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  1. In our contacts, it says we must give access to our properties when required. The Housing Act 1988 states "In accordance with the Housing Act 1988, your landlord or letting agent must notify you in writing at least 24 hours before they wish to enter your home". They're not giving notice and are sending people without notice and then sending tenants letters when the tenants turn them away due to it being a bad time. I'm guessing the law overrules the landlord?
  2. Hello all Just looking for a bit of advice please. I own and live in a house which I bought in 2003 on a 25 year mortgage. Since that time I have been paying a tiny ground rent (it’s about £4 semi-annually) to a property management company. I have received an inheritance recently and decided I would try to find out how much it would cost to obtain the freehold on the land my house is built on and how long is left on the lease. This weekend I sent two separate enquiry emails to the property management firm. The first reply I received contained a letter saying they want £90 to provide a quote for buying the freehold. I had only just recovered from the fee they are wanting to send a couple of emails when they responded to my second letter stating that they want £210 to look for the leasehold document to send me a copy from their archives, which they will refund 50% of if they can’t locate it! So they want £210 to answer a question and £105 not to! Does anyone have any suggestions on how I ought to proceed? Many thanks.
  3. I am hoping I can get some advice on my xercise4less membership. Summary of my story: Signed up at my University campus October 2015. I thought the payments would start after an induction at the gym and I never attended. Noticed I was paying and put a cancellation request in in march 2016, as I still had not attended the gym. Cancellation was rejected as I was in a 12 month contract. Forgot about this and was reminded when I noticed a payment on the 2/1/17. Gave notice again on 3/1/17. Cancelled DD as payments are made in advance. As my notice fell into a new billing month, by 1 day, xercise4less want another full months payment. I feel this is really unfair as I never even stepped on the premises of the gym and paid them 16 months. Spoke to their finance team and they didn't want to know and advised me to speak to the branch manager of the gym. I phoned the local gym and the manager was not in, so I left my details and was advised I would be called back. This was 2 months ago and I never heard back. I now have demands from harlands and CPS for £171.47 Any advice? Thanks Craig
  4. I am hoping I can get some advice on my Xercise4Less membership. I signed up with them in 2014 and did attend the gym for 2 years. When i signed up the person who i spoke with told me that there would be no contract and that i could cancel my membership whenever i wanted which seemed to me like a good reason to join just incase i needed to cancel. i finally cancelled the membership May last year due to me and the wife having a baby and not being able to attend anymore so i didn't step foot in there for 2 years. I called in at my local gym and spoke with girl at the front desk explaining all this to her and she just told me to cancel my direct debit and said to leave it with her and not to worry, she never asked me to fill in any form just aked my name and she would short it. Since i have done this i have been receiving a lot of emails texts, letters from CRS most recent one being the 19th of January which has my old address on it for some reason and telling me i owe another £138.50 on top of what they already said i owed,which brought it to £243.47. The other emails i have received form them have my new address on and the total amount they first asked for was £207.47 this just doesn't add up??. I have spoke with them before over the phone which i regret doing back in August when i received my first letter and it didn't go well. Since then i have sent numerous letters to both xercise for less and CRS and only CRS have responded. I did say in one of my letters that i would be willing to pay the cancellation fee but that fell on deaf ears. I have been getting advice from your forum reading other poeples post on here, so i have ingnored them since. Any advice? Thanks Chris
  5. ‘Where are my contributions?!’ Pensioner TAKES DOWN Government over £42,000 shortfall A BRITISH pensioner has taken the internet by storm after she demanded the Government reinstates her pension. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/793599/Pension-contributions-WASPI-Election-2017-payments-foreign-aid
  6. Hi, Can anybody advise on the time limits imposed by the courts relating to statutory demand. I have read somewhere it might be 4 months and then it laspes, but can someone direct me to CPR rules or insolvency rules covering the actual period and the rules that apply. Thanks Stevie.
