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  1. Back in late October 2014 we purchased an Hitachi Fridge Freezer. One of those amazing offers reduced from £499 to £349. In mid April it failed with a code (5r) being displayed. I called Argos and was advised that I should find a company to check it out and produce a report then they would make a decision. The mention of 3 and a half years was an obstacle I was told. Just how hard to find someone anyhow eventually (and a mini fridge purchase later) I find a local company. 2 visits and 2 hours later they decided it was an exceptionally small leak over time and repaired it. They had a charge whatever plus an additional charge for the re-gassing. Come late May I write to Argos and get a fobbed off reply that I used an unauthorised company (what?!) and they offer me a £30 store voucher. This is NOT April the 1st. I then reply again and again I get a letter after a month still offering a voucher and it appears I've been 'dismissed'. On Sunday 5th August and two months has passed we are back to that '5r' fault display. The unit has totally failed and I'm in despair. What can I do?
  2. Just needing some advice really. I purchased a TV from Argos on 1 Jan 2019. Worked perfectly until last night. Unable to make contact with Argos by phone or Live chat as they direct you to the manufacturer. I did call the Sony and they said that as it's out of guarantee I would be charged for any repairs. My understanding is that my contract is with Argos and not Sony and it sticks in my throat that I paid £740 for a TV I expected to last around 5 to 7 years to only last 2 years and 4 months. Argos appear to be making it impossible for a customer to make this type of complaint to them as you can't speak to them or live chat unless it is an existing order or within 45 days. Does anyone have an email address and any advice as to how to take this forward please?
  3. Hi I bought a philips tv from Argos in sep 2016 using fast track paid online and collected the same day , I received a text to say it was ready for collection so off I went to pick it up. The guy who brought it out said your proof of purchase and guarantee is in your account under your recent orders which it was . last month the tv developed a fault ( thick dark shadow across the screen) so I rang Argos and they said their warranty was only for 12 months but the manufacturers warrant is 2 years so ring philips which I did . Philips said to send in some pictures of the fault and proof of purchase ! So I went to my Argos account and my order was there until I click on it and it says "order not found" so I ring Argos who said they remove orders after 12 months and herein lies my problem , Philips won't authorise a repair until I have proof of purchase and Argos have said they will find my order and email it me but this has been going on for weeks with Argos just stringing me along ! Any one know where I stand legally on this please Thanks in advance
  4. Hello, I purchased an electric shower from Argos, the description stated 'suitable for all water systems'. I employed a trades person on a fit only basis, when the shower was fitted it did not function, on investigation the shower was suitable for cold water mains supply only which I do not have. This has resulted in me paying the trades person twice, the second time to fit a suitable shower and left a fixing hole in my wall the new shower doesn't cover. I have written to Argos and they state 1. It is the fitters responsibility to read the manufacturers instructions even though the fitting was carried out correctly 2. The duty of care rests with the trades person even though I instructed them to fit the shower confident it was the right one as advertised. I have asked for compensation for the plumbing costs and a goodwill gesture for the damaged wall which they are refusing. Can anyone help. Thanks
  5. Hi all, Long story, which I will try to keep short for you! I purchased a Humax Freeview recorder for £199 in Jan 2016 on my debit card. Over time it developed lots of faults, such as random crashes, missed programs, freezing and even not turning on. After researching the product online, I decided to take it for a refund - Lots of similar stories from other users. This was within a year of purchasing it. The girl on the till wouldn't refund to my debit card as the card I used to purchase it had been reported lost/stolen. I was made to take a refund onto a gift card, which I reluctantly accepted, thinking I'd buy another freeview box from them anyway. After reviewing the options, I decided on a £400 TV instead. Bought the TV and the picture quality was awful, with vertical banding (dark black