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  1. I don't really think this is anything to do with the NHS but this seems to be where the Care Home funding issues are. I am sorry this is long-winded but am hoping it saves you having to ask questions. My mother has been cared for at home for many years by me and by carers. She is 98 and has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's for seven years. It is not getting any better as you may guess. After one fall of many caused a broken ankle last year she ended up first in our local hospital, then in a Rehabilitation Unit, then in an interim stay in a care home for assessment and re-enabling and finally in a permanent care home. To transfer her from the Rehab Unit to the Interim Care Home she was assessed and found not to have the mental capacity to make that decision and she was, after a Best Interest meeting moved very quickly to the interim home. We went through the same process when discussing her care after leaving the Interim Home, Mental Capacity Assessment where it was found she would not be able to decide in her own best interest and Best Interest meeting where it was decided she needed full-time permanent care as the LA would not be able to put in enough care at home. At this time I explained that although mum owned a bungalow she had an equity release mortgage, taken out before my father died 15 years ago. I took on PoA about eight years ago. Mum has been assessed for the payment for the Interim Care Home stay which I understand and will pay (when an invoice finally arrives) and for the first 12 weeks in the Permanent Care Home again, I understand the formula they are using and will pay it when billed. They could not find a home that could meet mum's needs for the rate the LA chooses to pay but the room she is in is at what the home calls Local Authority Rate. She has been assessed as needing to pay the full amount once the 12 weeks are passed. I have been asked as PoA to sign a form requesting a Deferred Payment Loan against the future capital from the bungalow. According to the formula in the "What is the Deferred Payments Scheme" paper they sent me they would calculate Mum to be in negative equity once the bungalow is sold. They are still asking me to sign but I am not a solicitor nor do I have any knowledge of the Care system other than what I have gleaned on the way. I think they will give mum/me this loan but it feels very unsafe to take it out. I feel we could end up with a debt we cannot pay if the house sells for what has been estimated as the value or less - especially with March and Brexit, etc. I have asked for a reassessment of what mum has to pay after the 12 weeks as the figures have been updated since the original assessment which was really a best guess at what the bungalow would sell for. At best she will only be able to fund a few weeks and I really could not have made it clearer that this was the situation from the outset. How can they charge her when their own figures suggest negative equity. I am quite prepared to pay whatever the law says she should but I feel very out of my depth with this. Help!
  2. All supported housing funding to be retained in welfare system - Housing Benefit READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/all-supported-housing-funding-to-be-retained-in-welfare-system
  3. NHS gets funding green light for new buildings, wards and beds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nhs-gets-funding-green-light-for-new-buildings-wards-and-beds
  4. hi hope someone can help i had my pip renewel last tuesday/ i had one 2 years ago lost my mobility but kept standard care element my astmah and artitis was really bad the male receptionist pushed me in on a swivel chair/ the assesor said i could leave and have another appointment if i wanted i said no as i couldnt bear the throught of going back again/ my son was with me, i was in pain with my legs and im sure you could hear my chest weezing /she was very nice and kept asking if i was ok / i am concerned i might get zero points and lose my pip i didnt go for appeal as i couldnt stand the stress of having to explain all over again /i also suffer from anixity/ will the dm look at the assesment i had 2 years ago as it was a different situation and i am a lot worst now/ sorry for long post my assesment was with capita not atos
  5. good afternoon I'm new on here and am hoping someone can give me some advice and tell me what to expect. i have received a claim form today from county court business centre relating to a debt originally with the funding corporation but assigned to cabot. the issue date is 17 jan and the amount being claimed for is £10200 + costs of £454.50 (court fee ) and £100 (legal representatives costs ). the claim is in joint names for myself and my now ex wife. when we were together we got a car financed through tfc in 2007. when we separated and divorced it was agreed that she take the car and maintain payments on it, however after sometime she was unable to continue, as the credit was in joint names, i took the car back and made the payments. when i did this i found out that she had had the payments reduced from £300 per month to £100 per month. i did a sar to check the account and found that £6000 had been added to the amount owed as a result of the payments being reduced. i queried this as i thought that with it being in joint names, my agreement and signature was required to make this sort of a change and did not hear anything back. due to this, being made redundant, and various personal issues, payments were stopped. the last payment made was several years ago. i can no longer find the paperwork which i had from the sar. can someone advise me if i have a viable defense to part of the claim in that i didnt agree to the reduced payments, if i do - do i send a sar to their solicitors, cabot or tfc and will the court allow me the time to do this? would it be better to admit the claim and ask for a payment arrangement, i wouldnt be able to afford much as i do not work full time because i look after my 3 year old son for half of every week. i think there was also ppi on the account as well, although only in my exs wifes name. would it be an idea to look into reclaiming this? Should i get legal advice and what sort of costs would be involved in this? many thanks for any help and advice that can be given.