  7. Please would someone kindly offer me some advice. I bought a flat in a converted house about 9 years ago. I have never lived in it as I married shortly afterwards but I rented the flat to an older gentleman who has lived there since, for about 9 years now. When I bought the flat I was responsible for maintaining my part of the building as there was no management company in place, so I took out buildings insurance for my flat. There are five other flats in the buildings. All the other residents are owner occupiers. About two years ago, one of the residents contacted my husband to say they were thinking of banding together to purchase the freehold so that the maintenance of the building would be secured and the cost shared. They first needed to track down the freeholder. We said we would be interested. Please keep us informed. One of the residents contacted my husband about 18 months ago to say they had two residents interested so far but would keep us informed. To my horror, I received a solicitors letter a few weeks ago stating that I owed over a thousand pounds in service charges for this year till March 2016. It transpires that the other occupants have formed a management committee and had banded together to become the freeholders. I replied to the solicitors stating that the last I heard was the discussion stage and I had not received notification of the forming of a committee or that the other residents had purchased the freehold. They did not want to know. They said that if I did not pay immediately they would take me to court and I could lose the flat. I reluctantly paid the thousand pounds requested by the solicitors for the service charges, as they said I could lose the flat if I did not pay immediately, money that I had put aside for Christmas, but despite my payment they have now sent a claim form stating that I still owe the service charges and have added on another two and a half thousand pounds in legal fees. Can anyone please help, I cant sleep at night. The claim form came last Friday and it says I have 14 days to reply. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, Thank you
  8. hi. i've read the various threads on champion soccer threatening letters, including one where they did go through with their threat with county court judgement. however, in my case, i have not actually signed the application form, although it is otherwise all filled out including the 'print name' and 'date'. where do i stand with the £142 they insist that i owe them and the threat of court action?
  9. i have been dealing with housing options as well. this is about my landlord misleading me from the start with fraudulent tenancies. ie 1 making me pay a bond and months total £600 for my own tenancy in a two tenancy house 2 making me sign and witness the other tenants tenancy and £600 when, in actual fact, he had not paid a bond or months rent at all. i was told this three months later by the landlord in a recorded meeting 3 the landlord did not protect my bond and as a result of this, I am in a horrendous position 4 the landlord returned my bond 2 months after i paid it and then claimed that the tenancys signed were now actually a single shared tenancy 5 making me responsible for the other tenants debts 6 the landlord is now lying to the court in claims against me which i want to defend 7 he has mislead the court about arrears (that i was not in) etc etc housing options have applied for legal aid on my behalf. legal aid said i should apply for legal help but housing options applied for more legal aid and were granted full aid they say the notice the landlord gave me is wrong but they dont seem at all interested that the landlord commited fraud in the creation of the tenancies and the way i see it is that housing options are assisitng the landlord in misleading the court because if the tenancys were fraudulent, the landlord should be being investigated and housing options should be challenging the landlord about this and disclosing this to the court in the public interest. i believe when looking at the solicitors code of conduct, that fusion housing should be looking into this and not just seemingly trying to process me into alternative accomodation i asked fusion housing for a copy of the court bundle documents and have been told that i will need to make a data subject access request that will take 40 days to process if i want to see my own court documents. this is unhelpful as i am due in court on september 5th, in a couple of weeks. i would like to withdraw my permission for them to act for me and i would like to represent myself in court i need to make a notice of acting in person letter but am unfamiliar with the correct procedure to follow i understand the court can only allow me 40 or so days extra in the house. but really i want to defend the allegations the landlord is making against me. i have a solid defence fusion housing have said that i dont need to defend the landlords POC. as far as im concerned they are his particulars of claim and if i dont defend them i am allowing them to be on the court record. i really dont feel comfortable with the way this is bieng handled and the way housing options have seemingly taken over and are proceeding with my case i am alarmed to see that the solicitor is earning between £56 to £200 + an hour. i have no idea what they are doing with my file or what is happening i have asked to see my file and am now asking for a copy of the court documents. both are not forthcoming. any help or advice would be very much appreciated. housing options have applied for legal aid on my behalf. legal aid said i should apply for legal help but housing options applied for more legal aid and were granted full aid they say the notice the landlord gave me is wrong and that they will be representing me at court but they dont seem at all interested that the landlord commited fraud in the creation of the my tenancy. i find that alarming i understand the court can only allow me 40 or so days extra in the house and am desperately looking for alternative accomodation. fusion housing have said that i dont need to defend the landlords POC. as far as im concerned they are his particulars of claim and if i dont defend them i am allowing them to be on the court record. i really dont feel comfortable with the way this is bieng handled and the way housing options have seemingly taken over and are proceeding with my case i am alarmed to see that the solicitor is earning between £56 to £200 + an hour. i have no idea what they are doing with my file or what is happening i asked fusion housing for