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  1. Evening All, I'm well on my way with letters and CCA requests etc but there is one that I could use a little advise with if possible please. I have an outstanding amount of £131 from and Argos card. I was paying this off at £1 a month through PayPlan. I stopped paying this about 6 months ago and has been passed to Moorcroft (I'm not sure if they bought it or if they are collecting). I have worked out that I have actually paid more than was what originally borrowed, the remaining debt is purely interest charges and late fees. Does anyone know if there's a good way to address this to Moorcroft/Argos to get the account closed/settled without having to pay anymore, as I've repaid more than the original amount? Many thanks in advance
  2. Hi, Im in the process of going to court with lowell for an old Argos debt. The hearing is next week, the 7th of June. I sent CCA and CPR requests in December last year and agreed to mediation. I got a reply stating that all paperwork would be sent to me just before court so couldn't sort things via mediation as I didn't have any details of the claim. In April I was sent copies of my signed agreement and statements of payments/purchases. A couple of weeks ago I was sent a copy of Lowells defence. I haven't received a copy of the default notice and in Lowells defence statement they state that they do not have a copy but can confirm that the original creditor has told them the date and they list it. Now I have received a Tomlin Order from Lowell and original debt of £255 is now £549 with interest, solicitors costs and the cost of the Tomlin order. My plan was to go to court and if judgement went against me then I would pay up on my Credit Card and pay it off over the next 2 months rather than deal with Lowells. Now I haven't a clue what is best, I've read a few posts and googled about Tomlin Orders but I don't fully understand it all. Would them not having a copy of the default notice help? Thanks
  3. Hi I bought a philips tv from Argos in sep 2016 using fast track paid online and collected the same day , I received a text to say it was ready for collection so off I went to pick it up. The guy who brought it out said your proof of purchase and guarantee is in your account under your recent orders which it was . last month the tv developed a fault ( thick dark shadow across the screen) so I rang Argos and they said their warranty was only for 12 months but the manufacturers warrant is 2 years so ring philips which I did . Philips said to send in some pictures of the fault and proof of purchase ! So I went to my Argos account and my order was there until I click on it and it says "order not found" so I ring Argos who said they remove orders after 12 months and herein lies my problem , Philips won't authorise a repair until I have proof of purchase and Argos have said they will find my order and email it me but this has been going on for weeks with Argos just stringing me along ! Any one know where I stand legally on this please Thanks in advance
  4. Hi all, My Wife bought a sliding door wardrobe from Argos last year , when it was delivered there was damage to the sliding doors which they replaced free of charge. One of the doors has always been problematic with opening & closing and now a second door is also being an issue. The first door is constantly coming off of the running rails and now the door has become damaged where the castors fit into the door meaning that the castor does not stay in the correct position anymore. The second door has a similar issue. The doors are made from a plastic coated chipboard which is around 10mm thick and I wondered if I could say that they are not fit for purpose due to the material used and that the wardrobe should last longer than it has. There are other slight issue with the wardrobe also but the doors are the main issue as these are the finishing touch to any wardrobe. Nic
  5. filrobbo

    Argos PPI

    Hi, could someone tell me who was the credit provider for Argos store card, around 1998-2005, thank you.
  6. Hi I have the same problem with Argos, bought Hart of House Salsbury tan sofas, 100% "top"quality italian leather, delivered in december 2015, so only 15 months old. One of them blistered and peeled off on back rest, They sent castelan and told me that report proves that it is not manufacturing fault, I asked them to explain what the test was and this is what they said : " In simple terms, a rub test is the application of heat on the fabric (in this case leather), to check the prominence of natural oils (headoil) in the fabric/material. The lack of these oil can cause the cracking/blistering or flaking of the material. As this was not found to be the case on your sofa, there is no manufacturing fault.". I told them technician did not apply any heat on my damaged sofa, he only sprayed something and wiped it, that was all what he did, I also told him that I regularly apply leather protection cream on both sofas and only one has peeled off . I have send them letter under the Consumer act saying that the item is not satisfactory quality and they mislead me by selling them as "top quality", they still refure to pay for the repair. I am getting independent report from furniture reports £260, but worth it to take these sorry people to court. Please can you let me know if you have problem with the same sofa or any other Hart of house lether sofa? Many Thanks!!!
  7. Hi i have received a letter from Argos Financial recovery services requesting the full balance of my account or they will consider passing my account to a third party who may commence proceedings against me in the county court or sheriff court. I see this as very threatening and intimidating. I lost my job just before xmas 2016 and spoke to Argos to explain that i couldn't afford payments but am now at present back in full time employment and my direct debit has been reinstated and a payment was made on the 12th of April with the letter from Argos dated the 16th of april. I phone Argos to explain that i was now in a position to keep my monthly payment up but they were not even interested as it had been passed on to the recovery department. and demanded i fill out a personal financial statement to see how much i can afford although i am paying anyway. I feel that they are just trying to frighten people like myself into making full payments. Any advice would be appreciated as i am very frustrated with these complete Muppets.:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x
  8. conchy_joe

