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Found 24 results

  1. Back in late October 2014 we purchased an Hitachi Fridge Freezer. One of those amazing offers reduced from £499 to £349. In mid April it failed with a code (5r) being displayed. I called Argos and was advised that I should find a company to check it out and produce a report then they would make a decision. The mention of 3 and a half years was an obstacle I was told. Just how hard to find someone anyhow eventually (and a mini fridge purchase later) I find a local company. 2 visits and 2 hours later they decided it was an exceptionally small leak over time and repaired it. They had a charge whatever plus an additional charge for the re-gassing. Come late May I write to Argos and get a fobbed off reply that I used an unauthorised company (what?!) and they offer me a £30 store voucher. This is NOT April the 1st. I then reply again and again I get a letter after a month still offering a voucher and it appears I've been 'dismissed'. On Sunday 5th August and two months has passed we are back to that '5r' fault display. The unit has totally failed and I'm in despair. What can I do?
  2. My new fridge freezer was due for delivery yesterday, but the delivery guy said that he noticed that it was broken as he was about to take it off the van. He said that he would order another one and that it would be delivered today. However, this morning I recieved a phone call from currys saying that this new Samsung freedge freezer is also damaged and that they will order another one, and that they will deliver this on Friday. I told them that the fridge freezer that I was supposed to get yesterday was broken, to which they said that this one is also broken. I have to say that I do not believe them, but said that this was okay, but if they fail to deliver on Friday then I will cancel. The only reason I did not cancel today is that John Lewis does not have any Samsung fridge freezers of the same type and price in stock, but this is not giving me any confidence in currys. I am also lucky in that I am on sickness benefits or else I would have had to take three days off work.
  3. Hello Agaain In November 2017 I bought a commercial freezer online from a so called reputable comapny. The freezer was faulty and they made 4 enginer callouts to repair the freezer eventually giving up and sending me a replacment of the same make and model which suited me fine as long as i have a working freezer. Ever time the tempature goes up i loose stock and end up going through the whole hassle of calling the company up and complaining. I have proof of all the call outs and that the item was replaced. My problem is it has only been 5 days since the replacement and i already have had the enginer round becouse the moment the freezer arrived we noticed the temperature setting was faulty and now on the 5th day the actually freezer is not working properly as it has gone up to -7* this should be between -18 and -22 as the manual and description states. i am about to contact the company but this time demand a refund rather then repair or refund as i believer the make or model is faulty and we have tried those options before. im preparing a letter/email to send mentioning "consumer rights act 2015" i just wanted to clarify as this is a business to business transaction would it still be covered by the act. i been told it is covered but ive also been told otherwise. can anyone give me any advice on how i should go about this or any laws that would help me in this situation. just to mention, Any mention of a refund is absolutly refused going from previous conversation and they act as if i dont even have a choice in the matter.
