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Found 22 results

  1. Following on from this thread https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?487703-Changing-a-Power-of-Attorney&p=5139451&viewfull=1#post5139451 Helping Mum deal with husband's finances, she has POA. There was a standing order for £15 pm going to Capquest, no reference recorded and no correspondence received for at least 4 years. Capquest can't trace an account or any payments received (I gave the a/c no and sort code of the originating bank). There's no record of any account with Capquest on CRA files. Other than asking the originating bank how far back the SO goes and if there was ever any reference associated with it, any suggestions? If Capquest can't trace an account, I think they should be refunding.
  2. My wife parked my car in an NCP car park in Ipswich for 15mins on 6th dec. She had some issues paying with her phone via Ringo. However, payment was made successfully as was confirmed by her bank statement. Yesterday we received a letter from Trace debt recovery for 160 pounds. We phoned NCP who said they sent letters (they didn't). We have finally managed to get them to allow us to appeal on their website, previously it was locked out. How should we appeal? I can attach a screenshot of the bank statement, but what explanation should I give. I've never had this happen before and it is keeping me awake at night it was a ZP serial number if that helps
  3. Hello Was hoping for some insight or advice on my situation. I've just checked my credit report and have found two sets of "beneficiary trace enquiries" made by Erudio Customer Management Ltd. The first ones were in mid-march against my current and previous address. Then again two months later in May, also against my current and previous address. I have read up and found out Erudio bought the old style students loans. I do have two of these. One from 1997 and then another for 1999 which has been treated as a separate account by the SLC, but must be linked as the only reason I got the '99 one was because I had started on the old system. The last correspondence about these loans was in 2013 when I applied to defer them in the March, which was confirmed in April 2013 by the SLC. This correspondence was to my old address. Then I have an annual statement from SLC dated September 2013 sent to my current address. I have not had any contact with Erudio so hadn't realised my loans had been sold. I've looked into what a beneficiary trace enquiry means and have read on the internet that it is used to trace people who have moved address without informing their creditors, however the last statement from the SLC was sent to my current address so don't know why they would need to do this, as I have kept the SLC up to date with my contact details. Also I am confused as to why they haven't made contact with me after carrying out these checks if they were searching for me. In normal circumstances I would just sit tight and wait for them to contact me but I am in the process of buying a house and am worried if this will affect it. I have checked all my credits reports and cannot find anything other than these searches. However I am scared in case between exchange and completion they put a default on my credit file, the mortgage offer gets withdrawn and we lose the deposit on the house. I have also read that they do 'backdoor' CCJs, so that's now another worry if they only have my last address could they be putting a CCJ on their without me knowing. Is there anyway I could find out about this if they were, other than waiting to see it appear on my credit report? I have a good report at the moment so would be gutted if they knackered that up for me. Not sure what is the best option. I don't want to contact them and offer to start paying as I fear extra outgoings I didn't know about when I completed my mortgage application might make them withdraw the offer. But then I don't want a default or a CCJ to suddenly turn up and have it withdrawn then, especially if its after exchange and my partner loses all their deposit money as well. Any advice on what would be the best approach, or what Erudio are likely to do next after carrying out these searches would be much appreciated. Thanks for taking time to read this.
  4. I just received a letter in the post from GDR Trace, simply asking me to contact them as I may be the person their client is looking for. No other info is given, just a freephone number and an email address. All I have so far done is send them an email saying I can be contacted by return email. Almost immediately, I received an email from them with exactly the same wording as the letter. This made me suspicious enough to do some research on the net and what I've found is very worrying. Apparently they are a debt collection agency who hound people to pay debts which very often they don't owe, or are out of statute date. Has anyone else had dealings with these people? I have no outstanding debts, old or new and have never had any CCJs either, so obviously they have the wrong person, but none the less, I don't need a lot of hassle with people like this. Any advice please?
  5. Good afternoon, I received a withheld phone call on tues 19th April asking for my ex husband, told them he doesn't live and as never lived here, they asked if I knew where he is, I said I've not seen him for 19 years, then asked about me as this is a joint dept from 19+ years ago, I was so silly to answer their security question and give them my mobile and email address. Wednesday I received a letter from gdr trace saying that they think I'm the person there client wishes to contact, I've not phoned them as yet as this was posted on the 18th before my phone call on the 19th, obviously they are working together. It was a messy devorce which ended my house got repossessed, I've never hidden away as I still pay a monthly payment to this. They said they sent a letter in 2001 to that address and whoever lived there said I didn't live there, I know for a fact my ex would not say he owed this dept or made any contact, I would think this would be statued barred, I'm so worried at the min about all this and would love for some advice, I've seen the template letters that can be send and would this stop contact, somehow I don't think so with this company. I've looked as well on my credit file and everything is ok there. I'm waiting to still received the letter that they said on the phone call, but have not as yet, they told me I had 2 weeks to get back to them when I do get this letter, many thanks in advance I also don't want my ex's name on any letters as this one from GDR TRACE had both our names on it.