    Argos laptop.

    Hi everyone,...back after a long time !.... My son bought a laptop from Argos fourteen months ago, last week it would not boot up we took it to Curry's who said they suspected the hard drive was shot. I paid the initial £60 and it was sent to Knowhow for repair...another £127. When I spoke to the tech' at Knowhow he said that the fault had not been caused by misuse and it was in otherwise exc' cond'. He suggested that I contacted Argos and claimed back our costs under the " sale of goods act ", he said that we had every right to expect this item to last longer than fourteen months , it had not been damaged by dropping nor had it been hacked. Can anyone advise me on what action I can take... ..thanks.
  9. I recently received a letter from my argos store card stating that they have refunded me for overpayment of fees.Are they within their rights to take the outstanding money owed to me off my card balance? I was owed a three figure payment and ended up with a cheque for £7 once they paid off my balance
  10. I purchased a £200 Garmin Sat Nav from Argos in August 2015. By April 2016 I was having problems with `Live Traffic` and updating maps via PC. From that time until now I have dealt with Garmin direct due to the problems being of a technical nature. These problems have been pretty regular between then and now, resulting in sending units back at my expense and periods of up to two weeks at a time without a sat nav. I work as a professional driver and rely on a good Sat Nav to provide a good service. After still having problems with another replacement unit sent out in March I stated that I no longer wished to continue with the constant problems and requested a refund. Garmin are telling me my contract is with Argos and Argos are saying its out of its 12 month Warranty period so cannot do anything. Under the circumstances stated, do I have any chance of a refund and if so who should I pursue? Any advice would be appreciated.
  11. I am caught between Argos and Hoover Candy in a dispute that I have been battling since March last year. I am being passed from one to the other and neither will resolve my issue to my satisfaction. I think they may be flouting the law. I have called Citizens Advice and also Retail Ombudsman who directed me to the Furniture Ombudsman for Argos. Nothing to escalate the problems with Hoover Candy. I have seen reviews for Hoover on Trustpilot. My last email to them was quite strong and I also emailed a link to the reviews so they could not argue about their appalling customer service and shoddy products. I need some clear direction on how to proceed. I am not a giver upper but this is making me ill. Even so it is not in my character to let myself be treated in such an appalling way. I am posting a copy of my last email which outlines the issues I think so that anyone can get the gist of it. Sorry it is long winded. I am at my wits end I have today spoken to Argos, Citizens Advice and also the Retail Ombudsman about my rights under the Sale of Goods Act 1979,(my product was bought before October 2015) and how I have been treated by both companies. Argos have said that although I contacted them in the first instance while this product was STILL in guarantee and they directed me to deal with the Manufacturer (Hoover Candy) it is NOT their responsibility at this stage because the original hoover was disposed of as instructed by you (I have that in writing) You did not instruct me to contact the retailer or to return the goods to them or to you for examination or investigation you told me to dispose of it. In this case I would have no evidence of the original faulty product. The product I have now is a replacement supplied by you from your own stock. You say that it is under the same contract because it is like for like under the same contract with Argos. They say it is not because it is not supplied by them but by you. You took responsibility for this issue and issued the replacement acknowledging that the original was faulty. You did not ask me to prove the fault or to return the product. You accepted that it was faulty. I have this in writing. All of it. You cannot then say with hindsight that you should not have replaced it. It is irrelevant. You have dealt with this issue in a completely unsatisfactory way and taken months and months being as obstructive as possible as a company to get to this point All of this action was started while this product was still under warranty. I am not happy with the replacement. You have a responsibility to me as the customer under the Sale of Goods Act to rectify that situation. You provided the replacement which was only 3 months old when I complained about it again. In that instance I do not have to prove there is a fault and I am entitled to a refund or a replacement. I should also be entitled to some redress for the way