity, but the range seems to be pretty huge. If anyone has any good suggestions, let me know please! Cheers, OhhEnnEmm.
  18. https://www.gov.uk/budgeting-help-benefits/how-to-claim Swift process took less than a minute to complete be aware it is still beta testing You’ll get a decision by post within 15 working days.
  19. Hi, My relative attempted to book a train ticket from destination A to destination B in the EU. Instead she bought it in reverse from destination B to A, the prices are the same either way. Immediately after purchase she contacted the website to adjust the error. She was told she made a mistake and that the tickets are non-refundable entirely blaming her for the error. However, I am not sure the error on the ticket was entirely her fault. 1) She has a disability and found the website was confusing and difficult to use. There were web accessibility problems. Web accessibility problems will have a disadvantage to people with certain disabilities and it will cost them money in a situation like this one. 2) She had to keep on moving back or refreshing pages as they kept timing out. The error made in the purchase might have been the result of the poor website performance, or because she had to go back on the pages. 3) The information provided on the site was not clear enough, or was not delivered in a way that was clear enough, further increasing the possibility of the error being overlooked during the check out. 4) Despite reaching out to the seller immediately after making the purchase for a ticket for a journey that is to take place only in July, the seller refused to reverse the charge or fix the error on the ticket. 5) The seller blamed my relative for the error, when the fault could lie with the website itself. This would actually means that a seller can design a website that would deliberately lead some customers to make errors, thus making people buy two tickets instead of one, and in that way sell more tickets. It’s concerning. Do we have any rights in these situations? Or do the ticket selling sites do what they want more or less? Any views would be great. Thank you.
  20. Hi all, Back in May, I ordered some fabric from an online store (Tissens) in France which never arrived - the tracking info said there was an issue with the address being incomplete. I contacted Tissens' customer support at the beginning of June and they responded saying they would investigate and asked me to confirm my delivery address. I did this and heard nothing back for a further 6 weeks. When I chased it up, they eventually responded to say the shipment had been returned to them, and that if I wanted it shipped out again I would need to pay 14.5EUR. I asked for them to confirm the delivery address on the shipment, as I had ordered from them before with no issues and my details were all saved on an account with them. A further week went by with no response, so I checked the invoice and found it had the correct address, meaning the problem was at their end. I finally lost my patience and wrote: He responded that day saying he would speak to his manager and get back to me. A week went by, so I chased up for a response. A further week went by, so I asked for a response again. A further week went by, so I have (today) chased up again to say I need a response by COB tomorrow or I will take things further. I just want them to post me the fabric I ordered, as they are the only company worldwide who supply it. I'm not sure whether I can still reverse the transaction, but if I do I'm nervous that I will be black-listed and never be able to place another order. What can I do?
  21. Hi all, Apparently all blue badge renewals/applications in future will have to be done through the gov.uk portal and paper applications will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. However, the system is apparently not working very well at the moment. The letter I received implied that as I was renewing an existing badge I would only have to provide proof of continuing entitlement, and that everything would be done online. I duly scanned my last PIP award and started the process - I previously qualified as 'virtually unable to walk' as I'd never bothered to apply for high mobility DLA, but got enhanced mobility PIP when I transferred. I actually had to provide proof of identity, proof of address, proof of the points I scored for moving around, proof of the duration of my PIP award, a letter dated within 12 months to confirm I was still receiving PIP and a signed passport type photograph, to be sent by post to my local council. I duly posted everything, only to be asked for all the proof of entitlement again as they wanted proof dated within the last 12 months of what points I got for mobility, which simply does not exist as I haven't been assessed within the last 12 months! When I copied the list of required proof from the original application they did accept what I had sent, so I'll be getting my new badge soon but only for 12 months and still at the same cost of £10! I only applied on the basis of my PIP award because I thought it would be more straightforward but actually I'd have been better off having another assessment (they didn't bother actually assessing me last time I renewed) and getting another 3 years. I hope these are teething problems with the new system as it would be much easier for me if everything could be done online, but I doubt that's true for everyone.
  22. Hello Agaain In November 2017 I bought a commercial freezer online from a so called reputable comapny. The freezer was faulty and they made 4 enginer callouts to repair the freezer eventually giving up and sending me a replacment of the same make and model which suited me fine as long as i have a working freezer. Ever time the tempature goes up i loose stock and end up going through the whole hassle of calling the company up and complaining. I have proof of all the call outs and that the item was replaced. My problem is it has only been 5 days since the replacement and i already have had the enginer round becouse the moment the freezer arrived we noticed the temperature setting was faulty and now on the 5th day the actually freezer is not working properly as it has gone up to -7* this should be between -18 and -22 as the manual and description states. i am about to contact the company but this time demand a refund rather then repair or refund as i believer the make or model is faulty and we have tried those options before. im preparing a letter/email to send mentioning "consumer rights act 2015" i just wanted to clarify as this is a business to business transaction would it still be covered by the act. i been told it is covered but ive also been told otherwise. can anyone give me any advice on how i should go about this or any laws that would help me in this situation. just to mention, Any mention of a refund is absolutly refused going from previous conversation and they act as if i dont even have a choice in the matter.
  23. New laws to better protect millions of Brits who book holidays online READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-laws-to-better-protect-millions-of-brits-who-book-holidays-online
  24. Retailers have rights too! New small traders' returns guide 22nd February 2018 Retailers have rights too! ParcelHero introduces new small traders' returns guide. At least 200 specialist online stores don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. As UK consumers learn to make the most of new return regulations, ParcelHero has introduced a new guide for sellers, spelling out what their own rights are. A recent survey by leading courier price comparison site ParcelHero revealed at least 200 e-commerce businesses don't expect to survive the massive growth in returns this year. Returns reached 47% of all ParcelHero shipments in the first days of the New Year and traders say that they were often pressured into paying the cost of returns even for unwanted items - or risk losing their all-important 5-star ratings. https://caithness-business.co.uk/article/8110 ........... is it just me or is this a wee bit iffy... buy our insurance and we'll protect you...urmm..wonder whats mor expensive for the trader..refunding returns process or their insurance....
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