a copy of the court bundle documents and have been told that i will need to make a data subject access request that will take 40 days to process if i want to see my own court documents. this is unhelpful as i am due in court on september 5th, in a couple of weeks. can i do an acting in person letter to the court and charity and get some control back over my file? how many sets of wet signatures should there be when signing one contract? I am asking this because my landlord says there is only one contract attached to this house. when i signed my contract, i was lead to believe that the other tenant had a contract as well as me. both contracts were signed and witnessed. the landlord took them away to copy them i would have thought that if there was only one contract then there should be only one set of signatures there is something wrong here as there are now three copies of signed tenancies. each one has a different set of signatures. the landlord has them all but I have copies. I dont remember signing 3 contracts and my signature looks very odd in contract 3 ( which the landlord has submitted to court as the main contract) the reason i think there is something wrong here is because each one shows that a bond and months rent of £600 were paid at the signing of the tenancies and each one has been signed separately. it is clear to see as the signatures are not identical, so there were different tenancies that were signed does that mean these tenancies say there was 1800 paid to the landlord at the start of the tenancies or just £600? is this one tenancy or three? when i signed my tenancy, i paid £600.(bond and rent) the landlord now claims that there was one tenancy and that it is a joint tenancy when i signed my tenancy, the landlord and other tenant lead me to believe that he had paid £600 as well and i was asked to sign and witness his tenancy. i found out three months later that the other tenant had not paid anything at the start of the tenancys and i have been mislead from the start the landlord returned my bond after two months and did not protect it. when i gave it him back he tried to say he wasnt taking a bond and the £300 he took back was for the other tenants rent but later changed his mind i believe at that point the tenancys were changed and bonds altered , i became liable for the other tenants debts the other tenant had lived here for a few years before i moved in there was already a bond on the house when i moved in. the old bond was then repaid to the tenant after i moved in even though the tenant was in arrears and there were outstanding repairs when i moved in. when i signed and witnessed the new tenancys the tenant did not pay a bond or months rent but i was lead to believe he had by both of them because they had filled the tenancys to show he had paid £600. in reality, the other tenant was in debt at the start of the new tenancys and they had both lied to me now the landlord says it was just one tenancy and we are joint tenants and he wants his house back if it really was one tenancy why are there so many versions and why was i the only one who paid anything? i feel i was used from the start to get the old bond returned to the old tenant so that the landlord could get him out. the old tenant is heavily in debt and has made no attempt to pay rent or bills. the landlord has allowed this to happen and made no attempt to rectify this. i have been paying my rent and was paying the bills ( his debts!) although i cant access data about the accounts. the bills were in the other tenants name before i moved in. the landlord didnt change this. i believe there were already debts before i moved in and this is why they stayed in the old tenants name. the landlord has been free to manipulate all this and i am finding it difficult to get help or advice regarding the validity of the signed contract or contracts and i am confused as to where i stand. i realise the landlord can ask for his house back at any time but i think the way this has been done is very wrong. i would never have left my old home to be on a joint tenancy anyway and especially with someone who was already in debt i have repeatedly tried to discuss the tenancy, rent, bills and bond with the landlord. i started recording the visits. the landlord was doing monthly inspections and coming without notice. i was being bullied by them both. here is an extract of a recording of a visit without notice from the landlord where the bond was discussed. when the landlord gave me the £300 bond back in january, i gave it straight back to him. he took the money away but did not leave a reciept. I paid my rent into the bank a few days later. (AA is the landlord, AR is me.) ....... AA this is what I'm gonna do right, this is what I think should happen, yeah? So this £250, right, that you already put in and this £50 AR £300 AA is £300 right. By all rights yeah That money is next months money for you, yeah AR or my bond AA I'm not taking a bond. I cant take a bond right. You have a month or two months I think under the - that's why within two months I came to see you before the end of two months AR two months? You've 14 days to pay the bond in AA right so AR to the bond bank, but you didn't tell me for two months AA. yeah so it didn't happen. Yeah AR I could have got somewhere else AA yeah so it didn't happen, right but just hear me out here yeah? Look, I couldn't put it into the bond account because Mark, yeah ? Rightly or wrongfully, wrongfully, he didn't give me the money yeah? So that's why I said, sod it, give it back. There you go yeah? So the bond is, is, forget the bond, I'm not taking a bond off ya. like I says to ya, here, you know, foolish me or whatever, but, you know, I think that's my perogative" here is another extract regarding the bond .......... AR ...so had that tenancy ended then? AA it abso.., yes it ended, yeah. That's why you signed a new tenancy agreement with Mark AR Right, but why did only me have to pay a bond? AA right so you both had to pay a bond but unfortunately Mark was in rent arrears and he didn't have no money to, to, to kind of pay the rent or the bond money so that's when, remember when you? We, we, we took down, you gave me half of the bond money and to which later on I, I, I just gave that back to you because obviously it was quite clear Mark didn't have the money to pay the bond money so we gave that back" I feel that they have both really taken advantage of me and the whole thing about the tenancys and bonds is causing me great distress. I am trying to fully grasp what is/has happened here and how it will affect me.