  6. Hi I am the executor for my late mother's estate and we are in the process of selling her house. We have hit an obstacle in that there is a secured loan which was paid off in the early '90s but it is still listed as outstanding on the title deeds. The loan was with Cedar Holdings Limited, which is now a dormant company and comes under Black Horse Finance Management. I have called them today and been given a number for their secured legal department in Cardiff, but the number is constantly engaged. We are trying to get proof that the loan has actually been repaid, can anyone give me any advice on the best way to take this forward, apart from trying to call them constantly? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!
  7. hi I got a parking fine . .however as the registration was wrong.. ..i ignored it .. .. it was AB50 CDE instead of AB55 CDE for example sake. yesterday i got a letter from the private parking company asking for fine amount + the late fees etc etc...so its like around 100 pounds now... Maybe they managed to trace me from DVLA record............... What are my options here!!! Pay the fine ?!? Dispute it being the incorrect number !!! any advise will be much appreciated... Cheers Numpty N
  8. Hi, I Recently Thought of Getting My Credit Reports , On My Equifax Report there is a Search enquiry by a company called Shop Direct Finance Limited called a on both my current address and a previous one , this has been done sometime in November 2015 , looking online it seems to be connected with Littlewoods, Now interestingly I had an account with them till 2008, when I was abroad for a while (now visiting on a short stay here for about 6 months) they had apparently put some buy now pay later debt letters had arrived at home ( I hadn’t purchased any items -never used the account ,so though it may be dormant) they put it in my credit files , after writing a few letters to and fro saying I can prove they weren’t mine they apologised ,closed the account and subsequently removed it from my file ( it was only on Equifax if I recall correct) I only took action in 2010 that's when I found out . I would be greateful to know if this has a connection or what this ” Benificiary Trace Enquiry ” means? Thanks ..P.S : I also have to mention I do have a couple of defaults on my file as I continued to pay from abroad till the funds here fettered out . I have never heard of a "Beneficiary Trace enquiry " could they be up to no good again?
  9. Afternoon all, Received a letter recently from GDR Trace (New Malden) with the following: Dear xx, I am instructed to contact you as I believe you may be the person our client wishes to make contact with. Out trace team have made enquiries and have received confirmation that your details have changed to the above address. You can contact us free of charge on: Email: [email protected] Freephone: 0800 xxx xxxx Or you can text us on: SMS Line xxxxx (Please note this line does not accept calls) Please contact us by either of the above methods and we will be played to verify our reasons for writing to you. Yours sincerely etc etc I have no idea what this is about; any debt I may have had were SB a few years ago. I am going to simply ignore this unless anyone thinks differently? Also, is this breaking OFT collection guidelines, do you think? All seems a bit hazy, asking ME to verify who I am; surely that should know who they are writing to? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide; you guys are simply great. Many Thanks, AG
  10. We are moving back to the UK in a few months time after six years living in Australia. When we moved over here, initially I was paying my credit card debts until I just couldn't afford it anymore due to living expenses, and the charges the banks charged every time I transferred money to the UK. I have never been contacted by anyone during my time here or heard from anyone at all, although I did receive a letter regarding a strange account number, which could have been from a DCA,- that was two years ago. All my creditors knew that I was in Australia. Once we are back, I'm planning to not to have anything on my name, no bills, not a car, not on a rental contract, will definitely won't go on the electoral roll, I won't even have a mobile contract and most importantly will never ever apply for a credit card or a loan ever again. The only slight problem might be having a bank account, but I have one joint account with my OH. I was just wondering how long will it take before the threats start to arrive?
  11. Hi, Bit of a long shot here. One of my neighbours was taken quite ill the other day and it doesn't look good. He will (hopefully) be 95 this year. He is very secretive about his time in the second World War but I have been informed he was at the Normandy Landings. Does anyone know how to find out what regiment he was in and his service record. Should he die, I would like to organise a military escort or something similar. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi folks New to the site, this being my first post I have received what looks to be a "trace letter" of sorts from a company called EOS Solutions. The letter claims they are attempting to contact me regarding a "personal matter" after carrying out trace activity provided by the credit bureaus. I do have a few debts, a failed business venture saw to that, so it could very well be a legitimate claim. My concern is that I have never heard of these people before and nowhere in the letter does it say who they are chasing for. I do have 3 repayment plans in place but none of them are with this company. Can anyone recommend a course of action or provide guidance/advice? I appreciate your time and any advice you good people can provide Thank you.