  4. Hello All, I had a Beko Fridge Freezer delivered on 18th February and as advised, left it for 8 hours before switching on. On turning it on, there were strange sounds, some clicking and loud screeching sound, a bit like a cat being strangled. I called Currys and was asked to talk to Beko, which I did. I was told this could be due to gases in the system and that I ought to wait a few weeks. It is now coming up to a month and the noise has not stopped. I asked for a Beko engineer, who came out today and said this was not faulty but the sounds were something found in the frost free type fridge freezers. While he acknowledged that it was problem, said nothing could be done as it is not listed as a fault. I have called Currys to say that under the Sale of Goods act I wish to return the item. The have replied that it is now a used item and also as they cannot power the fridges in-store , the noise is not their responsibility. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hi, I hope someone can shed some light on this situation. We bought a new kitchen from a company called Kutchen Haus / Nobilia. My kitchen fitters began to fit the kitchen without too much problem bar a few missing parts. When it came to fitting the integrated fridge and freezer thats where the problem begins. My fitters unwrapped the freezer and fitted it into the unit and discarded the packaging. When they unwrapped what they thought was the fridge they realised it was actually another freezer! The second freezer was a better freezer so we decided to keep that and purchase a fridge from elsewhere as the company would take up to 6 weeks to get me the fridge i wanted. Kutschen Haus were ok with this however they said they were only willing to take back the original Freezer and provide a refund if it was in its full packaging. My problem is that my fitters threw away the packaging so where does that leave me? the freezer is brand new and has not even been plugged in! (it does have a couple scratches on either side from where the fitters took it in and out of the unit it was fitted in). My argument is that if they had sent the correct fridge and freezer in the first instance we wouldn't have this problem as the fitters would have fitted both. What are my rights in this situation? any help and advice is greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  6. I ordered an under counter black freezer from Curry's , online, a week ago. It arrived the next day. I requested the delivery crew to remove the packaging, and just as well that I did as the top was damaged, scratched and scuffed, very apparent, even the delivery crew were shocked. There are also scratches down the side and several gouges on the front. The delivery crew wrote all this on the delivery sheet and said they would immediately report back. Stupidly I made the mistake of not asking them to take it back with them. T & C state all damaged goods must be reported and returned within 48 hours...try doing this. When I reported it using their correct method I said I would accept a replacement. Their T & C said they will respond within 24 hours. I cannot get a response. I have now contacted them four times, one to the CEO..still silence. This freezer is a 'top up' to my main freezer and is taking up the only available space in my kitchen. I want to order another freezer from another supplier but until this is moved, I have no where to put a new one. The only place I can put this is either on the drive, in the open, but behind locked gates, or in a very full garage, where it will no doubt get dirty and probably more damaged as my son uses this to store his tools (he does not live with me) I know I should take 'reasonable care' until they pick it up. But if they don't respond, where do my duties end in this respect?:?::?: I am now going to go back to credit card company to get payment reversed in the meanwhile/
  7. hi there, was wondering if someone can give me any advice......... Long story short, my son is off to Uni the landlord of the student house would not supply students with a freezer - they have a icebox in a fridge which is inadequate for five of them - she did give her permission for them to install their own. I purchased a freezer online from Appliancesdirect to be delivered to the student house on the understanding that he will take it with him when he leaves. Freezer was delivered 10th Sept, plugged in on the 11th and was working fine, the students have been out an bought frozen food to fill it prior to moving in this week (got to admire their preparedness) My son was at the property yesterday which was when he discovered the lights are still on on the front of the freezer so their is power going to it, but the food inside is no longer frozen and not fit for consumption - have checked all settings are correct and its on max as it should be I phoned AD to be told as its still under the manufacturers warranty, ring LEC direct and they will send out an engineer, which i have done he should be here this friday, so it should get either repaired or replaced My issue is the contents, to fill the freezer has used a significant proportion of their grant money yet AD and LEC have both said they are not liable for any of that, they should claim on their contents insurance, which the lads arent able to do as the rest of their stuff is being moved in this week, their contract does not officially start until 26th sept (Monday) Where do i stand on this, can i make a claim against the retailer under the sale of goods act as the freezer was obviously not fit for purpose? Please help thanks in advance angie