  10. Mrs L.C.writes: I bought my house in 1999. Previous tenants left owing money to everyone possible. Their children went to university but have not repaid student loans, and every few months I have received demands, which I have returned, saying they are no longer at my address. Erudio Student Loans Limited has now taken over this debt. I told it that the family left over 15 years ago, but Erudio said it would keep sending demands. I protested and was told they would stop, but after two weeks another has arrived. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/experts/article-2904618/TONY-HETHERINGTON-Student-loan-demands-pile-15-years-tenants-moved-out.html#ixzz3OYUF3D6f
  11. hello peeps, this is my first post - hello! I have a question: I drove my wife to a specialist doctor in London. 5 weeks after her consultation, we had a letter with an invoice for £290. The initial consultation lasted about 25 minutes. At no time was it explained to us that the initial consultation would be chargeable - so , of course, there was no mention of the price of the talk. We would not have driven to London if we had been informed of the price. Now the invoice has been followed by demanding emails and a call from a medical debtor agency - not answered by me . Since there was no prior information on the cost of the first visit, can anyone tell me what our legal rights are? An offer of £50 for goodwill has been rejected so far. Thanx!
  12. I am also with SIMARC and recently moved house. I notified them online that I'd moved house and got a bill for double the amount owed (£140 - I sent a cheque for the original amount (£70) we owed and they returned it. They said it was not accepted and if we wanted to resolve the matter to send double. I wrote another cheque keeping the returned one, and their letter and that has just been returned also. This has gone on now for months and is stressing me out. Are they not obliged to take the money? What do i do now? Please can you help? kindest regards Karen
  13. Hi CAG this is my first post. My wife received a letter today regarding £532 which the Tax credits says she is due them because of an overpayment. When we first got together in 2011 I signed on to JSA which we did as a joint claim etc, everything above board and we specifically asked if we needed to tell CTC about it and they said that no, the info goes on the computer and all agencies get to know so that was fine. 5 weeks later we get a letter from CTC saying that there had been a change in circumstances and that we needed to get in touch to continue to receive entitlement, so we called immediately and spoke to a nice chap who took the details and told us that they'd received info from JCP about the new claim etc but needed us to call, which we now had done, everything hunky dory. Now we are asked to repay the money that we got for my wife's children during those 5 weeks. Its not even as if with the new circumstances we weren't entitled. We haven't had a penny that we weren't entitled to, just that we were late (by a week since they give you 4 weeks leeway) in telling them about a change that didn't even affect our entitlement. While on the phone today the irksome character on the other end of the phone cheerfully informed my wife that she also has over £2k overpayment that was made back in 2006 when she was with her ex, which she had no idea about and they have never before attempted to collect although again there had been no periods where she/her ex had earned over £50k to preclude them from receiving CTC. Is there any course of action we can take to try to get someone with a sense of reason so see that we are not guilty of wrong doing and haven't taken any money to which we were not entitled? Or is it just a big money grabbing austerity con?
  14. Is it just me or are Lowell's still serving Statuary Demands on a large scale? I Ask as I saw the sticky on them issuing Statuary Demands and looked at the London Gazette and there are still loads being issued! Some as most recent as the end of August!
