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Found 12 results

  1. She appealed to Smart with the same mitigating circumstance and they told her to pay. A complaint to the principle who hired the [problem] gets the charge cancelled.... http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2015-09-23/mother-fined-70-because-she-stayed-in-asda-car-park-after-doing-her-shopping-to-breastfeed-baby-daughter/?ref=yfp
  2. Hi. I would like some advice please, what can I do? About a year ago I purchased the Curve Nursery Furniture set from Argos for a lot of money. It was fine and never had any problems until recently when we turned it into a toddler bed. The bed is full of holes where the screws were for the original cot design, if you look at Argos' image (attached) the item is portrayed with no holes at all - obviously a photo shopped image). Also the under bed storage drawer no longer fits under the bed, meaning I have lost a large storage area and have a huge drawer I now have to find somewhere to store. I have contacted Argos, who say that due to the length of the time I have had the product they are not willing to do anything. But, to be fair it wasn't a problem till I turned it into a toddler bed, How many other parents checked out the toddler bed upon purchase, I can't imagine anyone, but I may be wrong. What can I do to get Argos to sort my problem out. Any ideas? I'm very disappointed with the bed, it now looks
  3. I was caught stealing at tk maxx today. It was a very foolish thing of me I admit. Something that costed £7.99 and I didn't want to pay for it as I had already purchase worth £70.01 at tk maxx and didn't have enough money for what I wanted. I took of the security plastic tag off the box and put the item in my bag while I got busy with my daughter as she was crying and kicking a fuss. I continued to checkout with all my other items amounting to £70! Then left the premises. A security came running down the stairs and spoke to me saying I believe you have something in your bag which you haven't paid for. I said ok let's check I opened my bag and saw the item then remembered I put it in my bag. I forgot about it as I spent nearly 2hours in the store looking for lots of things. He escorted me to the back security room and asked me to place everything not paid for on the table. I then placed the only item that was in my bag worth £7.99!! He asked me did you steal the item. I said I didn't mean to they were so rude and shouting. He then said look I'm calling the police and I cannot wait for that woman to tell me. Then I was obliged to say I stole it so that he doesn't call the police. Then he cut off the phone and said to me if I admit I stole it I said yes and started talking again he was angry saying that I'm fed up now I'm calling the police cause you're not ready to tell me. Then said that how are you going to explain to your partner if I call the social services because you stole £7 your daughter got taken away!! I stayed quiet and didn't wana say anything so they don't call the police. Now reading other threads I guess there will be a letter coming for me to pay for god knows what because the item was left un damaged. Shall I tell my partner �� I'm scared. I do not work to pay off any money to anyone. Please help me. They took my ID CARD with my details on it . And forced me to take my provisional license out of my wallet to show my address.
  4. Hi all Need some info on emergency etc just got home and the house is freezing, we have two children one who is almost 2, and a new born who is less than 5 weeks old. we havent got a emergency contact number for our letting agent, so looks like we will have to go without heating tonight and hot water which to be honest the house is a old terraced house with a cellar and gets bad at night people have said call our gas supplier however they aint going to be able to help as far as i know they dont cover our boiler. so any ideas? if we have to wait till tomorrow should they get someone out same day due to childrens ages? thanks Steve
  5. A stunned mum was ordered to put her six-month-old BABY on the phone to speak to a telephone banking operator. Jenny Nicholls, 31, had called the Halifax to talk to customer services about an error on her baby son's savings account. But the operator insisted he could only deal with the account holder – in this case, six-month-old Harry. "We waited in the queue and entered all the account security information then the man came on the line and said 'Is that Mr Harry Nicholls?'," Jenny told the Mirror. "I said no. He asked if he could talk to Harry but I said he's a baby, he can't talk." The staggered mum said she was then told that the matter could not be discussed with her - only with Harry. "I said I'm his mum but he just said he was sorry but he couldn't talk to me over the phone, only to the account holder," Jenny said. "I said 'are you being serious?' I thought it was a joke at first and then he would notice it was a child's account, but he was being serious." http://www.parentdish.co.uk/2013/10/07/bank-demands-mum-put-baby-on-phone-to-discuss-halifax-account/
  6. Good evening everyone, Not a major issue but wondered what the position is.... Niece is 4 weeks old and had a professional baby photo shoot of 8 photos which were paid for by the parents. The photographer posted ALL of the pictures on her public page and tagged the parents in them, so they contacted her and said and her response which was quote grumpy " . Is that correct?! My understanding was that for someone under 18 they would have to have authority from the parents to widely publicise photos? Can anyone clarify? NB the parents are only annoyed really because everyone has now seen the photos that they took for gifts but wanted to check that she can as she says take the photos and quote "do what I like with them".