  8. I had repair or replace insurance on an American style fridge freezer with d&g and had to have it replaced they replaced it with one from hot point and gave me one with water and ice which was a bonus however I had to pay £79.00 for delivery and install and I asked if that was a complete install and was told yes! I phoned hotpoint to book a time and was told it was a special team that had to book it as it was an American style unit I spoke with them and confirmed again it was a full install again I was told yes. Imagine then to my dismay that when it was delivered the delivery guy said they couldn't install it as there was supposed to already be a tap plumbed in to attach it to no one hade ever mentioned this I was furious but hotpoint stated I should have known this ( I'm not an engineer how was I supposed to know )I had to pay a plumber £80.00 pound to install it . However the fridge then died the next day and ruined all my food I had to fight to get a replacement as they couldn't get me an engineer to assess it for 5 weeks what a joke. They came to replace after much arguing and lo and behold when the moved the fridge out there was a large tear in my flooring underneath which wasn't there before they delivered the first fridge they then proceeded to drag the fridge across my flooring putting to long and deep dents across my kitchen diner floor. I called them about it and had to get an engineer as the second replacement fridge handle came off in my hand I was assured that the engineer would also inspect the floor damage when he attended and we could resolve that issue. The engineer arrived and when I asked him to inspect the floor as per customer services instructions and he laughed and said it wasn't his his job to do that and customer services at hotpoint were always saying stuff like that to get people off the phone I called customer services furious and was told to email my complaint in writing and the escalation department would deal with it that was six weeks ago and still no phone call I emailed again 3 weeks ago and received a reply from an alleged customer service director apologising and stating that someone would contact me shortly I am at my wits end as still have had no call my flooring covers a large kitchen/ dining area and will be expensive to replace can anyone advise me or point me in the right direction of what my options are to force them to resolve this as I am at a loss any help would be gratefully appreciated I Would certainly not recommend a hotpoint product to anyone and I would never buy from them again as their customer service department are a comple and utter joke
  9. Back in February we bought a fridge freezer from our local John Lewis store. We noticed around June that there was an excessive build up of ice on the back of the fridge. We called out the engineer and he said it was normal. He also showed me where the ice goes when it melted. We then noticed in July that the ice was melting and the water was landing/dripping onto food on the shelves beneath it. I sent another email to JL and they arranged for the engineer to return - his response was that because of all the fridge magnets on the front of the fridge door had caused the door to become misaligned, due to the weight of all the magnets, preventing the door from sealing properly! I did have to laugh ! What a pathetic excuse. Ironically, it was the same engineer who came before and hadnt said anything about the magnets then ! Hmmm ! I have now told the store that I am now exercising my rights under the sales of Goods act 1979 to either repair or replace the defective fridge freezer. However, should this fail would I have any redress from the bank as I used my debit card to pay ? How long do you have before you are no longer entitled to claim ? thanks Dean
  10. Hi all, I purchased a second-hand freezer for £40 from a second-hand shop two weeks ago. My father and I loaded it into the back of his car with the help of the shop assistant. We drove it home, unloaded it carefully and plugged it in. I threw some frozen food in there the next day and, a few days later, went to get it out. It was all melted, because the freezer wasn't working. We unplugged it, plugged it back in, fiddled with the dial switch ... Nothing worked. When I went back to the shop to tell them this (they offered a one-month guarantee that it would work), the manager asked me if I'd plugged it in immediately when getting it home. I said yes. He told me I should have waited 12 hours, as sometimes the gases in the freezer can be dislodged if it is laid on its side. A quick Google revealed he was right about this, but I asked why I hadn't been advised of this when I purchased it as it doesn't strike me as common knowledge. He went quiet and told me he'd get back to me. I called again today. He told me again that it was working perfectly when he picked it up and it was probably a result of me plugging it in immediately that has "broken it" and, once again, he's said he'll get back to me. I have no way of knowing whether it did work when he picked it up as it wasn't plugged in in the shop. I have no way of knowing if it was a result of plugging it in immediately that caused it to stop working. But I do know that I wasn't advised to wait 12 hours, that he's