  15. I would be grateful for some advice. I occasionally buy childrens clothes online from the US. I always spend less than £100 including shipping and all clothes are for under 14 year olds so should be VAT exempt. From time to time Fed Ex demand payment of VAT + a handling fee after delivery of the shipment but so far they have always backed off when I point out the commercial invoice identifies the shipment contained only VAT exempt children's clothes. Last month I got a demand for payment of import taxes on Fed Ex's behalf from Controlaccount plc. The 'charges' relate to 3 shipments of childrens clothes for a 3 and 4 year old child. I went back to Fed Ex immediately to query the nature of the charge and didn't receive any response. Today I received a phone all from Controlaccount telling me that although the commercial invoices declare the items are childrens clothes, they refer to clothing sizes, not ages (size 3 for a 3 year old etc). Therefore the charges stand and I must either pay or jump through some bureaucratic hoops to try and convince Fed Ex they have given incorrect info to HMRC (get a reissued commercial invoice, statement from the retailer explaining why incorrect invoices were issued). This seems a bit OTT. I spoke to HMRC and they confirmed that all is required is for Fed ex to be satisfied the goods were for under 14 year olds and update the customs declaration made. For me, the invoices are correct as they stand and it is really beyond reasonable to claim they do not provide the information needed to identify the goods as VAT exempt goods. A quick look on the retailers website would demonstrate that they only sell clothes for kids up to 12 years old so their goods clearly meet the HMRC criteria for childrens clothes. I feel controlaccount are being very threatening and trying to scare me into paying a charge that is not due. What should I do next? Many thanks in advance.
  16. Dear All We have recently been hit with a back dated demand for Gas of £9500!!!!!!!! As you can imagine we were absolutely go smacked. It all started when we transferred our energy supplier five years ago. Every time we transfer our electric transfers but not our gas. We constantly tried to resolve this with SSE, to no avail, by constant telephone calls but it was never sorted. 18 months passed and they suddenly picked up the supply. We were quite happy with this, as their rates were good, and moved our electric supply to them as well. We sent a meter reading, set up a direct debit and everything seemed to be ok. However a month ago we received a back dated bill for five years of £9500. I noticed that the meter start was on 1034 and their last reading was 34000!! We disputed this and they reduced the back bill to £1600 and stated that their estimate had been to high. It also appears that they have not read the meter for five years!!!! They are currently estimating that we will use £2300 of gas per year. What I have done is taken and average over the last month, after this started, and I estimate we will use £1200 per year. My question is this. We can demonstrate our usage and have sent meter readings ourselves in the past, although not every time I will admit. really using the twelve month back billing rule we must be up to date if not in credit, can they make this stick? After sending a greatly reduced bill they are now putting pressure on by saying we must contact them immediately to agree! Surely this can be correct practice? Can anyone help?
  17. Can anyone please advise. I have defaulted on a 'grant of time to pay' and have now received a notice of enforcement from (dated 02/09/2014) a firm of HCEO's I defaulted because I had to pay a family loan for money I had borrowed for legal help during the trial, but the court don't recognize family loans as priority debt. This is now paid and I can start to pay the order. We have a baby due in a matter of weeks and now the bailiffs are threatening The debt is for £2880, to stop them acting I have arranged to pay £800 tomorrow and they then gave me 6 weeks to pay the balance - honestly I cant afford either I have tried speaking to the baliffs they are not interested in setting up any other payment plan. I have tried the court and they are not interested saying now its with the baliffs there is nothing they can do. What I'm concerned about is my partner is 7.5 months pregnant, she owns everything in the house most of it on finance, if I cant afford it and don't own anything what can they do? please help
  18. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  19. Hi, I recall that a creditor can pursue a borrower for sums allegedly due under an agreement that has been lost/destroyed, as a judge decided that was acceptable. My question is, if an agreement has not been lost/destroyed but has been clearly and concisely shown to be an unenforceable document. And a claim has been issued, defended and then discontinued, can the claimant (legally or lawfully) continue to demand payment? If so, then I shall file said demands in the appropriate place, if not then would these demands constitute harassment? Thanks for your responses, Bill.
  20. This is to do with the Bedroom Tax but more importantly the Discretionary Housing Payment allocation to councils. From The Evening Times this is the link: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/city-demands-answers-over-bedroom-tax-cash-134331n.21946342 Where the article mentions COSLA they are the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and their link is: http://www.cosla.gov.uk/ if you want more information on them.