  6. Hi - I have a car which is financed by TFC (the worst HP company ever, their staff are so arrogant). I just wanted to find out if anyone has managed to come to a reduce payment agreement with them. I have been trying for the last 2 1/2 years to have my monthly installments reduced, reason being is I have had to reduce my work hours for health reasons so have lost +/-£300/month. I have written, complained, phoned just about done flik-flaks in their offices and they are having none of it. Their response is we do not consider your situation to be a material change in circumstance My argument to that is if I had come to them with my current payslip would they have lent me the same amount of money being the reasonable lenders they are or would it have been less? Also their BILL OF SALE BORROWER INFORMATION SHEET, which I believe is a form of false advertising states. “If you have a material change of circumstances we will take this into consideration and may agree to reduce your repayments until such time as you are to continue with your original contractual repayments.” They recently sent me an income and expenditure form which I completed and returned under the assumption that they would look at reducing my payments, also according to one of the staff who stated "I can see from you account that you have applied for a reduced payment" when I queried about them receiving the forms, so it is on file, the lady I spoke to today adamantly tells me its not somethign the company does!!! Why send me the forms then, will ask her when she phones back as was getting to upset and did not want to rock the boat. has anyone managed to get reduced payments and if yes how? Is the above worthy of a complaint to the FOS. My agreement finishes in September 2016 so only have 11 months to go but financially its killing me and my husband has just been made redundant so struggling big time. Sharon
  7. Hey Caggers, I am after some advise ref a vehicle that we purchased from ACF Car Finance in December 2011. Since we have had the car there appears to have been an lot of things that have actually gone wrong with the car ranging from a new clutch, new gear box, new suspension, new central locking, failed coil pack, misfiring cylinders and knackered suspension to list the ones that come to mind as I write this post. Since we had had the car, we have followed the recommended service arrangement and had a full service every 12 months and really have looked after the car. With having so many issues, one of the garages we went to for repairs did comment on faults of this nature being common with a vehicle that has been neglected and asked if we were sure of the cars service history before we actually purchased it. When we looking at the service book it was pretty clean that the stamps for various services were actually made up, the same pen, same handwriting etc. and none of the boxes were tickets. We have even spoken to Vauxhall to verify the service history and they have said that there is not record of any 2 of the 3 services on the book which were apparently completed at a Vauxhall dealer. We raised this with ACF who said that it was not their policy to check the service history of cars they purchased as they carry out their own check to ensure that vehicles are fit for purpose. Now, what's brought the need to create this post on is that we have just been on the receiving end of a major gearbox and clutch failure on the car, a repair that is set to cost me £1622 to fix a car that is worth just over £2200. We still have 2 years left on the finance however the garage has informed us that they don't believe the vehicle will last the full duration of the finance due to the level of faults we are experiencing. Do I have any ground to ask for the finance to be suspected or the vehicle to be returned to ACF ? the cost of the current repair is approx 70% of the car current value and I fear the next big issue will be pretty much game over. The issue of the fictional service history must have some weight ? Is there anything that can be done to help me get out from in-between this rock & hard place? Thanks Scott