my complaint has been dealt with and the length of time it has taken, the stress it has caused me and the costs incurred on calls etc. I have all of the contact with you in writing. I also repeat that one of your advisors John, yesterday told me that I should tell ARGOS THAT THE HOOVER I HAVE NOW IS THE ORIGINAL because they do not check serial numbers. That is deception and would achieve nothing. The time scale is irrelevant on all of this because I started this complaint BEFORE the manufacturers warranty ended. You came to a resolution after 6 months of being obstructive and replaced the faulty hoover taking complete responsibilty away from the retailer and told me to dispose of the original. In the light of this you are now responsible to come to a satisfactory resolution regarding the replacement which I find unacceptable after just a few months. I have the law on my side and I will take this to the next step if you do not agree to either refund me the cost of the original hoover or replace it FOC with a new model to the same value as my original purchase. I fail to see how under the circumstances and given all the information and the conduct of your company regarding my experience, you can argue the point anymore. Please do not ignore this email.
  12. Hi. As a newbie, I hope I have done the right thing. I tried to post on the appropriate forum. But got a message saying they were not accepting any new posts. I really need some advice. my husband was accepted for an Argos store card in 2014. We only used it once and my husband paid off the balance. He is very shrewd like that. You can therefore imagine our horror when Argos got intouch to say that we had not paid for a ps4, that had been delivered to an alternative address. My husband explained that this was nothing to do with us. Had we ordered anything we would have made payment. They continued to threaten us with court action and bailiffs, so my husband asked for a copy of the signature that was given at the so called delivery address. Argos responded by saying they no longer had it. We then contacted the Ombudsman with all of the details, they had obviously contacted Argos, as yesterday we received a letter saying please see attached proof of signature. It was a blank box. Nothing. Can someone please help us. We seem to be going around in circles. Thank you.
  13. I went into Argos to use my card which had an available balance of £50 (I logged into my account online to check) and the card was declined in store. I called them up and they said my account has been closed and they are seeking to recover outstanding balance of £250. I hadn't. Even. Profiled that it had been closed and been making payments each both. They said I'd missed a couple of payments (which were late not missed). If only received statement letters from them asking for minimum payment and they are still charging me interest! I'm not in a position to pay more then the minimum payment but will never clear it at this rate and there's no point trying to and putting myself in debt with other creditors. My husband is the only earner and we struggle month to month. I've tried to keep things afloat but it's been hard. How do I get a final balance from them and get them to stop charging interest? Thank you
  14. just received through the post a letter from lucas credit regarding my ex argos card. The letter states that unless I start making a payment within 10 days they will refer this matter to there solicitors, cohen cramer ltd. My question is should I send a cca request now and see what they come back with or wait for them and see if court papers arrive and defend the normal way? the amount is £900 but I'm sure around £400 of this is charges from when I stopped paying the account and it was opened 2008
  15. Hello everyone, We bought an xbox for the children in December 2014 which we're having problems with - it keeps switching off randomly. I would imagine the warranty was 12 months, so it's expired. This 'turning off' issue seems commonplace - is there any chance I'll be able to do anything under the Sale of Goods Act with Argos? I've tried with Microsoft, but after 40 minutes online chat we're barely beyond 'hi'... I'm still trying now! Any ideas?
  16. Forget TV for ten days or buy a replacement! Our Freesat set top box (cost £209.99 March 12th 2015) started to malfunction I rang Argos under their extended warranty. They put me on to D&G who would fix it. After two and a half hours on the phone the best offer was to have the set top box couriered 200 miles and then fixed and couriered back. This would take ten days, they said. Meanwhile as a 77 year old partially disabled I can sit at home and stare at the walls. The next offer was to refund the price of the warranty (£59.99) so that I can buy a replacement (estimated £200). That is the end of me with D&G and Argos.
  17. battyman