  21. Hi all, This is my first post of this nature. I have done some reading on the internet for help and from what I can see this forum offers some excellent advice, of which I hope to receive. I have several debts outstanding from the last few years, of which I do really want to resolve to clear things from my credit profile etc as I hope to maybe start a family in the next year or two and look to buy my own home. I do not dispute the majority of these debts, just the way I am being chased on them, I am not going to say that I know nothing about them, I just want to be honest to receive some solid advice, even if it's not what I want to hear. My main concern at the moment is with Marstons. They are chasing me on an ourstanding Council Tax bill from last year. I simply couldn't afford the bill and struggled on the monthly payments through one reason or another. It was passed to Marstons. They told me several months ago my outstanding balance was £894 approx. I informed them I would struggle making the monthly payments but they said I must make these or my debt would increase. To the best of my knowledge (waiting on bank statements to confirm) I have paid £500 of this debt. Their agent has phoned me a couple of times in the last 2 weeks but due to me not currently having any money I avoided answering his calls. Now I've manned up and want to sort the matter out. He left me a voice message yesterday saying if I did not pay a further £250 they would visit my home which would incur an additonal fee of £140 for the visit, whether I am in or not. So I have messaged him this morning via text as I now want records of my dealings with their agent. I explained that currently I am struggling financially and do not have £250 to pay. He messaged saying that if a payment of £125 is made before 2pm tomorrow (1/04) he will hold proceedings and set a new arranging for me, at £133 per month and that he can do no more than this. He also said my remaining balance is £524. I asked him to clarify why my balance is £524 as I believe I have paid £500 so the remaining would be £394 or there abouts. He replied this is due to "further fees for late payments over the last 3 months" and that further attendance would incur further charges. I have asked how much are the late fees and where I can see these, I said to him that whilst he has told me about the £140 fee for visiting my home, I've no record of late fees being mentions and I've asked him for a breakdown of them. He replied: Mr XXXXX - The balance of hte information I have to hand. I will confirm and come back to you. It is important payment is made this week. I advised him that i would make a payment if I was financially able this week and that I would require a breakdown of these fees. Is there anything further I can be doing to avoid any further fees and to set a more manageable payment plan? - To my knowledge they have only visited my home once, when they put through the first letter to which I contacted them and made the subsequent payments, 1 of £200 and another of £300. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. I am concerned that if I am unable to pay the £125 he is demanding by tomorrow I will incur further charges including £140 to just visit my home... which I see as a little excessive, but this may be standard? Please note I have no experience of dealing with baliffs or debt collectors despite they contacting me. I do have other things I may need assistance with but I appreicate that people offer their advice on their own time and I do not want to clog up the board with all my issues, as this is the most pressing issue I will wait until I have resovled this before seeking further help. I am just glad for any assistance. Thank you for your time.
  22. I can't remember seeing anyone recently make a new post saying that they have been issued with a statutory demand on behalf of Lowells ? They are still continuing with bankruptcy petitions according to reports in the London Gazette. Have they stopped doing this, just paused or reduced the number they are issuing ? Going by what is reported via CAG, there does appear to have been a change.
  23. A stunned mum was ordered to put her six-month-old BABY on the phone to speak to a telephone banking operator. Jenny Nicholls, 31, had called the Halifax to talk to customer services about an error on her baby son's savings account. But the operator insisted he could only deal with the account holder – in this case, six-month-old Harry. "We waited in the queue and entered all the account security information then the man came on the line and said 'Is that Mr Harry Nicholls?'," Jenny told the Mirror. "I said no. He asked if he could talk to Harry but I said he's a baby, he can't talk." The staggered mum said she was then told that the matter could not be discussed with her - only with Harry. "I said I'm his mum but he just said he was sorry but he couldn't talk to me over the phone, only to the account holder," Jenny said. "I said 'are you being serious?' I thought it was a joke at first and then he would notice it was a child's account, but he was being serious." http://www.parentdish.co.uk/2013/10/07/bank-demands-mum-put-baby-on-phone-to-discuss-halifax-account/
  24. Hi Guys and girls. Just after a bit of guidance about rossendales. Cutting a long story short, myself and my partner last year both lost our jobs, we fell behind with council tax and ended up with a £900 + bill. We have paid some off and this now stands at £710.38 In the last 12 months, between us we have only eraned £6300. We are under the guidance of STEPCHANGE, who have gone through our spending and advised us that we can offer them a payment plan over 11 months meaning £64.58 per month. Our outgoings exceed our incomings even after the spending review and have sent rossendales details of this, however We have had a template letter back saying that we have overspent and have surplus income and are demanding £155 a month, which we simply have no way of paying. We have 2 small children who obviously need to be fed, clothed and keep a roof over there head. We are behind on water, gas and electric bills as well as this years council tax. They are threatening allsorts, including sending a van to pick up furniture etc,this just amounts at bullying and harassment and this isnt acceptable. any advice on how hard to stand our ground? Will the promised van arrive to pick up my sideboard and my sons 7 year old computer? Do you think our local council can help us?
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