lines) particularly on one side of the screen and generally poor quality image quality when compared to the 10 year old TV it was replacing! I took this TV back and swapped for another of the same - this one also produced a poor quality image, I got in touch with Argos via their live chat feature on their website today. The girl I was chatting to called the store that I got the TV from (FastTrack) originally and she came back saying they would refund £200 cash and £200 to my new debit card as long as I could provide the long card number and expiry date. I printed the chat transcript, called my bank to get these details and took the card number, the transcript and all my receipts into the store for my refund. They denied ever saying this to the girl at the customer service centre and said that they cannot refund to my card without the card, which I explained was impossible as it was reported lost/stolen! They wouldn't do it with a printed bank statement showing the original transaction either. They also said the store has final say on the matter and gave me an 0345 number for head office, which I called tonight only to be told I have to email head office as they were "only customer service, so we don't have the authority to override the store's decision". No phone number for head office apparently?! Has this happened to anyone here and where do I stand? I don't want to keep buying "blind" at Argos and would prefer to take my money elsewhere - somewhere I can actually see the TV in action before purchasing. Thanks very much in advance for any advice you're able to give before I write to Argos Head Office tomorrow Looking at their returns and refunds policy suggests the following can be used as a proof of purchase. All of which I can produce. WHAT COUNTS AS PROOF OF PURCHASE? Any of these: Till/kiosk receipt confirmation email e-receipt your order number If you can’t find one of the above, don’t worry. We should be able to sort everything out if you have: your card/bank statement the email address used to buy your item Hmm. Surely, as I can provide all the above (bar the stolen/lost payment card) proves I am the person who purchased the Freeview box to start with, so why are they not prepared to refund me?
  6. I went into Argos to use my card which had an available balance of £50 (I logged into my account online to check) and the card was declined in store. I called them up and they said my account has been closed and they are seeking to recover outstanding balance of £250. I hadn't. Even. Profiled that it had been closed and been making payments each both. They said I'd missed a couple of payments (which were late not missed). If only received statement letters from them asking for minimum payment and they are still charging me interest! I'm not in a position to pay more then the minimum payment but will never clear it at this rate and there's no point trying to and putting myself in debt with other creditors. My husband is the only earner and we struggle month to month. I've tried to keep things afloat but it's been hard. How do I get a final balance from them and get them to stop charging interest? Thank you
  7. Hi. I'm totally sick to death of this, and wanted to know where I stand. I'm sure a few of you will have been in the same situation at one time or another. I recently bought an Xbox controller from Argos. It was the Elite, which costs £120, a lot of money for a controller. Less than 4 months later it's broken. I contacted Argos and all they'll do is give me Microsoft's number. Microsoft want me to post it to them at my expense, this is unacceptable for a number of reasons. Firstly, I paid for a working product, I don't want to shell out any more. Secondly, I don't want to be without a controller for several days or even weeks. Lastly, it should not my responsibility to do any chasing around, I just want to return it to the store and get a replacement. Where do I stand with this? This isn't the first time a store has fobbed me off with this and I'm sick of it. Posting my broken electronics to some obscure industrial estate in Europe is just unacceptable, are these stores breaking the law? I'm tempted to just issue a court claim right away, but I know I have to give them a chance to fix it. So I've sent a strongly worded email notifying them that I want it fixed, and that I will pursue it through MCOL if necessary. Hopefully it won't come to that. I don't always go nuclear, but like I said this has happened so many times. These large chain stores sell you a product then just wash their hands of it. "Broken is it sir? Past 30 days, not our problem, you'll need to call this number..." etc. I'm sick of it! Thoughts and advice?
