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  1. I'm not sure this is the right place but here goes I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder, which means I am often very depressed, anxious, scared, etc. I am on medication and generally have the illness to a level that I can cope. However I have got myself in debt with Vanquis, Capital One, Littlewoods and Very. I was making regular payments up to about 6 months ago but then my Mum passed away and my world fell apart. I am on esa and was managing with the help of my partner to maintain my payments. Now I am getting nothing but phonecalls and letters. This morning I received my second letter from Moorcroft for the Vanquis debt (£1287.14) asking for me to talk to them and payment or further action will be taken. I owe Littlewoods £925.73, I have only missed 3 payments on that debt so far but will miss more. I owe Very £2513 including arrears of £409. As for the two credit cards with Capital I owe approx £600 on each card. On top of this I have accounts with JD Williams which I'm not in arrears with but will soon not be able to make the regular monthly payments. I just want advice as to what to do, should I write to them all all and make an offer of a payment each month an hope they accept it. I don't have much money left over each month from my esa benefits so payment would have to be a small amount. Would I be better looking at a debt relief order? I just don't know which way to turn and it is affecting my mental health. It's hard enough dealing with the grief of losing my Mum just under a year ago on top of losing my Dad nearly 3 years ago. I just don't know what to do. I know this is my own fault, after losing Mum i went silly with money, anything to numb the pain I was and still am feeling. I just want some advice and guidance. Thank you for reading my rant and I appreciate any help you may advise me on.
  2. Good evening all, I took out a unsecured personal loan around 2 years ago with Tesco bank. My financial situation has changed quite a bit in the past 6 months, lost a family member, dealing with depression and anxiety and due to this my self employment businesses sales have plummeted. I got a part time job to help cover my living expenses so i'm trying my best to keep up with all of my payments. My outstanding balance is just over £16k. Monthly payments just under £400. The past 4 months I've been paying late. At the end of every month I end up giving every single penny I have toward this loan payment. Tomorrow I am planning on sending this letter off I found in the forums. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387346-Ask-Creditor-to-Accept-Pro-Rata-Payments-**Correct-as-at-October-2013** I was just wondering where I can find a I/E sheet? and do I include this loan payment in that sheet? Also what is considered a reasonable offer that they would be inclined to accept? Is this the best way forward? Thank you in advance
  3. A strange thread perhaps and why have i written this. Well i have been watching as a couple of people write letters to each other for years. When young i used to write letters to relatives thanking them for birthday presents etc. I watched the person write a letter and was surprised in these days of emails that they get so much pleasure from this practice. Writing a letter,putting it in an envelope,sticking a stamp on it and trotting off to the postbox. And waiting for a reply. Really feel tempted to get my quill out dip it in ink and write a letter to myself. Then i could act like Mr Bean. Excitably open it wondering who it is from. Do any of you out there in web land,consumer land still write letters to friends,family etc. And how long have you communicated with someone this way. I find as i get older for some reason i want to go back to this practice.Do you? Fancy buying a fountain pen, or Quill, blotting paper a writing desk and having a go,do you.? Or do you only communicate this way perhaps. If so i may not get many replies. Maybe you use both methods,email and write. Thanks for any responses, Yours faithfully, Tawnyowl, Just practising i am a little rusty.
  4. I swapped the tags in TKMaxx yesterday (30/11). it's the first time I did something like this so don't know what happens next and would be grateful for help. . Got banned for a year from all TKMaxx stores in UK and due to a crime prevention system they operate also from all the shops in the Birmingham city centre. I was told it's the city centre only, but the leaflet seems to say otherwise, I'd appreciate if someone had the same experience and could advise, please. When asked if it means I'll have a criminal record now, the guard assured me it had nothing to do with the police and the only reason my name and address were passed to the officer already present (there were some police officers already, detaining two men) was to confirm my address as I had no such confirmation on me. Was told the store's solicitors will be in touch asking for a fine, which might be between £50 and £100 and if that's not affordable, I will need to let them know. I checked the leaflet after finding this forum, it is RLP . I wanted to pay, but not sure I should anymore? I wouldn't be able to pay it all or all in one go, so I would have to speak/write to RLP . I am very scared of another debt collector and also of possible court prosecution, don't know what I should do? I've been looking for a job for a while, RLP says they're allowed to share my record with potential employers. Does it mean I can only apply for positions open to people with criminal record? Or abroad (or maybe this doesn't make a difference as they'd check even from overseas)? I'm also scared it may count as another fraud, so would like for this mistake to be rectified. Thank you.
