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  1. Hi all, 1) With my last claim for JSA you didn'tt have to allow the DWP access to a UJM account. Is this still the case? 2) Does UC also replace HB? 3) Overall is the net money lower with UC (I'm guessing so). Thanks all, JB
  2. Hi All, Another post on behalf of my partners sister and farther. Apologies in advance if some of these benefit names have changed and I am calling them the wrong name and for the long post. Background Story; Partners Dad's house that himself and other daughter was living became UN-inhabitable due to a gas explosion next door that blew a hole in the side (https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/a-miracle-escape-from-gas-explosion-at-21-charles-street-in-blackpool-1-8780154) Daughter suffers from moderate Asperger Syndrome and has recently been diagnosed as clinically depressed. She got fired from her job due to not turning up and some conflicts internally that started to escalate (she described it as bullying but I don't think that was the full She got paid out £8k from the job due to being done by the book and they previously had to pay out £40k for a previously fired employee. Her Dad moved into ours whilst she moved into her "partners" Mum's house, her partner is currently a registered carer for his Mum who has now got the onset of dimensia She now has blown through the £8k on material itemswithin the space of 6 months and has no money and no job and claims she can't work due to this depression as unknown people trigger panic attacks but she can attend events like steampunk, real ale events etc filled with unknown people. She is now being prescribed some medication to help with the depression but she has to pay for it, she is constantly now calling her Dad asking for money for these things, he is happy to do it at the moment but solely from necessities. Her Dad also thinks that her partner has also "helped" spend the original £8k payout as he runs an unsuccessful business that is currently £50k+ in debt and can't afford to pay himself. Question; her Dad wants to know what she could be entitled too money / housing wise whilst all this is getting sorted, both house rebuild and depression. She said she applied for JSA but was turned down, there was no proof that she actually went to the Job Center and her story seemed a bit off, we don't think she want's to sign on maybe for sense of pride etc as everyone one else in the family works, but will happily drain her Dad of money and make him pay for her drinks bill etc. She hasn't mentioned anything about seeing if she is entitled to any disability based benefits. Daughter in question is 28 years old and her partner is 47 (I think,) he is a registered carer for his ill Mum, lives at his Mum's home with other family and the Daughter in question, works so many hours a week for his own company but doesn't pay himself as the company has no money and hasn't for years. Any help or advise would be appreciated on how to approach this and again sorry for the long post but I know people are asked for more information on the forum all the time so thought I would try and get as much of it down as possible. Thanks in Advance.
  3. Hi, I am on JSA and my work coach has asked me to get a mobile phone. They have stated they will pay for it but I am not happy for personal reasons (which I don''t want to share with the work coach). Since I already have a phone in the house is this something they can insist on and is there anything I can say to discourage it?
  4. resident came to see me as a community Councillor. they are on SSP and are signed off work for at least a month. They put in a claim for UC and so did their partner, and linked the claims. A message came through that he cannot get UC as he is on JSA, strange that as he has been working and up until this potentially long term illness worked and received Tax Credits. from 2012. Turns out that when they closed his JSA they didn't put an end date when they closed the claim so it technically is still live. Very sloppy form design where it allows a critical field to be left blank on saving. If it isn't sorted by their interviews what redress could be claimed as he will not get UC due to the error? The problem then is they can't pay rent etc are DWP then liable for any consequential loss if they became homeless as a result? Is there a data breach as the DWP has been potentially unlawfully processing their data due to not actually claiming JSA? Is it worth him informing ICO? SAR under GDPR? Thoughts team?
  5. HI, Hope someone can help out with this problem. My sister is claiming JSA and has been told she must attend a skills conditionality course, mon-fri 10 til 4, lasting 18 weeks. She has been told this course is mandatory because she is long term unemployed. She has been to the first interview with a group of other claimants and was told to fill in all the forms etc, and given a run through of what training she will be given, but the problem is she is blind in one eye and only has awareness of light and contrast in the other, she is unable to read or write legibly one of the attending advisors filled in the forms and asked her to make a mark as a signature. my sister is looking for work although restricted, she does voluntary work at a local animal sanctuary at weekends and at a nearby allotment 2 days a week, that is run by the rnib I have seen some legislation that some diabled claimants could only be put on the course voluntary but it also states that long tern unemployed is mandatory. She uses the county community transport service to get around but they will not take her out of county, which this course is. her work coach/advisor seems fairly uninterested in helping and has explained she will be sanctioned. she receives PIP at enhanced rate for both sections Please can anybody point me in the right direction many thanks
  6. Are the Text message appointment reminders for job seekers allowance appointment reminders, automatically sent? Thanks
  7. Hi all, I was recently sacked (for reasons quite spurious) by my last employer, and now the DWP want to see a letter from them establishing why I left my job. The letter is pretty scathing about my behaviour ("inappropriate" comments and other oversensitive twaddle) but states they dismissed me, and I was NOT dismissed for Gross Misconduct. However, does the fact the dismissal was about 'behaviour', and not performance/attendance etc, mean I can't get JSA as before? Would appreciate some clarity as this is a concern. Cheers, JB
  8. Hi, the answer I need is on the jsa claimant commitment of " most hours I can work each week". The reason is I have a long term disability, 2 years ago on my claim I had this on 24 hours. I started work and claimed working tax credits on 24 hours. but my employer was pushing my hours in a very demanding job for my disability up to 50 plus hours per week. I complained to head office and got no where so resigned from the position. I made a claim for jsa today and the "work coach" said that as I had done 50 hours then 40 hours full time would be on my claim for "hours I can work". I wondered if there was a set amount of hours like working tax credits if you are disabled that is accepted by them to put on the form. thank you.