  8. Hi everyone, I parked my car at the Peel Centre in Stockport to pickup an item which was reserved for me in Argos. Its my first visit at the Peel Centre and no doubt will be the last. Upon arrival there were no visible signs or parking machines around the perimeter so I gathered the parking was free. I went to the store to pickup the item but was told it was reserved by their other store just around the corner. The staff asked if I parked my car here, I replied yes and so she advised me to leave the vehicle here and its only a 5 minute walk. I took her advice but didn't return until an hour later after experiencing a small queue at the store and receiving a phone call from a friend. When I returned back, there was no ticket on my windscreen and so I left the Peel Centre. 12 days later I received a PCN from Excel parking via post demanding payment of £60 within 14 days. I contacted Argos and asked to speak to the store manager but was told there was nothing could be done which was disappointing. Since then, following the advice I received from my friends after the experience they've had from other parking companies, I continued to ignore all letters and correspondence relating to Excel. Currently I'm at the stage in which I received a letter from Wright Hassall solicitors demanding final payment of £180 within 14 days or else a CCJ will be imposed upon me which will have impact on future loans and credit rating. I have searched a lot of forums relating to this matter and the majority of the people on here suggest to keep ignoring them since Wright Hassall has no grounds to issue a CCJ since their client is ZZPS Ltd who are debt collectors and not Excel Parking. Although it might sound crazy but do I continue to ignore Wright Hassall if this is the case? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Hi all. Well what a lovely end to the week! Very briefly... i went to a local mini retail park on Newport road in Cardiff. Spent no more than 10 mins in Argos if that. Put a large box in my car. Went to Aldi again no more than 10 mins in there (walked out after not wanting to que) and i come back to find i ticket on my windscreen. Now back tracking, i work somewhere i have to park in a supermarket car park where im constantly having my car banged and scraped. when i go to park in the retail park i know im gong to have a heavy box (was buying a desk chair) so wanted to park as close as i could and when i go to pull in the car in the space next to me is completely on the wonk, and i just think there is no way im parking close to that idiot so i park over the next line. Now i do admit its annoying when people do this. However i dont expect to get charged £60 for the pleasure especially when its no more than a 20 min time period. What annoyed me most was the car that was parked far worse than i was had been there the whole time and they hadn't got a ticket. Can you please advise me what to do. If you think its pointless fighting as i was over the line id rather just suck it up and pay the lower fee. But £60!!! Jease
  10. Good morning all. Im hoping for a bit of guidance really. I purchased an Acer laptop on Saturday but seems to be faulty. After its been on for a round 30mins to an hour it shuts itself off and then starts with a warning screen saying it wasn't shut down properly. The laptop doesn't seem to be overheating or anything as the fans are quiet and the base cool. I took it back to my local Argos (where I purchased it from) but was told I couldn't have a refund and would need to be sent off. I explained the little I know of the SoGA but was given the same response. Are they right? I dont want to be without a laptop for the foreseeable future. Thanks very much
  11. Hi there. Problem with the washing Machine I bought last september. A month after purchase it caught fire, so I arranged for them to replace it. Argos were nice and helpful, no problems their end. Today the replacement has gone faulty, and now I am having trouble. First they are trying to foist me off onto hoover(I have no contract with Hoover) and then they tell me the Engineer cannot come for a week. What do I do to resolve this? Contact head Office?
  12. I took out a card in 2002, with my mum who has now passed away. I have been trying to pay this off, but the interest this month on £1950 is nearly £200. I cannot afford the payments let alone this interest. Does anyone have the same problem, as its just ridiculous.