  8. A few days ago a vitally important judgment was released concerning (once again) the matter of Liability Order 'costs'. This particular case was an appeal and was heard in the High Court but unlike in the recent case of the Reverend Nicolson, this particular local authority (East Northamptonshire District Council) had prepared a schedule of standardised costs of the type encouraged by Judge Andrews in the Reverend's case (paragraph 46). The claimant; Edward Williams represented himself and his appeal concerned (amongst other points) the following: One: That the summons served was an abuse of process because within it, it included an amount of costs (£75). He contended that the Regulations make no provision for the summons to include an amount by way of costs and that costs could only become due once, and if, a liability order were made Two: That including the amount of costs on the face of the summons was an abuse because it was an unlawful demand for money which the local authority had no right to make at that time. He contended that the costs were not due and owing at the date of the summons . He pointed out that the complaint on which the summons was based made no reference to the costs of £75. He submitted that it was an unfair manipulation of the Court process to include an amount for costs on the face of the summons, particularly when the only real summons cost was £3. He suggested that the recipient of a summons would be misled into believing that the costs of £75 were fixed and could not be debated or challenged. Three: He wanted to appeal the earlier decision regarding the sum of £75 and whether the costs had been 'reasonably incurred'. Most importantly; (and this is of significance to all local authorities who had been waiting for this case to be heard), Mr Williams considered that when compiling a schedule of costs, East Northamptonshire Council were wrong to include figures for: Information and Technology costs. Chip and Pin costs. Pension deficit funding.
  9. Hi All. I recently purchased a Ford Focus from Stoneacre using finance from The Funding Corporation. After 1 day of collection, a whole host of issues appeared, which were as follows: 1.) ABS/Traction Control/Handbrake lights would randomly start flashing on dashboard. When they did, the car would become very jerky and not drive properly (much like kangarooing) - when on the motorway at 70mph and this happened the car would be extremely dangerous, braking on it's own and hopping around for want of a better explanation. If a car was behind you it looked to them like you'd braked! It is seriously a major fault. 2.) Car won't go into reverse gear. It results in crunching/grinding. I've been stuck in parking spots for 15 minutes before trying 50 times to get the car into reverse and each time it feels like it's in and when you release the clutch just grinding and crunching. 3.) When braking lots of juddering, shaking, doesn't brake straight and true. Steering wheel shakes violently upon braking. 4.) Loud tapping/rattling/knocking/whining noises coming from engine bay. And many more... I complained and Stoneacre took the car back in, saying they would require it for 1 week. After 3 weeks the car was returned to me and at this time, i received a letter from The Funding Corporation stating the following: "We have heard from Stoneacre who have told us they have rectified the issues with the car, on that basis we cannot accept the car returning/rejecting and therefore this is our final response on the matter". Now, that would be fine, however... The car came back with not a single issue fixed, infact, only 1 day after it returning to me the Engine Management Light appeared, the car went into limp mode and wouldnt do over 20/30mph. Then fault codes starting flashing up on the dashboard, and now, when the car is started (it's push button start/keyless) more often than not it will NOT turn off when you've reached your destination. You push the button to shut the car down and it does nothing. You literally have to stall the car to turn it off. I have an email from Stoneacre openly admitting they are not sure what the issue is relating to number 1.) (the main dangerous issue) but they "tried a few things" and it should be fine. Just to clarify, not 1 of the issues that the car went in with has been fixed, it's just come back with more. I just don't want the car now, i bought it 6 weeks ago, i've had the car for 2 of those 6 weeks and it's a complete Lemon. Am i now within my rights to reject the car? The Funding Corporation are nothing shy of useless and to respond saying "that's the end of the matter" is a bit of a joke quite frankly. The problem at the moment is, i really do need a car, and not sure how to go about resolving this. Any advice much appreciated.
