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  1. Hi I have the same problem with Argos, bought Hart of House Salsbury tan sofas, 100% "top"quality italian leather, delivered in december 2015, so only 15 months old. One of them blistered and peeled off on back rest, They sent castelan and told me that report proves that it is not manufacturing fault, I asked them to explain what the test was and this is what they said : " In simple terms, a rub test is the application of heat on the fabric (in this case leather), to check the prominence of natural oils (headoil) in the fabric/material. The lack of these oil can cause the cracking/blistering or flaking of the material. As this was not found to be the case on your sofa, there is no manufacturing fault.". I told them technician did not apply any heat on my damaged sofa, he only sprayed something and wiped it, that was all what he did, I also told him that I regularly apply leather protection cream on both sofas and only one has peeled off . I have send them letter under the Consumer act saying that the item is not satisfactory quality and they mislead me by selling them as "top quality", they still refure to pay for the repair. I am getting independent report from furniture reports £260, but worth it to take these sorry people to court. Please can you let me know if you have problem with the same sofa or any other Hart of house lether sofa? Many Thanks!!!
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