sold me a freezer that doesn't work and he's not taking any steps to solve the problem. I've had a look at the Consumer Rights Act, which suggests second-hand goods purchased from a second-hand shop are the same as those for new goods. My question is whether I have a leg to stand on if I was the one to "break it", even though the perils of moving a freezer weren't explained to me and we can't prove it either way. I'm trying to think of another example to use to get my point across to him that it was the shop's responsibility to instruct me on this, especially as they sell a lot of freezers/fridges, but my mind's a blank. I know it's only £40, but it's the principal and the hassle of having to move the thing again, then buy another one, move that ... and I'd like to prevent him doing this to other people in future. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you, Capybara
  11. After a little bit of advice at the moment… I am concerned our integrated Neff Fridge Freezer may not be fit for purpose (as opposed to faulty). I purchased it from AO.com roughly 18 months ago and paid via credit card. For the moment I have been following the manufactures warranty claim procedure. I am aware my contract is with the retailer but elected to contact the manufacture as I deemed this the path of least resistance and quickest route to a working fridge freezer. To their credit, they have been very quick in despatching engineers and overall I am pleased with their response. Unfortunately however it hasn’t necessarily resolved my concern. To put it into context, last Wednesday was the hottest day for several years, I believe temperatures peaked around 34c in the hottest parts of the country, and that’s when problems started. I came downstairs at roughly 10PM and heard the fridge freezer alarm sounding. I went to check and the freezer was at -10 (it should be -18). I attributed it to what had been a hot day (though by this point it was obviously much cooler), put the freezer on to ‘super’ mode and assumed it would be back to normal in the morning. By the morning it was still alarming, this time at -2! That’s despite being on ‘super’ freezing all night! I contact Neff who advise me to do a manual defrost (turn it off for 8 hours). Once I had done this (pretty inconvenient) I turned it back on. The fridge very quickly reached its set temperature of 4c. The freezer did absolutely nothing for at least 5 hours until we went to bed. I contact Neff who arrange an engineer visit. Annoyingly, at some point during the night the freezer miraculously started working and by breakfast time it was at -7. By evening it was back to -18. At this point I prepared to put it down to ‘weirdness’ and hope that it’s just a one off. Not wanting to end up paying for an engineer to find “no fault” I cancel the visit. Saturday comes and it’s also a pretty warm day. Early afternoon the freezer alarm sounds again, its back at -7. I clear the alarm and reside myself to the fact it really is faulty. I did not monitor the temperature beyond this but noted the alarm light was on until my last observation in the evening. I call Neff once again and schedule an engineer visit. But, once again come the next morning it’s back at -18. Being quite convinced there is something wrong with it I see through with the engineer visit. The engineer has today visited and whilst being helpful and thorough, unable to isolate any particular fault putting it down to a “glitch with the weather”. I attempt to clarify this, but don’t really get anywhere – the freezer is rated for ambient conditions up to 38c – even in the hottest parts of the country it’s only touched 34c. To my mind a £1000 Neff fridge freezer should be the best of the best, I shouldn’t get nonsense like this just because it gets a bit warm – a freezer should by definition keep food frozen (within its rated environment). If no individual component is faulty yet the system as a whole does not meet specification surely this renders the device not fit for purpose? My question is; if I ever wanted to bring a claim against the retailer under the sale of goods act how would I substantiate this? Even an independent engineer may not be able to document a specific fault - It appears to be a result of an under specification in the units design. As I mentioned earlier, it’s not like this is a cheap and cheerful fridge freezer – it really should be able to cope with the extremes of a British summer, as indeed significantly cheaper models do.
  12. Hi, In October 2012 I purchased an American style double door fridge freezer from John Lewis for £705.00 with a two year warranty. For some time now it has been leaking water and getting so bad that it is leaving a large puddle on my kitchen floor. I read somewhere that it is possible to ask the original supplier for a free of charge repair, despite the fact that the warranty has expired, on the grounds that it is reasonable to have expected it to last longer than it has given the price paid. Today I have telephoned John Lewis to explain my situation, they said they were unable to help as the warranty had expired but did suggest I telephone the manufacturer, Samsung, to see if they would be prepared to help. I have tried to do that but they are closed. I intend trying them again at a later date but in the meantime could someone tell me where I stand legally so that I am armed with the correct information when I make the call. Many Thanks.