  10. Hi all, My friend is on JSA and is wanting to train as a Phlebotomist, there is a company that trains you and it says this> Q: Can I get funding for your courses? Phlebotomy Training Services is a DWP approved training provider and so we do get a large number of students who receive full or partial funding for our training courses. We can provide you with an information pack which explains further details about the courses and how they can increase your chances of employment. http://www.phlebotomytraining.co.uk/index.php/faq Is this true? Would the DWP really fund her to do this course? If so does anybody know how she would go about it? Thanks x
  11. Dear all, I had an interview for a team manager position in a learning difficulties service charity organization on the 9th of March 2015. The employer called me later in the day and offered me the position which i accepted. The employer sent me the conditional job letter offer. The HR manager called and emailed me, before they received the references, saying that "unfortunately the job position was withdrawn because the funding to support the job was not more available." If it can be useful , i am adding this information- I am aware that my current manager knows the new employer`s manager and that the two different organizations are based in the same borough.Should i be suspicious about my current manager as she might have spoken over the phone with the new employer`s manager before sending out the reference? Now, how can be possible that after about 3 days that the references went out the job funding was not more available? Should HR have had the job funding approved before adverting the position on The Guardian? Can i take any legal action? Any suggestion will be very much appreciated. Charlie
  12. Hi there. My son and his partner are joint claiming Jobseeker's Allowance. I hope someone who has Jobcentre experience can help me out. We have a two part question - first part is relating to appointment scheduling, and the second is about funding for training. I'll stick to the question about scheduling in this post. Their normal signing day is on a Tuesday in the a.m. However, at their last appointment 2 weeks ago, their Jobcentre adviser told them that he was going to be absent from their next scheduled fortnightly appointment due to a training course he had to attend. So, he said the next appointment would be scheduled for the following Friday. He wrote in both of their "My Work Plan" booklets, on the appointment timetable, that their appointment was set for Friday 25/07/2014 at 09:00 and signed his name. Fast forward to today 23/07/2014 and my son telephoned their adviser directly to speak about funding for a training course. Adviser said he was "just about to call" himself as my son and his partner had missed their Tuesday signing appointment. Son explained what he had told them, and also what he wrote in their work booklets, at their last Jobcentre appointment. First of all, the adviser did not comment on this. He simply stated "You should have come in on Tuesday. You need to sign every 2 weeks." My son kept his cool and repeated why they had not attended. The JC adviser then sounded a bit flustered and gave two "sorry"s in the middle of a garbled sentence about their being some confusion. He then asked if my Son & partner could attend later today - they confirmed this was convenient and attended. At the appointment, adviser said "they have some paperwork to do. But not to worry - it's for me, not you!". He clicked onto a screen on his monitor and then posed the question to them "Why did you fail to attend your last Jobcentre appointment?" then paused for a verbal response from son. Again, son repeated what he had just explained on the telephone. He also directed the adviser to the page in their booklet with Friday's date/time and his signature. Adviser then typed a paragraph or two summing up what had happened. The title of the screen on his computer was something akin to "Give the reason why you failed to attend your last appointment". At this point, son asked adviser if this could negatively impact their claim for JSA? Adviser said (cheerfully) "Very possibly!" and that after he had typed this up, it would be sent to a decision maker and it was now out of his hands! Son then asked, given that the Jobcentre now informs them that they should have attended on Tuesday, should they also attend Friday's scheduled appointment? Adviser laughed and said no, "we wouldn't make you come twice in a week!". What should we think about this? Adviser said the decision should be made soon and we would hear back reasonably quickly. It's totally unfair and it seems like constructive dismissal to me. Any advise would be very gratefully received as we would like to get a head-start in case of a sanction.