  9. Hi everybody, apologies if you've seen my question on some other forum, but I did not get any replies and I'm getting a bit anxious about this issue. Quick recap: - EU national, in UK for 15 years, but with an absence of more than 6 months (see below) - Never claimed any benefits until late 2013, till I lost my job, then left the UK for 8 months and came back in 2014. - Claimed JSA in 2015 (six months after coming back) but it was initially refused on the ground the 8 months absence would not entitle to any benefits. - Appealed and won, but was told I could only claim for 3 months - Appealed again, offering to show documentation of my previous jobs and NI contributions; won the appeal (they didn't even bother asking me for proof of my documentation) and was granted JSA with no restrictions. I even have a letter from the Benefit Centre stating that they accept I am a permanent resident. - Since then I've been in and out of JSA and this is basically the same claim, which has been extended by multiple rapid reclaims - My area has now gone full digital. I'm still on JSA, but I understand any change in circumstances will trigger a migration to UC. My questions: - Can I voluntarily ask to be migrated to UC? My work coach says that I would have to quit JSA first and then make a new fresh claim for UC. Is this true? - In any case, if I'm "naturally migrated" to UC, would I have to go through a new procedure of showing my entitlements to benefits or would my file be just moved on from JSA to UC? I'm worried that, if I move to UC, the DWP will give me hard time, because the regulations are much stricter for UC than for JSA. In 2015 it took me 10 months of appeals to get unrestricted JSA. Would the letter from the Benefit Centre (2015) be enough to prove my entitlements? I don't really want to stay on the dole for the rest of my life but I just would like to know where I stand.
  10. After a long absence from benefits I'll be starting a new claim for Universal Credit in the next few days. Just a brief history: I was on the old Work Programme with Ingeus for the full 2 years - towards the end I was placed on the ESA assessment phase having been on JSA only and didn't have to attend the office anymore... Shortly after I ended the claim to pursue a new opportunity and that's where I've been for over a year and a bit. Now having to go back to relying on benefits is a difficult thought and I have no idea what's changed. I have no clue if my local office is still open, I know most claims are now dealt with by phone only... I think that's right? I've heard DWP offices are closing down all over the country so what does this mean for a claimant and how do they check your doing all you can to find work? Can anyone fill me in on what's changed and what'll happen when I sign up... very nervous about it as I never actually thought I'd go back into the system... I was on antidepressants before and looking for job didn't help much with my mental health. Having not worried about work strictly speaking for over a year I am quite anxious regarding all these changes and what it could mean for my family.
  11. Hi all, I know the max number of HOURS you can work is 16, but is there a cap on what you may earn? I'm fairly ok paid WHEN I'm in work and am toying with the thought of doing some very minor projects, these could (if I'm very lucky) net me more than I get from JSA but I imagine the DWP have an upper cap. Only problem is I don't know if those projects will be any kind of long term thing.
  12. hi hope someone can help i had my pip renewel last tuesday/ i had one 2 years ago lost my mobility but kept standard care element my astmah and artitis was really bad the male receptionist pushed me in on a swivel chair/ the assesor said i could leave and have another appointment if i wanted i said no as i couldnt bear the throught of going back again/ my son was with me, i was in pain with my legs and im sure you could hear my chest weezing /she was very nice and kept asking if i was ok / i am concerned i might get zero points and lose my pip i didnt go for appeal as i couldnt stand the stress of having to explain all over again /i also suffer from anixity/ will the dm look at the assesment i had 2 years ago as it was a different situation and i am a lot worst now/ sorry for long post my assesment was with capita not atos
  13. I was hoping that if I ended up on JSA, I could do their token jobsearch on the abysmal Jobmatch site and then do my own jobsearch later on at home at proper sites like Indeed or whatever, but it seems they're not letting you do that without a sanction. Why is that? Don't they trust us to look for ourselves? They honestly don't want people claiming benefits in the first place so it would be obvious that they would help us in our OWN jobsearch rather than theirs. In fact, I heard a rumour that those upright machines with the touchscreens that print out jobs for you have disappeared entirely from ALL JCPs - is that true?