  13. I'm reposting this here from another board in the hope someone can help clarify the legal situation and rights. My brother bought a Lenovo Yoga 10" tablet from Argos back in late October 2014. Only by no fault of his own after using it for a few hours one night just over 2 weeks ago and letting it rest\cool overnight he awoke to find the screen had a crack in it. Not the lcd screen, just the top digitizer part. He has always kept it in an official Lenovo case and did not (and I have no reason to dis-believe him) drop it at any point and he has no reason to lie about this. He has tried to take it back to Argos himself, the start of Jan, again claiming it was not dropped but Argos seemed to insist that it has to get sent to be evaluated by there agents that deal with these things than to offer a replacement or refund. When it came back, totally unrepaired or worked on the size of the crack had grown and is now from one end of the screen to the other. The response from the Argos store repairs agents states the item had not been dropped in any way but had developed a slight crack down the screen. Their findings say the unit has a damaged digitizer and that its not covered by the manufacturers warranty. They claim they are unable to source parts and say in there experience the cost of the repair would be about equal to that of the unit anyway. The agents then suggest my brother contact Lenovo directly to deal with what they see as a chargeble repair due to a claim the screen and digitizers are not manufacturer warranty covered. Now, some research I have done shows\indicates these screen self crack issues in Lenovo products is becoming quite common, well more reported yet Lenovo are seemingly refusing to accept its a manufacturing\quality issue or really directly responding to or commenting on such reports on there own support board. And indicators suggest it could be down to heat\temp\thermal hot spot issues or a flexability of the tablets casing with the possibility that the adhesive used to fix the digitizer down could be causing weak\stress points. I've now took this matter up on behalf of my brother as I'm somewhat more assertive and determined than he is dealing with these things. So I took the item back to Argos with there repair agents report myself to see what the stores official line was and is for myself. And to be honest it was like knocking my head against a brick wall with the standardised "if the manufacturer says a certain part is not covered then its not covered" & "take the matter up with the manufacturer if your not happy". The first staff member when explaining the situation to her, showing her the tablet and showing her the repair agents report caused her to have to go and speak to her manager and even call Lenovo over the claim the screens and digitizers on such items are not covered under Sales Of Goods Act in the UK etc due to Lenovo claiming the screens and digitizers are not covered by the manufacturers warranty. They came back after less than 10 minutes (funny how they got hold of someone high up in Lenovo to get that clarification so quickly eh?) and said for as long as Lenovo are standing by claims that tablet screens and digitizers are not covered under the manufacturers warranty then Argos on a store level can't do anything about the issue and suggest my brother take it up with Lenovo himself if he's not happy. So not happy I ask to speak to the store manager. The store manager is sticking to the same line as the staff member and Lenovo that they got hold of so quickly. The manager even went as far as to say "in my opinion the crack looks to be accidental user damage", yet would not accept our reasoning that if (which it had not) beed dropped there would almost certainly be signs of damage on the casing such as scrapes, dents or scratches as well as it being more likely the LCD screen would also have cracked and become damaged. The manager also refused to accept or even willing to look into my own findings and research that screen cracks do and can be caused by either poor build quality or heat issues with the screen etc. In fact, in handling the tablet myself it does feel to have a slight flex in it which I personally feel is unacceptable for a £200 tablet to feel somewhat flimsy and what I feel of poor build quality. The manager also refused to accept their repair agents report that stated the item had not been dropped as meaning they (the repair agents) found the item had not been dropped, but more my brothers original claim when it was sent off that it had not been dropped or misused or mistreated etc. But as I pointed out, there was also no signs of damage or indication that it had been dropped, user caused accidental damage or any such findings by their repair agents either. As if their repair agents had found or thought that to be the case then clearly they would have stated so than claimed such parts are not warranty covered. And if the findings could not determine any user end blame then that only leaves a manufacturing issue. And that their refusal to repair the item is based on both a claim that such parts are not covered under the manufacturers warranty and that they could not source the part anyway. Yet funny how they tried to source a part after determining that the same part is not covered I feel!. The store manager also did not want to clarify or even bother to check with their head office (claiming they don't have a number for their head office) on if the Sales Of Goods Act and having to be fit for purpose etc applies over a manufacturers claims certain parts are not covered. So as it is now, I'm a little unsure of where to go as clearly in my mind the store manager should have discussed the matter with a superior at their head office over claims certain parts are not covered by a manufacturers warranty and how the Sales Of Goods Act applies?.