  13. Hi, I am the loving mother of a lively 2 year old. I was diagnosed with autism in October last year. My autism, which incorporates dyslexia, makes it hard for me to trawl through past posts on sites like this and try and work out if anything is relevant for me, so please don't think me lazy in not having done so. Also, I would be very grateful of any simple, direct answers that are easy for me to digest (though I know I'm not very good at being brief myself!!) My problem is that I am in desperate need of nursery funding, but social services have, I feel, unjustly washed their hands of funding this. In more detail: caring for my daughter when my partner is at work is completely exhausting to me, even though he only works part time so as to support me. I have been lucky enough to have been granted early Me2 funding (organised by our local children's centre) so my daughter has 15 hours nursery care per week in term times, which has transformed my life, but school holidays are a nightmare and I get extremely ill from the effort of the extra hours I must look after her. I am estranged from all my siblings, mother and father and have no support from any friends. I have been trying to find funding for my daughter to go to nursery during school holidays also. My, very supportive children's centre worker has drawn a blank and told me that it is an adult social care matter, but my social worker today emailed to say: "Completed assessment identified that you meet moderate risk to your independence and therefore you do not meet our eligibility criteria for our intervention - we will not be able to fund the nursery for your daughter." I think her decision is wrong because, according to the council's FACS bandings and eligibility criteria (which I think are universal) I believe I should be placed in the qualifying Critical or Substantial bands (see below: relevant clauses emboldened) because: 1) I have no support at all from family, friends or anyone at all when my partner is at work 2) The ESA tribunal I had in December placed me into the support group and ruled that I can not work because of my autism. Can anyone please advise on how to respond to social services? I feel they have deliberately under-banded me so as to avoid paying the nursery fees that I am in genuine need of. I am dreading half term, which is approaching soon. Criteria: Critical If any of the following apply: • Life is, or will be, threatened • Significant health problems have developed or will develop • There is, or will be, little or no choice and control over vital aspects of the immediate environment • Serious abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur • There is, or will be, an inability to carry out vital personal care or domestic routines • Vital involvement in work, education or learning cannot or will not be sustained • Vital social support systems and relationships cannot or will not be sustained • Vital family and other social roles and responsibilities cannot or will not be undertaken Substantial If any of the following apply: • There is, or will be, only partial choice and control over the immediate environment • Abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur • There is, or will be, an inability to carry out the majority of personal care or domestic routines • Involvement in many aspects of work, education or learning cannot or will not be sustained • The majority of social support systems and relationships cannot or will not be sustained • The majority of family and other social roles and responsibilities cannot or will not be undertaken Moderate If any of the following apply: • There is, or will be, an inability to carry out several personal care or domestic routines • Involvement in several aspects of work, education or learning cannot or will not be sustained • Several social support systems and relationships cannot or will not be sustained • Several family and other social roles and responsibilities cannot or will not be undertaken
  14. I'm after some advice Back in june 2008 I purchased a car from ACF financed by TFC by way of a credit agreement linked to a Bill Of Sale. A week ago I received a statement of account from TFC showing the account still had a balance of £1300 to pay (I thought the agreement was totally paid up and the car was owned outright by me). On the statement was lots of charges for late payments and 'admin' charges. When I added them up, the charges are more than the outstanding balance by about £400! TFC have now sent me a notice of default sums, and my question is how do I go about reclaiming these charges? (they vary from £10 - £250 per charge) Also I'm concerned as they might try to repossess the car as it was secured by a Bill of Sale even though the balance is made up entirely of charges. I can upload a copy of the statements if it helps
  15. Having sorted out son in laws debts thanks to this site and taken control of the situation, I am looking to reclaim any ppi he might have had on a series of loans he had when trying to support his parents whilst his mother was terminally ill and his Dad a full time carer. had a credit report and as well as Welcome - a nightmare to deal with and currently on back burner - came across The funding corporation and a loan from August 2004 til October 2008 - 50 months at £81 - looks like no defaults on it but suspect some form of ppi. Read a few old threads on various sites which all seem to peter out very quickly due to not being regulated by FOS. Guess starting point is a SAR to TFC as have no paperwork and see what turns up. in meantime will trawl the web for any info/success stories. sorry for typing - just out of hospital after op - only got wrong hand to type with - will also start a thread for the lloyds loans he has/had when i can make some sense of the timeline.