  14. hi I recently finished a full time course at the end of january and started signing on to job seekers allowance while looking for work. At the first meeting at the job centre before anything else was discussed i was told that at the start of all new claims there is a mandatory 12 weeks of daily contact. After questioning this i was told that this is a national policy for all new claims. although im not attending every day i'm getting appointments to attend 2 or 3 times per week and must email my job search activity, jobs applied for, and forward all email responses from applications. i was told this was to help me find work but after almost 2 months all it has involved is keeping them updated on my work search activity with no help whatsoever towards finding work. after searching online i cant find anything about a mandatory 12 weeks of daily contact for all new claims so suspect that it is just some local thing. can anyone let me know if this is a national or local scheme? i expect that things like this are intended for people who who need help or encouragement towards looking for work rather than everybody, and as i was placed on this before anything else was discussed they have no reasons whatsoever to suspect that i might need this extra attention. Is there any national criteria to determine who gets placed on this daily contact which i could use to complain & be placed on the normal fortnightly signing?
  15. Hello all I'm going for my first signing on JSA after many years. I remember previously I had 3 different types of job titles that I was looking for - eg, care assistant, sales assistant etc. I'm wondering if that's still sufficient or is there a minimum number I need to list? I just want to know what I should expect really - bit nervous. I've been told to bring in my CV (haven't signed up for UJ) for my first interview - should I have it redacted? I'm very privacy conscious and I've read how very little I can trust the DWP with anything. Thank you - appreciate any guidance
  16. My Son's JSA has just changed from Contribution Based to Income based but when he got his payment today instead of the usual £146.20 he only received £62 ( sorry can't remember the pence ) . I receive ESA Contribution Based in the Support Group . I also receive Enhanced PIP for mobility . Plus I have savings over £6,000 which the Housing Benefits know about because I send my Bank Statements in . It doesn't affect my ESA . My question is, although we are not a couple , does the fact that I have savings affect his Income Based JSA ? I can't think of any other reason why it has gone down to around £31 per week . He had no warning of this .
  17. Hi guys I searched the forum but couldn't find any info on the situation I'm in. I was on JSA from October to mid November 2017. I got a part-time job which guaranteed me 12 hours a week. I started that on 14th November. They gave me a contract until 31st December. However, they cut that short as work had diminished. i left my job on 14th December. In the four weeks I worked there, I worked 24 hours in weeks 1 and 2, and 12 hours in weeks 3 and 4. After week 3 had finished, I called JSA to see if I could get extra benefit money as I had only worked 12 hours, and had been looking for a second job with more hour or a full-time job. I had an interview booked for 15th November. When I went to the interview, I explained that when I initially called them about low hours, I was not aware that my contract would be cut short, and explained that I had now left my job the previous day, and showed them proof of my termination letter due to diminished work. They came to a conclusion that I was entitled to £10.19 for week 4 and could not backdate as I had not shown enough reason for the delay of my claim, even though I explained them during the initial conversation that it was not possible for me to do so, as I could have been handed more hours towards the later end of week 3, since we did not have fixed hours of work. I decided there wasn't much point in arguing about not being paid £10.19 for week 3. I assumed I would start getting JSA from 15th December as I continued to look for work. I was asked to show my last payslip which I sent it. I got a call saying as I had earned £545 as shown on my payslip for the month of December, I would not be entitled to JSA until a month after I got paid. I got paid December 21st, therefore thy said I would not get any JSA support until after January 21st, as they expect me to use my earnings of £545 to get me through December 21st - January 21st. However, they expect me to keep signing on and continue to look for work, otherwise there would be sanctions. my question is, is this all correct? They're saying that after I was forced to leave my job on 14th December, I should use my earnings to cover a 1 month period, without getting any JSA support. They also expect me to continue looking for jobs and signing on. It all seems wrong as I'm seeking a job, and not getting job seekers allowance. In fact, I actually don't get my first JSA payment until 8th February as they pay 2 weeks after the month up to 21st January has finished. Any help would be useful.