  13. I bought the Beko CDA648FS which is a double fridge freezer for £80 on eBay. I found that it is running constantly and doesn't turn off, which points to a faulty thermostat. Anyway, after searching parts, I found that the particular model is due for a recall because of a house fire a similar model caused. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2011322/Beko-fridge-freezer-recall-Bermondsey-tower-block-warning-half-million-families.html Do I have any hope in a refund, or even replacement from Beko? EDIT: Nevermind! I used the Beko checker and it said my one is not affected. Feel free to delete!
  14. Can anyone figure this one out. I recently defrosted the freezer part of a fridge/freezer and have since worked out that the fridge part uses less electricity when the thermostat is set to a lower temperature. For some reason the fridge is much better at sustaining a lower temperature, than it was when I thought I had it set at a more economic setting. Is it just that the thermostat is dodgy or that with a higher temperature setting, the fridge is having to turn of/off to try to obtain a temperature that it is difficult to manage, as part of a fridge/freezer set up. i.e if the fridge temperature is closer to that of the freezer, it is easier to manage in the overall set up.
  15. Evening all Was wantin to pick your brains over an issue I have with Samsung. I bought an american style fridge freezer in december of 2007, which turned out to have dangerous manufacturing defects, samsung sent out an engineer to rectify this. When it was 3 and a half years old it packed in , with what turned out to be a design fault (featured on watchdog) samsung replaced it. The SAME fault has now occurred (3 years on) and samsung are adamant that this slightly newer model does not have the same design fault and will not do anything. I quoted SOGA to no avail. This was a £1000 purchase, I would expect the 1st one to still be going strong at this point not for the 2nd to have packed in too!!! Any advice on next steps anyone? Am I going to have to fork out?
  16. Hi, We have bought fridge freezer (RL60GZEMG) from Currys .Freezer delivered on 10-Aug-2014 and was advised to leave for 8 hours before switching on which we did however afterwords noticed two faults with the fridge freezer. 1-Paint Fault on internal panel - It seems someone made a rework at manufacturing facility and its obvious when you open the door. We have paid £629 for brand new condition whereas this one should have been classified as outlet/discounted due to paint fault. I called Currys and they have booked engineer visit. Engineer came (14-Aug-2014) and took picture with his mobile phone (with broken screen) and advised to wait call from Samsung in 48 hrs. Today I received call from Samsung and they said its working as it should be and there is no fault with the fridge!!! 2- Second thing, Fridge motor was very loud. We waited an overnight to see if that was a loudness due to first kick off but wasn’t, it didn’t go away. I have decided to measure dB with my phone and it was showing 84dB whereas its advertised as 40dB. During the engineer visit i mentioned that point as well and he removed back cover and checked the motor (didn’t say nothing) and did not measure the loudness just said its normal wait until it wears out and it won’t make same sound!!! At the end we decided to return this back to Currys. I have send them an email on 11-Aug-2014 requesting return and no response received for a while and I have called Currys to say that under the cooling off 7 days I wish to return the item. They have told me that as the item has been powered on,they term it as having been "used" and as such they wont take it back. Now I’m quite frustrated and equally confused. Currys doesn't accept return back whereas I know we have statuary right to return anything back within first 14 days regardless of open/unopened condition of the item. Samsung doesn’t recognise above two points and i end up requesting another engineer visit but i do not want to play with fault card even though there is a genuine fault with the product. Can you please advise me how can get Currys to accept this return, who do i need to escalate this? to Ombudsman, Trade office or Citizen advise bureau honestly fed up with this and desperate for any help. Many thanks
  17. This could be a fun one.... A few weeks ago we moved house and our fridge freezer is the American type, tall with two vertical doors. We've had it a few years, a few small dents here and there. We weren't able to move it ourselves because of the size but (for those of you who know), we found someone on the Facebook "selling" groups locally - called Jean Claude Van Man. He quoted £35 to move it with two people for which we agreed. They arrive with a large transit sized van and proceed to pick it up (without really assessing anything) - they lift it on it's side (so the freezer door would swing open), and start taking it out of our rear double doors (there is a step down to a patio area). As the chap at the back inside the house gets towards it, he stumbles forward dropping it out the door, it landing on it's freezer door edge. Shelves spill out, one of them cracking the plastic frame. I'm not impressed by this point, so they upright it and get it on a sack truck(!) and get it to the