  16. Hi everyone, I'm new here and just looking for some advice I got a car on finance from approved car finance/ the funding corporation with my ex partner back in 2004 and I was paying all the monthly payments for about a year until I got laid off and I rang them and told them this and they still wanted me to pay, I started paying roughly £135 a week when started back work after being out of work for 2 months, when me and my ex split up in 2006 I lost my job and got 3 months behind with my payments, during this time I was staying with a friend, then out of the blue I had 2 men turn up at my friends house to say they was there to take my car if I didn't hand over £900 there and then, I didn't have that much on me and offered them £150 and I would pay the rest a week later when I had it, they said no and I had to remove all my belongings from the boot and put them in the garden and they took the car. I contacted the funding corporation and they told me because the car was repossessed I would not have to make any further payments on it and that was it. Fast forward to 2014 and I received a letter from Cabot debt collection agency saying I owe them £9000 for the car, what do I do, can anyone give me some advise please
  17. My Daughter was born with Polands Syndrome - she has had 2 operations 1) to build a muscle cavity and 2) to place a breast implant within the cavity, after surgery her chest has never been symetrical, and after fighting for a second opinion from another hospital we were told that the implant has completely turned ( teardrop implant) and the Dr was flabbergasted at the way she has been treated, so we had to apply for funding again to put right and replace the implant, 5 months later we have been refused ...can anyone help or advise the next root of action please xx
  18. I work for a County Council and am a paid up member of Unison. I recently had cause to speak to a parent about an issue and they identified themselves as working for Unison during ‘discussions’ about a serious complaint they had. They made several threats to us, using their standing, to have us investigated for apparently wasting money and for discrimination. This is without first establishing the facts that prove they are in fact wrong on every count. We are all facing severe funding cuts and as such are expecting a large number of redundancies and I take exception with the fact that this person has effectively abused their position and threatened people like me in order to bring about change. I’m not naïve enough to deny that this goes on every day in one form or another but I have taken exception to this especially as I pay for people like them to look after our interests and to not make even vaguely veiled threats. Do I have grounds for making a complaint to Unison and will it jeopardise anything with my employment? Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
  19. My daughter currently resides in a supported living placement funded by housing benefit and gets full IB/DLA high care/low mobility, the placement is breaking down and she's dreadfully unhappy, something with more structure was recommended by social worker and this would have to be residential care which actually will suit her Autistic Spectrum Disorder. What would happen to her benefits, I was told she would keep her mobility allowance and another £28 a week for essentials like clothes the rest going towards the care home, or do social services totally fund the care package and any benefits would stop? Thank you.
  20. Hi everyone I'm new to all this and am just starting the road to reclaiming several lots of PPI! My first one is with The Funding Corporation. Unfortunately we are only going by the paper work we have as we can't remember the details. Basically we took out a loan with TFC for £10,000 plus PPI for £2170, plus interest at 6.9 totaling the loan to £14,505 of which £2587 is PPI. Husband had a full time fab job with full sick pay etc etc. He also had life insurance. We would never have knowingly added £2587 to a loan without thinking it was compulsory. It appears to me this is 'front loaded PPI'? is that right? However we have lots of paperwork that makes it look like we knew what we were doing. There is a tick in the PPI box where we have signed. There is a Policy number and agreement. There's also a dodgy looking 'Demands and needs statement' where 'in the event of my death' box is ticked. Bizarre seeing as if anything happened to other half we would be well taken care of. By the looks of it we settled end of June 2006:- balance outstanding £13,501.04 rebate of charges £1,792.77 rebate of insurance premium £50 amount acceptable in settlement £11,658,27 TFC name is all over everything except looks like loan is provided by Capital One and insurance by AXA. My questions are (if you've made it this far and aren't as confused as I am) Do we have a case? Confused by the excel interest thingy, how much interest should I be adding and where? Should I go straight to AXA? Does it matter that we looked like we really wanted this insurance, even though we know it was mis-sold as part of the loan. God only knows how we were so gullible! I am useless with numbers and my husband is far too busy to waste as many hours as I am on this (I'm the one instigating and pushing this). Your thoughts would be amazing and I am totally in awe of those that have made it this far!! I have posted this on another forum, hope that's OK?