  18. hi. i im a 60 yrs old male.and failed my esa assessment last week ,0 points . i use a walking stick as i have pain in my right leg from motor cycle accident.i had years ago,(leg as metal rod and pins in) i also suffer from nasal polyps nose constantly blocked and running.awaiting another op this will be my 11th op.as they always come back several weeks after, my job seekers appointment for a new claim is tomorrow.just wandering what type of work i should say im looking for, my doctor recommended part time. i can not use the stairs so will have to have interview on ground floor,
  19. Hi Ive been in a mental health hospital for 8 to 9 years on a section 3 of the mental health act. My benefits stopped after a year or so after being detained. However through my Social worker I have applied to get Esa. And I have now recived a fortnightly payment of JSA. Can any one make any sense of this?
  20. Hello, I was on ESA for a year and then had assessment and they said I no longer qualified. I thought, maybe it's a good thing, and claimed JSA back in May and was looking for work and started Functional skills for maths and English as well. Now after 3 months of being on JSA I had Genuine Prospect of Work assessment. I went for it, they asked me 4 or 5 questions and sent it off to the decision maker who requested additional documents. I sent them over 50 pages detailing my employment history since 2006 (when I first came to the UK from EEA). Turned out I failed the assessment and they stopped my JSA What to do now? Get an explanation and MR?
  21. Hello really need help with this matter. I recently signed on was informed by my adviser that i would have to see someone from upstairs about 'intensive job search training'. I asked what it was she responded in saying its just **** from upstairs who will go through stuff on the computers, for a bit support. I asked if it was compulsory she said when you are told to come in you have to. i went to the appointment was met by lady upstairs, she then took me down onto the computers and asked me to log into my UJM account, i did that she asked me how i looked for jobs I said i log on here every day and use indeed, cv library etc. wanted to look at my CV and said it could be better ,i responded by saying my adviser was happy with it said nothing to do with her and this is the reason i was not getting interviews! told me i need to go on a CV building course. said log into your indeed account, i said i cant i dont know my password as i use it on my phone and its automaticly logged in all the time. demanded me to show me it on my phone, alarm bells were ringing at this stage! I said no as im sure there was a data protection law about that, asked what i was hiding, i replied nothing and asked her when my 'training' was going to start. she wanted proof of my job searches i asked why and she said because i need to see them. Ok i said look on my UJS as i have put them in the diary section bit i fill in every day. said that is not evidence as it could be made up!! I was furious how dare her accuse me of lying! We ended up back upstairs as she said we are going around in circles and i was being very un helpful. She give me an appointment for next monday and to bring evidence of my job searching or else. I asked what i have done wrong i was here for training which turned into a witch hunt, she told me interview over and got security to ask me to leave which i did but was left confused,shocked and angry. I have done everything they have asked since i signed up, im in my mid 40s and have worked all my life, i am frightened about sanctions etc and dont know where to turn. Please can you give me any advice on this matter, sorry to waffle but need to try and give you the full story. Cheers in advance.
  22. Can anyone help. Due to depression and anxiety i was on esa, i was in the support group and allowed to do permitted work. I failed my assessment and have been taken off ESA. on all other occasions i have been told that permitted work will have to stop so that is what i did this time. I am now being refused full jsa because i stopped the permitted work. I did ask what i should do about permitted work when they told me i could not claim esa anymore but no one seemed to know so that is why i finished as that had been the case before.
  23. Hi, I would be grateful for any help.I completed the work programme in October 2016 and am back on jsa,my advisor keeps giving me conflicting information on how to provide evidence of jobseeking but that is not the main question.At my last signing he said that somebody had made a mistake on my claim and that I was to be reffered to annexe 12 but that it was not appropriate as my claim began only seven months ago and that it would have to be 12 months since claim began. he said that if reffered before 12 months dwp would have to pay!i asked him what annexe 12 was and he replied "it is something we use to bring you closer to the labour market" I asked him if it was like the work programme and he replied"something like that ".he said it was sorted out now and not to worry but I have tried to find out what exactly annexe 12 is with no success and am wondering if anybody on here knows? thanks,I like to be prepared when dealing with that lot!
  24. After one applies for jobseekers allowance, they are invited to their first appointment to sign their application. If there are topics that need to be expanded, or for example special circumstances that cannot be answered with a simple yes/no, can one attach a written statement to be sent to the decision makers? Thanks
  25. This is questionable, Some work coaches are saying the above whilst others claim they can use their own discretion , really that isn't what the DWP's official guidance says about EPS As someone who is very sceptical of the establishment & DWP Sounds like someone was in la la land or stoned maybe, or is there something more sinister at foot , why do this , to cause confusion for fun ? or are they testing the waters, to see how much opposition they meet, before they scrap eps , ? https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/470857/v4am47.pdf
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