  14. I Parked at the rear of Argos whilst I went straight to Argos to pay for the item. It had already been ordered on line. I was gone for no more than 5 or 10 minutes. When I returned to my car, there was a UKPC parking charge on the windscreen. I had parked a few yards away from the collection entrance as there was already a car there, and I didn't want to block any ones way. It was a Sunday and very quiet. There were plenty of other parking spaces available. The ticket on my windscreen states "A Parking charge of £ is outstanding" ....... there is no figure printed there, but if you look VERY closely, the printed amount is on the line below and mingles with further text so cannot be easily seen. I have a receipt from Argos for the item purchased, whose date and time is one minute away from the one on the parking ticket. I went back into Argos to complain, but the girl said it was nothing to do with them as it was not their land. I've also contacted Argos help on line .... and been told to sort it out with the parking company. I've also rung CAB for their advice. I've read some of the threads on here and feel more optimistic. Am I right in thinking that I need to wait for UKPC to write to me before doing anything? I realise that this would mean I might have to pay the £100, rather than the £60 (which is buried in the text) Any help gratefully received. Whatever the outcome though, my view of Argos has plummeted. Also, an elderly gentleman who parked at the same time as myself, got a parking ticket too. they must have been rubbing their hands together that day! The signage did say do not leave your car unattended, but I assumed that Argos owned the land, and being as they tell you to go around the back, that it would be alright to park there to pay for the item. Apologies for the length of this, but I wanted to give all the facts. Thank you P.S. The area I parked in has signs saying "No Unauthorised Parking". It was not a car park you bought a ticket to use. My parking Charge states "Parked in a permit area without displaying a valid permit"
  15. Bought a Toshiba laptop in April 2014, on my Argos card along with the 3 year protection. Keyboard was acting funny, and my passwords were always missing a letter. Now it has crashed altogether, and the recovery disks were stored, as I thought on my clickfree, but apparently it doesn't backup programme data. Went over to Argos, thinking I would get a replacement, girl told me to go home and ring the breakdown line. rang them, they said that because it was under a year old, it should be Toshiba, she put me through to them. Apparently, it will cost me to get a repair, or even for Toshiba to look at it, £31 for recovery disks, and another fee for them to look at the keyboard. I am totally lost without my laptop, and I thought paying the extra £169 was my security if it broke down. Any ideas
  16. Hi All Just wanted to see what people think. We tried using a gift yard yesterday but was then told it had Expired. There is no date on the card showing an expiry, there is a date on there but I would believe that to be an issue date. see photo. Anyway I called up Argos who said the same it had expired but surely I'm under the assumption that if something had a date of Expiry then it should be clearly defined and visible like with food or drink. I have emailed them over this and also said should they then go along the lines of right to refuse and withdraw the gift card I would like a full explanation and reason why. [ATTACH=CONFIG]52432[/ATTACH] Am I right in thinking the card should be valid still because there is no EXP? Cheers Steve
  17. I ordered a double bed on 6th June and waited for delivery on 16/June to which they failed to show and no one phoned up to let me know. This is now subject to a complaint. Another delivery date was confirmed for 29/June and bed was delivered with one drawer on each side of the base and I had ordered a bed with two drawers on the same side. What is the best way to deal with this ?
  18. I purchased a Toshiba laptop from Argos at christmas which was faulty (not charging) straight away. They replaced it with a new laptop. However it has always been a bit flaky, sometimes seems dead. If you mess about with the battery it seems to temporarily fix it. I would like to get a refund though ideally as I am not impressed up to now & fear for future reliability. So any tips would be most appreciated.
  19. Hi Hope someone can advise. I had issues paying my Argos card. Totally my own fault, I had entered a payment plan but my mother was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently passed away. During that time I completely forgot to call Argos and make payments. I know it's my fault and I should have kept on top of it. A few weeks back I got a call from a company called FRS. They asked for my details which I refused to give as I'd never heard of them. They called a few times and each time I refused to give my details. Then then sent me an email. I called Argos and spoke to a particularly vile rep who told me my mothers passing should make no difference and I should have prioritised Argos payments over her. So I refuse to call them again. Argos have never sent me a letter saying the debt has been passed. FRS have never sent me a letter saying they are now dealing with the debt. I have received no mail at all regarding this. Just phone calls and email from FRS telling me to contact them. But no contact details to enable me to contact them. The email says no reply so I can't even reply to the email. Has anyone had any dealings with these? Where can I find their contact details? Can I request all further communication be in writing? I have taken advice from step change so have the template letter to send to them (I don't have any other debts. Just this) but don't know where to send it to. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for reading.