    Argos Cooker

    I bought a cooker from Argos in September 2014 and it has stopped working. As the year is up, and I assume its a years guarantee on electrical items, do I have any come back with Argos for a replacement. It is wired in so would need electrician to take the cooker out and replace a new one. Thanks for any help.
  18. Argos are going to be offering same-day home delivery service, for all seven days of the week. This new service allows you to order something by 6pm, and have it delivered by 10pm for a flat fee of £3.95. http://news.sky.com/story/1565354/delivery-wars-argos-starts-same-day-service
  19. tezza1234

    Argos HELP

    Ok so on Saturday 21st November i ordered 6 items in the 3 for 2 toys deal, paid online via fast track, i chose a store near to me who was showing all 6 items as in stock (i have nearer stores to where i live but they only had 4 items in stock) Anyhow, the plan was to collect on the Sunday or the Monday, as with fasttrack you have 7 days to collect. Basically i received no pin, which is due after payment to say items are ready for collection. So on Monday 23rd i spent 1 hour on the phone to argos head office and then it cut off, grrrrr. so i phoned the store direct, after 20 mins the found my order on the system and said some items had not come in, but i said all 6 items were showing as already in, thats why i chose this store. Anyway the advice was to sit and wait for the pin. Fast forwar to Thursday 26/11 and still nothing, baring in mind this was a £92.67 order, i was a little concerned, so i went to the branch direct. After speaking to various people, and eventually the manager, my order was found, all 6 items were in stock, but 1 of the items was not allocated to me when it should have been, a glitch on there system the manager told me. So my option was too have this 1 item refunded and then to purcahse a new one, lucky i had the money to do that as some people wouldnt. Anyway, get the 6 items, get home, check email and the numbers do not match up. This item i was refunded i origonally paid £24.99 for, it was not one of the free items, The new price i paid in store, was £18.27 (so since the 3-2 finished on sunday, it has obviously gone down in price) but when i pruchased it on Saturday i physically paid £24.99, so i was expecting a refund of the prcie i paid but when ispecting the email when i got home, i was refunded £17.27, that is £1 less than the new price i had just paid in store and more than £7 less than my origonal purchase price. Now i know this is only about £7, but still, its the point of it, what about the 1 hr 30 mins on phone, what about the extended travel, car parking and fuel to visit a store because it said they has all 6 items in stock. £7 is still £7 and i feel i have been shafted a little bit here, it was not my mistake. What are my consumer options here.
  20. JamesC71