  7. Good news just before Christmas and a nice way for the Queen to end Jubilee year, but I am not sure i can stand months of media coverage of the pregnancy from what she should be eating to what it will be called.
  8. Hi, I went into Tesco yesterday and purchased a 6 pack of Ella's kitchen Fromage frais for my little girl who is 7 months. This morning i went to open them and thank god i looked at the packaging again as it said the use by date was the 16/9/2012. I purchased them yesterday at 12.14 so they were 2 days past this then. I feel sick given its dairy and how little my young one is, if i hadnt of noticed i could have made her very ill. The store is 11 miles away and i dont have the car so have made contact by email and sent them pictures of the item as well as my reciept. But cannot help but think should i do something else this is after all baby food. Any advice welcome x
  9. Hi, I need an advice if it is possible to get a refund and a reimburesement of costs of postage for returning a faulty item to the seller. One week before the end of the warranty (12 months warranty) while having a walk with my baby the buggy broke in serious and dangerous way: the aluminium frame got ripped around the front wheel and the wheel fell off. We had a narrow escape from an accident, as the buggy dangerously tipped. A couple of months earlier I had an email exchange with the retailer when I felt that the pram is visibly leaning to one side and one of the wheels seemed to be higher than the 3 others. The company said that they will attempt a repair but I was expected to be with no pram for 2 weeks and to pay for postage (with 9 months old baby these were impossible conditions, so I resigned and hoped that the pram will not deteriorate). Obviously the fault was more serious than I have anticipated and it led to the accident. What's worse the accident happened while abroad. I have immediately contacted the seller with the photographic evidence. The seller was unhelpful demanding that I send the pram over on my own cost from abroad (refusing to even meet the British part of the courier cost), they also said that they are not obligated to help anyway as my warranty was over (not true), they told me that they will weld my pram (which I find impossible, unsecure and unfit for use of any baby). They were very argumentative or non responsive for many days, which was terrible as I was stranded abroad only with email contact with the seller. At the end I had to purchase a stroller to be able to return to the UK. Seller says that it was my choice (not a necessity due to unresolved issue and lack of communication); after several emails they have agreed to loan me a pram, delivered to my uk address and only if I pay for a postage for the loan (both ways). They cannot replace the broken part of the pram as they do not produce this model anymore. I demanded initially a new pram but they said a firm no, so I purchased a pram abroad and now I want my money back. I absolutely would never put my baby in a welded pram! (I asked while abroad, everyone refused a repair due to liability over a child's safety). How would you go around this case? Do you think it's reasonable to ask for money and postage back? How should I respond to the seller if they said they have repaired the pram?
  10. I have just received a notice of default from vanquis , the balance outstanding was 1900 , i used to pay via direct debit, but lost my job , and have not been able to afford payment in the last 2 months, the default now says my balance is 2464.59. about 500.00 extra charges!! and now gone even overlimit, I have also moved addresses, don't know how they discovered my new address, i don't remember signing any agreement, and i have paid them a lot over the years in interest via repayment. Vanquis is not on my experian credit file at all, i've checked..... can they give me a bad credit ? CCJ ? I have a clean payment record, can they give me a bad one on my file even though they r not on my file lenders list ?