  21. Took out car finance with ACF finance in October 2009 on a renault sceninc which has been nothing but problems ive managed to keep throwing money at it but have now come to the end of the road! the power steering has gone also the clutch. It will cost me more to repair than the car is worth. I still owe £3700 on finance. i phoned the lovely people at Cygnet today to talk over situation to say he was rude would be an understatement!!!! I am stuck with a car with no tax or MOT i was told i couldnt scrap it and was my responsibility to keep it road worthy. I would have to keep it off road somewhere for next 12 months. I asked them to fetch it back to which he said no point its worthless. I really dont know what to do i have nowhere to keep the car and also worried as it is illegal to keep it on the road. i wouldnt advise anyone to use these people i don't know how they sleep at night!!!
  22. hi all, I would like to start a complaint Re Barclays home insurance legal funding. I applied to them to take on a legal matter and after much deliberation they accepted the claim. The only problem was that Barclays only offered £1500 to help with the claim, while £1500 is better than nothing it is still not enough to cover all of my costs. Especially when Barclays policy handbook states that a level of funding is available upto £50k. Whilst I do not need £50k I need a significantly higher level of funding for my claim which has now gone to appeal. I relied on Barclays statement of funding to my detriment as now I can not fund my claim to pursue it to appeal. Barclays have been unable to point me to the limitation clause where it states £1500 is the standard arrangement rather than the £50k published. I am aware that Anthony Salz is the lawyer appointed by Barclays to investigate the culture of the scandal hit bank short changing consumers and I intend to write to him. I was just wondering if caggers can advise me as to how the financial ombudsman can help with this dispute. It seems that Barclays are misleading those with Home insurance into a false sense of security and not providing as per the agreements in their policy. Any help, comments, opinions most welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read. Best regards BB
  23. Hi, I was widowed last year a few weeks after my husband was involved in an RTA which wrote of our car. The car was financed by the Funding Corporation. We realised that the finance was a ridiculous amount of interest, and intended to pay it off sooner. When we originally put a claim in with our insurance company, the settlement figure was around £8000, which would have left us paying a few hundred quid plus the excess. But with my husband dying, I didn't go through with the claim, as I was all over the place, and tbh, everything has gotten out of hand as I couldn't cope. They recently caught up with me, and I am now pursuing the claim again, so that I can pay them. The problem is, that now they want over £17000 for the debt, which the insurance pay out won't even get near. They have said that they will send me an income and expenditure form, and I have asked them for a new settlement figure, but they refuse to give me a new figure, and say they just want me to start paying. I've told them that there is no chance of me being able to pay, and that I refuse to pay over £17000. Surely there must be a way of sorting it?
  24. I wonder if anyone can help, I took out car finance in Febuary 2007, I went to a car garage who then applied for a loan for me, The loan was agreed by Black horse loan, although Each month I paid The funding Corporation. Now my question is if i want to go about claiming PPI which company am i asking? I dont have the orginal agreement anywhere, all i know is the date i took the loan out and the amount, I know i need to send a standered letter but i'm not sure which company I should write to Any ideas? Thanks
  25. ...purportedly 22m. It said it on twitter so it must be true!!! :D:D Some G4S security staff speak no English. Glasgow City Council claims they actually do! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4428975/Some-G4S-Olympic-guards-speak-no-English-and-theres-no-training-uniforms-or-rotas.html
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