  20. Hi all, I bought an S5 on the day of launch from Argos however it has developed a fault with the front camera. It seems it's fairly known with the first batch possibly - camera works but there is what seems to be a plastic/metal piece that is covering half of it. It's come out of nowhere and is behind the screen. I work in phone repairs etc so I know it's not a crack etc. Normally I would expect repair or replace but with the S5 being water proofed from manufacturer, I am unsure how a repair would work as the seals would be broken and no longer water proof. Its; the reason we do not touch S5's and the Xperias that are water-resistant. So any idea before I try and find a local Argos on what they would do in a situation like this? Obviously being without a phone this day and age is not really on. The condition of the phone is as new and still has the various stickers in-place. Boxed items also are unused. Issue is seen here: http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s5/394754-galaxy-s5-front-camera-ring-piece-loose-defective.html http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s5/388663-front-camera-broken.html http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s5/385563-ugh-another-problem.html Thanks in advance PS: I did check Argos site yesterday but not much on it - the site has been down for 12 hours + so can't see anything more.
  21. Question asked by me via Twitter @ArgosHelpers: Reply from @Argos HelpersLuke: Merry Christmas to you too Luke.
  22. Hello there, My partner purchased a ProAction A105Q Washing Machine from Argos on the 27/07/12 which was delivered on 02/08/12, the machine has started to trip the main socket fuse and is completely unusable. (Fuses have been checked and replaced...) I have contacted Argos twice about this and am at a loss as to how to proceed. My first contact started well enough and after speaking to a Sarah and Michael agreed that the machine should qualify for a free engineer call out - Imagine my surprise when after being transferred to JTM, their 3rd party repair service the woman I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about and refused to entertain any visit not carried out on a chargeable basis - Her manager explained that they needed a Customer Service Manager from Argos to OK this. Back to the phone and after another 20 minutes and stubborn resistance with regard to allowing me to speak to a manager I spoke to another Michael... This conversation was unproductive - And after trying to explain SOGA, I had the distinct impression that the person I had been speaking to was not an actual manager. His parting words to me being "It don't matter if it's a day or a month if you don't have a extended warranty it's tough luck" - This according to Michael is the official Argos policy. I have given up hope of Argos resolving this in a reasonable manner, any suggestions folks? Thanks for reading my tale of woe, sorry it was a bit long.
  23. hi i was wondering if anyone could help me with some advise i bought a laptop from a store which didnt work when i took it back they said there was evidence of water damage and parts were missing this is an impossible fact because it was never near water or opened up all i wanted was a computer which worked i asked for the same one to replace mine i was spoken to horribly was lied too by changing the facts of who served me they said it needed sent off for 2months to check i believe they might do something themselves after buying a laptop 5 days ago i am now left with no money or laptop what do i do? im at my wits end i rang head office they say the same thing as the store who do i contact now please help
  24. Vanquis of course is part of Provident Financial services,the doorstep loan firm recently featured in TV docs for its aggressive dealings with vulnerable people. There is no shortage of Vanquis stories on The CAG or indeed on the internet itself about Vanquis,and also Argos suspicions about passing details about customers previously to Vanquis. Do NOT be tempted by offers of vouchers !
  25. Hi there I bought a Nikon Coolpix L120 digital camera from Argos in January this year and until 4 weeks ago, it worked fine. Whilst on holiday, the button that is pressed to take photos suddenly required far more pressure than before - to the extent that taking a picture became very hit or miss. We took the camera back to Argos and, because we couldn't find the receipt, we have had numerous phone calls to ask for information - date the camera was bought, pick-list number and even my debit card number (which I was very concerned about). Argos staff state that if we can't prove purchase i.e. the receipt (how much more can I do and shouldn't they be retaining records to satisfy legislation and accounting standards) Nikon will charge us for any repair! I was under the impression that, as my contract is with Argos, I only have to prove purchase - which I have done by producing the item, box (with Argos item code number stuck to the side, pick-list ticket, date purchased and the debit card details). Surely, they now must concede that I did, indeed, buy the camera and not just nick it. I think Argos need a kick up the jacksy by OFT and, depending on the outcome of this return of faulty goods, I shall be taking this further. Argos staff are surly, rude and blatantly unaware of the Sale of Goods Act and need significant training (along with customer service training). Comments please.....:-x
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