    Date commenced DEC 2014 Approx balance £552 LAST FULL payment APRIL 2015 agreed arrangement - £1 payment agreed for NOV, DEC, 2015, JAN 2016 NOT SURE IF DEFAULTED - do not appear to have default notice DCA MOORCROFT (no notice of assignment received) History: April 2015 - last full payment made 30.8.15 - let confirming acc has been referred to "Argos Recovery Services, a specialist Debt Collection team" 8.9.15 - let sent to Argos requesting 30 days hold of action and interest freeze 11.9.15 - let from Argos - "notice of intended recovery action". Threatening "may be passed to recovery specialist", "legal action may be taken to obtain County Court or Sherriff Court Judg so that enforcement activity can be taken", and adding admin charge of £12 to account for the sending of letter 23.9.15 - let from Argos FRS acknowledging letter of 8.9.15, requesting Income and Expend and and offer of payment 8.10.15 - let sent to Argos FRS with Income + Exp and offering £1 per month for next three months 20.10.15 - let from ARgos FRC agreeding to £1 per month for Nov 2015, Dec 2015 and Jan 2015 - first 2 payments made, 3rd scheduled. 5.12.15 - first letter from Moorcroft 9.12.15 - let sent to Moorcroft requesting confirmation of any purchase/assisgnment, copy of original contract and accounting, requesting written comms only. 8.1.16 - let received from Moorcroft with statement and agreement. No confirmation of assignment. can anyone advise if attached agreement is legitimate / enforceable??? MOORCRPFTARGOSSCAN20160108.pdf
  21. Argos has done much advertising about their" clearance" sale. but where are the bargains? I bought a Double sized Silentnight bed blanket from them at £24.99. X shop. It was unsuitable so I returned it. Amazon were advertising the same blanket but in King size for £16+£3.99 delivery. Just another example of Argos un competitive pricing.
  22. In 2011 I opened an Argos card account and have never missed a payment or paid late. With that in mind, last year due to personal circumstances I have defaulted on a financial arrangement with a different organisation. Upon checking my credit file regularly I have seen that Argos are reporting that my account with them is showing; The account status is currently under review due to a query. Argos have been reporting this same status since May 2015 - long before anything else went into arrears. Are they allowed to do this and if not, what course of action can I take against them? I have tried calling them to ask the question but they were evasive and told me to write to them
  23. So the issue itself is kinda "resolved" as I'm told to wait up to 4 days for it to arrive. But I'm left feeling misslead with the information that was provided when I made my order, and anoyed that whenever anyone from our household orders from Argos it always seems to encounter an issue!? Basicly I orderd a game that was due for release today, and I chose argos as it stated specificly that if I placed it I would get "delivery within 1 days" shame that's not the case however. As it was only till after my payment had been processed did it give me the typical error of, "Unfortunaltey we're unable to confirm your order at this time and will email you soon when it has been confirmed" or well something along those lines at least. Anyway I was paitent waited till the late morning which is now for any updates as I was expecting this today.So heard nothing and then I got in touch with Customer service, asked about the status of my order, I was calm and explained in detail what happend, they were short but quick to pass me onto someonelse who could handle with my queries. When I mentioned that it specificly said "1 day delivery" they told me straight that they "doubt" it said that and was probably for dispatch instead. Which I could understand more if it actually said that, but it didn't so I felt like i'd been misslead and that apperently they "knew" what it actually meant or said despite me seeing it clearly worderd with the words " 1 day delivery" not dispatch. They then proceeded to ignore my other quires and asked me to end chat and fill out the survey. In regards with my other quries which were, with what happend with the system as it's not even able to send notifications out or update my orders status? Or will I even receive SMS notifications at least?? When can I expect to hear any updates??? And then from that service it got me thinking about how this kind of thing has happend before numerous times when we've orderd Cookers, and Washing Machines, Tumble dryers and all sorts from them. I don't know why Me and my family keep trusting them probably becuase I had hopes they'd improve and it was all just unfortunate circumstances but this has been too often now and I'm just rather peeved and needed to vent. Sorry if this isn't the right place or if my spelling/grammar is off, I maybe dyslexic but I'm not blind and can understand the meaning of the difference between the words Delivery and Dispatch. Honestly it'd be nice to know at least that I'm not the only one who's experienced repeated poor service so I feel less of a personal target by them even if it's unintentonal and just system/human errors. ~ Sincerly a foolish customer.
  24. Hi. I would like some advice please, what can I do? About a year ago I purchased the Curve Nursery Furniture set from Argos for a lot of money. It was fine and never had any problems until recently when we turned it into a toddler bed. The bed is full of holes where the screws were for the original cot design, if you look at Argos' image (attached) the item is portrayed with no holes at all - obviously a photo shopped image). Also the under bed storage drawer no longer fits under the bed, meaning I have lost a large storage area and have a huge drawer I now have to find somewhere to store. I have contacted Argos, who say that due to the length of the time I have had the product they are not willing to do anything. But, to be fair it wasn't a problem till I turned it into a toddler bed, How many other parents checked out the toddler bed upon purchase, I can't imagine anyone, but I may be wrong. What can I do to get Argos to sort my problem out. Any ideas? I'm very disappointed with the bed, it now looks
  25. Argos owner Home Retail Group is setting aside at least £30m in compensation after admitting thousands of store card customers were overcharged. The company has launched a detailed review into the issue, which relates to "buy now, pay later" plans for some of the retailer's 1.5 million store card holders who were charged excess fees for late payments. Chief executive John Walden said it affected up to 10% of Argos card customers. They are expected to receive compensation of up to £100 each and Home Retail (Other OTC: HMRLF - news) will write to affected customers in the next few weeks. The group said it had found that "a more extensive customer redress programme" would be required than first thought when the issue was discovered earlier this year, increasing the likely cost by about £30m. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/argos-owner-faces-30m-bill-085323975.html?nhp=1
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