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Found 7 results

  1. HI last week I had a fire at home that started within 10mins of plugging in my washing machine, I was upstairs when the electricity tripped went in the kitchen to check and the plug was on fire, it was plugged into extension cable on the floor. I phoned fire brigade and got out of house along with daughter and dog, the fire took hold and destroyed my fridge, microwave, tumble dryer and severely smoke damaged my walls and Kitchen cabinets that I had fitted last week. I phoned Beko who sent out an engineer took photos of damage and washing machine, he stated to me he could not say whether the plug had or had not caused the fire as the plug was not there to examine, I honestly dont know what happened to it it was just a blob of plastic with everything getting thrown out in the garden I dont know where it was, he didnt even cut the cable from the machine to check that. Friday I got an email to say that after their visual inspection their machine was not to blame, and thats the end of that. I was told I could discard the machine the scrap man has taken it now I dont know which way to turn, I am not insured after saving up for 2 years for my new kitchen its totally ruined, well the doors are. I would be grateful of any advice what to do next, after I received the email on Friday I did get a little angry and emailed back I would be taking them to small claims, just wondering if this is an option?
  2. We bought a BEKO fridge / freezer that comes with a £100 cashback deal. One of the reasons that swayed our decision from another similar different brand fridge was the cashback offer. They have a form you fill out on their website to claim. But when you fill it out and press submit, it refreshes the page and everything is blank again. No messages, no emails or anything from them. We filled this out 3 times on different browsers and computers. We have contacted them on the contact form but no answer. It seems that they don't want to give cashback to people. Whats the best route to go down with this? Edit: I've emailed the CEO and will update here if I get a response.
  3. Hi guys can someone help We have a BEKO fridge freezer, with extended comet warrenty. Ive just spoken to the guys that have taken ownership of the warranty and they have refused to help - stating cosmetic issue not a breakdown. The problem is the freezer door has rusted, under the paintwork!!. Near the water dispenser and at the foot of the door. there is no damage on the door and it has been kept dry and clean. The machine was purchased 17/10/2011. The warranty centre said to call beko as its a manufacturing issue. When i called beko on 01923 654649 (head office number) they passed the buck back to the warranty centre. I then explained this is a manufacturing issue not a breakdown. He then said i will give you a number of a repair centre that will do the job at my cost!! I then said under the sales of goods act he needs to address this issue, he said its void as it was with comet?!?!. I was just amazed at the poor attitude of beko customer service, he was not helpful or had an ounce of empathy in him. I came of the phone steaming. Can anyone give me any pointers which direction i should go now to get this expensive 2 1/2 year old machine repaired before it falls to pieces under its own weight. If anything i now know i wont be purchasing beko again, i will stick to the samsungs from now on, i wish i had in this case it was only that the beko was slightly larger when we bought it.
  4. I bought a Beko WM6355W washing machine from Currys on 14th November 2009, less than 3 years ago. It's been used sparingly since then. We are pensioners who live alone and don't have a mass of washing to do on a daily basis. In fact quite often we don't even have a full load for a couple of days. today I put a wash into it and set it going. That is, I pressed the button to set it going, but nothing happened. I switched off and tried again and still nothing. On another restart I pressed down both the cancel/start button and the on switch at the same time and a message of E08 came on the display. I presume this to be an error message. So, a knackered washer under 3 years old folks.... Is this likely to be considered to be an unduly early demise under the sale of goods act? The last washer I had, an Indesit, lasted me almost 9 years. If the SOGA could be invoked how do I go about a complaint? I'll call Currys but I doubt if I'll get far. I mean, it's out of warranty isn't it, and doesn't have an extended warranty. For the sake of it, I will mention that I have bought all sorts of things from the group including a 3D TV for my son, a tumble dryer, an Ipad thingy etc. I doubt if this will swing any favours but it should point me in a new direction if not. _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Sale of Goods Act requires a durability factor which is generally determined by a recognised body. So, I've done a bit searching and found that the Product Life Institute of Geneva gives a household washing machine an expected life of 10 years. 3 years is a long way short of this. As a concession to the use so far obtained from the Beko I would be prepared to accept a discount of 70% against a new one.
  5. BEKO DG582WP gas cooker purchased online June 2010. When this cooker was about 8 months old it developed a fault where the grill would not stay lit after ignition - no matter how long the regulator was held in. I discovered that I could get around this by holding in the regulator and simultaneously jiggling the pin that operates the grill door's gas shut-off device, but at around the 11th month even this trick failed to work and I had to call for an engineer to fix the problem. It redeveloped the same fault around 6 months after the repair, but as the cooker was now out of warranty, I decided to start not shutting the grill door after use to prevent the shut-off device from sticking (it seems to me that the pin that operates the device may be too long, and when the grill door is shut it puts too much pressure on the device causing it to jam), but forgetting myself and shutting the door, leaving it closed overnight, has again rendered the grill useless. Where might I stand with Argos if I claim this is an inherent fault?
  6. I've been browsing through the forums to see how I go about getting some sort of refund/replacement for my faulty fridge freezer and wondered if someone would kindly help me out? I bought the Beko CDA 543F fridge freezer in July 2008 and have had no problems with it until now. However, the last couple of weeks I noticed that the food in the freezer was not frozen properly and that the milk was going off a lot more quickly than usual. I called comet, who sent out a technician for a fee of £69, saying that I would be refunded if he deemed the appliance to be faulty. Well, sure enough it's faulty alright! Apparently the gas has leaked out (through no fault of mine he said) and it would not be worth my while to get it repaired as the same thing would only happen again. I'm going to phone Comet back in a sec to ask for the £69 to be refunded, but wanted to know how to claim under SOGA? Help! Also - should I hold off buying a new one until I've contacted them? Don't know if I can survive that long without a fridge! Thanks guys
  7. Hello Everyone, A thanks for all the great advice I have already read on here which has been helpful and eye opening. I bought a Beko Fridge Freezer from Currys early feb of this year. Noticed last night that the freezer had defrosted its self and the contents are cold but not frozen. The machine is running from time to time but not for long enough to get things to refreeze. The fridge is cold. Obviously I will need to eat what I can from the freezer and then chuck the rest. Called Currys this morning, their phone system put me straight through to Beko to arrange a repair. Beko said they will call back within 48 hours to arrange an appointment. I know under SOG regs any repair / remedy should be carried out with the minimal inconvenience to the buyer. I think that do be without a freezer and with a fridge, whose thermostat that I do not trust, for more than a few days is highly inconvenient. In addition with the appliance partially working there is a huge food safety issue. It being Friday today I would expect someone to have come by the end of Monday at the latest. Also what is the opinion on time slots for engineers' visits? I feel that were I to be told that they will visit between 7 and 7 is inconvienent - not that I have a time yet. Under the SOG, can I ask for reimbursement for the freezer contents? I suspect Currys / Beko are going to tell me that I am not covered regardless of what the law actually says. When I originally got the fridge freezer there was a huge saga as they did not take the old one away as per my orderr with them. Frankly I would like them to mess up under the SOG so I can push for an complete refund so I can start again wtih a better model from someone else. Wish I had never gone to Currys. Thanks in advance for any help H
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