  11. Dear All, We would like some advice on a situtation we have just been through. We would like to know if you think there is a negligence claim, and if so what steps and advice. Our Baby Boy XXXXX was born on the 28th Feb 2011 by emergency C-section, as a blood sample from his head showed slight signs of distress. The doctor decided to operate immediately and within 20 minutes XXXXX was born. XXXXX was a healthy weight of 7lb 7oz and the doctors in theatre said everything is ok. As a precaution both XXXXX and my Wife were taken to a recovery room to be monitored. In recovery XXXXX managed to latch on and have a feed. His eyes were wide open and we were the happiest parent alive. 9am that same morning the mid wife decided everything was ok and they should be taken up to the ward. They got settled into the ward and were informed the paediatrician would pay a routine visit. After around an hour or so, we both noticed that XXXXX seemed very unsettled and asked the midwife to see if he was ok. She had a look and said he’s a newborn just playing up? As first time parents we took her advice and carried on. As the hours went by, his breathing became worse; he stopped feeding, no dirty nappies and would not stop crying. We asked the mid wife’s on a number of occasions to see if he is ok, and the reply was simply he’s a new born and he just a little restless. At around 5pm I went out to freshen up and returned at 6pm. XXXXX looked a different baby! His skin colour had changed; he was grunting and looked like he was struggling. I then forced a mid wife to call a doctor and up came a paediatrician from the neonatal ward. She took one look at him and took him straight into intensive care. I asked her, is everything ok and replied I’m not sure whats wrong him. I returned to the ward to my wife and informed her of the situation. We both sat on the bed hugging each other not knowing what’s happening. We then decided to go to intensive care at around 8pm for an update. There were a number of doctors and nurses around XXXXX and drips and drugs were surrounding him. The paediatrician told us to let them do what they have to do and we will inform you of any changes. We asked what’s wrong with XXXXX, and the reply was some sort of blood infection? We returned upstairs and were given a private room. We sat and waited for which seemed like days until we received a phone call at 2am, the next morning. We went to intensive care and the paediatrician told us that XXXXX has 2 hours to live due to the infection taking over his body. Our poor boy was blue, yellow and blotchy in colour. We thought how could this happen?........ Our parents then arrived to offer us support and to say goodbye to their grandson who was only a day old. 2 hours went by, and then 6 hours went by. We were by his bedside at all times and asking the docs for updates. They were just waiting for him to go, and we were praying for him to stay. The hours went by, and then a day went by. At this point blood samples were in labs, XXXXX was ventilated, he was having fits and seizures, he wasn’t passing urine and was on a number of drugs, but was not giving up. On day 2 the senior paediatrician took us into a private room to inform us of the situation. He told us that he has a serious blood infection which they can’t pinpoint and is very poorly. He then said, XXXXX is showing no signs of getting through this, so do you think we’re doing the right thing by keeping him alive? My thoughts were for XXXXX not to suffer anymore, but my wife insisted to give him a chance. On day 3 the same meeting took place. The senior paediatrician words were he’s not getting better so do you think we’re doing the right thing by keeping XXXXX like this? We both said if he’s made it to day 3 from only being given 2 hours then surely there’s hope. We insisted that everything should be done to save our boy. The final words of the consultant were that if XXXXX has a heart attack then it’s unfair to save him? We agreed with this and off we went to XXXXXX side. In the following days XXXXX managed to have a wee to show signs of his kidneys working. He was given blood and plasma to clot his blood. The blood results came back with no common infections? He was then given a lumber puncture to check for meningitis and the results were not meningitus. Day by day XXXXX began to shows signs of recovery. He was gagging on his ventilator, which was a good sign to show he was irritated by this. He then began to pass urine every few hours. His fits calmed down and began to move. In all we were in NICU for almost 8 weeks. The doctors did an MRI scan which showed brain damage due to lack of oxygen to the brain. The docs said his hearing and sight will be affected and a possibility of Cerebral Palsy . We took XXXXX home on April the 4th. XXXXX seems to be getting on ok, but he does show some signs of slow development. XXXXX seems to keep tense when asleep, and when he gets stressed his legs shoot up. He favours to keep his head on one side. XXXXX has also just started to smile. On the whole we believe there has been neglect in various stages and areas of the hospital. Firstly because XXXXX was given a prick test on his scalp, it should have been sterile dressed when born which it was not. Next he was never seen by a paediatrician on the ward as part of a routine with all babies. If he was seen earlier then maybe they would have noticed something? We raised alarm bells an around 5 occasions to say XXXXX was not well, but we were told he’s playing up. If it wasn’t for me acting on this, then XXXXX would have collapsed on the ward. Another thing that really bugs me is that fact the senior paediatrician asked us whether to keep XXXXX alive on 2 occasions! On the first meeting I nearly gave up! To this date we still don’t know what infection XXXXX caught, but on his notes its Sepsis. Only 2 weeks ago, the neonatal ward was closed, as they found MSSA on a number of babies. The paediatrician himself was on the news and stated that if this gets into the blood, then the consequences could be fatal. To this date we believe XXXXX caught MSSA of the ward from his open cut on his head. He should have been treated earlier to prevent the infection getting worse and to prevent the lack of oxygen to his brain. We are not sure what the future holds for XXXXX in terms of Cerabal Palsy, Brain Damage and development, but we are grateful that we have him in our lives. (We do thank all the nurses and doctors that helped XXXXX through his traumatic journey) Thanky ou for taking time out to read our special story. XXXXXXXXXX and XXXXX.
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