  5. Hi to you all who have taken out loans with this company me also being one I feel we are all same unite here cos we are all similar cases loans done by the company mine has been too trauma to put on here its cost me dearly in my nerves etc I just want to say thank you for saying on here to each and everyone of you I know we all have experienced same things to do with this company, please hang on cos I believe there is now light at the end of the tunnel. BLESS YOU all and try relax , sometimes it just takes one more to move the mountain . I had to remember nothing is impossible is it, release is coming we have to remember its just a loan and yours and my views count , whither its 1 person 2 people 50 people 1,000 plus people with same view multiplication is coming or is not needed because sooner or later it just takes the right place, action, things, people to change things.
  6. My house Insurance company has charged me £30 for an unpaid direct debit. the payment was due on the 28th and I had forgotten about it because of a hectic work schedule of working night shifts. I had a notification of a failed Direct debit payment of £14.30 I phoned them up on the 30th on my day off and paid in full and asked if they would waive the £30 fee and he said he cant do that. I said I thought companies were no longer allowed to charge this much and he replied the company can charge £30 for unpaid direct debits and there is nothing I can do about it. I said Im going to look this up I dont feel its fair. he said look it up all you want im right and theres nothing you can do about it and then hung up.
  7. Dear all, I had an interview for a team manager position in a learning difficulties service charity organization on the 9th of March 2015. The employer called me later in the day and offered me the position which i accepted. The employer sent me the conditional job letter offer. The HR manager called and emailed me, before they received the references, saying that "unfortunately the job position was withdrawn because the funding to support the job was not more available." If it can be useful , i am adding this information- I am aware that my current manager knows the new employer`s manager and that the two different organizations are based in the same borough.Should i be suspicious about my current manager as she might have spoken over the phone with the new employer`s manager before sending out the reference? Now, how can be possible that after about 3 days that the references went out the job funding was not more available? Should HR have had the job funding approved before adverting the position on The Guardian? Can i take any legal action? Any suggestion will be very much appreciated. Charlie
  8. Hi I was wondering if anyone could help. Recently my money has taken a turn for the worse with more going out than coming in. It's putting me and my partner under serious stress and difficulty and we just can't take anymore. I recently took out a logbook loan from Loans2Go in Feb for £700, the total repayment amount they are charging is £3,220.00 over 36 months. Well since then, things have gone down hill badly and it has left me unable to pay it anymore. I haven't missed a payment yet, but it's due very soon and I physically just do not have it. I recently had to move too to cut down my costs and they don't have my new address yet either. Well anyhow, I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice? The car is kept in a locked garage, which is guarded by a locked (very large) gate. Are they allowed to break into my garage to take it? Also, I checked my agreement and I can't find anywhere saying that I can't sign the car over. They have the MOT cert and V5 (both replaceable). I'm stuck here, I don't want to lose my car - it's nothing special it's just a cheap car but if I lost it I wouldn't be able to take my son to school, go to my psychiatrist appointments, nothing. Is there anything I can do? Kind regards James
  9. Hi, I've received a letter from Mint today with the return of my SAR letter and the cheque. They say they cannot trace me despite their efforts so I will need to provide them with an account number and date account closed/opened. They also say they do not hold information longer than six years. It was probably just over 6 years ago because I took out a secured loan to pay all my cards off and that was in June 2006. Is there anything else I can do or is it best to give up. I have no statements or account details now so I can't provide them with anymore info than I already have. Thanks
  10. When they do visits they will soon be wearing body cameras. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/blackburndarwenhyndburnribble/9823951.East_Lancashire_bailiffs_all_set_to_use_body_cameras/
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