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Found 2 results

  1. Learned Contributors, Firstly can I say what a fantastic forum I've found this to be after much trawling the net - the comments, advice and contributions of all concerned, priceless. I am new to the arena so please excuse my naiveity concerning my post (have tried to read up on related posts). I was hoping to carry out some form of credit reporting as to previous record of debts, last contact/payments being made in ~ 2002 however still being pursued until this year!! The various demands have finally petered down of late. My question is will I now again risk being chased by DCA's by even attempting to view my current file, what with the trace tools that CRA have in place, even after all these years (afraid to even enlist on the electoral register -however now have to in order qualify with estate agent). Alternatively, how can I even begin to address the situation without fear of further demanding letters and if so where might be a good place to start. Any advice would be sincerely welcome.
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2222220/Drug-firms-risking-lives-hiding-bad-trials-effects-medicines.html
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