van. By this point my partner points out that they better have insurance to cover the damage ... nothing is said. They load it in the van on it's side, pushing it in on a blanket of some description. Unloading at the other end is easier but I notice how much damage has been caused. Chips down the edge of the freezer door and at the bottom where it scraped. Scratches on the inside of the fridge door and a nice white scratch on the front of the door. Later on I put 1 and 1 together and realised that there is a nice long dent on the side of the unit, exactly where they had pushed it in the transit van. I got a "sorry about that" but thinking I was doing the right thing I paid them £35 (in thinking that by paying what I had agreed I kept my part of the contract therefore could take them to court for cost to repair or replace depending which is cheaper). So it ends up going back on Facebook that they drop it to which it is virtually flatly denied and they claim "they have offered to put it right" for which they have done nothing. I was given an address to write to to make my complaint for which I have sent a letter recorded delivery. Not delivered and it hasn't been collected (9 days now since attempted delivery) - I'm pretty sure I'm having it returned. There were messages on Facebook from them to us but they have now blocked us and the messages appear from "Facebook User" (but on the main screen it shows the name). I have a certain amount of evidence of them admitting liability but in my letter I request details of their liability insurers, which I'm 99.9% sure they don't have. My question in all of this is, assuming the letter is returned with no delivery, based on the above - is this sufficient to take them to court for compensation? I would request the amount it would cost to put it back to pre-dropped condition - whatever it costs to repair doors, failing that, replace doors, and if that's too expensive, replace the entire unit. I understand my evidence is mostly unsubstantiated but I have plenty of pictures of the damage and a few screenshots from facebook and also the messages we have from them. My next move? Many thanks.
  18. Hi guys can someone help We have a BEKO fridge freezer, with extended comet warrenty. Ive just spoken to the guys that have taken ownership of the warranty and they have refused to help - stating cosmetic issue not a breakdown. The problem is the freezer door has rusted, under the paintwork!!. Near the water dispenser and at the foot of the door. there is no damage on the door and it has been kept dry and clean. The machine was purchased 17/10/2011. The warranty centre said to call beko as its a manufacturing issue. When i called beko on 01923 654649 (head office number) they passed the buck back to the warranty centre. I then explained this is a manufacturing issue not a breakdown. He then said i will give you a number of a repair centre that will do the job at my cost!! I then said under the sales of goods act he needs to address this issue, he said its void as it was with comet?!?!. I was just amazed at the poor attitude of beko customer service, he was not helpful or had an ounce of empathy in him. I came of the phone steaming. Can anyone give me any pointers which direction i should go now to get this expensive 2 1/2 year old machine repaired before it falls to pieces under its own weight. If anything i now know i wont be purchasing beko again, i will stick to the samsungs from now on, i wish i had in this case it was only that the beko was slightly larger when we bought it.
  19. well, i am not going into the lengthy details of my issues with comet and their appalling customer service, it would take too long, but as a little encouragement to those of you out there with problems, i have just returned from court where i was claiming for a full refund on a faulty item of over £300, it has taken nine months, but i won in the end, and the item in question will not be collected, i have to dispose of it myself, their logic is strange, they could have had the faulty item returned to the manufacturer from day one when it failed and it would have cost them nothing, and replaced it with a new one, so everyone would be happy, in my opinion they do not have a clue about how to service their customers ...free at last to move on
  20. I have just started an appalling relationship with Comet. I bought a Panasonic fridge freezer which was delivered on 29th August 2012 and within 4 days broke down. I have to date spent a full day on the issue, including a trip to the store itself. All I have been offered is an engineers visit in 5 days time. I have asked for it to be removed and a full refund, but Comet have refused. It looks as though I may well be have to take them to court, and am currently having to use a cool box and ask neighbours to freeze cool packs for me. My advice is to avoid Comet and Panasonic at all costs. I spoke intelligently and calmly to both organisations and I might just as well have not bothered. I have put my complaint in writing to Comet and sent it recorded delivery. I also emailed them, and I received the cursery email back saying they would reply within 24 hours. If anyone is considering buying from Comet or Panasonic I would think very carefully indeed. Panasonic use an outsourced company to service their goods.