  13. Hi, A builder/gardener did a job for us early 2013. The workmanship and meteials used was very poor. A job that was supposed to take 14-16 days took 2.5 months and still not finished before he walk off the job. After a few letters, etc we threatened to take him to the small claims court. He said he had replied to my last letter and should get it after a few days. After not receiving anything in the post, i emailed him and found that he had closed both his emails account down, changed his mobile number. Went to his address and found he had moved. I had tracked him down to another address but i am not 100% sure he is living there eventhough it showed in the electoral register that he is there. Is this enough for me to send the court summons to this address? I had read on the internet that i do not have to know for certain that he is living there, as long as i have "reasonable belief" he is there. Is this correct? would be grateful to hear from people who had experience of this or anyone who know where i stand legally? Thanks.
  14. Quick question I had bad credit from years ago. All accounts were defaulted (not settled) and no longer appear on my credit file (they all disappeared years after default). Numerous agencies have tried to chase the debt but cca's etc have kept them at bay. Checked Equifax today and I notice I have 4 trace searches done in the past year or so. What affect do these searches have on credit worthiness as all my other lending is now tickety boo. Can other lenders (especially mortgage lending) see these searches and if so is that my hopes of re-mortgaging ruined? Cheers
  15. Hi Guys Would DCA's use social media to trace you?
  16. Hi, apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong section but I couldn't find a section that seemed to deal with my queries, although I'm sure there probably is one. I am going through some unsavoury legal action with a family member who abused their role as POA with my grandparents. Money that should have been used for their benefit was systematically removed from their bank accounts. I have discovered this when going through probate. Some of these amounts I have managed to trace, but there is one particularly large money transfer that was moved abroad 7 years ago of which the bank say they will no longer have records for as they are not legally required to hold them for longer than 6 years. I appreciate this may well be the case, but surely there must be some records somewhere! Lloyds don't seem to be able to point me in the right direction and just apologise that they don't have them, but there must be some precedent for this type of thing when suspected fraud and misdirection have been involved? Can anybody advise me on any suggestions? Many thanks Jem
  17. Hi All, I hope you are able to help. At an arrival station I tried to tap out and realised that my card had insufficient funds. I approached the guard who took my oyster card and asked some preliminary questions, but didn't get my details. I explained I had forgot to tap in so didn't know until I arrived that the card needed topping up. The line was long, I was late for work, the gate was open and in a moment of uncharacteristic rebellion I walked off. I appreciate that this is a case of outright fare evasion in their eyes. But what I would like to determine is. The card is unregistered but I have topped it up with a debit card in the past. Can/will they trace me and prosecute by tracking the debit card used on the Oyster? I am debating whether to go back and pay or if that is just inviting more trouble on myself. Thanks, KW
  18. Hi Guys Someone recently asked me on a forum about the possibility of a CCJ while in trace status with a DCA. It got me thinking. If the DCA doesnt have a valid address for you and they cannot find you, does it mean they cant serve court documents to your address? I think you may see my logic here... Although am i guessing they could also send documents to your last known address? (Of which we see many CCJs set aside due to incorrect address for court documents etc) What if for say they didnt trace you within 6 years, wouldnt it hit SB status?
  19. Learned Contributors, Firstly can I say what a fantastic forum I've found this to be after much trawling the net - the comments, advice and contributions of all concerned, priceless. I am new to the arena so please excuse my naiveity concerning my post (have tried to read up on related posts). I was hoping to carry out some form of credit reporting as to previous record of debts, last contact/payments being made in ~ 2002 however still being pursued until this year!! The various demands have finally petered down of late. My question is will I now again risk being chased by DCA's by even attempting to view my current file, what with the trace tools that CRA have in place, even after all these years (afraid to even enlist on the electoral register -however now have to in order qualify with estate agent). Alternatively, how can I even begin to address the situation without fear of further demanding letters and if so where might be a good place to start. Any advice would be sincerely welcome.
  20. Good afternoon I am new to this so please forgive me, I recently got my credit report from Equifax and there was 3 trace inquiry's on there from village investigations, the 1st being in January the last one was the 31st of May, I was just curious as to weather anybody could shed any light on this issue as in is this common practice, Are they allowed to go into my credit profile without my permission? Bearing in mind I have not once received a letter of this company so I have got no idea why they are doing this, I would be very grateful for an insight or any info regarding this matter. Thanks for taking your time to read this Gary
  21. Hi, I've received a letter from Mint today with the return of my SAR letter and the cheque. They say they cannot trace me despite their efforts so I will need to provide them with an account number and date account closed/opened. They also say they do not hold information longer than six years. It was probably just over 6 years ago because I took out a secured loan to pay all my cards off and that was in June 2006. Is there anything else I can do or is it best to give up. I have no statements or account details now so I can't provide them with anymore info than I already have. Thanks
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