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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, quick precise: April 2016 Test drive on a 2007 Ford Cabriolet with hood down, then put roof up and inspected. Decided to purchase. Collected car after several problems with DVLA First attempt to tax - DVLA had no records of Reg. No. Telephoned DVLA - would look into it Next day car appeared as untaxed, unsorned since August 2015 Next, DVLA could find no owner for the vehicle. Told garage not happy - explained they had purchased it in August 2015, laid it up for winter, mot'd February 2016, a nd were able to tax prior to collection Car collected, again hood down. Half way home red engine light permanently on, returned and left on garage forecourt as they were closed. Put right next day. After driving around for a day, top up, noticed and 'nasty' interior smell. Again told garage about that and a couple of small faults, told make a list and book in. I have had dealing with this garage previously, and no problems. They just recently hired a car salesman and were now offering cars for sale. over the next couple of weeks, the smell got consistent and worse, attempted to book in for works to be done, especially smell, each time I was told salesman not available and no one else could deal. Eventually, car went in for warranty repairs, including a new set of cherished number plates. Repairs took 2 full weeks, and on a Friday was told car ready Monday. I contacted DVLA to be told we cannot do this online as there is a problem with this car's Licencing History. By this time I was completely worried about this car, so visited dealer again and told them we were rejecting the car - he laughed in my face and said you've paid, so hard luck!! Car was left outside my home 2 days later, and guess what, smell worse than ever. Took to a Ford dealership who immediately found the fault, interior carpets were mouldy (pad underneath). Suspected roof leaf. Upon going on internet I found this was a well known fault with the vehicle. Dealer says all cabriolets should be laid up August to March! a fact they did not observe during the last Winter. Will do nothing, surely this is unfit for purpose and an inherent fault? Many thanks in advance for opinions
  2. Hi folks sorry if im going over old ground, to cut a long story short i bought a car from AC and within 7 days it broke down with an inherent fault, the code of which we have documented 5 times by the AA over the last year, the car did go in for repair during the warranty period (was in garage for 53 days at one point) but the obvious fault was never dealt with and we feel the car was managed to get it through the warranty period, is it worth getting a solicitor involved or is there any other people who can help us get our money back, unfortunately our house insurance has legal aid but it wont cover motoring claims. We are waiting to hear back from my credit card as i payed a deposit with that, what is the chances we will see anything back!? Cheers for any info
  3. hi all, just a note to highlight how loyds inherently missold ppi. edited, for future editing
  4. BEKO DG582WP gas cooker purchased online June 2010. When this cooker was about 8 months old it developed a fault where the grill would not stay lit after ignition - no matter how long the regulator was held in. I discovered that I could get around this by holding in the regulator and simultaneously jiggling the pin that operates the grill door's gas shut-off device, but at around the 11th month even this trick failed to work and I had to call for an engineer to fix the problem. It redeveloped the same fault around 6 months after the repair, but as the cooker was now out of warranty, I decided to start not shutting the grill door after use to prevent the shut-off device from sticking (it seems to me that the pin that operates the device may be too long, and when the grill door is shut it puts too much pressure on the device causing it to jam), but forgetting myself and shutting the door, leaving it closed overnight, has again rendered the grill useless. Where might I stand with Argos if I claim this is an inherent fault?
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