  21. I went through for a drink there, and the temperature display for the fridge is showing 14C, although the freezer is still fine. Its one of these big side by side things, frost free and made by Samsung, with a drinks dispenser (at a push big enough for 3 bodies! . I am in Glasgow just now, but will be away from tomorrow afternoon, then back again about the weekend or perhaps a bit earlier. There is close to little food in either side as there is a take-away within a five minute walk, so I can just kill what's in it and unplug it. Can anyone recommend someone for repairing Sumsung FFs in Glasgow (preferably who can be very specific about the time they will arrive)?
  22. Hi can anyone tell me what my rights are regarding a Fridge Freezer which was noisy from day one. According to the manual some noise of the refrigerant is 'normal' but the noise is meant to stop after a 'couple of weeks' once everything has 'settled down'. It hasn't! It crackles and pops like a bowl of Rice Crispies with Tourettes! It is in the kitchen but can be heard in the lounge and upstairs when we are in bed. I was willing to wait a while to see if it stopped but it is clear now it has not improved. Not sure if this is relevant but this is the second one we have had. The first one was not the same as the one in the picture on the website and the door was dented. I spent ages (and lots of 10p's per minute) on the phone trying to find out which model was the one in the picture. After assurances that the first one must have been old stock the second one turned up and was the same. I informed the driver this was not the one we were told we were getting and he phoned his 'office/depot' and told them as well as writing this on the delivery note we signed. Would this count as rejection of the item at delivery? If not/so what action should I take? Thanks in advance PS It is less than 6 months old.
  23. Hi all, Purchased a "Hotpoint" fridge/freezer from Next (online) in Feb 2009 and it's now packed up (freezer section kept icing up really badly and fridge light kept going on and off and has now just shorted and electric my Husband). At time of writing it's 19 months after the purchase date so past the manufacturers 12 month warranty period. I did not purchase any extended warranty from Next or Hotpoint (Fridge/Freezer Manufacture). I just wondering what the next best action to take would be, should I contact Next or Hotpoint. Would be grateful if those in the know could let me know what they think. Any help/guidance appreciated, thanks.
  24. Hello Everyone, A thanks for all the great advice I have already read on here which has been helpful and eye opening. I bought a Beko Fridge Freezer from Currys early feb of this year. Noticed last night that the freezer had defrosted its self and the contents are cold but not frozen. The machine is running from time to time but not for long enough to get things to refreeze. The fridge is cold. Obviously I will need to eat what I can from the freezer and then chuck the rest. Called Currys this morning, their phone system put me straight through to Beko to arrange a repair. Beko said they will call back within 48 hours to arrange an appointment. I know under SOG regs any repair / remedy should be carried out with the minimal inconvenience to the buyer. I think that do be without a freezer and with a fridge, whose thermostat that I do not trust, for more than a few days is highly inconvenient. In addition with the appliance partially working there is a huge food safety issue. It being Friday today I would expect someone to have come by the end of Monday at the latest. Also what is the opinion on time slots for engineers' visits? I feel that were I to be told that they will visit between 7 and 7 is inconvienent - not that I have a time yet. Under the SOG, can I ask for reimbursement for the freezer contents? I suspect Currys / Beko are going to tell me that I am not covered regardless of what the law actually says. When I originally got the fridge freezer there was a huge saga as they did not take the old one away as per my orderr with them. Frankly I would like them to mess up under the SOG so I can push for an complete refund so I can start again wtih a better model from someone else. Wish I had never gone to Currys. Thanks in advance for any help H
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