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Found 3 results

  1. Online guides will help renters and leaseholders to know their rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/online-guides-will-help-renters-and-leaseholders-to-know-their-rights
  2. We are a group of leaseholders who are in the process of trying to enfranchise. We have just discovered a law whereby the leaseholders are supposed to be offered the first right of refusal if the freehold exchanges hands. Having done some research, our freehold was sold in 1997 and we were not offered it at all. Our solicitor seems not to comprehend the significance of this ruling and believes we would only have had the right to pursue this during the first 6 months of having discovered it was sold. Where do we stand now? Are we able to go to court and purchase the freehold for the price it exchanged hands in 1997 or thereabouts? Are we able to use this Ruling to our benefit whilst negotiating with our freeholder on the price of the freehold? Advice appreciated! Thanks.
  3. This is very much of a general question - does anybody have any knowledge in this area? My wife owns a leasehold flat, part of a block completed about 6 years ago. There is a management company run by the residents, with responsibility for all of the maintenance, etc. that would normally be the landlords responsibility. The landlord collects ground rent, and also charges annually for a (very expensive) building insurance policy. Does the management company have the right to negotiate its own buildings insurance cover in place of that provided by the landlord? On the face of it, they should have this right but I have been advised that there was some change in the law recently that allowed the landlord to impose his own insurance policy on the management company and leaseholders. Can anyone offer any help? Bacon
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